Nikki's Education Ch. 04

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Nikki is mentored by Alison and they become BFF's.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/06/2022
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It was Friday, and it had been 5 days since my weekend with Hank. I was sitting in the cafeteria at lunch with my friends, puzzled why I had not heard from him. I had worked hard all week in my classes, extra effort in drill practice, and even in Sex Ed class I went out of my way to show Alison and Juan I was eager to learn. Still no word about if I was going back to Hank's this weekend.

"Ouch," I groaned, " why did you elbow me?"

"You haven't said a word since we sat down, Amy asked you a question and you just ignored her, what's up with you today?" ask Debra.

"Yeah," said Tammy, "and this week you have been all smiles during drills with Charles, going out of your way to please him"

"I know," Amy joined in, "and in classes all week, especially during Sex Ed class you have gone all out showing Alison and Juan how much you have learned, and how interested you are in the topics we are discussing," as she giggled.

And your question is," I said a little harshly?

"Sorry, I just asked if you were going back to Hank's again today. You don't have to bite my head off," she frowned.

In a calmer voice, "How would I know, I just do what I'm told, like all of you do."

Debra leaned in close to Amy and Tammy, grinning and whispering, "Since she lost her V-card, I think she's horny for more dick," and all three of them giggled.

My face turned bright red, and I mumbled, "Well the sex was great, like I told you, I never knew it could be so good. I don't regret it, but I also enjoyed taking pictures with the digital camera he had."

Debra giggled, "Yeah, did you get any good pics of you fucking."

"NO! God that's gross! I took pictures outside his house, it's isolated, wooded and there is lots of wildlife around," I responded. "I used to love taking pictures, and he had a really nice camera with a telephoto lens and got some really good pictures with it."

"Then where are the pictures," asked Amy?

"They are on his computer, we didn't print out any of them, he said maybe later he would print some, and let me have them. What's with all the questions?"

"You just seem really different," Debra said.

"Well I've made up my mind I intend to buckle down and get my diploma, and see if there is a way to get some classes on photography. Like we have all said before, we're stuck here, why not make the best of it.... even if it involves sex. Now, does that answer all your questions?"

"For now," Debra "but there is something you're not telling us," as she picked her tray and walked away. Amy and Tammy followed her, leaving me at the table alone.

As I stirred my food around on my plate, I was remembering last Sunday with Hank. We went swimming and had sex in the pool, when we got out we didn't bother dressing, we just put robes on, and went inside for lunch. The afternoon was spent in his bedroom, which was eye opening! His bed was enormous, much larger than a king size, with a mirrored ceiling above it. The headboard had horizontal slants and the post had cuffs attached at each four corners. The walls were painted blue, and all the furniture was dark wood. The bed linens were light gray with several odd shaped blue and black pillows scattered on the bed.

When I reached out and felt one of the cuffs on the headboard, he came up behind me and pulled my robe off. "Not today, I'll show you how those are used another time," he cupped my breast and nibbled on my neck.

I remember him sliding one hand down and cupping my pussy, as his erect cock moved up and down the crack of my ass. When his finger entered me I moaned loudly, and humped his finger, "Don't cum without my permission," he growled, "or I'll spank your ass till you can't sit for a week."

He played my body like a fiddle, he would bring me to the edge, then back off, me begging him to let me cum. Then he lifted me on the bed onto my back, and pried my legs apart and used his tongue on my wet folds and clit to torment me, it seemed like forever.

My body was on fire, as I writhed and begged for him to fuck me. "Please.... please... fuck me and let me cum!"

He just chuckled and moved up and started tormenting my nipples, biting, licking, sucking, as his cock was pressed against my heated core. I was squirming trying to get his cock inside me as he captured my hands in one of his and held them above my head.

Moving his mouth to my neck, he used his free hand to continue tormenting my nipples, as he whispered in my ear, "How bad do you want to cum Nikki, are you going to be a good girl?"

"Yes,... please.... I need to cum... so bad.... anyth...."

"Oh Shit!" I scream as he rammed inside me balls deep with one hard thrust, taking my breath away.

"Cum for me Nikki, cum all you want," he groaned. Then he started pounding me into the mattress.

"YES, YES" I screamed, locking my legs around him, my vagina clenching down on his throbbing shaft.

