Nina's Story Ch. 01


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The next morning Nina got up early and took her time getting ready. She spent two hours on showering, waxing, moisturizing and beautifying an already beautiful body. She looked good and felt great. She felt confident too when she looked in the mirror. This was going to be the start of her career, she just knew it.

At Rick's place it was chaos, well it was organized but just sounded like chaos. There were people scurrying everywhere. Beautiful women standing around being touched up by the makeup artist, bright lights and cameras and in the middle of it all stood Rick. Nina didn't need to be introduced; it was obvious who was in charge.

Nina walked up to him and stood behind him and waited for him to notice her, not wanting to interrupt him while he was barking out orders to everyone around him.

Rick looked like he was a model himself. Tall, bronze and beautiful. Of course he knew it too and knew it gave him power. Nina watched him working, taking note of his body language. The girls being photographed all seemed to be vying for his attention and although he definitely loved being adored, all of the flirting seemed to bore him a little. Perhaps being surrounded by beautiful people all the time lost its appeal after awhile or was there something else that Nina was missing.

Then she noticed a cute young guy come up to Rick with a message. Rick listened attentively to whatever the young guy had to say and then he patted him on the backside as he left, making the guy blush and Rick grin.

Rick's body language was definitely sending out signals then and Nina wasn't the only one to notice. The girls in front of the camera let out a little giggle.

Nina took that moment of distraction to announce her presence.

"Ahem. Hello Rick. I'm Nina. Bert sent me over."

Rick turned and looked at her.

"Ah yes. Welcome Nina," he said with a smile. "Make up!" he yelled, snapping his fingers.

The make up lady came rushing over.

"Go with her Nina and come back and see me when you're ready," he said dismissing her and turning his attention back to taking photos of the models.

In the make-up room Nina met Lisa. She told her of what was expected with the shoot and it made Nina feel a little more at ease having someone to talk to that was experienced in modeling. They had a lot in common and not just because they shared the same agent. Lisa was great fun. Right away Nina felt like they were going to be friends and she really didn't have any friends in L.A. yet. Lisa even invited Nina out for a few drinks after filming.

The photo shoot took about four hours. Photographing ten women took time. So many different poses and getting the lighting right, etc. Nina didn't know how much hard work it really was to smile just right and look just how Rick directed you to look. But eventually he seemed to be happy with the film he had and called it a day. Telling everyone to be back same time tomorrow. As he dismissed everyone, he motioned to one of the models, Sandy to come with him. She smiled and followed.

Nina met up with Lisa back in the changing room and they got back into their street clothes along with the other women.

"So Lisa, how does Rick decide on which of us gets in? I mean he only wants six girls' right?" Nina questioned Lisa.

"Yeah, well funny you should ask that," Lisa said with a giggle, "Follow me and be quiet."

Nina followed Lisa to the next room. There was a door ajar on the far side of the room. They crept up to it and Lisa motioned for Nina to peek through the gap. Nina had to put her own hand over her mouth to prevent a gasp from escaping. For there was Rick sitting naked on a couch with his head tipped back, his eyes closed and a smile on his face. And there was Sandy, also naked kneeling on the floor between Rick's legs. Her beautiful, long blonde hair almost blocking the scene as she pleasured him with her soft sensual mouth.

There were quiet moans of pleasure being made by both of them. Nina stepped backwards from the scene and almost tripped over Lisa. They both had to hold their breath for a few seconds while the made their escape and then once out of ears reach, exhaled and Lisa snickered.

"Oh my God Lisa!" exclaimed Nina in shock.

"Hehe yep. Looks like Sandy is just making sure she gets picked," said Lisa cheekily.

"Oh my. Do you think all of them do that for him? I mean did you? Will you.....I...." Nina was starting to stutter.

"Oh yeah. Sure. I had my turn last night. No way I'm missing out on this gig. It's no big deal Nina. He only ever wants a blow job. He really prefers boys, so you don't have to worry about fucking him or anything", Lisa stated matter-of-factly as if she was talking about the weather.

"But I don't. Oh damn I really need this job Lisa. But I don't think I can do that", Nina looked nervous.

"Lisa, can I tell you something private? It's a secret so please don't tell anyone, especially Rick."

"Sure girlfriend. Just between you and me. Spill." replied Lisa.

"Well. It's just that I've never done that. I don't know how to give a blowjob. Could you teach me? I really have to get this job or I'm gonna miss out on this other job that I want even more. It would mean so much to me. Please?" Nina begged.

