Night Moves in the Daytime


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"Seriously, it's OK. We didn't go too far or anything. But you're right about making it special. I want that, too. Maybe we should just slow things down a little. Do some experimenting. 'Cause I don't know about you, but I really don't know a lot about making out or making love or anything like that."

"I don't either. Just the stuff you hear our friends talking about, and I'm not sure I believe half of that anyway."

"I don't think I do, either. Do you think we can just do this gradually and learn as we go? Maybe we can try to do some research so we do it right."

"I like that idea. Let's see what we can find out and maybe try it next time."

"OK. I guess I should be going. I have to help mom with dinner."

"Can you get back yourself? I think I'd better get in the water and wash my pants before I go home."

Jodi giggled, and said, "Good idea. Or maybe you could say you dropped some ice cream in your lap. Ha, ha. See you soon."

As Jodi rode home, she decided the best thing she could do is talk to her Aunt Joan. She wouldn't feel right talking about this to her mother, but Aunt Joan always said if she ever needed to talk about personal things, she should come to her.

Eli lay in the grass for about an hour thinking things over while his pants dried. He wondered if the local library would have a book that might give him some info, but he had another resource in mind, too.

He had a week before he started work at Stanley's, so the next day, while his dad was at work and his mom was running errands in town, Eli went into his parents' bedroom, opened the cabinet beside his father's side of the bed and removed three of about 20 Playboy magazines he had there.

He had discovered them about two years ago, and when he had a chance he snuck them out of the room and used them for some wonderful masturbating sessions. Now, though, he remembered seeing some articles that he might get some info from.

He took one and starting leafing through it, and came across The Playboy Advisor. He read the article and saw some stuff he didn't know. He checked out the other two and got some more tidbits that he filed away. He managed to get through a little more than half of the magazines before he heard his mom arriving.

The next day, Eli went to the library in town and found a table near the back corner of the reading room. He went to the catalogue and looked up books on sex and saw there were only a handful of them. He brought one of them back to his table, along with two about sailing, in case somebody was watching.

The first book he looked through was so scientific that it didn't really help, except for a few drawings of women's sex organs. The only piece of info he got from that was he saw where the clitoris was located.

The second sex book was a little more helpful. It talked about areas where women were sensitive and some basic ideas about to stimulate those areas. Eli read those parts over and over, trying to memorize them. He thought he had done enough to be better prepared the next time he saw Jodi. He couldn't wait.

In the meantime, Jodi had ridden her bike about 2 miles to her Aunt Joan's house, after calling first to make sure she'd be there. Aunt Joan was her mom's younger sister, who had two young kids in her custody after a divorce, and she was considered the "wild child" of the family.

While the kids played in the yard, Jodi and Aunt Joan sat on the porch where they could watch.

"Aunt Joan, you said I could come talk to you if I had a problem, right?"

"Sure, Jodi. You know you can talk to me in confidence."

"All right. I met a boy last year at the farm show and we've started seeing each other. We're hoping to get together a lot this summer. And recently, things have started to, um, progress a little bit ... you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I can guess. You're starting to fool around, huh?"

"That's right. I really like this boy, and I think he likes me, but neither one of us has any experience at this, you know? The last time we got together we kind of realized that we both have a lot to learn and that we needed to slow down a little. So we decided to see what we could find out before the next time we meet up. And I thought about your offer for advice."

"I'm assuming your mom doesn't know about this yet?"

"No. I think she knows I'm talking to a boy on the phone, and she knows I've seen him a few times, but that's it."

"I'm sure she'd be happy you're seeing somebody. You are so pretty and nice ... you should be seeing a guy. Why don't you tell me what you guys have done so far, and I'll help if I can."

So Jodi gave her the details about their last session, and Aunt Joan had a lot of suggestions for things they could try.

On the way home, Jodi was almost thrumming with anticipation.

That night, Eli called Jodi and made plans to meet the next day at "their spot" for a picnic lunch. Both could feel the excitement in the air, but they decided that instead of talking about what they'd learned, they'd save it for the next day. Neither slept that well.

They had planned to meet around 11 o'clock. Jodi, anxious for what the day might hold, got there about 10:30 ... she wasn't the first to arrive - Eli was sitting on the bank with his feet in the water after putting a bag with some sodas in the water to keep cool.

