Night Nurse


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"It's not right," Ricky said, "she's done nothing to you. She's just doing her job."

"Oh, Ricky, Ricky," Vanessa chuckled, "where did you ever get the idea that that mattered to me? Surely, you know me better than that by now."

"But she's not..."

"SUCK THEM!" Vanessa ordered, her eyes glowing brighter and her lips curling into a dangerous snarl. "It serves her right for barging in on our play time!" Then, with sick humor making her chuckle, she added, "You wouldn't want to snub Maryann's gracious gift, now would you, little Ricky?"

Foolishly, Ricky resisted, but to no avail. Though his temples throbbed with his effort to thwart Vanessa's twisted desires, he nonetheless turned his head toward the hypnotically obedient Maryann and reached out his arms. Powerless to resist Vanessa's controlling mind, his hands surrounded Maryann's ample breasts and pulled them down to his waiting mouth. He took the nipples deeply into his mouth and moaned as he sucked them hard. Being controlled by Vanessa's twisted brain, he sucked the same way she did, gluttonously, brazenly. He licked those proffered orbs like a starving animal, and Vanessa giggled with sick glee. Over the course of the next several minutes she made Ricky lick and suck Maryann's breasts, slurping wetly between them, nibbling her nipples, even hard enough to make the mesmerized nurse wince with pain.

As she watched happily, she leaned forward and lifted Maryann's uniform up at the hem. Feeling for her panties, she deftly slipped her hand inside them...and then inside Maryann. The glazed eyes shut, and Maryann began moaning softly. While Ricky's mouth did Vanessa's bidding on her breasts, Vanessa's fingers played deep inside her. The vampiress chortled with twisted glee when Maryann creamed around her invading fingers. Maryann shuddered with her gushing pleasure, her legs weakening to the point where she had to lean against the bed and brace her hands on the mattress. But, as long as Vanessa played between her legs and Ricky sucked her breasts, she continued to come, quaking and moaning in blissful release.

Finally, Vanessa barked the order at Ricky to stop sucking her breasts. He did so, and lay back on the bed, an unwilling captive watching what happened next. Keeping her fingers inside Maryann's emptying pussy, she kept playing with her like a stringless puppet. At some point during Maryann's orgasmic moaning, Vanessa reached out with her other hand, grabbed the back of her neck, pulled her to her, and bit her neck. Still sliding up and down slowly on Ricky's member, and still fingering Maryann to keep her juices flowing, Vanessa sucked her red fluid from her neck, mixing pleasure with Maryann's erotic mix of sensations, just as she'd done to Ricky. To keep Maryann's juices flowing from between her rubbery legs while she supped on her blood, Vanessa's invading fingers found her clit and worked their unearthly magic on it. Maryann twitched and jerked as her orgasmic release intensified around Vanessa's coldly sparking fingers. That volcanic release excited the vampiress, and she sucked all the harder at her new captive's yielding throat. To Ricky, it was a sickening sight, Vanessa attacking her professional peer at both ends like that. Maryann looked totally helpless - as helpless as he himself must look in Vanessa's foul clutches - as every muscle appeared to spasm at once, caught between evil fingers and an even more evil set of sucking lips...the worst part being how she seemed to ENJOY being used like that.

When she was finally done playing with Maryann, Vanessa removed her fangs from her neck and her hand from her drenched sex. As she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, she eyed the slowly recovering Maryann with evil pride, watching her teeter precariously, then stumble back weakly against one of the visitors' chairs. Her rubbery legs gave out, and she sat in it, her head reeling. Vanessa chuckled at the sight, then leered back at Ricky.

"Should I let her waken and make her think she came in here to have sex with you? I can make myself into a wisp of smoke and she'll think SHE'S the one who fucked you. Would you like to see that, my little sex toy That might provide a bit of amusement, no?"

"No," Ricky answered quickly, "you've done enough to her, don't you think?"

"Don't try my patience, boy," Vanessa snarled, "just answer yes or no. Do NOT try to berate me or anything I choose to do. I don't take kindly to that." She glared at him for a few moments, then seemed to soften slightly. "But, all right, I've had a delightful time tonight, and I'm not through with you, yet. But I really don't need Maryann in here anymore. I just wanted to have a little fun, and punish her for her nosiness. I think that's been accomplished. I suppose we can get back to just you and me now." Her wicked smile sent chills down his spine. "But," she continued, "I'll only let her go if you beg me to let you fuck me for the rest of the night. AND promise me you'll be my personal sex slave forever and ever. Otherwise, I'm going to make pretty Maryann do such embarrassing things. Well, hero?"

