Night Daddy Ch. 01


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Zoey grinned widely, a mouthful of chips, knowing how much her mother hates "unwomanly" displays of that sort. "I'll deal with it then. For now, if I ate like a normal person and worked out even half as much as you do, I'd be a twig. Probably float away at the slightest breeze." She made an exaggerated wave to demonstrate the breeze.

"At least use a glass for your soda, dear." Lucinda suggested, shaking her head. "You're as bad as your father."

Zoey swallowed and chuckled, taking another drink from the two-liter bottle. "I take that as a compliment."

"I know you do." Lucinda commented, looking over her shoulder. Even small actions like that had a sensuality to them, and her father wasn't even here. There wasn't an audience. She was just like this all the time. The only time she was ever even sub-par was when she was about to go to sleep and when she was actually sleeping.

"How much longer until dinner's ready?" Zoey asked, taking another inhale of the scent emanating from the oven. "That smells really good. Mom."

"Thank you." Lucinda answered, a skeptical edge to her voice again. "Another half hour or so. What do you want?" The question wasn't asked in a hostile way. It was just an inevitability. Zoey tended to talk to her mother very bluntly, and when she was 'sweet' or complimenting, it usually meant that she wanted something.

To Zoey's credit, she never denied it. "Can I watch the TV in the basement?"

Lucinda's expression soured once again. "You know you're not supposed to be in your father's room when he's not in there."

"Daddy said I could, though. As long as I left his desk alone because of all the work stuff. His TV down there is so much bigger than the one in the living room.

Her mother rolled her eyes. "I told him that TV should have been in the living room."

"It belongs in the basement though." Zoey protested.

Lucinda sighed. "Yeah, yeah, that's what he said. Fine. I'll bring your dinner down when it's done. Do your homework!"

"Will do." Zoey slung her bag over her shoulder again and bolted down the stairs. "You're the best, Mom!"

Lucinda sighed again and rolled her eyes, going back to what she was doing. Meanwhile, despite her father not being there, Zoey was cheering up. She loved the basement. Both her parents were very light sleepers, so they slept in separate rooms. Her father's was the basement, which he basically made into a man-cave. That was the best name for it.

It felt like a cave or a cabin. The browns and the blacks just accentuate the overall masculinity of the room. The king-sized bed, the black leather couch, the matching bean bag chairs, the mini fridge filled with alcohol (which Zoey had to promise she would leave alone until she could legally drink), everything about the room just put her at peace. All it was missing was a foosball table or a pinball machine or something. And that was only because he chose to get the bigger TV instead first.

Zoey sighed contently, sitting on the couch, turning on the TV, making space on the coffee table for the chips and the soda and then she started working on her homework as promised.


Zoey wasn't entirely sure when she fell asleep, but she felt an immediate disorientation as she felt herself being gently shaken.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart. Promise to make it up to you tomorrow." Zoey's father apologized, softly petting her head.

"Hi Daddy..." Zoey sleepily murmured. Despite not hanging with Jez and Erik "late enough" last night, the mixture of getting home late then, the junk food and cottage pie now, plus Trigonometry had led to an inevitable conclusion before the first quarter was even over. Lazily looking up to the TV, the telltale signs of late night television showed that the game was well over.

"How was the game?" Calvin asked, sitting next to Zoey, seeming almost if not just as tired as she was.

"No spoilers." Zoey mumbled as if she'd watched more than she did, her head gravitating to her father and resting comfortably on him.

"Fair enough." He chuckled. "Let's get you to bed, Princess."

"-can sleep on the couch..." Zoey was able to lazily get out. "Stairs too hard. Evil stairs."

Zoey was shaken slightly by her father's laughter. "You know the rules." And she did. The rules were that when Calvin was sleeping, the basement door was closed, and Zoey wasn't allowed in the basement when door was closed. Apparently, Calvin got really grumpy when he was woken up and he wouldn't be able to get back to sleep so he had to be left alone.

"Tell you what. I'll work with you." Calvin said with another chuckle. Before Zoey knew what was going on, she was in his arms and he was carrying her like a princess upstairs. Were she not so tired, she might have fought it more on the basis of being too old for that now. But sleepy Zoey didn't care. She liked being so close to him and nuzzled up to his chest, listening to his heartbeat. She was out like a light before she was in the living room, much less to her bed.

