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He thought about her, and he could almost feel her by his side. He knew what he had to do.

"Please... please tell Mr. Kirov... I'm deeply moved by his kind and generous offer. I'm grateful for his giving mom a place to practice her art for so many years. Even during her bad times." He sucked in a deep breath and got control of himself once more. "Please tell him a new opportunity has opened for me, and I must take it, but I thank him."

The brute of a man just nodded to him and left without another word.

Alone at last, Raph turned off the overhead light, pushed his face against the pillow, and released his tight control over his tears. He was asleep before they stopped.

Chapter 21

"Is it okay?" Sam asked, trembling half from nerves and half from excitement. Raphael, gorgeous, sexy as hell Raphael, was standing in her father's main floor office, which she and her mom had converted to a bedroom for him. He was looking around at the queen size bed against the inner wall, and the large desk tucked back against the windows overlooking the backyard.

Sam had suggested they just put Raphael in the guest room between their bedrooms, but her mom said definitely not. So, they moved the desk from its dominant position facing the door to its new home against the windows and removed the two big chairs that had faced the desk. The bed from the guest room came downstairs, and the chairs went upstairs. Then they carried the dresser and the end tables down as well. By that time, it was midnight, and they were exhausted. They went to bed and got up early to finish decorating the room. While the room didn't have curtains on the windows, it did have Florida shutters so he could have privacy.

Raphael was still silently taking it all in. Her mom made a noise, and he glanced at her. "Sorry. It's beautiful! It's just... so different from what I'm used to."

Her mom's smile was replaced by a worried look. "If there is anything you don't like, we can change—"

"No! I mean, it's perfect," he said, turning to face them.

Sam tingled like mad as she took in how handsome he looked in the white dress shirt and black jeans. The black cane he was leaning on didn't diminish how powerful he looked in any way.

"There's a private three-piece bathroom through that door," Sam said, pointing to the door in the far corner, on the other side of the bed. "We'll need to do a little shopping today to pick up the shampoo and soap you prefer to use."

"Clothes," Raphael blurted and gave them a brief smile. He seemed uncomfortable.

"Yes, we'll take you over to the mall next," her mom offered with a gentle smile. "How's your leg? Are you up for a little walking?" He nodded.

Sam was so looking forward to taking him to the mall. She was ready to show the world that Raphael was hers, and she didn't give a damn about what anyone else thought.

"Okay, just give me a few minutes, and I'll be back to drive us to the mall."

Then Sam and Raphael were alone. She wasted no time walking up to him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so glad you decided to come to stay with us! This is going to be so good!"

She felt him wobbling a little and looked up at him in concern. Then his mouth was on hers, and her tingles exploded into fireworks. She clung to his hard body tighter and kissed him back. The kiss went on and on...


Raphael pulled back abruptly, leaving Sam dazed. "I'm sorry! I—maybe my being here is a bad idea," he said hoarsely.

"NO!" Sam yelped and squeezed him tighter.

"Sam! Let him breathe!" her mom scolded.

She released him and stood back, looking at him nervously as she bit her lip. She saw his eyes lock onto her mouth, and a tremble ran through both of their bodies in reaction.

"Listen, I get it. You two just discovered you're both attracted to each other, and there's a lot of... lust in the air. But you're both young, and you also have to complete your final year in high school. I'm not going to ask for you to abstain, but I do expect you two to show some restraint. Never while I'm in the house, please! Sam, are you taking your birth control pills?"

"Mom!" Sam gasped as she stared back at her mother in embarrassment, but the woman was fixing a steely parent eye on her. "Yes, I take them," she mumbled.

"We'll pick up some condoms today to be extra safe. Remember, you both have plotted out plans for your lives. Becoming a parent in your teens isn't part of those plans," the mother reminded them.

Sam rushed forward and hugged her mom. "I love you, mom!"

"I love you too, baby."

They looked back and saw the sad smile on Raphael's face.

"I think Dotty would've liked you both very much," he said quietly.

Sam and her mom went to Raphael to hug him as well. Afterward, Sam noticed Raphael's face was red... as was her mom's.

"Condoms. Remember to get them, Sam," she said quietly as she left the room. Sam's eyes widened as she realized what her mom had felt pressed against her.

"Let's go," Sam said to Raphael, who tucked his backpack into a drawer then followed her outside.

