No Accounting For Chaos Ch. 07


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She stood naked in front of the bureau, opening the drawer to retrieve her bikini. She knew he was watching her, taking in her ass cheeks, her bare back and she loved it. She half expected him to come up behind her and take her in his arms, his hands stroking her breasts. When she looked over her shoulder at him, he was still on the bed, but the bulge in his suit was evident.

She threw on her bikini and cast him a look that said "I'm ready."

"They have towels downstairs, but the rules say we have to be covered when we go through the lobby." He opened a closet and pulled out two robes, tossing one to her. "Let's go get you a dress."

The shop appeared like any other she'd seen in hotels, until she started looking at the merchandise. Designer dresses in all styles, colors and sizes. She couldn't believe the selection. Or the prices. She looked up at him after seeing a price tag of $1500. "I hope you aren't expecting something special for this..." She made it sound as if she was his whore. It wasn't lost on him.

"Don't worry about the price, just find something you like. And you being here is already something special." He turned away to look at cuff links, watches and other accessories in the cases letting her browse.

"Where can I try these on?" She asked the young woman who had come over to help her. Turning to him she said, "I'll be back in a minute."

He watched her enter the dressing room and took a seat by the mirrors. Momentarily she returned, dressed in a short black dress, with a high neckline and not much definition. It didn't look good on her at all. He shook his head even before she could see it in the mirror and once she did, she made a gagging sound, giggling. The second dress was a shimmering blue and peach full-length gown.

When she took a look, she laughed again. "I look like a peacock!"

The third dress was spectacular -- a simple black sheath, full-length, tailored to fit her body. It was backless and he could see she wasn't wearing her bikini top. She looked like a million bucks. As he watched her turning in front of the mirror, he realized it needed one minor adjustment.

He came up behind her, whispering in her ear.

She looked at him, and around at the shop to see who else was there. The young woman was helping another couple at the front of the store; they were alone in the back.

"I can't!" She hissed.

"It looks like crap with them on. We have to see it without them." He didn't wait, but reached down, to lift the hem and slip his hand up to her bikini bottoms. With a quick movement he slid them off, letting the dress drop. Folding them into his palm he stepped back. "Much better," he assured her, taking stock.

She stood in front of the mirror admiring herself. Only this thin fabric hid her nakedness from anyone looking their way. She realized she would have to find some sheer underwear and pantyhose if she didn't want to ruin the lines of the dress. It looked like it was painted on her, her body clearly outlined by the design.

"I think it fits you perfectly. No adjustments required, except for this..." He motioned to the bunched bikini in his hand. "Let's go to the beach."

He followed her back into the dressing room and watched her slide the dress off. As she pulled it over her head he looked at her, her bush neatly trimmed into a small landing strip, her small breasts poking up. He couldn't resist the urge to lean over and kiss them, startling a small shriek out of her.

"Stop it!" She whispered, pushing him away.

She grabbed her top from a hook and slipped it on, putting out her hand to request the bottoms from him.

"I'll need some shoes, but I can look for those tomorrow." She slipped her bottoms up and stood up to kiss him. "I can't believe this is happening."

As he paid for the dress and the woman wrapped it up, Marcie browsed through the shoes. There appeared to be a wide selection of possibilities and she figured she could find something while he was in his meeting.

"Let's go," he took her arm. "She'll hold it here for when you want to come back to try on shoes."

They laid out their towels on the sand. It was bright and she hadn't brought her sunglasses. Squinting against the white sand and shading her eyes, she scanned the beach and the ocean. It was like a fairytale -- the waves crashing in their constant rhythm, the beach almost deserted, the small knots of people grouped around the refreshment stands or kayak vendor. She sat back on the towel and let the sun soak into her, holding his hand in hers. If this is what it would be like to live with him, why would I question it for a second?

They stayed out for about an hour, the late afternoon sun was warm but not intense. She was concerned about being burned, having forgotten her sun block back at the room. Her porcelain white complexion did not handle a lot of sun well. It took her weeks to get a tan, and only then by carefully limiting the amount of exposure she got each day. This was one of the first days she'd been out, and she swore silently to herself she'd been so stupid.

