No F-ing Way! Pt. 02

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The bet is on (and so is the chastity cage)!
3.5k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/07/2021
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He stood in the hallway outside her spare room, naked and wincing a bit as she kept steady pressure on his slowly deflating cock to push the short shaft of the chastity device to join up with the base. He liked the image of Allison on her knees in front of his dick, even if that typical power position was laced with a little irony as she forced him into a chastity cage. He ventured to reach a hand behind her head and give a little thrust of his hips at her. "Oooohh baby, you look so good on your knees," he joked in an excessively breathy voice.

"Hold still," she muttered, more or less ignoring him and trying to focus on fastening the cage. "I don't think you want me slipping while I'm sliding this sound into your cock."

He gulped, "Point taken." This cage was pretty intense. It was a little bulkier at the top, above the root of his cock. It held him very snug, and he thought he could see glimpses of metal or something along the insides of the otherwise synthetic plastic structure of it. He was surprised that he didn't even really feel the slender hollow sound inside him other than when she first started to slide it in.

"There!" she said triumphantly, as she turned the key, locking the device onto him.

"Hang on," she said. "Turn around slut!" she laughed, "Hands on the wall."

He chuckled and played along, "Yes ma'am!" As he stood there, he heard a little rustling around and then felt something cool press onto his left ass cheek, followed by her rubbing her hand around the affected area.

"Just a second . . . " she said under her breath, " . . . one more," and then he felt the process repeated on the other. "Ok, done." He looked back over his shoulder, but couldn't quite see what she had done with his ass. "I glued some pads onto your cheeks. Don't worry. They'll come off just fine when we're done."

"What are they though?" He asked, still trying to look back to his ass as he reached back to feel at the pads.

"You'll figure it out," she said cryptically.

"OK, whatever," he accepted her response. "So now I just hold out for two days and get five thousand dollars and a sex slave?" he laughed.

She got back to her feet, reached behind his neck and pulled him in for a long, wet, tongue-filled kiss. He felt the effectiveness of the chastity cage immediately as the rush of blood into his cock was mercilessly impeded. "We'll see." She backed him up to the door. "Once you go in, you'll see a little camera set up. I'm not recording anything. I just want to keep an eye to make sure you're OK and to gauge what's going on in there." He wondered what the hell she had planned. "I'll also be able to pick up audio and talk to you. Any questions?"

"I don't think so . . ."

"Good." She gently pushed one hand to his chest, slowly backing him into the door, and reached her other hand past him to the door knob. As she pushed into him further, guiding him back, the door swung inward, and he stepped back into the room. She took a step back, planted her fists on her hips and said dramatically, "You go in a man, you come out a cock-hungry slut!"

He rolled his eyes in response, "Yeah, whatever."

"See you soon!" she said as the pulled the door shut. He heard a click, "By the way," she called from the hallway, "I switched the handle so the door locks from the outside. Bye bye!!"

"Allison?!" He called out. Nothing, "Allison?!" He sighed. The situation was weird, but he was still feeling pretty confident about the bet. He looked around to take in his surroundings. The room was surprisingly spartan. His attention was immediately drawn to a line of six varnished wooden cubes, each about eighteen inches square and placed about a foot apart. He laughed to himself when he saw dildos affixed to the center of each, starting small at one end and growing progressively larger from box to box along the row. The one at the far end was somewhat of a monster. He grimaced at the size of it. "So that's it?!" He called out, "You'll let me out of the cage if I sit on one of these?" Silence.

"I told you at dinner," he spoke towards the camera, "I don't *have* to get off." Silence.

"I can go two days without sex, you know! Or getting hard!" As he said it, he recognized that his body was, in fact, doing its best to get him hard, only to be thwarted by the chastity device. "I don't have to jerk off, so I'm fine with the cage!" Silence.

And more silence. He sighed. He notice a bottled sitting at the base of the first box. The rest of the room was bare. Nothing but those boxes and the bottle. He stepped over and picked it up. 'Personal Lubricant' it said. He shook his head and laughed again as he put it down. He wondered what her game was as he reached back and felt at the pads on his ass again. It felt like some kind of cloth or metal mesh, or something in between.

