50 Nice Things You Can Do For The Winter Holidays

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Fun and thoughtful gestures to brighten the world!
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Now that the Winter holidays are upon us, there are more opportunities to surprise people with uniquely nice gestures and activities. To make this list easier to read, I've broken up my 50 ideas into five groups of 10, for family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and far away connections. While not all of these suggestions are directly related to the Winter Holidays, many are. It is actually my hope that all 50 ideas are applied to the entire year. I hope you all have a relaxing and rewarding Winter holiday season!

For Family-

1. An acrostic poem

Pick out a family member and write their first and last name vertically on a sheet of paper on the extreme left. Then on the extreme right, write the same name vertically again. Now come up with a thoughtful idea for each sentence, which you write across each line using the first and last letter. For example, let us say your mom's name is Debbie Smith. Your first line could be "Debbie is a gift from the lorD" and your second line could be "Eternally appealing for all to seE". Don't forget to capitalize the first and last letter of each line so the name will be easy to read when you are finished. Some letters are tricky, especially "i". A few words that end with "i" are Hawaii, mi (as in do-re-mi), pi, bi, hi, and si (useful if your mom is Spansh!) You might want to use a heavy paper or better yet laminate the results so your acrostic will be more permanent.

2. Brothers and sisters can be tricky as they tend to have everything. However, nothing is more effective than a handwritten letter in a fancy envelope. The title of the piece could be "My sister-----" In your letter, touch upon what makes your sibling so special to you. Mention fun times you've had together, bittersweet moments, and any other positive uplifting thoughts that come to mind. I have a letter my older sister sent me 60 years ago, when I was a mere babe, and I still cherish it!

3. Grandparents are similarly hard to buy for. Sometimes, the simplest gift can be the most appealing. A fruit basket that arrives unexpectedly would be appreciated to many people. Everyone loves fruit, and the excess could be refrigerated until needed. There are all sorts of fancy fruit arrangements available now, so the sky's the limit. I used to give my grandparents a basket of a dozen oranges every Winter Holiday and it was very well received.

4. With children it is tempting to buy more gadgets and toys. Yet, with a little ingenuity, some really fun things can be substituted instead. For example, using a little sticky pad, write down five simple tasks such as making the bed or getting the mail. When the child successfully completes the five jobs, they get one letter of their first name, which you could write on a bulletin board or large piece of paper. Same procedure for the next day, until they are given their entire name. At that point, the child earns a special award, e.g. going out for an ice cream or a visit to a favorite store. It is always best to keep the reward a surprise to maintain interest. This is an enjoyable activity for all and costs little to implement.

5. Another activity that can be done with two or more children is what I call the "cleaning game." You set a timer for 30 minutes, and in that time each child needs to get his or her bedroom as clean and neat as possible. The "winner" receives a small privilege, like staying up an hour later. This is a wonderful activity because it can be extended to other rooms (children like to clean when they get the hang of it) and helps with the child's work ethic!

6. Aunts and Uncles can be a little challenging since one doesn't tend to see them in most cases on a steady basis. Here is where a little homework comes in handy. Find out ahead of time what their favorite store or hobby is. Let's say it is gardening. You could then surprise them with a christmas cactus, cyclamen, or other holiday plant. Or perhaps someone likes fishing? How about a subscription to a fishing magazine? The only caveat is to make sure you have the gift on hand because relatives tend to show up unexpectedly!

7. Cousins can be all ages and you need a "one size fits all" gift. Sometimes, simplicity is the true bliss. I recommend a card with the saying "I love my cousin-------because-------- and then list ten different reasons. Attach a scratch off lottery ticket and add the sentence "I really hit the lottery having you as a cousin!" This never fails to engender a positive reaction.