He, on the other hand, had a swarthy complexion -- it was obvious he only needed to be in the sun for a few minutes to get a tan. She looked at him as she turned over for the umpteenth time and realized how much in love she was with him. All of the confusion of the past week dimmed in comparison to the surge of feelings she had for him in the moment. Along with that realization came the urge to make love to him and she knew it was time to go in. She pressed her fingers into her skin to see if she was getting burned. It was just a little shade of pink. Definitely time to go.

"Monty, I've got to go in. I forgot sun-block and I'll be burned to a crisp if I'm not careful. Besides, I think I need to see you out of that suit..." She raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"I think that can be arranged. Let's check out that shower, hmmm?"

Within moments of returning to the room she had stripped him of his suit, running her fingers on his semi-stiff cock. Before he could remove her suit she knelt in front of him, taking his member into her mouth. She spit it out laughing. "Uggghhh. Sand! Let's get you washed off."

One hand on his cock, pulling him into the bathroom, she used the other hand to peel her suit off as best she could. He helped when it was obvious she couldn't do it alone. They turned on the shower together, letting the stream get hot. There were two jets, one on each side of the glassed enclosure. She pulled him into it, making sure to thoroughly rinse the sand off his now stiff penis.

"Mmmm, that's better." She said pulling her mouth off of him before swallowing him again. He looked down to see her hair wet from the shower's stream, rivulets of water cascading off his belly onto her cheeks, her mouth full of his cock. He let his hands rest on her head, moving with her but not forcing her one way or the other. Her hands moved from his balls back to his ass cheeks, opening them to let the water run inside his crack. He needed to enter her and tapped her shoulder to get her attention.

"Come on up for a sec."

She looked disappointed wanting to pull an orgasm from him with her mouth. Before she could say anything, he lifted her up and she naturally wrapped her legs around him. Settling her down, his cock pushed at her vagina, but she wasn't wet enough to let it slide in.

"Damn. I guess I'll need to get you a little more ready, hmmm?" He set her down and this time he knelt down in front of her, spreading her legs to give him access to her. She put her hands on the side of the shower to steady herself as his tongue licked her clit, his lips sucking lightly on her cunny. It was heavenly; she closed her eyes and rocked with him as he gently moved back and forth across her.

His fingers worked their magic, moving inside her thighs, building her arousal. She let out a moan.

"That's a little better, I think." He stood back up part of the way, standing in a "chair" position and pulled her onto him. As he straightened his legs, his cock slipped into her easily until he was fully penetrating her up to the hilt.

She felt like a leaf; he lifted her without any effort. He moved inside her, shifting his legs and lifting her slightly with his arms. She embraced him, relaxing against his shoulder letting the droplets hit her back like small pebbles. God I could just leave everything for this man...

She didn't think she could come this way, in spite of how great it felt, but she didn't need him to stop. She just moved with him, rubbing her hands down his back, feeling his tight ass cheeks and imagining a day when he would erupt inside her, sharing the ultimate intimacy he seemed to be withholding.

* - * - * - *

"Tomorrow's dinner will be catered, and even though the chef here is great, a catered dinner for 100 is never as good as a meal for two. There are four restaurants here, each is great, but I would like you to try Chez. Would that be okay?"

They were both lounging in the room, naked after the shower. She was lying face down on the bed, looking at the various throwaway magazines describing all of the local events and so on. She looked over at him, standing at the closet, his nearly hairless body like a Greek statue and she just sighed.

"Okay? Uhhh, yes. That would be 'Okay.'" She couldn't think of a nicer place to eat, given the menu she'd just read. She knew he was staring at her, her legs spread open, her pussy exposed to him. She moved subtly, to give him a better view, but not to let him know she knew he was staring.

He had moved to the bed before she realized it, spreading her open further, forcing a laugh and a protest from her. "Monty! We just did it. You can't be serious!" His tongue was deep inside her, his strong hands on her thighs keeping her open. She couldn't stop him, and she didn't want to, but the "attack" took her by surprise. And then...and then he did something, she didn't know what, but all of a sudden her entire core was lit up and she groaned from whatever he was doing.

