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The hour-long merriness was over and they climbed back into the transport for return to the hotel. Oddly, there were no farewells or well wishes as they alighted at the same back entrance. All of the females alighted first. There was a delay before the males emerged. She hoped Uncle Mike would escort her back to their suite to change her costume for party clothes before the late-night event.

But the cloaked and masked uncle took her bicep, a more controlling grasp, and quickly piloted her to a closed-off mezzanine ballroom, low lit with a multitude of upholstered chairs and sofas, arranged at random spaces and angles throughout.

Now the men's conversations built up from the low tones, greetings, and wellbeing courtesies. She heard snippets from nearby foursomes.

'Been a good year... always like these little getaways... where's your girl from last year... too bad, she gave great head... it's okay, this one's new but willing, you'll see... looking forward to it...'

Uncle Mike took two large champagne flutes from a passing topless waitress. As he handed one to Missy, she saw his shirt and pants were gone and he was naked beneath his loose black cloak. He gave her glass a tap.

"To inspiring adventures."

She sipped the bubbly amber liquid and liked the taste. When she finished, she looked around for another; parade marching was thirsty work. But the waitresses had all disappeared. When they reappeared, their trays didn't contain beverages. The trays held small piles of satin ribbons and tied black velvet purse bags.

Uncle Mike picked one of each off a passing tray. He pocketed the bag and unfolded the neck ribbon.

"So here's the deal. The floats cost money to build and equip. Nobody gives something for nothing so this is the fundraising portion of our annual Mardi Gras gathering."

He clipped the lace-trimmed black collar around Missy's neck. A red tag, number 4, dangled from the embedded front ring.

"I have deposited my annual pledge with the treasurer. I get a credit for each tag you collect from the other gentlemen. They'll award them to you like this."

He removed a black numbered tag, also a number 4, from the bag in his pocket and clipped it to Missy's throat ring.

"And I get debited for every tag I reward to a receptive female."

He smiled as he watched the reality sink into Missy's understanding. She looked around at the cloaked troupe of unknown masked men. He whispered in her ear from behind.

"Do whatever they ask. Collect as many tags as possible. It'll be fun for you and favorable for me."

He slapped her exposed ass cheek once in a fit of giddiness. She jumped at the smack and turned back to object but he was gone. A nearby masked gentleman saw her get the whack and approached to make her acquaintance.

"Hello, little lady. I don't remember you from last year. Must be new here. How about a kiss?"

She took a hesitant step back but he hooked a finger under her collar and pulled her in for a deep open lipped kiss. His cloak opened and her belly bumped against his naked semi-solid erection. When he let her up for air, she was huffing her breath. He chuckled as he clipped his numbered tag, a 12, to her collar.

"See? Easy peasy, little darling."

She stood speechless as he walked away. A tap on her bare shoulder drew her attention behind her. Another masked gentleman stood there, smiling at her blushing face.

"How about a little caress?"

He took her hand and pulled it inside the fold of his floor-length cloak. Her hand touched his naked genitals. In her bewilderment, she automatically stroked his long soft penis. His hand rose to cup her glittery tit, a small bounce, and a light squeeze to test its fullness. It only lasted a dozen seconds and, though applied by a mysterious partier, she bore it better than the curt parade grope. Then he clipped his tag to her growing collection.

A bit confused, she scanned around the room of half-naked men and women engaged in various acts of foreplay. By chance, she spied Uncle Mike across the room, his hand cupping a redhead's crotch. His hand was waggling against her groin and she could tell from the girl's flushed expression that he had slipped his middle digit past her thong and inside her, rooting around. Missy started in his direction for emotional shelter but a masked man stepped in her path.

"Hey, there, sweetie. What's the hurry? Give me a little time to get to know you."

He took her hand and she numbly followed him to a nearby sofa. When he sat, his cloak naturally slid aside and he drew her onto his bare lap. He held her face and kissed her. For whatever reason, whether it was the growing sexual atmosphere or just instinct, her hand descended between them and fingered his cock. She felt his hand squeeze her tit, the thumb pad orbiting the edge of her nipple.

"That feels nice, sweetie. I haven't seen you here before. First time?"

