No Best Favorite or Jealousy Ch. 03

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Bryce and Sarah's secret is found out.
13.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/23/2017
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Chapter 3: Reconciliation of the Sis

The next morning Sarah noticed the huge bruise forming on my ass from my spill to the floor, a casualty of war. When Pepper eventually noticed it, I was going to tell her I slammed into a wall in a klutzy moment. I couldn't tell her I got it at practice because she was there watching me most days!

During school that day my mind was going over everything and I found it difficult to concentrate on classes. All of the secrets and deception kept going through my mind.

It was going to be difficult to juggle everything without worrying about what my parents would think about Pepper and me. So after school that day I decided to have a talk with my dad.

"Hey pops, workin' hard?"

He looked up from his table and blinked twice. "Bryce, yeah. Deadline for this project is approaching. What's up?"

"Am I bothering you?"

He turned to me. "No, son. I could use a break."

"Well it's nothing much, but I wanted to ask you something," I said.

"Go ahead."

"Well you know that Pepper and I have been dating for some time, and..."

"We already went through the birds and the bees!" he said laughing.

"No, it's not that. Well it's kind of that..."

"Oh, I see," he said thoughtfully and giving a pause. "Did we go over protection from mistakes?"

I smiled at him, realizing he never went over emergency contraceptives. "Yes. We're covered there. I was wondering if you're ok knowing, well now knowing, that Pepper and I are... um, you know... here?"

He took in a deep, slow breath and just as slowly exhaled. "It's nothing a parent wants to hear: that his child is having sex. But eventually you might want to find a girl and settle down and maybe make me a Grandpa. That's going to happen whether I'm comfortable or not. So..." he said taking another breath. "As long as you're careful I'll learn to be ok with it."

I smiled at him. "Your grandkids are gonna be happy to have you."

The look on Dad's face told me I'd made a mistake before he even spoke. "You don't..."

I shook my hands in the air. "No, no! Your future, off in the distance, someday grandkids!"

He relaxed quite visibly. "Don't scare me like that! You've got a lot of future to think about first."

"I know, I know."

"You've got to be discrete about it, though."

"I will. We'll keep it to my room and not make a show of it." Dad nodded. "But would it be ok if I could put a lock on my door?"

Dad shook his head. "We need to be able to get down there for the furnace or fuse box or whatever. So we'd still have to have the key. How about we just knock before coming down? Or I could put in a door at the bottom of the stairs on your side?"

I thought about it for a moment. As good as the door sounded for some reason I didn't like it... "Knocking sounds good, so long as everyone's gonna do it."

"I'll talk to Letta and we'll talk to Sarah tonight. Count on it, son," he said clapping my shoulder. "And confidentially son, nice going! She's a really nice girl!"

"Da-a-ad!" I said laughing and rolling my eyes. "Thanks."

Pepper had something to do after school that day, so she was coming over around 7. Sarah came home an hour before that, just in time for dinner. When Pepper showed I hemmed and hawed but Dad saved the embarrassment.

"Just go, kids. Don't have too much fun!" he said with a wink.

"Thanks, Dad!" I said turning toward my door and pulling Pepper behind me. She closed it behind us as we ran down the stairs.

"What was that about?" Pepper asked just before I covered her mouth with mine.

"I told Dad about us," I said covering her mouth again.

She pushed me away. "You told him about us, as in about us having sex?"

I pulled off my shirt. "I told him I fuck your brains out and make you scream!" I said ripping down my pants and socks, standing naked in front of her. The look of shock on her face was comical. I caressed the side of her face. "I told him that we're having safe sex and he doesn't mind. We're 18, after all. They're gonna knock if they need to come down."

The look of shock didn't go away. "Y-you, you told... your dad?"

I didn't comprehend her misunderstanding. "Yeah."

"And he didn't blow a gasket?"

"He said that no parent likes to think of their kid having sex, but it had to happen eventually," I said leaving out the grandkids part for obvious reasons. "So as long as he knows we're doing it safely, and I'm sure quietly, he's fine with it," I finished kissing her neck.

Pepper just stood there processing the information.

"Didn't you say your mom got you on the pill? Doesn't she know that you got it for a reason?"

"I'm not worried about her. It's my dad I'm freaked about." I looked away and knowingly nodded. "But yes she already knows about you and me."

"Maybe your mom can soften the blow?"