"Oh god, Monty. Don't stop...whatever...don't stop...god...god...god..." and she found herself climaxing on his face, the pent up frustration from the shower released in an intense flood. She gripped the bedcovers and rode the waves as they passed through her.

At dinner, he introduced her to several other couples who had arrived early. Their names didn't mean anything to her, but when they were seated he explained who each were. CEO of that company, lead scientist of another, head of security for a small nation...he rattled them off as much to watch her reaction as to underscore the insanity of the weekend.

"Do you actually talk to these people or are you...I don't know...just a vendor?" She wasn't sure what she was trying to say, but she didn't know him in this situation and couldn't imagine what he actually did all day. The fact he was worth 11 billion dollars echoed in her brain.

He looked at her amused. "Yes...I actually talk to them, and they actually like to hear what I have to say." He smiled, teasing her.

"That was stupid, I know. If I'm going to keep dating you, I think I'll need to take some classes on proper etiquette...the air is a little rare up here." She fanned her face exaggerating her point.

"That can be arranged, if you really need it. But I only told you half of the stories." He caught her eye in a meaningful way and she quieted. "She," pointing subtly with his nose and eyebrow to the dinner partner of a military man, "enjoys being naked in public whenever she gets the chance." She looked up at him sharply trying to detect any hidden motive. "Seriously, she is quite open about it. She has enough presence of mind to be properly dressed in here, but I have seen her with far more abandon in far more formal contexts....But wait, there's more.

"She, " nodding to a gorgeous middle-aged woman who was likely a model, "will be fucking three different men tonight, and possibly their dates as well."

She giggled at the thought, feeling a jolt of arousal. "How do you know all of this?"

"I need to know as much about my partners and competition as I can if I'm going to trust them in business. It's part of the cost of doing business."

She ate her salad, quietly chewing on his words. What did he know about her? What had he known about her all along? She stopped and looked up at him. "Monty...please tell me that you really did just bump into me that day...that it wasn't some artificial ruse..."

"It wasn't an accident, and it wasn't planned. I knew nothing about you before we ran into each other, and I never spent a single resource learning more about you than what you've told me. Let me ask there something I should know you haven't already told me?"

Her immediate thought was that there wasn't. Not now that he knew about her situation. He knew everything she was most worried about. And then she remembered her step-mother. She wasn't ready to share that with him yet. The thought of the impending "therapy" surfaced.

"Probably," she gave him a wicked smile. "Seriously, you know my biggest secret now. Something I've never told anyone outside my therapist and the thousands of others who've..." she quieted her voice, "seen me." She took another forkful of lettuce.

"Are you willing to face your demons with me? We've not discussed your conversation with Patti. Would now be a good time?"

She wasn't certain it was a good time. She had been so relaxed and enjoying the evening. The thought of her immersion as she understood it cramped her stomach a little. "Actually, if it's okay with you, I'd prefer to enjoy the good food and company. Your plans for me can wait a little, yeah?" The way she said it made it sound as if she'd relinquished control of her destiny to him, a prospect she wasn't entirely opposed to but was surprised by, nonetheless. The thought of being his prostitute came up again. There's something changing here...

"I've no interest in rushing things. We'll take them at whatever pace feels best." He took a sip of wine, studying her over the glass.

Later, much later, lying in bed after making love, she luxuriated in the feel of the sheets against her legs, the humid beach air flowing in from the open doors leading onto the balcony. It was a moonless night, she could barely see the stars through the glass. He was out there, asking her to join him.

"Come on," he poked his head in the room, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's beautiful."

She loved to look at him -- the muscles in his legs, the way his cock hung down, the dark patch of pubic hair framing it. He was leaning against the door jamb, looking like a naked James Dean. She got up and joined him.