"Sweet dreams, Princess." Calvin said softly, kissing her forehead and heading back down to the basement for his own rest.


You know when you go to bed way earlier than usual and you end up waking up in the middle of the night because of it? It sucks. You just end up laying in bed in the dark with nothing to do but think about things. What you did throughout the day, people who pissed you off, maybe even books that you left in the basement.

"Shit..." Zoey muttered to herself as the realization hit her. The problem with this is that it gave her an excuse. Something never seemed quite right about the reasoning. Sure, Zoey's mom was a light sleeper. She had proof of that. But the only time that she'd seen her father sleep, when they'd gone camping for a few days, he slept like a rock. It always made her curious if they were being honest with her or not. But on the other side, both parents insisted that this was the truth and enforced it consistently.

But now, she had an excuse. She needed her books tomorrow. She could sneak out of her room, past her mother's, the dining room, the kitchen and...okay so she'd basically have to sneak from one side of the house through half of the house to get to the door. But Zoey found herself suddenly very thirsty. Nothing wrong with that. She'd go to the kitchen for a drink...and while she just happened to be in the kitchen, well...the door to the basement was right there. It would be downright silly to not get her books at that point.

Zoey nodded, looking down at herself. When she'd initially woken up, she got undressed and dressed for bed, which for her was just panties and an oversized shirt. If she was going in the basement maybe she should put on some pants. Zoey immediately shook the thought off. It ruined the narrative. Who puts on pants to get a drink in the middle of the night? She would just go down there, get her books, come right back out. Easy. If he woke up and got angry at her...the logic made sense...kinda...and her father almost never got angry at her.

"Okay..." Zoey muttered to herself, before rolling out of the bed. Despite the fact that she had a legitimate reason to go to the kitchen, she couldn't help but to walk on the tips of her toes like she was in a cartoon. It was stupid. She knew it was stupid, but she did it anyway because it felt like what she should be doing. Past the bathroom and her mom's room...check. Past the dining room...check. Into the kitchen to get some much-needed liquid refreshment. Zoey smirked a bit as she drank from the bottle, knowing how much her mother hated her doing that.

Oh drat... Her books are in the basement... What a travesty... She must get them at once... Zoey looked at the closed door to the basement and she couldn't help it. She de-aged right there and she was a little girl who was told not to go in that room when the door was closed and she wanted to be a good girl so her Daddy would praise her. Zoey took a very deep breath and reached out and turned the doorknob.

This was bad. This was really bad. She should go back now and no one would know. But she was so damn curious so she started down the stairs. It then hit her that maybe her mother would want a drink as well. Zoey's door was closed as it always was. The only thing that would look suspicious was the basement door being open while Calvin was sleeping. So, Zoey closed the door softly behind her. That was when she realized that she'd never seen the back of the basement door before.

It had a timed lock on it. She only knew that because it was counting down until 8:00, which was when he normally woke up. She could always hear his alarm clock from the kitchen. The keypad attached to the knob was similar to the one that they used for their home security system. Zoey took another deep breath. Thankfully there wasn't an alarm when she opened the door or she'd have been fucked.

Zoey's eyes bulged as she realized something. The door was locked. It was fine because she knew the code to the security system but...why was it locked from the inside and not the outside? Why was it locked at all? Zoey shook the questions off. Books. She was here for her books. So, she went down the stairs again, never more self conscious of each step than she was now. In the dark, the room she loved so much had a different atmosphere, like it was telling her that she shouldn't be there. But she had every right to be there. Books and stuff...

Zoey started to tip toe again to the couch where her bag and books were. Victory! She could hear her father softly snoring in the bed and spared a glance at him. Even in that huge bed, he took up so much of it. She almost never saw him on the bed and had never seen him sleep on it before. She wanted to look closer.

No! She had the books. She needed to go. It was time to go back up the stairs. Zoey sighed and followed her own advice and found her way to the keypad again. "...Fuck..." She silently swore. The keypad makes noise. Loud ass beeps. In this case it would be four beeps. But there was no choice. She had to or the door wouldn't unlock. Zoey put in the four digits, flinching each time at the beeps, and the pulled the knob. Nothing.

