Night Out Ch. 02

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Another night out with wife's shy friend.
6.3k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/31/2020
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"So, what's next on Amanda's fantasy list?" I asked.

"You will just have to wait and see, but I am sure you won't be disappointed; she made me blush with one of them," Amy said.

Amy's phone chimed again.

"Babe, do we have plans Thursday night? Amanda wants to know." Amy said as she read the text.

"We did, but I think we can cancel them to help out Amanda and her fantasies."

Amy threw the covers off herself, spread her legs, and said, "Come fuck your slutty wife, babe, she needs you inside her hot pussy," Amy said.

Amy and I finished up a wild passionate lovemaking session that left us both exhausted. We laid around in bed most of the day. We made love a couple of times before eventually getting up and wandering outside naked to hang out by the pool and enjoy the waning days of the summer sun.

"Did you respond to Amanda and let her know we are free next Thursday night?" I asked Amy.

"Oh crap, I forgot, you had me somewhat distracted this morning," Amy said.

"Only SOMEWHAT distracted? I must be losing my touch." I said

Amy quickly snuggled up to me and said, "Babe, you know you touch me the way no one else ever has or ever could. It is pure ecstasy when you make love to me."

I kissed her and said, "Love you, babe; I am the luckiest man alive to have such a hot wife."

Giggling, Amy said, "Oh, you just like having a slutty wife that lets you fuck other women and occasionally other men."

"Well, that is a plus, I can't lie. Plus, I love seeing my beautiful wife let her hair down and be a sexy slut; that turns me on more than I can say." I replied

"Well, anything I can do to make my handsome husband happy," Amy said with a big smile on her face.

"So, tell Amanda and Keith we can meet them in the city Thursday night for dinner. Let's try that new place Jacqueline told us about, "Wild Catch" or something like that," I said.

Amy went into the house to get her phone, and I admired her firm round ass as she went, once again thinking how lucky I am to be married to her.

Amy came back out to the pool, and my admiration continued as she walked towards me, naked with her round C cup breast jiggling with every step. My cock instantly jumping to attention as I watched my beautiful naked wife walking towards me and my desire to fuck her again.

Amy had her face buried in her phone as she walked towards me, so it wasn't until she was right next to the bed that she noticed my raging hard-on.

"Oh, my. Is that for me, or are you thinking about Amanda's hot pussy?" Amy giggled.

"It is always for you, babe, now get up here and fuck me," I said.

Amy climbed up on the bed and said, "Hang on, I need to answer Amanda. She has been blowing up my phone. It sounds like she is freaking out about last night and thinks we are ignoring them. I better calm her down."

Amy called Amanda and talked her off the ledge, telling her we had a wonderful time last night and were looking forward to seeing them Thursday night.

I heard Amy say, "Oh, no, John has no idea it was you he fucked last night."

It was an interesting conversation to listen in on as I was only hearing Amy.

"Does Keith know it was me he put his hard cock in last night?" Amy asked

"Really? So, he doesn't know either? How many times have you two done that sort of thing?" Amy questioned.

"Oh, come on bitch, seriously, you expect me to believe that? Keith was perfectly ok with you fucking some stranger bareback? I find that hard to believe, now fess up," Amy was smiling as she talked to Amanda, teasing her with her questions.

"Yes, we are looking forward to seeing you two again Thursday night. We already made reservations for 7:30 pm. I will text you the name and address. We are looking forward to another fun night out with you." Amy said as she clicked off the call.

"Really? Keith had no idea you two planned last night? Was it really their first time doing anything like that? Seemed pretty advance if you ask me." I said.

Amy said, "Amanda swears it was. She said they have talked about opening up their sex life and my questions during dinner got her wound up. As I said, when we were in the bathroom, she couldn't wait to show me her pussy and asked me what I thought."

"Then she told me about her fantasy of being fucked by a stranger, and she mentioned the glory hole thing and asked if we would meet them later at that bookstore," Amy explained.

"Wow, who would have thought. I've always thought Amanda was attractive but has always been so shy and quiet around me. Plus, she has never responded to any of my flirtatious comments towards her." I said.

"It's the quiet ones you have to be careful around," Amy said, laughing.

My cock was now throbbing, and I had to admit I was excited about the thought of putting it in Amanda's tight pussy again.