Jodi set her bike against a tree, then took the blanket out of her saddlebag and spread it out in the grass so that it was in the warm sun. She smiled as Eli, wearing a big grin, walked toward her

"Do you want to have lunch now?" she asked.

"Umm, well, not really. Maybe we can save it for later."

"Oh, you must have something else on your mind."

"You bet I do. You, too?"

"Yes, I do. C'mon over here."

As Jodi stretched out, Eli lay down beside her and immediately their lips came together and very shortly after that, their tongues began a dance. It wasn't long before the young couple was as heated up as they had been the last time.

Jodi broke the kiss and said, "Remember, we said we wanted to go slowly. If we keep that up, I'm not sure I can keep that promise."

"I know, but it's not easy holding back with you. You make me so excited."

Jodi glanced downward, giggled, and said, "Yes, I can see how excited you are."

Eli's face flushed red.

He said, "OK, you caught me. So how do you think we should do this?"

"Well, I talked to my Aunt Joan about this yesterday. She's pretty cool and she knows a lot. She gave me some ideas. Do you wanna hear them?"

"Sure. I did some research, too, but it sounds like yours might be from a better source."

"All right. Aunt Joan said the first thing we should do - if we're sure we want to do this - is get comfortable with each other's bodies. So here's what I think - why don't we take turns kinda feeling each other up?"

"Sounds good to me. Who goes first?"

"Well, I think from what happened the other day, and from what I can see today, I'd better go first so you don't have another accident. Why don't you take your shirt off and lay on your back."

Eli quickly ripped his T-shirt off and did as he was told as Jodi sat up beside him. His boner was causing a bulge in his shorts that could not be missed.

Jodi reached out tentatively and lightly rubbed the top of his pants, which caused Eli to tremble.

"That didn't hurt, did it?"

"No, just the opposite."

"Well, let me know if anything I do doesn't feel good. I'm just experimenting."


Jodi's hand continued to caress Eli's dick and she was surprised how hard it was. But she wanted to see it, so she undid his belt buckle and pulled his zipper down. When she grabbed the sides of his shorts, he understood and moved his hips up, allowing her to pull them down and off his legs.

Now he had only his white briefs on, and they made his penis look even bigger. So she rubbed it a little before grasping the sides and getting Eli's help to pull his underwear off, too.

And there it was, standing up proudly toward his belly button. She was a little surprised at its size, although having never seen one live and in person, she had nothing to go on. It had to be at least 6 inches in length, maybe 7, and was thicker than she expected.

As she reached out to touch it again, she noticed that it was flesh-colored until about an inch below the head, and it got darker in color from there on up to his mushroom head. She also noticed his two firm balls and gently ran her fingers over them, getting a moan from Eli.

Then she moved her hands back to the cock and wrapped her fingers around it. Her fingertips could barely meet as she lightly squeezed it and again felt how steely hard it felt. She moved her hand up toward the tip and noticed how spongy the tip was compared to the shaft.

For the next several minutes, Jodi felt her way around Eli's equipment, gripping it one way, then trying another way, and he began to squirm a bit.

"Are you getting close again?"

"Yeah, I think so. That feels so good."

So Jodi took hold of the dick and began a stroking motion, up and down, hoping she was doing it like Aunt Joan had suggested. Immediately, Eli's hips began to shake and the longer she tugged, the more he shook.

Finally, as Eli tried to muffle an exclamation of, "Oh my god, here it comes!" Jodi sat transfixed as she watched a series of spurts of white goo come flying out of Eli's cock. The first one flew all the way up to his neck as she squealed with delight, and as she continued to stroke, more and more blasted out.

Jodi was so excited as she watched the cum gather on Eli's chest, practically making a puddle. She had caused this! It was the most excited she'd ever been, and he was the one having the orgasm!

The spurts had stopped, although more cum dribbled out the tip of Eli's dick, and it dripped onto Jodi's hand. She rubbed it around a little between her fingers, feeling its warmth and its texture, then she brought it up to her face to smell it. She wouldn't call it a bad smell, but it was pungent.