"Yes, sir" she murmured as her nub stiffened at his manipulation. Tit play seemed to be her implicit role this evening.

His one hand stayed in play on her tit as his bad-boy facial scruff tickled her skin down to where his lips suckled her other boob. He was sporting a major hardon, her fingers alive on the knob half of the shaft. He paused, fumbling in his pocket, and retrieved a tag.

"Thanks for the attention, sweetie. This is for you."

He clipped one of his tags to her collar and lifted her off his lap, setting her on her high-heeled feet as he stood and walked away, his cock waggling at horizontal through the cloak's fold as he homed in on another female target.

Missy felt hands on her hips, someone behind her was unclipping the silvery costume thong and pulling it off her hips. He maneuvered her to kneel on the sofa with her tits dangling over the backside. She looked over her own back as the masked man pulled open his cloak and exposed his raging erection.

She looked forward again and felt his cock tip touch her pussy lips. He pushed in forcefully. She wasn't sure she was ready but his knob slid right into her surprisingly wet cunt, a smooth descent to the bottom. He set a stroke pace that was neither gentle nor harsh, simply steady and for her, a very good feeling.

An impulsive notion crossed her mind.

'I guess I like this more than I thought I would.'

He pumped harder and faster and then cried out his spew. He jittered to a stop and withdrew, his wet semi-tumescence covered over again by his cloak. He rounded the sofa and obligingly clipped his tag to her enlarging bundle. As he was doing that, she felt another cock at her cunt, and unable to turn back as the first man was still attaching his token, she closed her eyes and accepted this second doggie fuck.

The rhythm was as before, steady and powerful. A particularly hard jolt stunned her eyes open and there before her, patiently waiting, was another man's erection, clamoring for oral attention.

She opened wide and he placed his engorged knob on her tongue. It tasted of genital fluids and presumably not her own. At first, she lapped its underside and then let more and more into her mouth. The man behind her groaned and she felt his flow inside her womb. She ignored him as he exited while focused on the manly probe inside her mouth.

She curled back her tongue and tickled the tip against his coronal nook. The warm fluid shots were almost immediate and she swallowed hastily as the flood flowed down her gullet.

She was alone now and sagged into the cushions. But not for long. Hands rolled her onto her back and turned her to align with the sofa's length. A black-caped shadow hovered above her. She spread her legs impulsively and accepted the man's erection between her pussy lips. She lay listless as the man suckled her nipples and used her weary body to his pleasure.

Her fuzzy awareness from then on was furtive, just shadows and shapes, a succession of anonymous cocks pulsing in her pussy and mouth.

Somehow, she found herself in the suite that Uncle Mike and she shared. He had removed her collar, heels, and mask and was helping her into the shower. She perceived the warm water and his soapy hands rubbing away the perfumes, makeup, and glitter, flushing the decorative elements down the drain. Still, he was not disinclined to fondle her soft masses and curves during the chore. The vaginal douche concluded her cleansing.

Satin sheets, a warm comforter, and bare skin cuddles floated her bed-borne body to sleep. On the bedside stand, a large bundle of tags remained attached to the ring of her removed satin choker, a jumble of prizes that would create a financial bounty for her inventive Uncle Mike upon redemption with the Mardi Gras float's treasurer.


"So, how was your trip? How'd she like it?"

Uncle Mike took a moment to seem thoughtful but already knew his response to Uncle Bobby.

"She's every bit as good as her sister Kristi, maybe even better. She claimed the most tokens and really earned her unanimous invitation for next year."

Uncle Bobby prevaricated at that suggestion.

"I'll have to think about that, Mike. It may be too much too soon. We'll see."

Their conversation died out as the patio doors slid open and Missy emerged in her bikini bottoms for a morning swim. They watched her stroll to the water edge, her magnificent boobs jostling to her stride. She dove, paddled, and dipped under the fond gaze of her infatuated Uncles, the ones that provided her safe man encounters of unspeakable decadence.

But Mike had places to go, people to see, deals to manipulate that consistently increased the business partners' wealth. He said his farewells to Bob, waved goodbye to swimming Missy and departed, promising return visits.

Uncle Bobby pondered Uncle Mike's accounts of the Mardi Gras fundraiser. He thought the orgy was a bit much for her, too coarse, too bawdy, too soon in her young life to be repeated. Missy's mood and attitude seemed subdued upon her return.