"Please," Ricky said, knowing he had no other choice, "please let me fuck you all night, Vanessa. Please let me be your sex slave forever. Please?"

"Well," Vanessa sneered, "that didn't sound very heartfelt to me, but I'll accept it. After a while with me, you'll be begging me to let you do terribly disgusting things for me. Sex with me can be very addicting, and you won't even care if I embarrass good little nurses like Maryann here. But, okay, I'll let her go."

Vanessa looked over to the still dazed Maryann. "Rise, my sweet Maryann. Put your bra back on and close your uniform, you trollop! What a whore, to shove your tits in a patient's mouth like that! You should be ashamed of yourself! Go back to work." Maryann got up, straightened herself out, and shuffled slowly toward the door. "Also, Maryann," Vanessa added, causing the hypnotized nurse to stop momentarily, "you won't remember a thing when you leave. You'll have no clue that you even came in here. What's more, you'll not hear a single sound from this room for the rest of the night, no matter what we do in here." She gave Ricky an evil look. "And as for those wet panties of yours, you'll just think you were fantasizing about that dreamy Dr.Rathcliff again and got yourself all wet and messy. Now, scoot. Football star here and I have lots more to do. Shoo!"

Maryann continued out the door, walking numbly into the brightly lit corridor. Immediately, she began to snap out of her haze, and wondered why she'd wandered into the hall when she had so many charts to finish up. She shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs. Sighing, and a little embarrassed at the wetness between her legs, she returned to her station, figuring Vanessa must be doing vitals or giving out oddly timed medications. None of it really seemed to matter. For some reason, she felt an overpowering urge to get back to work, to sit at her charts and complete them all, and not wander about anymore. She did just that.

"Now," Vanessa said, grinning down at Ricky, "wasn't that a pleasant little diversion? And keep in mind that if you continue to please me, I can bring in other women and let you have fun with long as you don't expend too much energy and not have enough left for me, of course. But, now it's time to get back to some SERIOUS fun. What shall I do with you now? many possibilities." Ricky shuddered at the thought of what might come next. Vanessa was capable of anything, and that realization clutched at his heart with cold, clammy claws.

For the next several hours, Vanessa used Ricky for every sexual act she could devise. She took great glee in forcing him to do things he found to be turnoffs, just so she could make him loathe himself for being excited by them. For the most part, he'd learned not to try to resist her. But on those rare instances when he did - useless as that was - she would make him do distasteful things...or threatened him with even more distasteful ones. On those occasions when he was exhausted from continually satisfying her insatiable desires, her cold, sparking fingertips reenergized his drooping muscle and made it thick and firm again. She rode it, she sucked it, she fed him her creamy fluids. She had him do her doggie style and missionary and from every deeply penetrating angle she could conceive of. She played with him, taunted him, made him beg for her favors. She drained him of his seminal fluids and his blood. When she drank his blood, it was sometimes from passion, sometimes from hunger. But each time she drained his life fluids from him, she'd lick the puncture marks and they'd fade almost completely away. No telltale marks. Vampires have learned much since the dawn of time.

By 5AM, Ricky was more than exhausted. He was on the brink of dehydration and anemia. But finally, sighing contentedly, Vanessa was satisfied. The lust glow left her eyes. She licked her lips and strutted about the gloomy room like a victorious queen. She stretched her arms and back as if rising from a wonderfully relaxing massage or invigorating sleep. She looked down at her new toy, lying on the cool, hospital sheets, now stained with huge circles of sexual fluids and a few tiny drops of blood. She'd been neat with the drinking of his blood, if nothing else. But poor Ricky looked almost as pale as the sheets.

With a satisfied look on her face, Vanessa climbed up onto the bed. Ricky flinched, thinking he was going to be put to stud use again. But instead, the mellowed vampiress laid herself down next to him, her body against his. From their chests all the way down to their feet, their bodies touched. Vanessa draped her leg over Ricky's sweating abdomen and rubbed herself against him. She began stroking his chest and nuzzling her face in his neck, amused at how he flinched again at her every movement.