Sam locked up the house and got in the car's back seat behind her mom as Raphael squeezed his large frame into the passenger seat up front.

It didn't take too long to reach the mall, but the lot was pretty full, and they were only able to get a spot out by the far edge. Raphael insisted he could walk and didn't need to be dropped off at the door. Sam kept a close eye on him as they made their way across the lot and exchanged a look with her mother as they stepped into the cooler air of the mall. They checked out the store directory, and Sam saw a customer service desk not too far down the first corridor.

"Let's go to the right," she suggested.

Raphael nodded absentmindedly, and they were off. She noticed he leaned a little more heavily on his cane and knew she wouldn't have too much trouble with him when she asked for the wheelchair at the service desk.

Sam felt his muscles stiffen, and his pace slowed, so she looked forward and spotted Gerry walking towards them with a tall, slim blonde woman at his side holding his hand. She was bending slightly to whisper something in Gerry's ear, and he was nodding.

They stopped as Gerry came forward to face Raphael. Sam was relieved to see he didn't have his usual belligerent look on his face. He actually looked a little nervous. She glanced at Raphael's stony expression as he fixed his eyes on the man before him.

"Mrs. Harris, Sam, I'm sorry for your loss." Gerry began.

"Thank you, Mr. Jackson," Suzanne replied with a small smile.

He turned his eyes to the big man between the two blondes. "Raphael, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am about how poorly I've been treating you. I was a real dick to be following Victor's lead. I'm through with him. I'm not going to ask for your forgiveness as I know I don't deserve it, but I wanted you to know I'm sorry. I-I'm also really sorry to hear about your mom. That's just awful." Raphael gave him a stiff nod.

Gerry looked at Sam again. "I also want to apologize to you for being so creepy."

Sam snorted and tried to hide her grin behind her hand.

Gerry smiled, too, but he continued. "Naw, it's true. I had a thing for you when you were with Victor, and it wasn't cool how I behaved. I'm truly sorry."

"Thank you, Gerry. I forgive you. You seem more relaxed now. Happy!" Sam gushed.

Gerry blushed and looked back at the slim blonde. "It's true love. I'd like you all to meet Madeline."

They reached out to shake hands, and the woman surprised Sam and Raphael by leaning in with a double cheek kiss. Sam's mom took it in stride. Sam's jaw suddenly dropped as Madeline's voice sank in. It was her!

Gerry caught her expression and smiled in embarrassment. "Yeah, we were the ones in the vid with Victor. He got what he deserved."

"What video?" Raphael asked, and Gerry's eyes widened with surprise. Sam looked at him too.

Madeline grinned at them. "It is difficult to find now, yes? It has been removed from many sites, but if you hunt, you can find it," Madeline said with her delightful accent. She wasn't in the least bit embarrassed by it.

"I was very impressed with your choice of words when you were punishing Victor," Suzanne said with a smile. Then she spoke French to Madeline, and the slim woman's face lit up. They traded a few sentences between them then burst into laughter as the others looked on in puzzlement.

"It was lovely to meet you and all the best in your future!" the mother said to the couple.

Madeline took Gerry's arm, and they headed off.

Sam's group got maybe five more feet when she suddenly stopped. "Madeline! Maddy! Oh my god! She's Mad Maddy!"

Her mom looked at her with a frown. "Sam! That's a rude nickname!"

Sam nodded as she looked back but couldn't see them anymore. "Sorry. Victor told me about her. She's Gerry's cousin. First cousin!"

"Oh? Oh!" the mother gasped and looked back as well.

Sam looked to Raphael, who held her eyes with his. He was watching her calmly, waiting to see what she would do. She suddenly realized how judgemental she was being. The couple was obviously in love. Who was she to deny that? She gave him a slight smile, and his returning one filled her with joy. She felt silly at just how good his smile made her feel.

They moved on, and Raphael was starting to show signs of fatigue. They stopped by the customer services desk. "I need to use the washroom," he said, and they nodded to him as he set off to the right.

Sam watched her mom arrange for a wheelchair, then her mother stepped closer. "There's a drug store up ahead where we can pick up the shampoo, soap, and condoms." She smiled tenderly at her daughter. "It's funny; I didn't worry about you and Victor having sex. I'm not sure why but I just got the impression that he wasn't the one. Maybe it was wishful thinking at the time. I didn't want to think of my baby growing up and becoming a woman."