Pepper shook her head, nodded it, and then moved it off to the side altogether. "I don't know, maybe. Maybe in a parallel world she already has, but I don't think here..."

I took her into my arms. "If he knew maybe he'd let you sleep the night once in a while. Think about waking up next to me..."

Pepper melted a bit in my arms and sighed. "I'd love to do that!" she said, but reality was too heavy. "Dad'd never go for that, even if he was ok with me having sex."

"Then maybe you'll have to sneak back here some night and..."

"Let's not go there. I'd have a hard time getting out of the house without them knowing," she said with a sigh.

I lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "Then let's make the most of the time we have."

We did until I heard Dad at the top of the stairs behind the door calling out good night. That was her cue to get home before curfew.

I walked her to the door in my boxers since everyone was in bed.

"You're so lucky to have parents like yours," Pepper said in my arms.

"Talk to your mom. Maybe she can help. But your dad's probably gonna be more protective because you're a girl."

Pepper hit my chest. "Sexist!"

"Maybe, but true. I can get you pregnant but you're the one who'd have to carry it. He's just looking out for you."

"How do you know that?"

"I watch TV sometimes," I laughed.

Pepper nodded. "I've gotta go. See you in the morning?"

"Of course," I said kissing her before she turned and opened the door. I added for good measure, "Miss you already."

Pepper looked at me and jumped back in my arms, sucking in a deep breath through her nose while her mouth and tongue worked mine.

"Mmmm... I don't wanna go..." she said.

"I know, but I don't want you in so much trouble that you can't come back," I said back.

Pepper looked at me. "No wonder I adore you so much," she said smiling into my eyes. "See you in the morning," she said quickly running out the door.

I slowly closed and locked the door behind her, leaning on it and my forearm for a moment. I stayed there until I felt hands in my boxers pushing them down to the floor. I turned around, which was just what Sarah wanted as she quickly took me into her mouth.

"What are you doing?" I whispered.

She raised her head for a moment. "I wanted to see how she tasted on you," she said taking another lick. "Mmmm!"

"What if Dad or Letta come down here?"

She answered by pushing her face forward onto me, going further than she'd gone before. "Then make it quick!" she said going back down again. In a few more strokes her nose was hitting me.

"Oh fuck!" I whispered putting my hand on the back of her head. She'd learned so much in a day and was quickly working magic on me. In less time than I thought I was ready to unload, and didn't even bother warning her.

The first splash hit the back of her throat, making her quickly pull back to catch the rest in her mouth. I saw her licking the lollipop and smiling up at me.

"When did you learn that?"

She bobbed her head down to my root once again. "Neat, huh? Pepper taught me!"

"SHE WHAT?!" I said a little too loudly.

It was Sarah's turn. "Shhh!" she giggled. "I went to her place after school and got her talking about the two of you. I told her I wanted to learn more about how to make boys happy when I get one, and she pulled out one of her toys to teach me." She licked me again. "It was nowhere near as good as this!"

I pulled under her shoulders to get her standing and pulled her against me. "You're evil, getting sex advice from my girlfriend to use on me!" Sarah dropped her chin and looked at me knowingly while I dropped my shoulders. "Yeah I realize what I said."

Sarah kissed me. She was about to say something else but stopped herself and closed her mouth. I was about to ask her what before she said something else. "So you want her to stay the night with you?"

"Just where were you hiding?" I asked. "And how do you sneak around so stealthily?"

Sarah smiled. "I was just inside the living room, waiting for her to leave."

"Yeah I want her to stay the night. She's my girlfriend."

Sarah's face drooped a little but then lit up. "Oh well, at least I got to do something first with you."

She leaned in for another kiss but I pushed her back and tensed up. "Are you making this a competition? Is that what I am?"

Her face showed trouble. "No! I wouldn't... I just mean that it's nice to do something with you that I didn't learn from her or watching the two of you." She must have seen that I wasn't convinced. "Everything I do with you is a first for me, so no matter what it's special for me..."

I stared at her face to see if there was any deceit, and I saw none. "Ok," I said relaxing.

"I'd never treat you like that. I'm sorry it came out that way, please believe me."

"Ok, ok. Stop apologizing!" I said pulling her in for a hug again. "What am I gonna do with you?"

"Anything you want," she said with a tight squeeze and a sigh.

"Speaking of, I never asked you about yesterday." She looked up at me questioningly. "About your lack of underwear. Did you make it through the day like I told you?"

Sarah smiled. "Better. I made it through today, too!"

