No Family Secrets

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Naked cuckold incest femdom family art vacation comedy.
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A picaresque incest sex comedy in which a cheating wife takes her creative family on a nude art retreat in the remote mountains of southern Italy.

This is a fictional incest cuckold female domination story about a fictional family of adults the youngest of whom is 20 years old. It involves a sexually dominant woman, her small dicked cuckold husband, their well hung playboy son in his mid 20s and their 20 year old blossoming daughter.

It's all made up, it's all rather silly and quite funny.

Please if you don't like incest, small penis humiliation, cuckoldry, female domination and clothed female/naked male humiliation or naked Italian art holidays don't read any further.


Part One: The Affair

Charles did his best to appear calm and mature upon learning of the affair between his wife Lucinda and their old friend Walter.

As is so often the way in these matters he; the husband, was the last to know. Charles only found out about his wife's adultery when it was all over; after Walter had ended the affair at the insistence of his new girlfriend.

To add insult to humiliation Lucinda was distraught at the break up with Walter. She made a fool of herself, very publicly, creating scenes outside Walter's house, hounding him at his artists clubs in Soho, Fitzrovia and Hampstead begging him to fuck her again.

She took her rage at the rejection out on her cuckold husband Charles. Poor Charles forgave Lucinda and was very patient and understanding.

He told her he didn't mind that she and Walter had been fucking but that he was hurt by their lies and deceit. He told everybody the same thing: that it wasn't the fucking, it was being lied to that hurt.

A marriage is based on openness and honesty, he declared. Total honesty.


Lucinda took Charles at his word and swore that from that moment onwards she would always be totally open and honest with him. She made Charles promise to do the same in return.

They made a pact; no more lies, only the harsh truth. She made him promise that each must accept the truth no matter how unpleasant.

Lucinda announced to the world that she and Charles were now committed to a life of truth and openness.

She demonstrated this commitment by telling everyone that she'd only had an affair because her husband had a small dick and couldn't fuck her properly.

Charles and Lucinda were both successful and celebrated artists. Lucinda's affair was the subject of gossip in the art world. The media attention was becoming intrusive. The family needed to escape and spend time together.

Their adult children Lucien and Colette were both artistic celebrities in their own ways.

After a promising first year at art school Lucian had rejected the rigour of academia for the migratory playboy life of Alpine ski resorts, Caribbean islands and New York parties. Now 23 Lucian's only interest appeared to be the seduction and sexual gratification of beautiful, fashionable and wealthy young women. He applied himself to this business with ruthless single minded dedication.

Collette, by contrast, 20 years old and still a diligent student, had already gained a formidable reputation as an artist in her own right. She was currently studying at a prestigious private art school within an artist colony on Long Island New York. Although outwardly reserved thoughtful and serious Collette was blossoming into a beautiful, charismatic young women who captivated hearts and minds as well as libidos. In contrast to the sexually libertine behaviour of her brother and parents Colette was still a virgin. She controlled her passion and poured it into her art. For the sake of her work she suppressed her powerful sexual urges, albeit with increasing difficulty.


Part Two: The Family Gathering

Lucinda gathered the family together at their family home in Hampstead, London. They sat around the old familiar dining table while Lucinda told them what she had planned.

"Truth, honesty and complete openness my dears. As your father so rightly and wisely said; the deceit is the problem. Not the sex. He regards, as I do, my sexual activity with Walter as healthy, necessary, wonderful.

Charles tried to interrupt, to insert a caveat, perhaps: "Well that's not quite what I..."

Lucinda put her hand firmly on his arm to silence him:

"No Charles, please, hear me out. I am truly sorry that I hurt you by going behind your back. Never again. From now on I will be totally honest and open. I was wrong to try to protect you from the humiliation of knowing that I was in the arms of another man. Never again. I promise."

She looked at Lucien and Collette;

"We must all be totally open from now on. I want to tell you everything, every aspect, every intimate private detail of my affair with Walter. No matter how shocking. You need only ask and I will tell."

Collette took her opportunity:

"Okay mum. Tell us this then. Why? Why did you do it? What made you cheat on dad with his oldest friend, uncle Walter?"

