No Limits Ch. 06

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Ali learns what porn is.
4.1k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/29/2013
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For the next five days, Ali, Kat and I never left the house except to recharge with mass amounts of food from the local grocery store or pizza shack. The longest amount of time we spent apart was the time it took for a short bathroom break, other than the time that we were asleep. I loved the time that we spent with Kat, but I need more. I need another pussy to fuck. I need new flesh... I need the girl next door. While fucking Kat, I pictured that perfect blonde with the creamy white skin, the pink highlights in her white hair and the way she looked at my naked body without shame.

The three of us discussed our lack of school attendance and that we should at least try to get to one of our classes this week. Ali and I told Kat to go home so we could get some things done before school the next day but that was only half the reason, we wanted to begin the hunt for someone new.

It was Monday morning and we woke early enough to get a little 'us' time in before our first class. Ever since my dick began working, we have had to plan our day and events around it. We knew we couldn't keep our hands off each other, for very long, so we planned extra time for even the simplest of tasks.

Our alarm screeched, letting us know it was 5:30 and time to wake up if we wanted to do anything before our 7:00 class but I only heard it once and when I finally woke, Ali was nowhere to be found. I didn't like waking up without her in my arms. My cock was soft and at full length. It was stretched straight out from me and lying gently on the mattress. When I rolled over, I dragged my cock behind me until it was draped over my side and grazing my ass. I rubbed my eyes a little until I could see the note that Ali sat on the bedside table.

-I tried to wake you but you were too tired so I went to class. I'll be home for lunch. PS. I feel like shit leaving you but you needed your sleep. PSS. I didn't like waking up without you. See you soon. -

It's good that she went to class but it didn't mean that I liked it. I love waking up with her and feeling her skin on mine. I love the way my cock wraps itself around her waist and thighs and rests its head between her legs, at her opening. I love the way I feel as she rolls over and smiles wide and caress my cheek with her soft touch.

I reached for my phone to check the time. -10:30- She wouldn't be home for another hour and a half or two hours. I didn't want to get out of bed but Ali's note didn't lie. I was tired and needed to recharge my energy. I pushed myself out of bed, forgetting my clothes and walked to the kitchen. As I passed through the hallway, I took notice of my cock swinging between my legs. Even when he was soft, he was still thick and heavy. Not as heavy as when blood started to pump through him but heavier than the average cock... wait... Him? Did I really just say that? Did I really just refer to my cock as a Him? It was weird at first but the truth is it was more than just a part of my body. My toes and fingers have worked my entire life but they never affected my life in the way that He did. There it is again. The more I thought about it the more I realized that He was a He. I already experienced strange feelings of affection toward Him and calling it a Him was no weirder than that.

Ever since I made the changes in my body to grow my cock, it had grown a little each day until just 48 hours ago. At full length, if I were standing, six inches of him would be touching the ground. I never used him to fuck at that length, though I could keep him just as hard as when he was smaller. I liked having him at full length when I was sitting or sleeping but when I walked, I pulled him back, a little shorter, until his head was at my ankles, just off the ground so I didn't step on him. I loved walking with him out because I could feel every inch of him touching my legs. Plus, it just felt good to walk as myself and be myself.

I walked pass the window in the living room and was immediately reminded of the blond I promised myself I would have. I doubted she would be in view again but I was hopeful. I leaned over the couch and pulled the blinds up with one long pull of the string. I was so hoping that she would be there but the room was empty, except for the love seat she was sitting on before. I left the window open and moved to the kitchen. It was completely empty except for three left over pizzas from the night before. I grabbed the boxes, sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV. As I sat down, I let him grow to full length and then lifted him up and wrapped him around my neck like a scarf. It felt good and I liked the way His head rested between my breasts.

I sat a pizza on my lap and dug in. I surfed the channels for a bit but nothing was on so I flipped it to all my children for a little background noise. As I ate my food I thought about all that had happened, causing a smile to slowly grow across my face. I know that this whole situation was weird as hell but I loved every second of it. I loved the way women were attracted to me and I to them, and I love the way Ali and I grew close than ever before. I loved my new cock and what he was capable of. I loved thought of Ali and how I knew she wanted to grow a cock of her own but couldn't bring herself to asking me. Not because she is embarrassed but because she wouldn't want to take away from the joy that my cock had brought to me. That's why I already changed her DNA to grow one. I just didn't know how to tell her. It wouldn't show for another day, so I had a little time to figure out how to tell her.