"Good. Tomorrow you're to wear a sheer top with no bra."

"Wha-what? You can't be..."

"Kidding," I laughed. "A little," I said seriously, and then smiled. "But today you were wearing pants again. Tomorrow wear a skirt or a dress."

Sarah smiled nervously and nodded.

"Now go to bed," I said letting go of her.

Sarah looked upstairs, over her shoulder. "Re-really?" she asked sadly. "Do I have to?" She asked looking toward the basement door and placing her hand on my crotch.

I closed my eyes and started to feel her hand move on me. Libido 20 (or I lost count), will power 0. "Come on," I said opening my eyes and walking toward my door.

Sarah skipped ahead and opened the door for me, following me down the stairs and into my bed. That time I got a taste of her, followed by a quickie and a cuddle to sleep.

The next morning while getting ready for school Dad walked up to me.

"Son, I know I said I was fine with you and Pepper... you know... but could you at least keep it to your room?"

Except for the kiss at the door... "What do you mean, Dad?"

"I found your underwear on the floor by the door last night."

"Oh shit!" I said getting the look reserved for cussing. "Sorry Dad! Er, um for both things."

"Yes, well, don't make me regret my decision to treat you like an adult."

I nodded. "I'll do better."

"I hope so." He took a sip of his coffee. "Hey, has Sarah been dating anyone that you know?"

I wasn't prepared for this conversation, and I hope it didn't show on my face. "Uh, not that I know. Why?"

"She seems to be hanging around the house a lot more lately. A girl her age and, well... she should be dating."

"Oh." How to ease his mind? "Well Pepper did say she was asking her for advice about boys recently. Maybe that's a good sign?"

Dad smiled. "Maybe," he said nodding. "Let me or Letta know if you hear anything else. We just want her to be happy."

"I'm sure she's fine. But... why ask me?"

"We've noticed that Sarah's been different since we came back from the lake, especially toward you and Pepper. She's been... a lot nicer."

I thought she was doing a good job of acting her part. "Yeah, Pepper's been grateful to have Sarah as a friend and not an enemy."

"And you, she actually smiles when she says 'dweeb'. It's like it's a joke now; a joke between friends."

Damn, Dad was a lot more observant than I thought! "I guess... yeah," I said shrugging.

"Did something happen this summer at..."

"Morning, Dad!" Sarah called out from the stairs.

"Morning, sunshine!"

Sarah's face lit up. "You haven't called me that in a while!"

Dad looked at me. "Things just seem a little brighter this morning," he looked back at her, "and I thought it was time I brought it back!"

She hugged him. "Well I like it!" She gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thanks!" She turned to me, grabbing her usual breakfast on the go. "Ready?"

"More than you know. Bye Dad!" I said giving him a wave.

"Yeah, bye Dad!" Sarah said.

"Bye kids."

I put the car in gear and pulled out onto the road before I spoke. "Dad knows." I decided to go for shock value.

It worked by the look on her face. "He knows what?"

I paused for a moment and took a breath, lengthening the worried anticipation. "He knows that you don't hate me anymore. He knows you're faking your 'dweeb'."

Sarah relaxed a bit. "Oh, is that all? Maybe I can quit it altogether?"

"I don't know. He's put it together that maybe something happened at the lake, but I don't think he knows what it was. Between how nice you are to Pepper and me..."

"Do you think maybe I should just tell them what happened?"

"That's up to you. It might get them to relax a bit after it nearly gives them heart attacks!"

Sarah just nodded, deep in thought.

"Dad also found my boxers by the door some time during the night."

Sarah turned all shades of red. "Oh my god!" she said bursting out laughing.

"It's not funny!"

"It SO is!"

I let her laughter die just a little. "Look, we need to be smart about this. Dad and Letta are watching us, and with them being ok with me being responsible with sex in the house we don't wanna push it!"

"You don't think they'd be ok with me doing the same?" she asked, all the humor gone.

"I don't know, although Dad was asking me this morning why you're not dating."

"Oh, I see. Well, maybe I need a beard?" she asked stroking her chin and smiling.

"Or maybe you actually need a boyfriend?"

She looked at me, seriously and with a mix of emotions that was hard to read. Her left hand went to my arm while her right went to my chest. "But I already have one. Maybe not one I can tell anyone about, but..."

"I... uh..." I was lost in what to say. Luckily I turned the corner onto Pepper's street. "Cut it, we're almost to Pep."