Lucinda smiled at her daughter;

"I'll be totally honest with you my darling. One word: Sex. Pure and simple. Sex. You see your father has never been able to meet my sexual needs, has never been able to satisfy me sexually. I have a prodigious sexual appetite which has only increased over the years. While daddy's low sex drive has become lower with age.

We've never been open about this but your father has a small penis; a very small penis in fact. Tiny. Whether this is the reason he's so submissive, timid and nervous in bed I don't know. Probably. What do you think Charles? You don't know either I suppose. No. You wouldn't would you, typical."

Charles had gone red and stuttered something incomprehensible.

Lucinda stroked his shoulder. "Oh I know darling. It's so hard to hear and accept the truth. But it's for the best. We must all be strong."

She turned to her children once again.

"Where was I? Oh yes. Your father's inadequate penis, his submissiveness, his low sex drive, his total inability to satisfy my sexual needs - to be honest your father wouldn't be able to satisfy any woman's sexual needs - I think that's fair isn't it Charles? You're being so brave darling.

Well It became unbearable, hellish, the resentment, the frustration, the lack of passion. It all built up and built up until Walter bent me over this very dining table; there -- just where you're sitting now Lucien, between the decanter and the Clarice Cliff gravy boat - parted my legs and fucked me as your father never could. From that moment I was his; his to use, his to enjoy, his to fuck whenever he wanted."

She paused for a moment then resumed her confession:

"Why Walter? Well, when we were art students Walter was famous for the size, vigour and beauty of his cock. Girls wanted to be with Walter and boys wanted to be Walter. Isn't that so Charles? I know you did.

Your father was insanely jealous of Walter's cock; even more so than all the other chaps you see because, well, he's so much smaller in that respect.

How long is your dick Charles? Tell Lucian and Collette. Remember; honesty and openness."

Charles shook his head and muttered that he had no idea.

Lucinda rolled her eyes at her children:

"He's lying. He knows exactly how small his dick is, he's measured it enough times hoping it would grow. If he won't tell you I will. Just short of 3 inches actually. Yes, and that's on the rare occasion that your father manages to achieve a full erection.

In contrast Walters erect penis is over 10 inches long, and thick with it. That's more than three times the size of your father's. But of course it's more than just his cock. Walter is a wonderful, masterful, adventurous, powerful, dominant lover - everything that daddy isn't."

She looked across at Collette and smiled:

"Does that answer your question darling? It's so good to finally be truthful. Isn't it Charles. I know, it's hard. But the truth is the only way.

To be honest I wish I'd let Walter start fucking me years earlier. I would have been so much happier."

She laid out her plans for the family.

"We can only heal as a family if we embrace openness in every way. And if we work through that process with what we do best - by creating, making art, painting, sculpting, writing, drawing. Together. In total openness, figuratively as well as spiritually and metaphorically. We must bear all and learn to love and accept ourselves and one another in all our naked raw beauty. Especially you Charles.

I've been talking about it with my agent: Anton, and we're both very excited. This is so important, for us and for all families. We're breaking new ground here; leading the way. "We're talking about a multimedia art experience created by the four of us together; which will become an immersive art installation and a book. I've already started on the book and we're talking to publishers.

I'm laying it all out there: your father's shortcomings as a lover and as a man; my frustration; my affair with Walter, everything we did, everything he did to me. Total openness. Every detail.

But it's not just about me. It's about you as well. We are a family. I can't do this without all of you. You can't do this without me.

Anton has a holiday home in southern Italy, an old mountain farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. It will be perfect. Nobody for miles except for a few the lovely old couple who look after the place.

We fly out tomorrow for two weeks of openness, honesty, truth, art, creativity and nakedness.

I mean real nakedness. For this to work we must face one another physically without any pretence or barriers. For two weeks we will be totally and utterly naked, day and night."

Lucinda beamed affectionately at the shocked faces of Collette and Lucien:

"I can see I've perhaps shocked you. Good. I have shocked myself.

Charles; for far too long you have been able to conceal your shame behind the fabric of your lies and your expensively tailored trousers while I have had to endure the reality of my sexual frustration and misery. So your suits and slacks stay at home."