He didn't let up, if anything he pumped harder and faster, as I tried to meet his thrust, then another orgasm rolled through my body, then another orgasm, like it was one continuous explosion rocking my body.

Grrrrr....." he growled loudly as he stiffened, shook, and pumped several loads of sperm deep in my womb. We both were sweating and breathing hard, as he collapsed on top of me.

Rolling off of me, "God, Nikki, I don't believe I've seen anyone have as many multiple orgasms as you," he chuckled softly as he pulled me to him.

We cuddled in bed for a while, and when I reached down to touch his shaft, he pulled my hand away. Chuckling he said, "I think you've had enough sex for the weekend. You need to go to your room and shower and get ready for Alison to pick you up."

"But it's not even 5 o'clock yet," I pouted.

He laughed, "For someone that was a virgin, you have taken to sex, like a duck to water! I promise you're going to have plenty of sex in the future," as he chuckled loudly and swatted my ass, "now get a move on, and I will go prepare our dinner."

"Can I use your shower?"

"No," he grinned, " I'm going to use my shower, and if you were in there with me you would be a distraction. Now obey me and go, before I give your ass a real spanking."

As I walked out his bedroom door, he reminded me to dress in my gray outfit, and put my red collar back on.

Lost in thought, of the highs and lows of the weekend with Hank, I continued to slowly move my food around on my plate. I didn't hear or notice Max had walked up behind me.

"Get a move on Nikki!" Max shouted. Making me nearly jump out of my skin. "What are you looking so sad about? he asked"

"Nothing," I mumbled, "Just... tired," as I got up and left the cafeteria.

I met my friends as I walked toward the dorm. "Well here comes ole grumpy," laughed Debra, "come on slow poke we're going to be late for your favorite class."

Making Amy and Tammy giggle.

"Hey Guys, I'm sorry, guess I'm just tired. Forgive me?"

"Nothing to forgive," smiled Debra, "maybe your just more horny than us, after we all got fucked good this past weekend. I wouldn't mind going another round with Ray, just wish he was a little thicker... but damn he has a long dick," she laughed.

"Yeah" said Amy, "I found out why Tammy was so elated after Charles rang her bell. He certainly hit all my hot buttons, certainly better than all those high school boys."

"What can I say," blushed Tammy, "Charles was the first male to give an orgasm.... but after Jason.... I guess I'm bi sexual after all."

That brought us all to a halt, all of us staring at Tammy. "So, your admitting you have had sex with girls before," said a surprised Debra, "but you said a bunch of bully girls forced you to lick their cunts!"

Blushing really bad, her face beet red, Tammy looking down like she was ashamed to look at us, stammered, "I didn't.... lie... I just didn't tell you the whole story."

I reached over and hugged her, "There's nothing to be embarrassed about or ashamed of, you can tell us anything, we are all friends here," as I hugged her and rubbed her back.

Amy and Debra joined in around Tammy and we gave her a big group hug.

With tears in her eyes, "Sorry, it's just that some people act like you're a freak if you are a lesbian. And... you guys were so nice to me.... I didn't want to lose your friendship."

As we let go of her Amy grabbed her by the shoulders and looked her right in the eye, "Listen to me Tammy, you will always be our friend no matter what. We don't care if your lesbian, bi-sexual or whatever. Now by damn, you hold your head up proudly and just be you. Do you understand?"

"Her and Nikki are right Tammy," said Debra, "we all have each other's backs no matter what."

"Thanks guys, I feel better now that I got that off my chest,"sniffled Tammy wiping her eyes.

"And what a nice chest it is, "laughed Debra in a silly voice and cupped Tammy's tits.

That made us bust out laughing our asses off!

We walked in Sex Ed class all with our heads held high, if anyone was watching, they would say we strutted in like we owned the place.

Alison was sorting through papers on her desk, and immediately looked up and said, "Everyone quiet down and take your seats."

"We discussed in previous classes, male and female anatomy, today we will talk about different lifestyles. Society is mostly heterosexual, and for years if you did not fit this mold you were ostracized, or worse jailed, and in some parts of the world killed. We are going to concentrate on what is happening in the USA. Times are changing, homosexuals and bisexuals are becoming more accepted and even laws now protect people from being punished or discriminated against."