Lisa let out a giggle which made Nina blush and then frown as she felt foolish and was about to give up and walk away when Lisa grabbed her hand.

"Of course I will silly. Think of me as your new BFF, so lets hit the town and have few drinkies and then back to my place for a little one on one oral training hehe" she said with a snicker.

Nina had a great time at a club with Lisa. She was so much fun and she made Lisa feel at ease. Of course all the wine they both consumed helped with that too.

After a couple of hours of drinking and dancing, Lisa took Nina back to her apartment.

It was small two bedroom place, a little run down compared to Nina's flash place, but it felt homey and Lisa kept it nice and tidy.

"My flat mate is away visiting her parents for a week. So we have the place to ourselves", Lisa announced as she locked the door behind them. "So this is my place. It's not much I know, but it's all I can afford and its home."

"It's nice," said Nina, lying just a little to be polite.

Lisa smiled and produced a bottle of wine from her fridge.

"Don't you think we have had enough wine tonight?" asked Nina cheekily.

"Nope. But you could always crash the night here if you want. You can have Alice's bed." replied Lisa, a little tipsy already.

Nina smiled and accepted the glass of wine that was offered. She looked around for something resembling a couch to sit on but all she saw were big cushions on the floor and an old purple beanbag that had somehow survived the 80's.

"Come into my room Nina, let's sit on the bed. It's much more comfy than in here." said Lisa as she grabbed Nina's hand and half dragged her into her room.

They sat on the bed and gossiped about the other models and camera crew and then inevitability got on to the subject of Rick.

"So Lisa. Tell me, what's the story with Rick? Is he gay or bi or what? And does he just expect all the models to give him what he wants?" inquired Nina.

"Well he mostly likes guys; well to be specific he likes younger guys. Did you see him eyeing up that assistant today? He was undressing him with his eyes! I guess you could call him bi although I've never heard of any of the models actually having sex with him. He just likes blow jobs. I guess he figures a warm mouth is a warm mouth, don't matter if it belongs to a he or a she, hehe." Lisa replied with a giggle, "And he doesn't so much as expect the girls to put out, but everyone knows that he only puts forward the prints of the girls that do. I guess if you really don't want to then it's up to you. Bert will probably get you something else soon if you miss out."

"Oh no. I have to get this job. So I'm just gonna have to do whatever it takes. It's about time I learnt how to do it anyway. You must think I'm so kind of a prude never having given a guy oral sex before." said Nina blushing a little, "I almost did once, I mean I kissed it and I was about to, but then my father came home and the guy just took off in a hurry. My dad is good at scaring away guys.

So do you think you could teach me Lisa? I know its kind of a weird thing to ask and we just met and all, but...."

"Hey! Its cool babe," interrupted Lisa, taking Nina's hand in hers reassuringly, "Sure I'd be happy to show you how to do it. I got like heaps of dildos and vibes you can practice on. And I already promised I would help ya out. So don't sweat it and no need to feel embarrassed about it. It will be our little secret ok?" and then as she lent forward and gave Nina a little peck on the cheek as she got up.

Nina blushed but Lisa didn't notice as she was busy looking in her dresser draw for her sexual aids.

She returned to the bed and sat down again, holding in her soft warm hands and assortment of adult toys in all different colours and sizes.

"This one is a vibe but that will be ok as long as you don't turn it on while it's in your mouth hehe," Lisa said with a giggle. "Here take this one, go on pick them up and feel them. They don't bite. But I might .....grrrrr" she said and pretended to be a vampire about to bite Nina. Then she laughed. They both did and Nina started to feel more at ease. The wine also helped to make her feel more relaxed.

"Right. Watch what I do and then you copy me ok?" instructed Lisa as she held a large black dildo in her hand. Nina picked up the smaller pink one and put the end of it in her mouth and sucked on the tip of it as if she was sucking on a lollypop.

"You have to tip your head back a little and slowly see how much you can get down your throat without gagging. You just need to practice. When you start to feel yourself about to gag, take it out swallow, relax your throat muscles and try again. Ok?"

Nina nodded and watched Lisa slide almost the whole of the big black dildo down her throat and bring it back out again without gagging even a little. She tried to copy but gagged and she hadn't even got half of the smaller pink dildo in yet.

"Don't worry. Just keep doing it a few times until you get it," reassured Lisa.