Amy grabbed my cock and said, "Is this still for me, or should I call Amanda to come over and take care of it?"

Before I could answer with some smart-ass remark, Amy was on top of me and sliding her hot wet pussy down on my shaft. She buried my entire seven inch long fat cock with one push.

It was one of the longest weeks of my life waiting for Thursday night. I questioned Amy all week as to what Amanda might have planned for the night. All I knew was Amanda has some wild fantasies that she wanted to explore. Lucky for Amy and me, Amanda wants us to help her with exploring those fantasies.

Thursday night finally arrived, and we met Amanda and Keith at the restaurant. Amanda seemed very nervous during dinner with Keith asking her serval times if she was ok.

Amy had started with the sex questions again, and Amanda kept blushing as she avoided the questions. Keith divulged a little more about their private sex life, but nothing earth-shattering, and certainly didn't mention his wife getting fucked by a stranger in a porn booth or taking it in the ass.

Amanda said she needed to go to the bathroom at the end of dinner, and as women always do, Amy joined her.

Just like last weekend, the two women were in the bathroom for much longer than expected.

Keith and I made small talk while we waited for our wives. I casually asked when the last time he had been in an adult bookstore. I watched as his face turned red, and he stumbled over his words to say it had been years.

I told him that Amy and I had ventured into one last weekend after having dinner with them. We were both surprised to see they still existed, what with the internet and all.

Keith about spits out his drink. Stumbling over his words, he continued to say he hadn't been in one in years just as the ladies returned to the table.

Amy leaned down and kissed me, and I swear her lips smelled and tasted like pussy. I looked at her with probing eyes as she broke off the kiss. I was dying to ask if she had licked Amanda's pussy. They were in the bathroom for a very long time.

"Yep," Amy said with a smile. She was confirming my suspicions.

Keith questioned, "Yep, what? Amy."

"Oh nothing, Keith, just a little inside joke between John and myself," Amy said as she took her seat.

Amanda said, "should we order dessert, or I know of a great bakery a few blocks away we could stop by and pick up some treats. It would be good to walk a bit after that delicious dinner."

"Sounds good to me," I said. I was dying to get Amy outside and find out want happened in the bathroom.

We paid our bill, and as the four of us headed to the door, I excused myself to go to the bathroom. Keith and the ladies continued and went outside to wait for me.

As I walked down the long hall to the bathroom, two women talked outside the women's restroom. I eavesdropped on their conversation a bit when I heard one of them say, "yep, right on the sink counter, she had her legs spread, and the other lady was eating her out."

I chuckled to myself as I passed them and smiled at them.

I caught up with my party outside, and we started walking towards the bakery Amanda had mentioned. As we turned the block, Amanda pointed out a three-story building with a sign out front saying "Power Exchange."

"What's that place?" Amanda asked.

Amy looked at me, and I knew exactly what she was thinking, that I had picked the restaurant because it was around the corner from the new Power Exchange.

Before she said anything, I said, "No, I had no idea that was where it relocated. Honestly, I didn't even know it had re-opened since the fire."

With a very questioning look on her face, Amy said, "hmmm, I wonder, mister."

Both Amanda and Keith were staring at this exchange between Amy and me.

Amanda said, "So, what is the power exchange? Have you two been there before."

"No, we haven't been in there," Amy said.

"Well, we haven't been in that specific building you mean," I said

That enlisted an elbow to my side from Amy.

"Spill it, what is it?" Amanda asked again.

"Honey, I think it is a sex club," Keith said

"Oh, like a strip club? That sounds fun; I have never been in a strip club; let's go," Amanda said as she started towards the entrance.

"Amanda, wait. It's not a strip club; it is a sex club," Amy said.

Amanda looked at Amy, attempting to act shy and innocent, but she wasn't doing a very good job with the act. She was rubbing her thighs together, and I was sure her pussy was still wet from the licking Amy had given her in the ladies' room.

"Amanda, it is a club where people have sex in front of others. The old power exchange had a dungeon room, an orgy room, a strip pole room, and many other rooms for people to play around in; they even had a room with pool tables," Amy said.

"So, you two have been in there before?" Amanda said.

"No, not this exact one; we went to the old one a long time ago. It was interesting, to say the least, but we had fun. We didn't do anything; just walked around and watched. We saw some wild stuff," Amy said.