8. Grandchildren are precious and tend to be spoiled, that's just the way it is. For those grandkids that are old enough to write I suggest this enjoyable game which is easy to implement. Have them get in groups in two (if there is only one child, you can be their partner) and ask each other three questions which you have written out beforehand. For example, "What is your favorite color?", "What season do you enjoy the most?" or "Do you prefer cats or dogs?" Then, each group goes in turn reading the three questions given to both children aloud to the other groups. People raise their hands and try to guess the answers to the questions. It's not as easy as it seems, and you can then give the children the freedom to make up their own appropriate questions. When the activity is finished, the children could then partake in a desired dessert or snack.

9. Newborn babies can be difficult to buy for, you are essentially getting a present the parent could use for their care. One universal item which is generally warmly received is a baby blanket. You can get them in Disney or holiday themes in every color of the rainbow. Or for a more ambitious gift, a seven day supply of formula or diapers would be appreciated!

10. One nice thing that can be done for any family member is to find out their favorite local restaurant. Then, call the establishment and make reservations for a time that works for everyone. Tell your family member you have already covered their part of the bill, and for the piece de resistance, at an appropriate moment the waiter brings out a special dessert to bring home you just happen to know the person likes.

For Friends-

11. Find a small gift box you could hold in your hand. In it, write five nice things you will do for your friend on small pieces of paper. For example "free coffee or tea" or "two doughnuts of your choice". Most towns have a coffee place or breakfast offering, so your present should be easy to "redeem." Alternately, you could write five things that involve you performing some activity such as "shovel your walkway" or "weed part of your garden." You needn't perform all the actions at once, you could date them to do one a week over the Winter holiday season.

12. Have your friend pick a local attraction they have always wanted to visit. Call the office (if necessary) and arrange for a date the two of you can go. Not only will your friend be delighted to visit for free (assuming there is a charge) this will be a fun way to spend quality time together.

13. If your friend happens to have health issues temporary or permanent, make five "coupons" from little slips of paper. Each coupon will list a small way you can help your friend get well. Perhaps you can cover the cost of a bottle of aspirin or perform some activity your friend is unable to complete for the moment. There are always things that need to be done when you are sick, think about going food shopping or bringing home a meal for your friend. Those activities are always warmly appreciated!

14. If there happens to be snow on the ground and you know your friend is away, write in BIG LETTERS in a prominent place in the snow some positive statement about your friend such as "Bobby is the nicest guy I know". This is especially effective if someone is walking up their driveway and unexpectedly gets a nice surprise!

15. Most cities and towns have special programs for young actors and actresses that are 12-18 years old. These groups occasionally put on musical productions that are generally surprisingly professional and well worth supporting. Treat your friend to one of these performances, you'll both feel better about the world.

16. Craft or holiday fairs abound during the Winter holidays, and on weekends often take place the same day. Take your friend to a craft or holiday fair of choice, and either treat them to a homemade treat or buy them an unusual one of a kind piece!

17. The elderly and other folks in Assisted Living and other residential settings often feel lonely during the winter holiday season. Arrange for you and your friend to visit such a facility and ask if you can "visit" common areas or watch some of the activities. You will gain an appreciation for the enormous work that is required to run such settings, and can spread holiday cheer at the same time!

18. Pick out your holiday tree with your friend! Two heads are better than one and it is fun to walk through all the beautiful trees while contemplating the beauty of nature.

19. Most cities and towns have local farms that are open to the public year around and often feature rare and beautiful animals. Make an appointment with your friend to visit one and be sure to bring your camera! Often the animals are decorated for the holidays and are truly wonderful to see. You will be surprised at the breadth of programs these family farms offer in the way of horseback riding, conservation, and other pertinent topics.

20. During Winter holidays, there are often sing alongs that are organized as mini hikes. Take your friend along and sing your heart out. There is something about belting out classic holiday ditties that simply make one feel so good! Often these outings go door to door Christmas eve or near other holidays, so watch for them in the local newspaper.