Silence. He shrugged and laid himself down on the carpet, kicked one foot up on his knee and laced his fingers behind his head. Is she going to bore me into becoming a whore? He chuckled to himself. As soon as he had the thought, he felt a little tingle at the base of his cock. Hmm, he thought, what was that? It felt a little like the tingling after a limb had fallen asleep. No, he thought, it stopped. He must have been imagining it. Wait, there it was again. "Hey," he called out, looking over to the camera, "are you sure this thing is on right? I think it might be cutting off my circulation." Silence. He was about to call out again, but then the sensation went away. It didn't feel like his circulation was getting cut off.

Tingle. The sensation came back again, a little stronger this time. OK, he thought, I'm not imagining that. What the fuck? He sat up and pulled at the chastity cage, trying to see what was going on with it and where the feeling was coming from. It felt a little more widespread then before. As he tugged and pulled at it, he noticed a shiny strip around the inner circumference of the base. What the . . . he asked himself as he reached to touch it. As soon as his index finger made contact, he felt the little tingle ripple through his fingertip too. His head popped up in recognition. The tingling stopped.

"Electricity?" He looked over to the camera. "That's your plan?" Silence. "It's a little crude, don't you think? I've got a little more self-control than a lab rat!" Silence. Then the tingling came back, stronger. He winced before it pulsed out. "I'm not saying it's going to be fun, but I can take this you know!!" Silence.

He laid there as long as he could. Breathe, he told himself, just breathe. He wasn't sure how long it was, but over the course of more iterations the electricity continued to course around not only the base of his cock, but then, as it got stronger, along the shaft too. When it notched up another level in intensity and included his balls also, he jumped up and started pacing the room. "I'm not saying it doesn't hurt!" He looked at the camera, "but this is just mind over matter. He braced himself for the next pulse, at least those were predictable. It came, stronger then before, and jolted at the root of his dick, along his shaft and his balls. Breathe, he told himself, and it was over. He started to collect himself in the pause between shocks, and the next one started immediately. "Ouch!" He yelled out, "That's not fair!" and he laughed as said it. There was no fair here, with the pulses, he realized. Shit, he thought. How long had it been. Twenty minutes?

The next jolt couldn't really be called a pulse because it didn't end. It just kept building . . . and building . . . and building. "Ffffuucccckkkkk," he groaned out load, despite himself. He hadn't wanted to give her the satisfaction. When it reached the point where it felt like someone was punching or squeezing his cock from every angle, he dropped to his knees and, finally, it stopped. He fell forward to all fours, panting, a sheen of sweat showing on his skin. He looked over to the camera ruefully, and shook his head from side to side. It's just pain, he told himself.

Tingle. It was that low level buzz that everything had started with. He laughed to himself. That's it? It's just going to start over? All I need to do is make it through each cycle. He talked himself up as the next tingle came; it felt a little different then before, but he couldn't quite place how. The next round was a little stronger, and he was able to feel better where it was coming from. He grasped at the cage and looked down at himself. His eyes widened when the next pulse came. Shit, was that inside me?

Tingle. Unmistakably, it was inside him. He realized that the sound or catheter that she had slid down his urethra was electrified too. Shit, shit, shit, shit. He tried to pace around and breathe as the cycle built up again, this time with shocks to the sound mixed in as well. Sweat was rolling down his forehead and armpits by the time one long sustained shock enveloped everything but the sound. It continued until he was just on the verge of breaking. When it finally stopped, after an eternity, he thought he was on the verge of vomiting. He eyed the camera as he hunched over with his hands on his knees.

Tingle, this time it was the sound again. It stopped. Surge, everything but the sound, at apparently full intensity, the level that had him hunched over. Tingle, the sound, stronger. He started to panic. Surge, he dropped to his knees. Tingle. Stronger, again, right down the center of his shaft. "Aaahhhh!!" He yelled out. Surge. It was relentless, and the message was clear. The catheter was building up to the same intensity as the rest of the cage. He wasn't sure he could take that. Tingle. Surge. Tingle. Surge. Tingle. The cage continued its persistent abuse. It was getting closer and closer to jolting everything, all at once, at maximum capacity. The timing of the first two cycles had worn him down, and he was ready to do what he needed to to stave it off. As the cycles ratcheted up, he stumbled desperately over to the box with the smallest dildo.