As they got an early night in preparation for the long journey ahead each considered what the fortnight in Italy might bring.

Lucien was very excited.

This was the perfect opportunity for him to disappear for a while.

Some of his girlfriends were beginning to confuse making love with falling in love and he knew that if he didn't escape soon he could find himself in a dangerous tangle of expectations, obligations and commitments.

Anyway, it would be good to see more of the family. Especially his mother. It had been far too long since he'd feasted his eyes on those familiar matriarchal curves; that body. He'd always found his mother very sexy. All her talk about dad's little dick, her massive sexual appetites and Walter fucking her on the kitchen table had reignited old incestuous fantasies about his mother. It would be fun to try and make those fantasies come true now that he was more proficient in the art of seduction. She was clearly as highly sexed as ever.

And then there was his sister. Lucien was very impressed with her. Collette had grown into a very nice little thing indeed. Her tits had doubled in size since he'd last had a good look at them. And she's still a virgin.

The possibilities fascinated the young sexual adventurer.

The prospect of spending a fortnight in the company of his mother and sister all totally naked, their bodies on display for him was too good to be true.

Lucien was more than keen to be naked himself. He was a tall muscular young man with a long thick cock which he displayed at every opportunity. Girls loved seeing it and he loved seeing the desire and lust his cock ignited on their faces.

He was looking forward to arousing that same look on the faces of his mother and sister.


For her part Collette was keen to be out of the stuffy atmosphere of school and art colony and out of New York. She had missed her family. She was worried about poor daddy. And rather aroused by everything her mother had said.

She and Lucien had always been close and she had always put him on a pedestal. She'd seen the way he'd looked at her that evening, was pleased to see he'd noticed how her body had changed, how she'd become an attractive young woman. The thought of being naked in his presence made her tingle with guilty pleasure and anticipation.


Only Charles was dreading the prospect. He had always been ashamed of his little dick. And this had made him shy, secretive and modest. He didn't even walk around the house naked. He became painfully aware of how small it was when he was nude, even without looking at himself. The thought of being naked in front of Lucien and Collette was humiliating.


Part Three: Nudita Obbligatorio!

It was early the next evening when finally they arrived at the entrance to the farmhouse deep in the hills of southern Italy. It looked perfect.

The family had very little luggage. Lucinda had made sure of that. Apart from Collette's books of art theory they only had the clothes they wore and some hats and boots in case the weather changed.

As they stood before the great oak doors Charles made one final attempt to escape:

"Are you sure the old couple know about this nudity? It's going to be hell if there's some ghastly mistranslation" he lied

He had been praying for a misunderstanding that would prevent them from being naked. Although normally rather obsessive about laundry he would sooner have kept the same clothes on for the whole fortnight than endure the humiliation of nudity.

Lucinda dismissed his concerns: "Stop worrying darling. It's fine: 'Nudita obbligatorio' is what they said. That can only mean that they know we will be adhering to a strict regime of total nudity."

She pulled at the ancient bronze bell and they heard a ringing from deep within the building.

The great oak doors opened. The family gasped, astonished by the sight before them.


Dino and Mrs Dino were an elderly Italian couple, possibly in their late 70s, perhaps older. Like many older Mediterranean mountain peasant folk they were weather beaten but glowing with health and vitality. They greeted their guests warmly and invited the family inside the farmhouse, seemingly oblivious to their expressions of surprise and confusion.

Once inside Lucinda regained her composure first. She smiled at the lovely couple, clapped her hands and beamed with joy:

"Nudita obbligatorio! Of course. How wonderful. Grazzie!"

For, standing before them in the great hall of the farmhouse, Mr and Mrs Dino were both completely naked.

Mr Dino was a wiry muscular man whose brown skin told of a lifetime of outdoor work and adventure. His long powerful arms were marked by the shadows of old wounds and tattoos that spoke of time at sea or in prison. His deep wide chest and shoulders were covered by a layer of wiry grey hair.

But all eyes were drawn to the great long thick leathery wrinkled cock that hung between his legs. He smiled and took their bags.

Mrs Dino was a foot taller than her husband and of a larger build. Her stomach flesh hung in curtain folds showing the stretches of many pregnancies and births. Her smooth strong round shoulders and her breasts; remarkably full with prominent brown nipples, might easily have belonged to a woman twenty years her junior.