"Fuck." She repeated, and tried again. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." Okay she was locked in the basement. The basement that she wasn't supposed to be in. Fuck! This is where curiosity gets you. Zoey slumped in defeat and went down the stairs, putting her bag and books down again by the staircase. She had no other choice now. "Daddy?"

Calvin stirred slightly but remained snoring. Zoey bit her bottom lip and tried again, getting closer and closer. Maybe she'd luck out and her father would say the code in his sleep. "Daddy...what's the code to the door?" She tried again. He groaned and that was it.

Already that meant that he slept harder than her mother at the very least. Even then that didn't explain why the door locked. Zoey reached out and softly shook him. "Daddy?"

Zoey quickly covered her mouth to muffle a scream as her wrist was suddenly grabbed. "Daddy! Daddy, it's me. I'm sorry! I didn't mean to wake you." But despite Calvin's hold remaining firm, he didn't answer. "Daddy?" She asked again, only to get pulled over this time. Her world seemed to spin and when it finally stopped, Zoey realized that she was almost literally being pinned down by him.

"Daddy, what are-...Are you awake?" Zoey's eyes had begun to adjust to the darkness and with how close she was to her father, she could see that his eyes were still closed. She began to call out to him again when her voice caught and all of her comprehension and focus went to what she thought she felt on her thigh. "Oh God..." Zoey looked down to make sure. Yup. That was his dick. Definitely his dick. She moaned softly at the realization that Calvin's cock had indeed apparently come out of his boxers and it seemed to be introducing itself to her quite vigorously.

Zoey couldn't help but wonder if this was normal for him, because if it was...well...that explained everything. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and her breathing was getting faster and faster as she could tell her father was trying to position himself correctly. This was bad. Not only was this bad but it was just wrong. But logically...well...she wouldn't have been able to get from under him anyway. He was too heavy and if he kept trying to do what he was doing with the force that he was doing it, he might ruin her panties or hurt himself. That would be bad, right? She should just...let it happen. And if she was going to let it happen, she should enjoy it. That's logic. Zoey panted with a desperation she had never been allowed to voice or even acknowledge and slid one of her hands between her legs, moving her panties to the side.

"What am I doing? What am I doing? What am I doing?" She chanted to herself, shifting further down and opening her legs for easier access. "Oh f-mmmmph!" She muffled her swear with her hands as she felt Calvin entering her. He was a very large man and...well...his manhood was proportionate to that. She'd never felt so full in her life. He was so thick and there just seemed to be more and more as he slid deeper and deeper inside of her. "Fuck, Daddy!" She groaned, trying to muffle herself again. This might very well be the reason why she wasn't supposed to be in the basement, but her mother really was a light sleeper and Zoey was pretty sure that if she just started loudly moaning that would be a dead giveaway. Of course, it would be a lot easier to be quiet if he wasn't fucking her so hard.

That became her focus in its entirety. Just to make as little noise as possible as her father's hard dick pounded into her pussy. It felt so intense she could barely take it. Her eyes rolled in the back of her head, her hips moved on their own accord, and her legs wrapped around his waist allowing him to go even deeper. It was like a drug. The more she was allowed, the more she wanted. Zoey almost forgot about her need to be silent as her petite body was jolted with his thrusts. This became especially difficult as she felt her own orgasm creeping closer and closer. And that only excited her more as she thought that if this kept up, she'd make him cum as well. Luckily for her, she'd been on the pill since she'd dated Erik. She highly doubted that he was going to pull out at the last minute. And the thought feeling his cum inside of her, of her pussy making him cum in the first place, drove her over the edge. She had to bite her lip hard to keep from screaming out as her body shook and writhed in ecstasy.

Almost as if he knew, her father's pace began to quicken, giving Zoey no reprieve. "Oh my Gooooood..." She groaned through her hands. Zoey could feel it in his panting. She was about to make him cum. She was overtaken by a wave of lust and suddenly that was all she wanted. She ground into his hips, working with him, panting harder and harder. "Mmmmm! Cum, Daddy. Come on...give it to me." She urged, feeling his throb deep inside of and being forced to muffled a high-pitched squeal from her throat as she heard Calvin groan and immediately felt his warm cum filling her desperate cunt. She grinned even wider as the look of utter satisfaction was over his face. She did that. It was all her. Reaching up, she pulled herself high enough to try and give him a kiss.