For Coworkers-

21. On thirty small slips of paper, write down positive statements about your coworker such as "I love your sense of humor." or "I really appreciate your musical talents." Find a gift box and put all of the pieces of paper in the box. Then, instruct your friend to pull ONE paper out per day and read it. This will start his/her day off on the right foot and will be something to look forward to for an entire month!

22. The Winter holiday season lends itself to a "Secret Santa" type theme and nowhere is this more effective than in the workplace. Have people draw a name which they will keep private until the last day of the activity. Then decide on a period (each day, each week, something else) in which the giver will leave a wrapped gift to their recipient when they have stepped away from their office. You can organize a mini party for the last day Secret Santa reveal. This is especially effective if you know what your designated person likes, if you are not too acquainted with a particular individual engage their friends to help you with this information.

23. Everyone appreciates a little coffee or tea to start their day. For an entire week, go to a nearby Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks or any diner and buy 5 different coworkers coffee or tea. If you are in a particular generous mood, some banana bread, pastries, or muffins make good compliments to the beverages.

24. Most of your coworkers will have experienced some loss in their lives, whether it be a grandparent, friend, or cherished family pet. Remembering this person or animal can be particularly painful during the Winter Holidays. Invite your coworker to talk about the loss, preferably during a break or at a shared meal. Ask them what they would like this person to be remembered for. This could be the start of a discussion about a potential memorial garden or high school scholarship. For example, I have a coworker who recently lost her husband at the age of 66. He was a marathon runner and participated in several of the local road races. I suggested a yearly scholarship for the "Most Athletic" student at this individual's high school and she was thrilled. Every year, I offered to put some money toward the scholarship, and she decided to cover the rest. Now, her husband's name will be remembered forever, and a good cause is being created at the same time. A win-win for everyone!

25. It seems like most people have coworkers that at one time or another have to use the dreaded copying machine. On one or more occasions, have your coworker write down what needs to be copied and then you take care of it. Just make sure you note whether a certain size paper is needed or double sided copies, etc. An easy and enjoyable way to lighten your coworkers' work loads!

26. If your office doesn't have one, buy a small artificial or real tree to display on a shared table or stand. Try to find small ornaments in various colors, big enough so you can glue pieces of paper with everyones' name on them. When you are finished, each of your coworkers' names will be on one ornament, with the name of the big boss on the star of the tree. Two big bosses? Make sure you get a particularly large star!

27. Work in a school or hospital? In such a setting there will be some coworkers you barely know. Pick one out each week for a full month. Then, for the five days of that work week do something special for that person. It could be something as simple as a gift certificate at a local store or perhaps a favor such as helping them with some of their paperwork. (trust me, everyone has paperwork). The net result of this is that at the end of the period, you will know four people much better, and now they can count you in as a new friend as well as a coworker!

28. It seems like more people get sick during the Winter Holidays than any other time of year. Pick a colleague that has recently been ill and has missed work for more than a few days. Offer ways to help him/her get back on their feet. This will come entirely from them, so I can't give you specifics. If they need a lot of help, enlist other coworkers to fully meet their needs.

29. Not everyone celebrates the Winter holidays. It is often hard for these people as they see others partaking in special days around them. Pick one such individual and do something designed just for them. If they like music, buy them a CD. If they are into gardening, send them a surprise flower arrangement. In case they ask why you are getting them a present, just say "I think you are a nice coworker."

30. Not all of our coworkers are equally well off. In case you sense someone is going through a hard time financially or otherwise, reach out to that person. Do they need help with food supplies, buying their children gifts, or anything else? Please use sensitivity here, all of us have a sense of pride and no one wants to think they are accepting charity. Yet, I do feel we should look after each other even in hard times which can occur very suddenly.

For Neighbors-

31. Winter holidays often cover the time of snow and ice. If you have an elderly or handicapped neighbor, think about offering to shovel their driveway or perhaps paying to have it shoveled if you are not physically able to do so. Or perhaps buy some ice melt crystals and apply it to their paths and sidewalks. If you have a hose and it is above freezing, water sprayed on snow and ice gets rid of it surprisingly quickly!