"Feel this air." He wrapped his arm around her waist and walked her out onto the balcony. They were on the top floor, facing the beach. Except for a few lights in the landscaping below, the place was in total darkness. She figured it was almost 2 AM. Even so, she felt exposed, the ocean breeze brushing past her nipples a constant reminder of how naked she was. She looked down, tentatively. Who could see her up here? Was there someone awake, just sitting in their room, out of sight of her, able to see her clearly? She wasn't cold, but she felt the need to wrap her arms around her breasts.

"Come over here and look." He brought her all the way to the balustrade and pointed out over the ocean. She put her hands down to steady herself, realizing she was now exposed completely. A shiver went through her at the thought of someone seeing her. This is so wrong. In spite of her mental admonitions, her body wasn't listening. She could feel her arousal growing.

The ocean was shimmering with phosphorescent waves. She gasped as she watched the slivery green light wind through the surf and out towards the horizon. For the moment she forgot she was naked and marveled at a phenomenon she had only read about.

"It's beautiful!" She looked at him to share the wonder and saw he was staring at her.

His right hand came down to her cheeks, pulling her closer to him, his left hand moved behind her neck as he leaned into a kiss. She didn't resist even as she realized he was going to make love to her out in the open. She wrestled with his tongue, darting into and out of his mouth as she felt his hand begin to play with her, opening her up, stroking her. She moaned, frightened for a moment where this might lead but too excited to protest. Slut!

He brought his left hand between them to stroke her breasts, pinching her nipples slightly. She moaned again into his mouth and he pulled away.

"Hold onto the rail," he turned her to face the ocean, her body now on view to whomever might be looking. "Tell me to fuck you. I love it when you tell me to fuck you."

She had never heard him like this. She opened her mouth to say something, but he had spread her legs, forcing his fingers into her, his thumb grazing her asshole.

"Please...Monty...not...ohhh...not...please...." She held onto the rail as he stroked her.

"Ask me to fuck you." He continued to force himself into her with his fingers, his thumb threatening to push into her rectum. She was pressed against the handrail looking out over the darkened beach and knew what it looked like to anyone who might see them. A bubble of arousal exploded inside her.

"Monty...please...noo..oohh..god....yes..yesss...please. Fuck me. Monty, please fuck me!" She hissed it out, not wanting to be heard.

He spread her legs open and she could feel his dick against her cheeks.

"Yes, put your hard cock in me, Monty. Fuck me in front of everyone. Fuck me! Agrghh....yessss."

He slipped his cock into her, pushing hard until she was almost lifted off the ground. He held her there, wrapping his arms under hers, pulling her back to expose her completely to the elements and to anyone who might be up. She couldn't control her moaning; the sound of it sending waves of humiliation through her even as the motion of his cock inside her stoked her arousal.

He held her like this for what seemed like an eternity and then slowly let her down, pumping her in a rhythm that raised her to the brink and brought her back. Minutes passed, his hands stroking her breasts, his lips kissing her neck and cheeks. She was a limp rag doll, a fuck toy for him, even though she knew she wouldn't feel his come, that he could do this all night, that it wasn't for him but for her. She gripped the rail as a wave passed through her almost bringing her over the top, forcing another moan from her.

"Please, Monty. Make me come. Bring it on, baby. I need to feel it...yes, that's it, fuck me with your hard cock." She knew the words were more for her than for him, but she could feel him get harder when she said them. She kept up the stream, humiliating herself, exposing herself, making her the cunt she knew she was secretly inside. The cunt she knew he knew she was. And then it erupted inside her -- a shower, a fountain of an orgasm, flowing up and into her head, down and into her toes and she cried out, loud enough she knew the neighbors could hear (if there were any) and she gripped the rail as it coursed through her. does he do this? Why do I let him do this to me?

As the waves receded she came to her senses, a sense of shame flowing to take its place. "Please, Monty. Let me go back inside."

He lifted her up, his cock still hard and deep inside her, and carried her back to the bed where he maneuvered her under him. He slowly pumped in and out of her, gently rocking her back into a warm glow, the semi-security of the hotel room shielding her from her shame and humiliation. Within a few moments she felt his shuddering and longed once again for him to truly come inside her.