Nina tried again and again but couldn't get more than half way without choking on it. She was getting frustrated.

"I think you are just trying too hard girlfriend. You need to be more relaxed and of course don't forget it's a sexual thing, it's meant to be a turn on. Hmm maybe you need to use my vibe on those other lips of yours and get yourself a little worked up, and then you will be in the right frame of mind to do this." Lisa said with a sexy grin.

Nina looked sad and disappointed in herself.

"I don't even know how to use one of those either. I've never.....I'm.....oh it's just no good. I'm hopeless!" Nina slumped her head downwards into her hands and sniffed.

"Hey hey girlfriend," Lisa said comfortingly as she leaned forward and hugged Nina, "Don't give up so soon. Let Lisa be your guide. I will teach you anything you need to know. You do trust me don't you love?" she asked as she lifted up Nina's head to face her. Nina just nodded and sniffed as a little tear slowly trickled down her cheek.

Lisa leaned in and gently kissed away the tear, and then kissed Nina's soft lips. She whispered "There, there, it's ok" as she continued to cover Nina's face in soft gentle kisses and then when she went back to kiss Nina's lips again but this time when she kissed her, Nina kissed back.

Lisa took this favorable response and acted on it swiftly. Her kisses became more. The soft, almost motherly kisses were replaced by the passionate kisses of a lover. Nina had never kissed a girl before but she was definitely enjoying it. Lisa took advantage of the moment and began to undo the buttons on Nina's top. She had managed to get them all undone and was feeling Nina's breasts through her bra before the realization kicked in and Nina pulled back from Lisa.

Nina's expression of confusion, shock and lust said all that Nina could not.

"I.....I....wait...I'm not..." stuttered Nina.

"Shhh baby. Trust me Nina. Just let me make you feel good. Relax." Lisa reassured her as she leaned in for more of those sweet kisses.

Lisa was a great kisser and Nina with her years of pent up sexual frustration toppled with a lot of wine, it was just enough to tip the scales. Nina really didn't want to fight this. She needed to be touched, wanted, loved and Lisa did have a way of making her feel great just being around her. There was something about Lisa that made Nina feel like she had known her all her life and that she could trust her. And so she didn't fight. She just gave in and let Lisa do whatever Lisa wanted to do. And Lisa wanted to do a lot.

First Lisa took off Nina's top and bra in-between lots of kisses and soft caresses. Once she got Nina topless she eased her to lay back onto the bed and climbed up on top of her, straddling her body. Lisa lent down and kissed her neck and breasts and began to lick and nibble and suck on Nina's nipples. This made Nina moan and Lisa smile.

Lisa continued her sexual attack and started to twist and pull on Nina's right nipple while she licked and sucked on the left. Then she changed sides. Nina's body began to squirm beneath her in response to the pleasure Lisa was giving it. Lisa smiled again and then kissed Nina again. This time Nina's arms went around Lisa's neck to pull her in closer and Nina kissed back with desire.

Then Lisa stood up and unzipped Nina's skirt, pulling it off her and then taking off her white silky panties. She stood for a moment and looked down at Nina's naked body on her bed and admired her beauty. Nina wasn't your typical skinny model. She had curves in the right places and Lisa could tell that her breasts were real. Not some fake implants like a lot of the models she knew.

Nina had shaved her pussy as well as her legs and underarms that morning in the shower and as Lisa looked down at it now, it truly looked so inviting.

Lisa was still holding Nina's silky white panties in her hands and while Nina was looking up at her watching and wondering what Lisa would do next, Lisa brought the panties to her nose and sniffed in the scent of Nina.

"Mmmm you smell delicious baby" she said in a sexy tone, and before Nina could think of a good response, Lisa dived in for a taste. She pushed Nina's legs apart hurriedly and just started to lick and suck hungrily, making soft moans of delight and loud sucking sounds as she devoured the virgin pussy.

"Oh fuck!" was all that Nina could cry out as her body started to quiver.

Lisa had intended to start out slowly licking and teasing Nina's sweet cunt but when she smelt her pussy juices on her panties, lust had taken over and she just went in hard out, dying for more of it, hungering for a mouthful of Nina's cum. Oh how she wanted to make this virgin girl cum into her hot mouth. She craved it, wanted it fast. There would be time for teasing and slow love making next time. Right now Lisa had a need, she had just had to have it now, she was a pussy junkie needing a quick fix.