Meanwhile, Eli was finally letting his muscles relax after they had clenched up when he came. He had, of course, masturbated many, many times, but he'd never had an orgasm like that. Wow! He had felt the vibrations in his toes.

And he watched in wonder as Jodi first felt, then smelled, his cum. He could tell she was really into this learning part. Which was a good thing.

Jodi eventually looked into Eli's eyes, and said, "Well, that was fun. Did you enjoy that?"

"What do you think? Geez, Jodi, I've never felt anything like that. It was amazing. Thank you."

"Well, you can thank me when it's your turn," with a sly smile growing on her pretty face.

"I can't wait. But ... let me get in the river and clean this stuff off."

Eli jumped up and ran the few steps to the bank and dove in the pool toward the deeper water. He was busy washing the remnants of his orgasm off his chest, so he wasn't watching as Jodi stripped naked, ran over and dove in beside him.

"Wow, what are you, a mermaid or something?"

"Maybe, but really, I just felt a little hot. And I saved you the trouble of taking my clothes off."

"You certainly did, although maybe I wanted to do that."

"You'll get your chance, I'm sure."

Jodi let the current float her into more shallow water, then slowly stood up, allowing Eli to get his first look at her body.

And it was a beautiful vision, he thought. Her golden hair was now plastered to her head, but his eyes swept past her face and took in her heaving breasts. As he knew from having sneaked peaks at her before, her tits were very firm and almost cone-like as they jutted out from her body. They were creamy white, but tipped by dark nipples that were sticking out like large pencil erasers.

It was hard to take his eyes off her breasts, but there was a lot more to take in. Jodi had a narrow waist and her hips did not flare out too much. She stood with her legs apart so she wouldn't be moved by the current, which allowed Eli to get a fabulous look at her pussy - the first he'd ever seen in person.

The first thing he noticed was that she was a natural blonde. She had a patch of golden pubic hair, but he could clearly see her slit and a pair of lips hanging down underneath. He was overtaken with desire.

"You like what you see, boy?"

"Oh, my, Jodi, you are spectacular. I can't wait to touch you."

"Then let's get back to the blanket - I need to feel that sun."

They moved over to the bank and climbed up, then wiped the wet sand off their feet in the grass. Jodi wrung as much water as she could out of her hair before laying down on her front. That gave Eli a wonderful view of her nice, plump buttocks and from where he was he could see between her legs right up to her wet pussy.

All the times he'd looked at the beautiful women in his dad's Playboys weren't nearly as exciting to Eli as the vision before him. And, best of all, he was about to examine that gorgeous body.

He laid down beside Jodi and with the sun warming her skin, he traced his hand all over her shoulders and back, spreading out the beads of water.

"That feels nice," she said.

He worked his hand down to her lower back, then up onto her buttocks. After he removed the water, he began some light squeezing, which brought on a few low moans from Jodi. He was fascinated with the firmness of her butt, and kept rubbing, eventually getting his fingers near her crack.

Not wanting to do anything too fast, Eli moved down to Jodi's legs. The beads of water had mostly dried up by now, but he still kept his hand moving all over her skin, all the way to her toes. As soon as he began back up, he noticed that Jodi moved her legs slightly apart.

By the time he reached the backs of her knees, she had moved her legs even further apart, and Eli could clearly see her anus and the beginnings of her slit, with a few curly golden hairs also showing. As his eyes grew wide as he stared at the sight, his dick practically spring into hardness. It seemed like in seconds he went from simply feeling a tingling to as hard as a rock.

He continued to move slowly up Jodi's legs, daring himself to move his fingers deeper, into her crotch area. Once he saw that she had begun moving her hips, and for sure when he noticed a faint musky smell, he knew he had to.

Just before his fingers reached her pussy, he heard Jodi say, "Oh, yes Eli, go ahead and touch me."

It was just the push he needed, so he did.

He touched the outside of her slit with his index and middle finger. His first thought was that it was warmer than the rest of her skin. His next thought was he realized she was wet down there. His third thought was, "Hey, she's pushing back into me."

And she was. Jodi was entranced by Eli's slow movement up her legs, but by the time he got there, she wanted to move him along a little bit. The waiting was excruciating.