"Lets start with homosexuality," she continued. "since all of you are female inmates, we will discuss Lesbianism. Be truthful now, and if any of are lesbians or bisexual, please raise your hands."

Tammy looked at us and grinned, then proudly raised her hand. Then another hand in the back of the room went up. The girl named Julia, I had given the catfish to, raised her hand, then slowly lowered it, and blushed and hung her head.

Alison had seen her, but didn't call her out, she just smiled and continued, "Good, thanks for the show of hands, just so you know I'm bi-sexual and proud of it. Estimates show that about 6 percent of females describe themselves as lesbian or bi-sexual, but there are probably many more that are ashamed to admit it out of fear.

I'm here to tell you, don't let fear stop you from being who you are."

"Now, I am going to show you a film recently made, and you're going to be surprised, at some of the people who have recently come out as lesbians, you probably are familiar some of them. I know you're all familiar with Ellen DeGeneres. These are new ones that have proudly admitted their sexual preference. Let's watch."

The film ran for about 30 minutes, and several were females that were known to us from movies they had been in, 3 were politicians, and 1 was a Governor. Six were females we never heard of, but were leaders in their local communities.

"The point is, homosexuality is becoming more accepted every day. I'm not saying go out and flaunt it, and piss some very conservative people off, just be proud of who you are, and admit it if you are ever asked. Stand up for yourself, be a leader."

"I have a message here, that says all Drill practices have been canceled this afternoon. As you leave pick up a copy of 'Lesbian Leaders in the USA' off the back table. Also, I need Nikki, Debra, Amy, Tammy and Julia to stay after class for a few minutes. Class dismissed, have a good weekend."

When the classroom emptied, Julia shyly approached and stood next to me, as we waited for Alison as she closed the door after the last girl left.

"Julia, let me start with you," Alison said as she flipped through her iPad, "I see here you're doing very well in all your classes, but no where does it mention Lesbian tendencies. When I asked in class your hand went slowly up, then you lowered it. Why?"

"You asked us to be honest, and.... I have only had sex with one girl..... but I've always had strong feelings about females, not so much about boys. I think that makes me a lesbian, right?"

"It says here," Alison pointed to her iPad, "you were sexually active with boys, as a matter of fact, numerous times. If you didn't enjoy it, why did you continue with several different young men?"

"I was a cheerleader and popular, and the other cheerleaders were sexually active, so... I went along to get along... and hide my true feelings. If everyone knew how I really felt.... I would surely have lost my spot on the cheer squad. I loved being a cheerleader..... I didn't want to give that up."

"There is no mention in my report you ever had a relationship with another female. Tell me how that came about?"

"Our Coach, had me come to her office one day after practice, while the other girls went to the locker room to shower. She told me that she had noticed I was leering at the other girls often, and came out an asked me if I a lesbian. When I didn't answer, she walked up to me and kissed me. At first I was startled, but then found myself responding, we ended up naked on her couch and spent the next hour making love to each other. She made me cum several times, then showed me how to touch her."

"And that was the only time." Alison asked."

"Yes, when we finished, she told me that could never happen again, she couldn't take the risk of us being caught and her losing her job or marriage. She was really nice about it, she told me not to be like her and hide my feelings like she did when she was young. I kept our secret, but never had the courage to approach other girls."

"Do you have the courage now, to let others know." asked Alison?

"Yes Ma'am, I think so," responded Julia.

"Good, but understand, you will be having sex with men in the future not just women... if you want to earn a red collar like these four," pointing to us.

"Yes ma'am," beamed Julia, "I'll do anything you say."

"As for you four," talking to us, "when you received your collars you were told you would have to earn the right to keep them. That time is now. Commit to have sex with both men and women, or turn your collars in and go back to your original status."

Each of us gasp, we had not been expecting to be so bluntly told in this manner. But I knew I was fully committed and I responded, "Yes Ma'am."

Tammy looked at me and grinned and responded the same way. That left Amy and Debra. Amy was fidgeting and glanced at Tammy smiling at her, then responded "Yes Ma'am."

Debra finally stuttered, "Can I think about it.... and let you know later?"

"I need an answer before I pack my briefcase and walk out the door. That means you have about 5 minutes," as she went to her desk and started loading her briefcase.