"OK, OK!" He called over the camera, bent over and leaning into the box for support as the onslaught continued. "I get it. I'll get on the dildo." Tingle. Surge. Tingle. Surge. "Fuuckk!! I'm getting on it, OK? Stop? Please?" Silence. Surge. Surge. Surge. "Ahhhhggh!! Please!! OK!! OK!!" He fumbled for the lube, flipped open the top and squirted a liberal amount onto his hand and quickly stroked the dildo and palmed at his ass. As he straddled the box, preparing to lower himself down, he noticed two small metal squares on either side of the dildo. Surge. Surge. Surge. "OOOhhhh. Godddd!! I'm doing it. I'm doing it." He guided the dildo into his ass, and despite his desperation to stop the electricity coursing around and into his cock, his reflex was to pop up off of the dildo as he felt it at the pucker of his ass. Surge. Surge. Surrrrrrggeeeeeeee. He bit his lip and thrust himself down. He winced as he forced his ass down over the dildo. "Ow, ow, ow!!" He cried out as it pushed passed the ring of his ass . . . and then it seemed to be through, and it almost felt good. He bounced up once and then against at the reaction of the dildo sliding further into him. All the while the shocking continued.

"I'm on it! I'm on it! Why aren't you stopping?" Silence. He had tried to fudge. He wasn't really all the way on it, but he thought he had at least put on a good show. Sssuuuurrgeeee. He plunged himself down the remaining length of the shaft. The moment his ass met the box, the electricity winked out instantly. He threw his head back, "Thank you thank you thank you . . ." he whispered to himself. As he collected his wits, he thought about the metal squares he had seen on the box. Curious, he started to lift himself off of the dildo to check them out, but the instant his ass checks raised off of the box, the surge came back at full intensity. He dropped down immediately, and the electricity stopped. Realization sunk in. Preparing himself for the jolt, he braced himself and lifted up again, the jolt confirming his suspicion.

He dropped down immediately and had to hand it to her. The idea was pretty creative. The pads glued to his ass seemed to have some conductivity that closed the electrical loop when they came into contact with the squares on the box. When the loop was closed, the electricity turned off. He had an idea, and leaned to one side, lifting one side of his ass off of the box and maintaining contact with the other. Suuurrrge. He dropped back down (and paused for just a second to notice that it was starting to feel kind of good to slide down on the phallus), and the surge stopped.

"Very clever!" He called out to the camera. Close the contact with the pads and the electricity would cut out. One pad didn't work. Both needed to be covered, so he couldn't cheat by sitting on one side of the box. The only way to cover the pads was to plant his ass checks on either side of the dildo. With the way everything was positioned, he could only get the coverage that he needed on the pads if he was actually *on* the dildo. Feeling a small victory and modicum of control having figured out how her system worked, be monologued at the camera, "So long as I sit here, I don't get shocked. OK. Very clever." He repeated. "But the bet was that I dress up like a slut and beg for the biggest cock I could handle." SIlence.

He crossed his arms on his chest and settled into his predicament. He could sit here for as long as it took he told himself. He shifted his weight around and realized that it actually felt kind of good to have the dildo shifting around inside of him. He forgot about the camera and started to explore the feelings, wiggling around, circling his hips. He realized that there was one spot that he could hit and almost feel like he was about to cum. So that's where the prostate is, he smiled. This wasn't so bad, he told himself, and he lost track of time as he got absorbed exploring the new erotic sensations.

Tingle. Wait, what?! he thought. He looked to down check and bounced himself down firmly to make sure that he was seated on the dildo. He didn't even notice that his ass accepted the cock without resistance as he bounced on it. "Hey!" He called out. "Hey, something's not working!" Tingle, surge, tingle, surge. It built up quickly this time, much faster than the first cycle. He looked around furtively, taking in the sensations and the fact that the box didn't seem to be working. "Hey! No fair!!" He winced again at the futility of calling anything about this fair. "Hey! I think it's broken!!" Tingle, surge. "Can you just make sure its not broken?!!" The box was definitely not working anymore.