But before she could reach her objective, her world spun around again and before she knew it, Zoey was down on her front. Calvin also made another thing clear, making her spin her head back to look behind her. "You want more?" She gasped, feeling him pressing against her again. As tired as she was from the first time, Zoey grinned, pulling her panties down to make it easier for him. "It's okay, Daddy. If you're still hard, you can do what you want."

Zoey's grinning went quickly to shock as her eyes bulged at yet another realization. "Daddy! That's not my pus-...FUCK!" Zoey panted loudly as she felt Calvin's cock sliding slowly into her virgin asshole. "Oh shit! Daddy that's my-! Oh my God, it's so...BIG! Daddy not so...harrrrrrd...I've never...holy shi-it! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" All coherent thought went out the window as she was pounded again. She just gripped the headboard of the bed and held on, moaning and gasping as her father had his way with her.

"OH!" Zoey squealed as it was like Calvin had suddenly become a vibrator, having a semblance of thought again, she turned back to receive yet another shock. Or to phrase it better, seeing her father being shocked. "Mom?!"

Lucinda had a small device pressed against Calvin's side making him appear to almost go into convulsions and when she stopped, he slid off to the side of the bed, groaning softly which caused quite the gasp from Zoey at the sudden emptiness. "Come on! Hurry!" She grabbed Zoey's hand, pulling her off the bed.

"Mom! Did you just...taze Dad?" She said in shock, following her up the stairs awkwardly as her legs weren't fully cooperating.

"Technically, this isn't a taser. It's a stun gun. I know it's hard but you need to move your ass, okay Sweety? Sometimes that wakes him up and sometimes it doesn't." Lucinda muttered quickly, putting a code much longer than four digits into the lock, and hearing the click of it unlocking as the two women went through the door and closed it behind them.

"That wasn't the...same as...our alarm..." Zoey mumbled, still clearly dazed.

"Of course not." Lucinda snapped. "It's my birthday backwards. It needs to be something he won't be able to put in from muscle memory in case he's sleepwalking. Are you okay?"

"Yeah?" Zoey murmured, a wave of tiredness suddenly hitting her. She felt drugged.

"Zoey! Zoey!" Lucinda snapped her fingers to get her daughter's attention. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, Mom." Zoey lazily tried to wave away the snapping fingers. "My ass feels a little funny..."

"Does it hurt?"

Zoey looked up thoughtfully to see if pain was the best way to describe it. "No?...I think..."

Lucinda let out a relieve sigh. "Good..." And another deep breath, she suddenly grabbed a firm hold on Zoey's shoulders and shook her slightly. "WHY THE FUCK WERE YOU DOWN THERE?!" She screamed, showing an angry mom was more effective than caffeine.

Zoey's eyes bulged in surprise. "I was just getting my books..." She muttered back.

"You never go down there when the door is closed." Lucinda growled sternly. "Never!" She let out a frustrated sigh, letting go of Zoey.

"Does...does Daddy that?" Zoey asked, curiously.

"Not always." Her mother grumbled. "Pretty frequently. Enough that if I actually want to get some sleep, we can't be in the same bed. Or the same room for that matter."

"We were able to camp though..." Zoey pondered outloud.

"He took medication then." Lucinda replied, "It's fine if he's out camping but it's a little awkward if he has to go into work and operate complicated machinery the next day. I need to worry about you going back down there?"

Zoey's eyes widened yet again. "Mom?! Why would that?"

Lucinda's eyes narrowed as she gave Zoey a stern look. "You don't like football. You tolerate wresting and boxing. And you really hate bugs which means you despise camping. And I don't think I even need to get into the guitar lessons."

Zoey's jaw dropped. " doing those things!"

"Uh huh." Lucinda agreed, unenthusiastically. "Sure, you do. And it's just a coincidence that those are all things that I also don't like and therefore don't do with him."

"Fine!" Zoey finally agreed, crossing her arms. "I like having Daddy to myself sometimes. I don't really care what we do together."

"And that's fine." Lucinda nodded. "That is absolutely fine." She then glanced at the basement door. "I just need to make sure another activity isn't added to that list."