Uncle Bobby sat and stared at the little water nymph in the pool. His mood was equally subdued, still not sure how he felt about the way Uncle Mike had exploited her innocence for financial gain. He treasured the pretentious vanity he felt by professing to defend her youthful wholesomeness, even as he greedily molested her body at will, and he hated to think that she was growing up too quickly.

He rose and waded into the shallow end of the pool and joined in splashy water play with his nubile niece. They tossed a float ball back and forth, Missy jumping and diving to catch wayward throws. He liked to see her bounce and giggle, like the trusting little girl he wanted to believe she was.

It was a light supper inside. Missy yawned repeatedly as they ate popcorn in front of the TV. She left for her room upstairs, pecking her Uncle Bobby 'good night'.

He stayed up to watch some more TV. The late evening weather report included the usual buxom weather girl. Her tits were especially prominent tonight in her thin white sweater, flaunting brazen pokies. He felt the hot blood rush to his groin. It had been a few days and he was feeling an urgent need for release.

He went upstairs and into Missy's wholesome pink and white bedroom. She was sleeping restlessly, twitching in her twilight dreams. He crawled in beside her and spooned her warm, soft body, caressing a hip and a boob. She half woke to his petting, the warm boob embrace of a well-known man, and felt the coziness of his protection from the, until recently, unknown menaces of the greater world outside her family.

"Uncle Bobby? Do you need me?"

Her hand reached back and found his erection. Her fingers touched his knob and slid lower, skimming lightly on the soft skin below the corona, gaining more manly size. She affectionately answered her own question.

"Oh yeah, for sure. I think you do need me. It's okay, Uncle Bobby. I know how to take care of that."

She instinctively rolled to press her front to his and snuggled closer. Her hand fully enclosed his erect manhood. Uncle Bobby upped his caressing foreplay on her baby smooth skin.

He wiggled closer into sidesaddle alignment and she cooperated by sliding a thigh beneath his waist, availing her womanly wiles for his sexual solace. He entered her warmth and gently fucked his accommodating little niece. She sleepily smooched his face, neck, and lips. Her fragrant hair shrouded his face and her soft round breasts squished against his chest. Her hips rolled in time with his thrusts.

His sensitized penis rocked back and forth in her velvety channel. When he paused to gather his energy to go on, she rolled her hips gently, lightly rubbing him inside to help maintain his stiffness. He built his rise in stages, finally reached the apex, and jetted his masculine pearls into her feminine receptacle. She contentedly murmured as the ropes ebbed off and he relaxed loosely in her embrace.

"Feel better now, Uncle Bobby?"

"Oh, yes, my dear... so much better..."

"I'm glad you feel better. I want you to feel happy that I'm here."

Uncle Bobby lay quiescent, feeling grateful and happy that Missy was here. So happy, in fact, that he stayed with her in bed the rest of the night, in a spooning light cuddle and embrace. The puddle of congealing sperm she held inside was a comforting symbol of his renewed promise that she would always be safe and secure in the protective arms of her Uncle Bobby.


** Spring **

Mike petitioned his business partner to make an inspection circuit of their venture's manufacturing facilities. The products were experiencing unusually high QC rejection rates.

Bob agreed that Mike could visit Missy while he was on tour but no more overnight trips or similar misadventures. Mike jovially pledged to keep Missy safely at home while Bob made his inspections. Bob condescendingly assumed they would probably spend most of their time together in bed.

At the second factory stop, Bob discovered the systemic problem and requested some clerical assistance with his findings report and corrective actions memorandum. The facility manager sent his newest office assistant to help.

Bob was surprised and pleased when Sable, a previous casino paramour that he had cajoled Mike into hiring, knocked on his temporary office door. She dug right into the task, quick and efficient at wordsmithing the document with plenty of time to spare.

"Well, you are a gift to this enterprise."

"Thank you, sir. I am so grateful for your support in finding this job. I can't imagine how I can thank you enough."

Bob winked a saucy smile, his imagination percolating some pleasant ideas.

"Well, you could try."

Sable picked up on his notions and smiled back, nodding her acquiescence.