Eli felt his fingers slide forward along her lips. He was trying hard to remember the drawing in the book he'd seen, but it had shown a vagina from the front, not the back, so he had to think hard. He felt his fingers encounter slick skin, and then more hair. When he brought his fingers back toward him, they slipped just inside the lips, which caused an, "Ohhh," from Jodi.

He made several more back for forth movements, then he dug his middle finger in a little deeper and slowly shoved it inside her. He was startled by how hot and wet she was, and the slippery feel of that wetness. He was also surprised by the resistance his finger encountered; in order to get deeper in her, he needed a little more push than he'd expected.

But it was worth the extra effort because it brought forth an, "Oh, yes Eli, that's nice," from his girl.

Then Jodi started moving and rolled over onto her back, giving Eli a full and close view of her body, and he drank it in, from her smiling and flushed face all the way down to her legs.

"I thought this give you better access ... oh, my Eli, you're hard again!"

"I have been for about the last 10 minutes. Gosh, you're beautiful."

"Thanks, but can you get back to what you were doing?"

Quickly, Eli regained his composure - sort of - and got back to work exploring Jodi's sex. He could plainly see her thatch of blond hair, but it wasn't nearly as thick as the women he saw in magazines. And since she had widened her legs, he had a great view of her entire pussy.

He placed his hand on the hairy area, and began rubbing his fingers up and down her gash again. It wasn't long before he inserted his finger inside her again and Jodi let him know that's what she wanted.

Then Eli remembered from the second book that he was supposed to stimulate the clitoris. So he tried to find it with his thumb. He knew he must have found it when Jodi sucked in a quick breath of air and moaned again.

Since she seemed to like it, Eli continued to push his finger in and out of her hole and gently rub her clit with his thumb. He must have done something right, because she began shuddering and choked out what sounded like," Oh, god, yes!"

Jodi was slowly moving toward her first orgasm not generated by her own hands, but when Eli hit her magic spot, it accelerated quickly and then she couldn't hold back. She wanted to scream, but held off just in time. But she couldn't hold off her body's shaking, and it seemed to last a good 10 seconds or so before settling down.

She looked up and said, "Eli, that was incredible. I've never come like that before."

Eli was pleased that he could make her come, and remembering what Jodi had done, he brought his fingers up to his nose to take a good whiff of her juice. It was intoxicating.

He bent down to give her a kiss and realized too late that his still-hard cock was bumping against her hip. They completed a long, soulful kiss, then Jodi said, "Oh, my, you've been hard this whole time?"

"Yeah, it doesn't seem to want to go down."

"Well, let's do something about that."

Jodi sat up and folded her knees under her, which was more comfortable for her, but it also gave Eli an excellent view of her juicy pussy. His busy eyes went from her crotch to her breasts to her eyes and back again.

She reached out to take hold of his cock again, right away noticing that the tip felt a little slimy from what was coming out of his hole. She spread it around his head and began a jerking motion with her hand, trying to follow Aunt Joan's instructions - don't grab it too tight and try to keep your hand up near the head.

Jodi began to find a rhythm with her hand and watched as Eli's dick turned a deeper shade of red at the head.

Then he spoke up and said, "You want suggestions, right? Not quite as tight. And maybe use some spit to get it wet. It'll slide easier."

"OK, thanks for telling me."

Jodi leaned over his cock and thought, "I could just put my mouth over it and make it wet," but had no idea how to proceed with that trick (Aunt Joan said that lesson was next on her list), so she just let some spit drool onto her hand and his head, and worked it over his dick.

Immediately, Eli felt better. Jodi had eased up on her grip, but was now jerking faster and the combination was too much for him. He felt his balls start to vibrate and said, "I'm about ready to come!"

Jodi was excited to watch it happen again, and had an even better angle to watch this time. As Eli's breaths became short and heavier, she watched the tip of his cock closely, waiting for the sperm to spurt out.

And there it was, arcing up into the air as she continued to stroke him. It came down onto his leg just as the second stream flew out - and she could feel a throb as it did. After one more spurt, Jodi watched as more cum came out, but just simply ran down her fingers into his pubic hair.

She continued to stroke his dick, but slowed down. She loved the slippery feel of her hand gliding over his skin, especially with the extra lubrication, and she could still feel him vibrating.