"How wild?" Amanda asked.

Even in the dim street light, I could see that Amanda had blushed.

Amy said, "The craziest thing we saw was a room full of huge women, like 300 pounds plus women having sex with super skinny guys. IT was like a train wreck; I couldn't help but watch."

I swear Amanda looked like she was vibrating now.

"Come on, let's go. I want to see for myself," Amanda said.

"Hold on, Amanda, John and I had gone to the old place twice. The first time we didn't realize it was couples and single ladies only, and we had fun, as I said, but the second time we went, it was open to everybody, and it was full of single men mostly. It was like being in a forest with packs of wolves. They were everywhere swinging their dicks at every woman they could find. It wasn't fun at all." Amy said.

Amanda was still moving towards the entrance.

"Amanda, how about if it is open to single males, we come back another time? Honestly, it is pretty creepy with all those guys walking around swinging their dicks. That sound like a plan?" I said.

"Yes, that works for me," Amy said.

"Ok," Amanda said, somewhat dejected.

Amy laughing now, said, "Babe, remember that night with all the guys, we saw the biggest penis I have ever seen live standing right next to a guy with the smallest penis I have ever seen."

Joining Amy in her laughter, I said, "Yeah, that was wild, the guy with the big dong was swinging it around like a jump rope almost."

Amanda said, "Oh, I hope we get to see something like that tonight."

We got to the entrance and asked how much for entry. The man at the door said it was $50 per couple, as it was the third Thursday of the month, single ladies got in free.

"Keith pay the man," Amanda said. Her usual shy, timid side was gone.

"Hang on, Keith. Sir, who is allowed in tonight? Is it open to single men as well?" Amy asked.

"Sorry to say, young lady, but no. It is couples and single ladies only tonight, third Thursday of the month, every month," the man said.

As soon as Amanda heard that, she grabbed Amy and went charging into the building pulling Amy along with her. Keith and I had barely finished paying.

The first room we entered was a large room with music playing and couches spread out around the room. There were pool tables and stripper poles around the room. It was only11:30 PM and I knew this place didn't get rocking until after midnight, so there wasn't much of a crowd yet.

Amanda looked disappointed. Not sure what she was expecting. I am sure she thought she would walk into an orgy and see people fucking wildly or some guy swinging his giant cock.

She turned to Amy and said, "Not much going on here; where should we go now?"

Amy laughing said, "I don't know; this is my first time in this building. There must be more floors; let's go find the stairs."

As we walked further into the room, we passed two naked young women making out on one of the couches.

Amanda turned to Amy and smiled. Then she turned to Keith and, with a big smile on her face, said, "We aren't in Kansas anymore, are we?"

Keith smiled but never took his eyes of the two naked young ladies making out. I watched as he adjusted the crotch of his pants and chuckled to myself.

The four of us continued until we found the elevator. We got in, and Amy pushed the number 2.

Amanda said, "No, let's go to 3 and work our way down."

"Ok, sounds good to me; who knows what we will find up there," Amy said.

The door opened and got greeted to the dungeon room, an entire caged room covered with swings and medieval-looking toys—one wall covered with whips, chains, and all kinds of restraining devices.

Amy said, "here you go, Amanda, this room looks like your dream come true."

"Oh gosh, I didn't think this kind of stuff really happened," Amanda said. She was bright red now, not sure from embarrassment or being horny.

Amanda was holding Amy's hand now, more for moral support than anything else. It seems her excitement from earlier was fading, and she wasn't sure what she had gotten us into.

At the far end of the room was a cage. There were three people in the cell, two women and one man. The man was naked and tied to a swing of sorts, except he was standing straight up. The women were also nude; each was wearing a mask and holding a leather whip. The two women were making out in front of the man, and every time he moaned or his cock twitched, one of the women would slap his rather massive erection with their whip.

I looked at Amanda, and her eyes were as big as saucers.

"Look like fun, Amanda?" I asked.

She looked at me and was speechless.

Amy said softly to Amanda, but loud enough for me to hear, "what a waste of a nice big cock, eh?"

Amanda just gave Amy a nervous smile.

"Come on, let's keep looking around," I said.