Lisa didn't have to wait long. Her forceful assault on Nina's virgin cunt produced quick results. Lisa's experienced mouth and tongue did a number on the unsuspecting Nina, causing her to pant and moan as Lisa licked and sucked, nibbled and pulled on Nina's pussy lips. Her wet tongue darted in and out of the virgin hole over and over again, seeking out more and more of the delicious nectar that Nina's pussy kept making. And then Nina's body stopped squirming for just a few seconds and she went rigid and she let out a squeal as she came into the waiting mouth of Lisa.

Lisa's efforts were rewarded with a mouthful of sweet virgin cum. Nina tasted damn good. Lisa kept her mouth open and pushed up against Nina's cunt hole so she wouldn't miss any of it as Nina's body began to tremble with the afterglow of a good orgasm. Nina was still trying to catch her breath as Lisa looked up and smiled at her.

"Mmm yummy", said Lisa, licking her lips to emphasize how good she tasted.

"Wow! Oh my God wow! That was amazing Lisa," exclaimed Nina once she got her breath back and was able to talk.

Lisa moved back up to her and kissed her passionately, sharing the taste of Nina's own cum with her as their tongues explored one another again. Nina knew her own taste but it seemed so much better when tasting it on someone else.

"So you liked that did you hun?" asked Lisa cheekily, and when her answered came in the form of a big smile, she continued, "Want some more then?"

"Oh yes please Lisa. I want to learn, will you be my teacher?" pleaded Nina.

Lisa grinned at her as she stood beside the bed looking down at the naked and sexy Nina.

"Well then, I had better join you, cos I'm feeling a little over dressed for the occasion," she replied with a giggle.

Nina only just taking in that Lisa was still fully dressed. But not for long. Lisa undressed seductively as Nina lay on the bed watching her. Lisa enjoyed people looking at her longingly, sexually, which is why she enjoyed her work as a model. Unlike Nina she wasn't interested in pursuing an acting career.

Nina had seen women naked before and never really given them more than just a glance, she never had any lesbian thoughts, had only admired beautiful women, especially those who were great actors.

And yet as she looked upon the bare figure of Lisa, she felt a strong desire for her. Deep down inside her, she could feel the heat in her body traveling down to converge at her virgina, which seemed to pulse. Clenching as if using its own sign language, calling out for more.

Lisa bent over and picked up the vibrator with her right hand and the pink dildo with the other.

"Ok Nina, now I want you to try again with this, but this time while you are practicing, I'm going to be using the vibe on you to help you to relax. Ok?" instructed Lisa as she handed Nina the pink dildo.

Nina grinned as she accepted the dildo and lay back on the pillows. She opened her legs up wide, her clenching pussy was hungry. It had experienced a taste of pleasure and liked it, now it wanted more.

But this time Lisa was in no hurry. She turned the vibe on low pulse and gently teased all around Nina's pussy. Rubbing the tip of the vibe over her pussy lips and on her clit.

It was driving Nina crazy with frustration; she wanted to cum again but this teasing was torture. She kept trying to get the dildo further down her throat but was more interested in what Lisa was doing to her.

"Come on now Nina. Try harder, if you cant get that vibe down your throat then you're not going to get my plastic cock in you," Lisa said teasingly as she let just the tip of the vibe enter Nina's throbbing pussy just a little.

Nina moaned in both pleasure and sexual frustration. But it was working. She kept trying and the further she managed to get the dildo down her throat; the further Lisa put the vibe into her wet hungry pussy.

It didn't take long for Nina's body to work out that if her throat behaved, her pussy got rewarded.

Deeper and deeper went the dildo. The vibe following suit. Nina was even letting out soft moans around the dildo as she sucked on it almost as if she were giving a real cock oral pleasure.

Lisa responded to her student's quick learning by turning up the speed of the vibe. Nina let out a loud moan of approval.

"Oh yes, that's it girlfriend. Good job. Now make love to that cock in your mouth, lick it up and down the shaft, kiss it and suck on it deep. Yes. Yes! Mmm that looks so hot Nina." said Lisa in a slutty tone.

Nina was sucking on that dildo as if she had been doing it for years. She easily had it gliding deep down her throat now without gagging. She looked as if she was enjoying it too while Lisa was busy shoving the vibe in and out of Nina's pulsating cunt. Nina was moaning and squirming, close to cumming.