"Relax, my pet, you've done well. You've made me very happy tonight. It's not easy to quell a vampire's desires, but you've managed quite nicely...with some coaxing, of course." She kissed his cheek gently and even began to purr in his ear. "Oh," she sighed, "I do hate when I get all mushy and romantic. But I feel so close to you, little Ricky. I feel like you and I belong together, like we were always meant for each other." Ricky's brain shuddered.

Still rubbing against him, and still purring in his ear, Vanessa kissed him gently all over his face. Then she rolled on top of him to look down into his exhausted eyes. "Don't you feel it, too, Ricky? Don't you feel that we belong together? Don't you feel the same as I, that we can have a wonderful relationship together? Surely, you must feel it, too."

Ricky's eyes looked at her, but barely saw her. She realized his body was shutting down from lack of blood in his veins. His body had been through a lot that day, and it was strongly considering giving up. Vanessa couldn't have that. She'd found herself a stud with staying power, who could withstand her draining ways and not succumb to exhaustion or exsanguination. Even her powers could only go so far, account for so much resiliency. Ricky was indeed a stud. And he was HER stud. She would not allow him to die as had most of the others. She wanted to use him again and again for unending pleasure. But his dulling eyes foretold of his imminent passing. She had to act quickly.

"Ricky, look at me," she said. He turned his head slowly and fixed his eyes on her. Raising her left arm up to her lips, she bit her wrist until bright red blood bubbled from it. She shoved her bleeding wrist against Ricky's pale lips. "Drink, Ricky, drink. Savor my blood...OUR blood. Bond with me forever. Pleasure me forever. Drink, my pet, or you'll die."

Ricky hesitated. But the sticky blood on his lips was too irresistible. Even though he knew if he drank of it, he'd be Vanessa's plaything forever, he still couldn't fight the urge. He opened his mouth, sucking on her wrist, drinking deeply. He grabbed her arm and held it fast to his mouth, drinking desperately, sucking hard, feeling the lukewarm blood flow down his throat.

"Yes, yes, little Ricky, give yourself to me for all time," Vanessa urged. "We belong together. We will fuck ourselves into oblivion night after night after night. Once you've savored my blood, you will be mine forever, body and soul. Drink up. Give your heart to me. Give me your soul. Spend eternity as my plaything. You won't regret it."

When she knew he'd had enough, Vanessa took her arm from Ricky, even though he wanted more. If she gave him too much, he might even become more powerful than her, and that could not be allowed to happen. She gave him just enough, no more. He would not become vampire like her, but he WOULD be bound to her forever, or until she saw fit to release him. Having fed on her blood, he would now desire her, need her, be incomplete without her. He would do anything to earn her favor. He would please her in any way she chose. Now, more than ever, he was hers.

The color returned to Ricky's face. The sickly blue tint was replaced by a vibrant pink tone. The dulling eyes sparkled with life again. His short, shallow breaths became full and strong. He turned to look at Vanessa, and this time he saw not the evil creature that had so humiliated and used both himself and poor Maryann, but a goddess, a woman he worshipped and needed. Just as Vanessa knew it would be.

Taking Ricky's face in her hands, Vanessa clamped her blood-smeared mouth against his, kissing him passionately, mingling their blood in both their mouths. He kissed her back, equally as passionately, his arms squeezing her tightly against him. Vanessa pulled away from his hungry mouth and looked into his newly awakened eyes.

"Are you my property forever, little Ricky? Will you obey me and pleasure me for all eternity?" Her eyes searched his, her evil brain roiling with a mixture of twisted hope and actual desire for this strong boy. Oh, what a lusty pair they would make, as long as he kept his place.

"Yes, Vanessa," he said quietly, his eyes showing his sincerity, "I'll always be whatever you need me to be. I'll give my life pleasing you, if need be." Once again, she peered into his mind, satisfied that it showed the same sincerity evidenced in his eyes.