Sam leaned in and hugged her mom. She thought about it and realized she'd been holding off with Victor for probably that very reason. He wasn't the one. He'd been a dreamy kisser, and he got her hot but not enough to want to go all the way with him. Victor had always held himself back from her. He hadn't invested completely in their relationship, so she'd reciprocated by not offering more than she was willing to give.

Raphael held nothing back. There was no hidden agenda or ulterior motives with him. He wanted Sam, and she could tell he was fully committed. He wanted her body and her mind as well. Victor was threatened by Sam's intelligence. Raphael hungered for it. He needed her, and fuck, that was sexy!

"Victor wasn't. Raphael is," she said, quietly looking into her mother's eyes and saw acceptance there.

They heard a noise of protest die on Raphael's lips as he returned to see the wheelchair. They smiled at him, and he sighed. He eased himself into the chair and put his feet up onto the footrests. Sam dipped down and kissed him for not fighting them on this. He watched her mouth hungrily as she pulled back, and she smiled at him, feeling those tingles return to her body. Her mom got behind the chair and pushed as Sam walked next to him.

They picked up the required items at the drug store, including a full toiletry kit for Raphael. One of the nurses had shaved him this morning in the hospital, much to his surprise. Now that he had his own supplies, he'd do it himself tomorrow before school.

As they continued along, Suzanne stopped beside a kiosk from a wireless phone provider. She moved to stand before Raphael. "I'd like to add you to our cell plan and get you a cell phone so that I can reach you in cases of emergency, or you can call me if you need a lift because your leg is bothering you. May I do that?"

Sam remembered what the sheriff said to her mom. They had to let Raphael agree to changes they wanted to make in his life. She watched his face. His expression seemed to indicate he was torn between accepting the logic of it and rejecting the change.

"It's a very practical idea. It makes a lot of sense, and having one has been a big help for me," Sam said casually. His eyes turned to her, and she saw he was a little lost. "Please. It would let me reach you faster at school as well." That seemed to sell it for Raphael. He turned his face to Suzanne and nodded.

"Nothing fancy or expensive. I've never had one. I don't need anything more than a basic phone," he insisted.

"My plan has set phones for the package deal, so it will be a basic touch screen smartphone," Suzanne explained. He watched her eyes, but she held his gaze calmly, so he nodded.

She gestured to the phones on display. "It comes in several colors. Black, red, gold—"

"Black. Please," he said, fidgeting on the chair.

Fifteen minutes later, he was holding the device in his hand, staring at it blankly. It made a bing noise, and he looked at it in surprise.

Sam smiled at him. "I just sent you a text," she said, wiggling her phone between her fingers.

He shook his head, so she showed him which icon to touch to open the chat app. He read the note and smiled at her. "Thank you."

"You could send me a text saying that," she suggested.

He frowned. "But you're right here. It's quicker just to tell you."

"He has a very good point," Suzanne snorted in amusement.

Sam rolled her eyes at her mom then looked at Raphael's puzzled face. "I'll teach you how to use the apps later."

"Clothes," he said.

They moved on, and Raphael used the money the sheriff collected from his staff to buy underwear, socks, and a few shirts. He dipped into the surprise money he found in Emily's envelope this morning to get three more pairs of jeans and a new pair of black work boots. He'd deposit the rest into his account on Monday.

"I'm done," he said, so they headed back to the exit.

After they dropped off the wheelchair, Suzanne looked at the others. "I need to pick up some groceries, so we'll do that on the way home. Do you have any food allergies, Raphael?"


"Anything you don't like?" He shook his head, so she smiled at him. "Easy to please."

"I wouldn't go that far," he said with a small smile of his own.

Sam smiled as she saw he was becoming more relaxed with them.

When they got outside, Suzanne insisted on fetching the car and made them wait on the curb. She took the shopping bags with her.

Sam wrapped her arms around Raphael and pressed herself against his body, sighing at how good that felt. She felt him tentatively rubbing his face against the top of her head, and she smiled. She tilted her face up, and he kissed her tenderly.

"Gross! It's the whore and the Spic!"

Raphael slowly pulled back from the kiss, and they faced the speaker. Sam saw it was Stephie, and she was clinging to Raymon Stenson's arm, whose face was still bruised and swollen from the fight. While Stephie was the one who spoke, Sam saw Raphael lock eyes with Raymon. He took a step towards him.