Sarah sat back up and put on her friend face. There was still some mixed emotion leaking through, but she showed me again that she could play the part. If she wanted to work this hard to be a part of my life... Damn this was difficult!

Sarah got into the back seat while I went out to greet Pepper. After a hug and a kiss and words between us about how great the previous night was, she got into the car and started talking incessantly with Sarah. I just stared at the road, concentrating on driving.

"I said are you all right, Bryce?" I heard Pepper say.

"Hmm?" I looked at her. "Yeah, why?"

"You were lost in thought or ignoring me or something. I called out to you three times..."

I laughed. "The white noise of whatever you two were talking about must have given me tunnel vision. Sorry!"

Pepper gave my shoulder a little shove and laughed. "I was talking about how much your big dick makes me wanna scream!"

I turned my head in shock and hit the brakes. Luckily we were on a dead side street.

Pepper started laughing.

"You were not! But now that you've brought it up tell me!" Sarah said excitedly.

Pepper turned to her, the laughter suddenly gone but her face still lit up comically. "You perv! That's your brother!"

"Yeah, step brother! And he's got a dick!" she said glancing toward it.

I heard a horn behind me, bringing reality to the forefront for a moment. I waved and pulled over to the side of the road, putting the car in park. I had to let my hard-beating heart slow.

"Do you have a thing for your brother or something?" Pepper asked a little more seriously.

"I'm horny as hell and the boys in school suck! Well it'd be nice if they suck, but that's not what I mean!" Sarah laughed.

"Yeah, we gotta get you laid girl!"

"Please! But I'm not dating dumb jocks, trendy pubes, or guys that have a big head on top! That leaves the nerd clubs..."

"You know what they say about geeks? They have huge schlongs and are too embarrassed to use them!"

The girls laughed.

"Too bad I got the only smart athlete in school!" Pepper said. "And he's not compensating with sports for anything!" she said with a growl and a grope.

You know the sound of the ocean that you hear putting your ear up to a seashell? I was hearing that without the shell. "I'M RIGHT HERE!" I blurted out.

Pepper leaned over and put her hand in my crotch. Sarah leaned forward and watched. "You certainly are, baby! All of you!" she said with a stroke. She looked at Sarah. "Ever even felt one?"

"Yeah," Sarah replied and I looked into the rear view at her, panicking even more. "I felt meat head's." The quarterback. That gave me a little relief.

"How was that? And how much of it did you feel?" Pepper asked excitedly.

Sarah glanced into my eyes in the rear view and then back at Pepper. "I fished it out once when we were making out." She leaned forward. "He was definitely compensating for something with sports!"

The two of them laughed, and Pepper released my crotch to high five Sarah. "How big was he?"

Sarah lifted her hand and spread her thumb and index finger apart slowly. At around three inches she stopped and laughed. "Remember markers from kindergarten? It was about that fat and floppy as a wet noodle!"

The two of them were having a good time with the news, so I pulled back onto the road to head to school. A couple of blocks away Pepper almost stopped me dead again.

"Well you've gotta see one like Bryce's! Put meat head's pencil dick out of your mind!"

Sarah leaned over the seat and looked at my crotch. "Yeah. I need a better memory!"

Thankfully we were at school and I pulled into the lot, quickly finding a place to park. "Well before I have a coronary at 18, maybe we should get inside."

Pepper looked at me seriously. "Maybe we should get that blanket out of your trunk and let Sarah watch me give you a blow job!"

I stared into Pepper's eyes and face, seeing lust and a serious gaze. I could feel Sarah's eager gaze from the back seat. My mouth was slowly falling open, unable to articulate a thing.

When Pepper started to laugh it was almost a relief... almost. I still couldn't shake that things were getting really weird. Good? Bad? Really fucked up?

Not that I wasn't leading it there. Dating a great girl, the second in charge cheerleader, along with the head cheerleader... I was tempting fate and now fate was tempting me. Maybe I deserved a heart attack?

But life soon fell into a rhythm of sorts. Work, practice, and sex with Pepper on some nights and Sarah most every night. Sometimes Sarah would secretly watch, but not often. She started to become more secure knowing I wasn't kicking her out of bed anymore.

The Monday eight days after it all started, Sarah seemed a little on edge the whole day; a lot more energetic. She was in my room soon after our parents went to bed, as was becoming the norm. However that night was different for what should have been an obvious reason.