32. Some tropical climates never see snow and ice. If you live in such a setting, see if you can help your neighbor with his/her garden. It seems as if there is always some area that needs weeding, or a particular plant that needs pruning, or myriads of other gardening tasks. Doing such projects together is also a great way to get to know your neighbor better!

33. If there are large trees between your property and your neighbors, consider having them removed if they have started to drop branches. The cost to do this can be staggering, ideally your neighbor will contribute something to the total financial outlay as well. It's really amazing but I find time and time again once the trees are removed neighbors get to know each other better. I know that is true in my case. I had a neighbor I barely spoke to, but once a large Red Maple between our houses was removed, it was as if we were always best friends.

34. The holidays might be hard on your neighbors if they have children that are far away for example. In such a case, you may wish to offer to get together and have them share videos and pictures of their children, while you provide "coffee and". This is also a good way for you to learn more about their children, whom you may have never met. Everyone loves to talk about their children as it is the next best thing to them actually being present.

35. Most houses are not perfect. Minor repairs are often needed, whether it be new paint in one section, a cracked gutter, or worn railing. If you are close to your neighbor and feel comfortable doing so, offer to pay for a small job that will result in home improvement. Your neighbor will be surprised and overwhelmed, always the best ways to receive an unexpected gift!

36. If your neighbor lives alone, the Winter holidays are apt to be particularly difficult. Try to reach out and do something special together. A walk in newly fallen snow, a brunch at a local restaurant, or excursion to a Holiday Fair are all good choices.

37. Many of your neighbors will have pets. Choose one that does and pick a single pet of your own choosing. Then offer to buy food for that pet for a month. During the Winter holidays, it is often more difficult to travel and this would be a great help for your neighbor.

38. If you choose not to spend money on your neighbor, or have no extra money to spend, consider making something that exhibits your own talents. For example, if you are an artist, ponder drawing something your neighbor enjoys. If you are a musician, make up a song with your neighbor as the subject. Use your imagination! There are many nice things you can do during the Winter Holiday season that do not involve a financial outlay.

39. Are you a good cook? Consider sharing your favorite recipe with your neighbor, whether it be brownies, cookies, a casserole, or a hearty soup. You can either enjoy your creation together or leave it off to be enjoyed later.

40. Most houses surprisingly lack a welcome mat. See if you can find one at a Home Depot type store and surprise your neighbor with it. Some of these mats are colorful and very beautiful, with birds, flowers, etc. The sky is the limit!

For Faraway Connections-

41. Now that we are in the Facebook and Twitter age, we may have contacts all over the world. The situation is complicated by the fact that Winter holidays vary by country and religion. However, one of the simplest things you can do is mail a small "care package" to your friend to arrive during one of the Winter holidays. For example, I sent a dear Facebook friend a small box containing 20 tea bags, a popular novel, and some cute coasters. This is easy to put together and your faraway friend will be both surprised and delighted by your efforts!

42. I have also written letters to my faraway friends that have attractive stickers on them, depending on their tastes. For example I have a friend that enjoys birds. so I found some stickers of various types of our feathered friends. Next to each sticker, I put a brief positive statement about my friend like "Barbara is so generous and kind." Make sure you send the letter so that it arrives in time for a particular holiday. Mail to overseas countries can take 2-4 weeks or even more.

43. If you have a Facebook friend, you can actually write a little "ode" or "ditty" about them on your own page, and all of your mutual friends will see your creation This is especially effective if it is unexpected. I usually start the verse with "My friend Lydia lives in France, so we have never met, but..." Usually I get something back like "your thoughts made me cry." And this will cost nothing to do!

44. If you and your friend have other friends in common on a social platform, pick a certain day and then invite your friends to leave ONE positive statement about your designated person. This is a wonderful thing to do in conjunction with #43, but of course not on exactly the same day!