"Shut the FUCK UP, bitch!" Raymon barked nervously, yanking his arm away from the surprised woman to stomp off towards the mall entrance. Stephie gasped and watched him walking away with wide, frightened eyes. She looked back at Raphael, who glared at her next.

"If you don't control that poison tongue of yours, you might find someone controlling it for you." Raphael's voice was deep and quiet, hinting at the danger lurking behind his eyes. Stephie's bottom lip began to tremble as she stood frozen. Raphael jerked his head towards the mall entrance, and she rushed away.

Sighing, he turned back to Sam as the car drove up next to the curb.

Sam was tingling like mad. She moved close to his chest and looked up at him. "You make me so hot!"

He grinned at her. "Too bad we're getting groceries then."

She grinned as well and bit her lip, causing him to widen his eyes. "Should be fun!" she whispered.

Her mom quashed the flirting with a few stern looks as they shopped for groceries, and they settled down.

When they got home, Raphael took a nap as they began preparing dinner.

Her mom stopped in front of Sam and took her hands. "I believe it would be in Raphael's and your best interests if you both tried to take it a little slower. I'm not forbidding you from anything, but you'll both benefit from a slower pace. Again, I do ask that you don't do anything while I'm in the house."

"I'm sorry, mom! I get it. We can slow it down," Sam apologized.

She was going to try, at least.


Raph couldn't get over how delicious the roast beef and vegetables had been for dinner. Thankfully they sat at the informal kitchen table by the bay window overlooking the back yard.

He'd slept so soundly on his new bed. There was no pit in the center of the mattress to get trapped in, and the pillows were so soft. If Sam hadn't woken him up for dinner, he might've slept straight through to morning.

After the lovely dinner, they cleaned up and went to the family room to sit on the big couch to watch an even bigger TV. He snorted at first at the sheer scale of the TV floating against the wall, seemingly wireless and weightless. The crystal-sharp picture and truer-than-life colors seemed almost comical in their exaggeration. The stark contrast between this experience and the last time he recalled sitting with Dotty watching their shitty little set with its three fuzzy channels suddenly overwhelmed him. A directionless frustration surged up, and tears began to fall as his emotions spiraled out of control. Suzanne touched his arm and handed him a tissue with a sad look on her pretty features. Sam cuddled in against his side. With their compassion to anchor him, he was able to gradually regain control.

As they sat there watching some home renovation show, Suzanne mentioned quietly that she would look for a smaller home much like the one on the show when he and Sam left for college. As he and Suzanne talked about this, he began to absentmindedly massage Sam's scalp like he used to do with his mother. When he realized what he was doing, he looked down, and she was gently snoring as she rested her face against his chest. He looked over to Suzanne, and she was smiling broadly.

"Sam has always been a sucker for a good scalp massage," the mother said with love in her voice.

Raph looked away as he felt a surge of loss and loneliness as he recalled his own mother's voice as she spoke to him that way.

"Are you all set for tonight? Do you need anything?"

Raph thought about that, and his face fell.

"What is it?" she asked.

Raph looked embarrassed. "I forgot to get shorts to sleep in... and I forgot to get an alarm clock."

Suzanne thought about that. "I doubt you'd fit any of Malcolm's shorts. I think he has a pair of track pants you could cut into shorts, though." She saw his expression closing up. "It's just going to go into a donation bin. All of his clothes are. Something good will come of this."

Raph thought about that and nodded. "Okay, thanks."

Suzanne pointed to Raph's pocket. "Your cell phone has a clock app with a built-in alarm clock."

He raised his eyebrows at her, so she held out her hand. He fished his phone from his pocket gently to not disturb Sam and handed it over to Suzanne.

"Lock code?" she asked, looking at the lock then glancing over at him.

"Sorry, it's DOTTY," he admitted.

She smiled and tapped it in. She pointed to the clock app and tapped it. Then she pointed to the alarm setting and tapped it. "What time do you want to wake up?"

He thought about that. "I don't know how long it takes to get to the school by bus from here." He paused. "Is there a bus that comes up this hill?"

She smiled and shook her head. "There is a bus stop at the bottom of the hill, but it's a long walk. I'll give you and Sam a drive to school tomorrow, but you two will need to make arrangements about getting home on your own. I'll set it for seven." Her eyes went to Sam, and her expression showed she was thinking of them being alone together in the house.