"Let's take lunch. Tell your supervisor that you'll be assisting me offsite and won't be available this afternoon. Come on, let's get some lunch."

Instead of a restaurant, they went to Bob's hotel suite and ordered room service. They devoured the meal and, with the empty dishes haphazardly piled on the cart parked in the hallway, they set out to devour each other.

They spent the afternoon hours reacquainting themselves with the joys they had found at her previous employment and her self-help side hustles.

Sable was all in showing him her sincere gratitude for the boost to her life's trajectory. Or rather, Bob was all in plunging her pussy after some 69 foreplay oral.

As evening approached, he dropped her back at the factory to collect her car and go home to her toddler son. He thanked her for her clerical and booty call services.

He promised himself later to avoid telling Mike and to never do that again. He could only hope he was strong enough to sustain his own vow.


Uncle Mike kept his pledge, staying close to home with Missy. Saturday dawned bright and early. Missy teased him into going for a morning jog at the college campus nature park.

"Better get some exercise if you want to stay in shape and keep up with me."

He wasn't sure if it was a double meaning: a ramble on a path or a rumple in her pussy. Probably both and she was probably right. He was getting older and the young maiden was stretching his endurance in bed.

They had run about a mile, Uncle Mike following Missy as her spandex booty pants molded her undulating ass and the blonde ponytail swung like a metronome. When she turned to jog backward and taunted him to keep up, her loose boobs bounced inside the spandex sports top in time with her high stepping stride.

She paced herself to let him catch up. They passed a few runners going the other way but the section ahead seemed completely deserted this morning. They entered that secluded section of the trail.

Ahead of him again, she turned and jogged in place as he approached and then darted onto a bushy side trail. He followed her direction but she was out of sight. Emerging into a clearing, he was distraught that he couldn't see her.

She pounced on him from his blindside and tackled him to the ground. He was surprised by her assault until she rolled him on his back, straddled his chest, and whipped off her sports bra. Her big boobs were full in his sight and she bent down to capture his mouth in a kiss.

He realized the game and let her have her way. Her way was to pull off his shorts and handle his cock and balls. It was quickly followed by her pulling off her spandex pants and re-straddling his body, but this time much lower.

He was hard and she was wet, the perfect combination for nature-loving lovers. She rode him in cowgirl, sliding up and down, to and fro, simulating their conjoined genitals. She peaked first but continued thrusting and stroking while her orgasm swept through her being. She didn't stop until his sperm shot up inside her bounding body.

In a short time, with calm and clothes restored, the jogging and fucking part of the workout was over and they slow-walked back along the trail to the parking lot and Uncle Mike's car.

They returned to the house and spent the remaining morning swimming in the backyard pool. They still had a few days until Uncle Bobby returned and Missy intended to make the most of it; nurturing Uncle Mike's capacity to keep up with her mounting sexual appetite for mature safe men.

** Summer **

Uncle Bobby surrendered to the inevitable outcome of Missy's year of residence at his home. Uncle Mike had been undeterred by any obstacles as he lobbied mercilessly to get Missy enrolled in the Total Woman Academy. As usual, he got his way, both with Bob and all other powers that foolishly thought they could stand in his way.

Ever since she was informed of the potential upgraded educational venue, Missy had spoken many times with her older sister Kristi who cheered her good fortune. Some of their talks got very detailed about the things Kristi was absorbing at TWA, physically, mentally, and emotionally. Missy was itching, as always, to do everything her older sister did.

But the interlude between the end of community college classes and the timetable for her entrance to TWA seemed to stretch on and on.

Then, one day, a junior TWA Coach Tutor, Reggie, arrived for the 'in-house' preliminary Evaluation Assessment. Bob and Mike expected him later in the day, allowing that he would spend an overnight evaluating Missy, but he was early. They met him in the foyer and explained that Missy was still getting ready for his visit. But, with a twinkle of glee, they informed the young man that he could find her in her room for a surprise start to his preliminary Evaluation Assessment sessions.

Reggie, following their directions, ambling up the stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom door. She wasn't present when he entered. Instead, he heard splashy noises in Missy's bathroom. He undressed before pitching the bathroom door open and marching naked into her presence. Missy was lying in her bath, preening herself for his eventual arrival.