The truth is I wanted her to have one as well. I wanted her to be just like me and be able to make changes to her own body and to others. I wanted her to experience what it was like to have your brain work at full, 100%, capacity. As I thought about all these things I realized that what I have is a huge power and that if I am not using it then I am just wasting my abilities and potential but I don't care. I knew I could do some awesome things with my new gifts and talents but I didn't want to. At least not right now. I wanted to live and explore life for as long as I could. I felt like I was only born this semester, when He decided to start working.

Even though I wasn't paying attention, it's hard not to get sucked into All My Children. I looked at the screen to find Mandy accusing Marshal for having sex with her sister Emily. Mandy was a typical "brunette" type they often had on this show and Marshal was the typical "Hunk". Curly, Black hair, tall, thick shoulders, and chiseled features but I wasn't turned on by that. I was, however, wondering about what kind of cock he was hiding beneath his silk panties. I was curious if his manhood could even compare to mine. From what Ali and Kat told me, I knew that it couldn't but I wanted to see it for myself. I have only had limited experiences with the opposite sex so I have no clear picture of how big I was in comparison.

Just then, Mandy's sister, Emily, walked in the room and suddenly my thoughts changed from wondering about Marshal's dick and I began to imagine Mandy and Emily getting into a catfight in which their clothes get torn off. They begin to make out and then I step into the picture. My cock must have liked this thought as well because a big glob of precum came shooting out of the tip that was pointed down, resting on my tit. The some of my cream trickled down my breasts and stomach but the bulk of it landed on my last piece of pizza, causing me to giggle. I leaned my head to the side and gently stroke a part of him with my cheek. "You like it when I think like that, don't you"? I asked, rhetorically, but he answered anyway, with another large shot of precum. This time, it completely covered the slice of pizza.

I looked down and smiled at the cream covered slice of bread, sauce, cheese and cum, shrugged my shoulders and took a big bite. My God, this stuff is amazing. My cum is like ranch, it goes good on everything. I finished the last bite and threw the pizza box to the ground before standing up. I took notice of my cock being hung over my shoulder and not swinging between my thighs. At first it felt like something was missing but then I realized that I liked him wrapped around me. It felt good to have him so close to me.

As I gently stroked him, I realized that if I wanted to find out what men carried between their legs all I had to do was ask my good friend Google. With a few minutes until Ali would be home, I climbed on my bed and flipped open my laptop. I lie on my stomach, pressing my cock between my body and the bed. I didn't know where to go, since I haven't searched for this before, so I just type 'cocks' into Google. It was confusing at first because the only results were that of male chickens and some pictures of diseased penises from WebMD.

It took me a moment to realized my mistake so I tried again with 'hard cocks'. Ah... pay dirt. Countless images of guys cocks. All of them hard, some in mid stroke, some touching dicks with other men and some of them that were men... err whatever. Two of them that caught my eye were Baily Jay and Chloe Salpa. If I couldn't see their cocks in the pictures then I wouldn't have guessed that they were like me... but they were. Strangely, I fell less alone... I also felt like I wanted to fuck them and I wanted them to fuck me.

For the most part the cocks I saw seemed... average. There were a couple of really small ones that couldn't have been longer than my thumb but the rest were about 6-8 inches. I want to see something that compared to mine so I try google again with something that I remembered Ali told me, 'huge black cocks...' Google interrupted me with 'Did you mean black dicks tiny chicks'? Why yes, I think I did mean that. The results page filled to the brim with big black dicks. Now this is more like it. That is what I was looking for, though I couldn't understand, entirely, the fetish of one black man with huge a dick fucking one small white girl. I scrolled down a bit until all the pictures revealed multiple black men fucking the same girl. I stand corrected, this is what I was looking for.