And as she turned round to lead the family indoors they saw that she possessed the long elegant equine legs and prominent pert buttocks of a Broadway chorus girl.


The ground floor of the farmhouse consisted of one great room with a kitchen at one end, a fire place and armchairs at the other and a huge wooden table in the centre. The fire was already lit and the table laden with food.

Mrs Dino took their bags then fussed and scolded at them telling them to take off their clothes.

She clapped her hands and barked assertively:

"Andiamo! Nudita obbligatorio!"

First the old lady helped Lucinda undress, pulling her clothes off while pushing, prodding and pinching her breasts, bottom, thighs and tummy as if assessing the ripeness of an aubergine at the food market.

She made approving noises and said something to Dino that made his cock swell and stiffen halfway to attention as he looked at Lucinda's tits. Mrs Dino laughed and slapped her husband's semi erect penis affectionately.

Next Dino pulled Lucien's shirt off and the young man was soon naked. Dino slapped his bottom and pointed to Lucien's magnificent cock. Mrs Dino made an appreciative clucking noise and wrapped her arms round Lucien.

Mrs Dino then attended to Collette.

The wise old matriarch was sensitive to the shy self-consciousness of the young woman. She slowly undressed Collette, tenderly stroking her delicate white skin, her young swelling breasts, her pert buttocks.

She put her broad fingers between Collette's legs, parted her pussy lips and eyed the young women with a question:


Collette needed no translation and nodded shyly at which response Mrs Dino made a sighing sound between her lips.

Collette stood there feeling all eyes upon her. She glanced shyly up at her brother and saw his cock stiffen as his eyes took in her body. She smiled as she saw him licking his lips hungrily.

Mrs Dino saw as well. She slapped Lucien's dick and scolded him, but affectionately, smiling and winking as she did so.

Only Charles was still fully dressed. They all turned to look at him.

"Come on dad" smiled Collette in an effort to get her father to relax. "Don't worry. Hey look at me. I'm usually the last to undress in front of others and I'm okay."

The Dinos undressed Charles as though he was a naughty boy and soon he was down to only his underpants which he clung to desperately. Dino had to grab his wrists and hold his hands apart while Mrs Dino pulled Charles' underpants down.

When Mrs Dino saw Charles' small penis she gasped:

"Ooh Patetico!" She looked up at Charles' face and shook her head scornfully:


Then she looked at Lucinda and asked:

"Marito? Che peccato!" ("This is your your husband? What a shame!")

Mrs Dino pushed her ancient but well hung husband toward Lucinda and said something that sounded like a genuine offer.

Lucinda laughed and shook her head thanking the kindly old matriarch in her rusty Italian: "Grazzi. Sei così gentile. Domani perhaps!"

Charles felt everyone looking at his crotch. He looked down and saw that only the small acorn-like head of his tiny member was protruding from the wiry pubic hair.

Oh god. He'd forgotten how small it was. He looked over at Lucien's cock enviously then up at his son's derisory grinning face.

Lucien sneered: "Fuck sake father. Mum wasn't joking was she!? That is some seriously small tackle. Thank god I didn't inherit your cock genes dad!"

Charles heard Lucinda laugh at their son's words.

"Oh Lucien you're such a naughty boy: 'Cock genes!' Don't tease your poor father. It's not fair. It's too much."

Charles looked at Collette and saw an expression of pity, curiosity and disgust on her face. His daughter was ashamed of him. He fought back tears of humiliation and his bottom lip trembled.

Collette instantly felt sorry for poor dad so she smiled, stepped across to him, took his hand and kissed him on the cheek.

"We'll soon get used to being naked dad. Hey, I'm starving. That feast looks great. Let's tuck in!" and she led him toward the table and filled two plates with food for herself and her poor father.


Part Four: Naughty Little Daddy Dick

Charles woke the next morning and panicked when he remembered that he had to be naked all day every day for the next two weeks.

He joined the rest of the family for breakfast.

He felt certain his dick had got smaller over the years. He didn't remember it being this little. But then he'd actually never been naked like this. Not even when he was alone.