Amy, Tammy and I gathered around Debra encouraging her to say yes, and reminded her that we all had each other's backs. Finally, but not eagerly she told Alison that she agreed.

"I promise all of you, you will not be disappointed. Julia I'll have your collar to you later this evening, in the mean time here is a red coin you can use until I get your collar. Since you don't have drills, I suggest you all take Julia to the Recreation Center and celebrate your decisions. I'll be in touch this evening," as she turned and walked out the door.

Julia was ecstatic when entered the Recreation Center, and drugged me over to shoot pool, while Amy, Tammy and Debra went to the snack bar.

"Gosh Nikki," Julia gushed with excitement, "I never thought I would have a chance this soon." Giggling she continued, "Now you won't have to sneak me catfish, when it's served."

"I'm happy for you, but just make sure you're prepared to go through whatever is asked of you. Failing is not an option. Me, I worry about failing trying to have sex with another female. But I will try because, I am determined not to fail."

"Nikki, I know we are different, and I've only been with one female, but I was able to have sex with several guys, which I didn't really enjoy, but I was able to please them. You can surely have sex with a female and give them pleasure, even if it's not your thing. Just remember what makes you happy, and do that to them when the time comes."

When we got with the others, Amy and Tammy seemed to have gotten Debra in a good mood, they were playing Skeet Ball. Debra ended up going off with Tammy and Julia, and Amy and I had a chance to talk.

"I think she's coming around and accepting the idea of making out with a female. I wonder if it would be easier for her with Tammy, since they know each other. What do you think," asked Amy.

"I don't know, maybe, how about you, you have never been with a female have you,"

I asked.

"I don't think I want my first time with my roommate, that would be kind of weird, but maybe with someone like Julia, she seems nice," she mumbled.

"Well I guess we will find out soon enough, though we might not have an option of who we matched with." I grinned trying not to make much of it.

We finished up at the Rec center, then went to dinner, of course it being Julia's first time picking out her own food, she was as happy as a dog with a bone. Sadly, today was not fried catfish day, but didn't deter her enthusiasm going through the line. We all laughed watching her pile food on her tray. I liked her, and my friends did also.

On the way back to the dorm, Amy, Tammy and Julia walked ahead of us, and Debra hung back with me. I could tell she was nervous and dying to talk.

Linking arms with her, "You know I got your back, right?"

"I know," she said, "I just have no desire to go girl on girl. I have no problem with Tammy or Julia being gay, that's something they choose. But being made to do that, well.... it just pisses me off."

Trying to lighten the mood, I teased her, "Well," giggling, "you certainly groped Tammy's big tits."

"Asshole," she grinned, "I was trying to make her feel good, and let her know I didn't care if she was gay."

"Well, I have never had a girl on girl experience, and it makes me nervous, but I figure I can force myself to get through it. It's not like it's going to turn me into a lesbian. Let's just take it a day at a time and be there for each other. Okay?"

"I guess," she mumbled, "but how does Amy feel about it?"

"We really haven't had a chance to talk much, but she thinks she can get through it, but she doesn't want anything to change the friendship she has with Tammy. She said it would be too weird having to..... you know."

"Yeah, I can see that. She really likes Tammy as a friend and it would be weird for her, if she's not into it."

"Whatever happens" as I squeezed her hand, "we are in this together."

Finally smiling at me, "Agreed roomie."

Around 8 o'clock Max sent word for us to come to his office, when we entered Alison was seated behind his desk, but Max was not present.

"Come in and take a seat girls, Max is letting me use his office. I hope you all had a good time at the Rec center, but let's get down to business. First let me give Julia her collar," as she reached in her large shoulder bag and pulled it out.

"Yes, that fits perfect," she placed the collar around Julia's slender neck, then hugged her, "welcome to the group."

"OH my gosh, thanks," Julia squealed hugging Alison.

"Next I need you all to sign some papers, except you Nikki, you have already signed."

Everyone turned and looked at me with puzzled looks, making me slightly blush. Alison noticed and followed up, "Girls, the papers you are going to sign are Non Disclosure Agreements," speaking in a very serious business-like manner.

Debra was staring holes in me as Alison continued, "I have your oral agreements from this afternoon," holding up her phone, "but I need your written agreement going forward."

Debra turned from staring at me to Alison, "What if I don't want to sign?"