As we moved further into the room, I noticed Amanda was walking on very wobbly legs and had gotten very quiet. Not sure if it was from the realization that she was in over her head or if her pussy needed a release.

At the back of the dungeon room, we found a hallway that led to several different rooms. In the first room we came to, mattresses covered the entire floor. There were 12 or so naked people in the room in various stages of having sex. Some of the women were with each other while some had one or more men in her multiple holes.

I looked at Amanda, and she was white as a ghost. Amy was holding her hand and pulled her away from the door.

"Come on, sweetie, let's keep going. That room looks full," Amy said.

Keith said, "Honey, do you want to leave? This is all a little bit more than we have ever talked about."

Mumbling, Amanda said, "No, I want to see it all. I am a big girl; I can handle it."

Amy said, "Well, I don't know about you, but I am soaking my panties with every step. From the shape of the boy's pants, it looks like they are enjoying the sights just as much."

That seemed to snap Amanda out of the trance she was in, and she laughed out, "mine are soaked though too. It feels like pee'd in my pants. I am so wet."

The next room we came to was empty. It was a small room with an oversized couch against the back wall and nothing else.

"Well, that room was a disappointment," Amanda said. That caused us all to laugh.

At the end of the hall was the stairway down to the second floor.

We continued down to the second floor and found ourselves in another hallway—more doorways off each side to explore.

The first door we peaked into led to a large room. There were stalls along the far wall with raised beds. One booth had two women and one man in it. One of the women was up on the raised bed on all fours while the other woman rammed her pussy with the biggest dildo I have ever seen.

All four of us said at almost the same time, "Oh my God."

My wife, who truly enjoys a big cock in her now and then, said without thinking, "I have had big cocks before, but that is vagina wrecker."

Amanda feeling more confident now didn't let that comment go unquestioned.

"Oh, exactly how big of a cock have you had and when?" Amanda asked.

It was now Amy's turn to blush and stumble over her words.

"Oh, let's check out the next door," I said in an attempt to get my wife off the hook.

The next-door opened to another large room. There was a pathway around two sides of the room that had enough light so you could see where you were going. The rest of the room was very dark. There was a very sheer see-through curtain separating the dark area from the pathway.

Amanda, in a whisper, turned to me and said, "what is this room?"

She was standing right next to me now, and when she turned to ask me that question, she ran her hand over my semi-hard cock. She whispered, oh, sorry, which led me to believe it wasn't by accident and unintentional.

In a whisper, I said, "this is a groping room. You can go in there and get felt up by someone, and you can feel up someone. It is dark, so you can't tell who it is or if it is a woman or a man."

"Wow, that sounds kind of fun. Come on, Amy, let's go in," Amanda said, now full of excitement.

"NO way. I'm not going in there," Amy said.

"Seriously? Why not? Amanda asked.

"I don't know who is in there. I don't want some stranger touching me," Amy said

"Seriously? After last weekend at the book store? Now you draw the line?" Amanda said, and she instantly knew she had let the cat out of the bag.

Amy was grinning from ear to ear now, knowing she was off the hot seat, and Amanda was the one on the hot seat.

Even with the dim lighting in the pathway around the groping both, I could see that Amanda was bright red.

I looked at Keith, so preoccupied with two topless women walking into the groping booth that he missed Amanda's comment about the book store.

Amy shifting the subject, said, "Now if I knew everybody in there, I would have no problem stripping my top off and having some fun, but not a bunch of strangers."

Amanda said, "well, I want to see what it is all about; come on, Keith, let's go give it a try."

Keith didn't have to be asked twice; he walked straight into the groping booth, leaving Amy, Amanda, and myself standing in the corner.

"Well, it seems Keith doesn't have an issue with strangers," Amy said with a smile.

Amanda laughed and said, "this should be fun; wonder if I can find him in there?"

Off she went leaving Amy and me standing in the corner.

Amy looked at me and kissed me, then said, "Go on, I know you have always wanted to see what that room is all about."

"Are you sure? I hate to leave you out here all by yourself," I said.

"Yes, go on, but first," Amy said, and she grabbed my pants by the waist and unzipped my pants. Reaching into my fly, she pulled my cock through my underpants and left it outside my shorts and just inside my open zipper.

Then she smacked me on the ass and said, "Go have fun but don't take too long, it is getting late, and we have work tomorrow.