Oh shit, he thought . . . this box wasn't working anymore. He gulped and looked over to his right. The next box, with its slightly larger dildo sat there, impassive, uncaring. Tingle, surge . . . waiting. He wilted a bit in resignation. He tried to stave off the inevitable, but when he felt the electricity start to course down the inside of his shaft, he lifted himself up off of the dildo, bucked as the device quickly started to cycle up to full intensity, and stooped to reach for the lube (mental note to keep that closer next time . . . shit, next time?!!). His legs had gone stiff, and he danced around through the pain to loosen them up a bit before stepping over to the next box, lubing up the dildo and planting himself down on it. He was quicker with the process this time, and not quite as scared as he felt a slightly larger tip pushing up into him. He willed himself to open up, felt it pop into him and slowly but steadily slid down on it. He felt a little more resistance at its wider girth and involuntarily shot up when the tip hit against the deepest point that the last cock had reached. He sighed, realizing that he'd have to work to accommodate the extra length beyond what he had just gotten used to, but the shocks from the chastity cage gave him the motivation he needed. Finally, he was down. His ass met the box, the electricity winked out and he breathed a sigh of relief.

He realized something felt a little slick around the tip of his cock, and when he looked down, his eyes bulged a bit when he saw a little stream of clear precum, glistening out from the hollow tube of the sound. Ffuuuuccckkkk he thought to himself. Without even thinking about it, he reached down to gather it up on the tips of his fingers. He lifted the substance to his eyes and was fascinated by it. It was so clear, and pure-looking. He started to move his fingers to his lips, his tongue reaching out to taste it when he remembered the camera. Self-conscious, he quickly wiped it off on his leg.

He placed his hands on his knees and started to gyrate his hips and shift the larger cock around inside him, enjoying the feeling and marveling that he was actually here. Looking down the line at the four remaining boxes, each affixed with a larger and larger dildo, he resigned to what was coming. He wasn't stupid, after all.

"OK, I get it." He said to the camera. He wondered how much time he had left before time ran out on this box. "You made your point." He rocked back and forth. "This actually feels kind of good!!" Silence. He had been hoping that maybe once he admitted it, she might end this. "You know, if you wanted to try anal with me, you could have just asked." He laughed. He though that was pretty funny. Silence. Hilarious.

"But you know, making me avoid pain is one thing. I get that. I can see that you're going to make me go down the line here." He eyed the largest dildo on the last box and winced. "Making me beg to be feminized was a part of the bet too!! If I can handle the cocks and close each of the contacts, I can get through this!!" In declaring his confidence at the other part of the bet, the dressing up, he hadn't even realized that he had more or less already acquiesced at the idea that he would voluntarily be throwing himself down a line to thrust himself on larger and larger cocks.

He figured he had a while on this box before he would have to move to the next. So he tried to take control of the situation. Smugly, he bit his lip and started at the camera as he rocked around and tried to find that spot again . . . ahhh, right . . THERE! He leaned his head back and his eyes rolled up somewhat as he tried to connect to the feeling of pleasure and just . . . milk it. It felt sooo good, he just couldn't quite get it to feel just good enough to get off. Confident that he'd have five thousand dollars and a sex slave before too long, he'd resolved to enjoy the process of continuing to try . . . to get . . . just enough pleasure . . . on that one spot. He just couldn't quite get it.

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DeanaBardDeanaBardalmost 2 years ago

Loved it!!!

A very creative storyline with wonderfully descriptive storytelling. Reading this not only got my juices flowing, but set my imagination racing.

ShortyMacShortyMacabout 2 years ago

Getting better. So he found that magic spot. ๐Ÿ˜› Such a good feeling finding that special spot. I wonder what heโ€™ll do when he gets to the monster dildo on the end. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

greenbeardlkgreenbeardlkabout 2 years ago

sick nothing short of torture 1 *.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationover 2 years ago

Vega_Flux. The series begun with Ch 01 is living up to potential in Ch 02. The best erotica for me includes insight into a character's thoughts & emotions, and you've given that generously, verrrry generously.

I also liked your comeback to Anon-this guy is an idiot. The sillies start reading in the TS/CD category, and then get all "offended" by the obviously expected content. What's a bet between lovers when there's no chance you'll lose (unless, as you said, they wanted it)?

I'm enjoying your writing. I hope you will always find enjoyment in writing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Fucking awesome. Waiting for the next part.

Really good work!!

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