The vampiress smiled. Already she planned such perverted delights. She'd only scratched the surface of her depravity this night, and she had so much more in store for her football star stud. Together they'd scale the heights of pleasure and perverse experimentation. They were bound together body and soul, and her new pet would never again be able to live without her. No matter what she put him through, he would come crawling back for more every time. Eternity was now looking quite bright, despite her life being spent in darkness. Someday, she would make Ricky like her, so they could live together in the night. But not just yet. She rather enjoyed him as her sex slave, his only desire to satisfy her urges. Yes, she liked that very much for now. If he held up under her constant sexual needs, if he could please her in every possible way, then and only then, after years of servitude and faithfulness, she'd make him like her...and together they'd use other humans as pawns and pets...and sustenance. Her mind was made up.

But sunrise would be here soon. Even with the thick shades hiding the location of the autumn moon, she could FEEL where it hung in the sky. Likewise, she could feel the encroachment of the sun. Vanessa would have to let her slave go for now, leave him to his world of coeds and collegiate heroism. But she would keep tabs on him, and find him when she needed him. And he would wait for her, welcome her, live for every moment he was able to satisfy her. As she prepared to leave him there on his hospital bed, she knew this was true.

When Vanessa got up off the bed to leave, Ricky's eyes got wide and he reached out for her, to bring her back to him, clutch her tightly to him. She liked that very much. Already he needed her unconditionally. Already he lived only for her.

Walking over to the chair where she'd left her bright white uniform, she got dressed, smiling at Ricky the entire time. Unlike earlier, when she'd hurriedly disrobed in a cloud of billowy, blue-gray smoke, this time Vanessa allowed Ricky to watch her dress, feast his eyes on every erotic detail. She dressed slowly, deliberately enticing him with her every curve as she covered them with nurse's whites. She took special delight in watching his eyes when she sat and ever so slowly and deliberately put on her stockings, snickering wickedly when he looked between her legs as she raised each to adorn it in sheer white nylon. She'd saved her panties for last, knowing this raised leg peep show would further inflame her new slave's desire for her. It worked perfectly, and she licked her lips for the hundredth time when she saw him squirming in the bed. Enticement for the future. She wanted him dreaming and fantasizing of her from this very second right up until the moment when she came to claim him again. Just from that look in his eyes, she knew he'd be waiting for her...waiting to please her completely and unconditionally.

When she finally took pity on him and finished her exhibitionistic display, she walked over to him, lying despondently on the soiled sheets. She bent to kiss him, like a mother kissing her child goodnight. "Sleep well, little Ricky," she whispered, "rest and grow strong. I'll be needing your services on many long nights and you'll need to keep your strength up for me. When the doctors reexamine you tomorrow, they'll find your brain back where it should be in your skull. Your mind will be healed, your mental faculties sharp and clear, and you'll have a clean bill of health all around. You'll be discharged, I'm sure, though they may keep you around for a bit just because they think some sort of miracle has occurred - of their doing, no doubt. When you leave, feel free to chase your little cheerleaders around and bed whomever you wish, but always remember you belong to ME, and you'd better be ready to perform for me whenever I need you to. Don't forget that. I'll find you wherever you may go. Our blood is mixed now. We are one. You can never escape that."

"I don't want to, Vanessa," Ricky said, touching her hand with his fingertips, "I couldn't possibly live without you." He touched her longingly, his eyes pleading with her not to leave. That made her tingle all over.

"That's exactly as it should be," she replied. "Now, I've got to leave. I'll find you when I need you. Sleep now, Ricky. Sleep, and dream of me."

Instantly, his head sunk into the pillow, his eyelids fluttered shut, and he slept deeply. Vanessa reached down and touched his forehead, planting in his mind an explanation for the bloodstains on his bed, in the very likely event anyone should ask. The other stains were already drying, and would more than likely not even be noticed. And even if they were, there was nothing shocking about a young man Ricky's age...relieving himself of sexual tensions. Not a single eyebrow would be raised in surprise.

The supremely arrogant vampiress then left the room, walking directly to the nurses' station to plant that same explanation into Maryann's brain. She walked silently up behind the busy Maryann as she fussed feverishly with her charts, and laid her hands gently on the woman's head. Instantly, the blood spots had a very valid explanation, and would not become an issue. Along with that implanted scenario, Vanessa also attached to Maryann's mind the belief that Vanessa was there with her, the entire rest of the night. Without knowing it, Maryann would finish all of Vanessa's charts and patient care, and even clock her out at the end of the shift. Meanwhile, Vanessa would have a head start on the rising sun. She would easily arrive at her dark apartment long before its killing rays would envelop the town.