The thought of having that many cocks inside of me at once made my heart beat faster and my cock fill with blood. He became warm and heavy as he grew thicker and thicker, pushing my body up off the surface of the bed. I pulled my laptop to the side so that He could straighten out to his full length. I reached my hand up and lightly tickled my tip as I kept searching on my computer. I clicked on the 'videos' tab and it showed me the videos of the same gang bang images as before. I click on the one with the biggest cocks and the prettiest girl 'Gang bang with cheerleader Jennifer White'.

The video started out slow with a little introduction of who she was and why she did videos like these. I thoroughly agreed with her answer, "Because I love it." After the intro, the five naked black men emerged from the sides of the camera, their cocks are already hard, sticking straight out from their bodies.

Content with the video I found, I pushed the computer to the edge of the bed so I had enough room to watch and play with myself. I laid on my back, reached down and grabbed a pillow. I laid my head down and pulled my rock hard length in for a tight hug. He separated my tits as he slid between them. I don't know what it was but it always felt so good when my cock touched my breasts. My skin began to heat up and itch with excitement. I made him a little shorter til his head was next to mine and I nuzzled him with my cheek as I stroked his entire length with my hands.

I began kissing my tip but I never took my eyes off of the screen. I was totally enthralled by the way these men were treating her but even more so by the way she wanted them to treat her. This is just like me. I never wanted the men, but I wouldn't have said no to four cocks inside me at once. The thought was almost too much and my cock began to twitch to the beat of my heart. I held him close to my body and a glob of precum landed in my hair. The heat coming off of him felt nice and it made me want more of this feeling.

I used one hand to stroke him and the other I used to pull the tip in toward me as I began to kiss it. My cock spasmed and he rewarded me with another large burst of precum that covered my face. I slid my face across him, wiping my cum onto my tip and then sucked it off, slowly and gently. He spasmed again and two large ropes of the stuff shot out of him, one hit the wall and the other covered my face once again.

As I began to transfer the sweet substance to my cock so I could lick it off, I heard the door open and Ali say, "Ali? You home."

At first I was shocked and then something inside me kicked in from when I was growing up and I felt like jumping to my feet to hide what I was doing but then I remembered that I was different now, and the last person to care was my sister. Staying put I on the bed I yelled to her in hopes that she would join me. "Ali, I'm in here. Hurry."

I could hear Ali moving faster. She dropped her bag and almost ran down the hall. She poked her head in and asked, "What is it?"

I didn't answer, I just kept at myself and let her decide what to do next. Ali smiled wide, I loved when she smiled like that. That was the way she smiled when she was truly happy. She walked slowly over to me taking notice of everything: what I was watching, the way I was interacting with my cock, my tiny body with this massive throbbing cock protruding from my crotch.

"Oh my God, Al." She said with haste as she could feel her own skin heating up. "You are so fucking hot." Again, I didn't say anything. I wanted her to get as excited as I was but I wanted her to get there on her own and I'm not going to lie it turned me on knowing that I was turning her on.

I could hear her begin to breathe heavily as she watched me. She took her shirt of and she stepped closer to the bed and by the time she reached me, her pants hit the floor. She didn't want to interrupt me so just watched for a few more seconds before climbing onto the bed and kneeling behind me. She started watching the movie on my computer and rubbing my thigh.

"Oh my God, that's hot. I've never actually watched porn before." She spoke in a flat tone. "I like it."

My mind was too taken by the feelings I was caught up in but I wanted her to feel like a part of it so I rolled on my back and lifted my leg over her head until she was sitting between my legs. She looked down at me and smiled and then began rubbing the base of my cock. Her touch felt good and added to the rush of feeling and emotions I was experiencing.

I wanted to talk to her but I couldn't stop what I was doing but it didn't matter because she used her other hand to rub my pussy. It only took a few seconds before she dipped two fingers inside of me and then moments later until she began fisting me. From her fist to her elbow, Ali fisted my cunt as fast as she could. Under any other circumstances my pussy would have been burning from being dry buy by this time my fluids were flowing out of me, completely covering her entire arm.

I wasn't the only one with juices flowing. Ali was so turned on by what was happening that her cunt was dripping wet and her fluids pooled on the bed below her. She was to focused on my cock to care though.

My eyes were closed most of the time but when I actually got them open I glanced at the computer just in time to see Jennifer White on top of one of the men with his cock in her ass, another guy stood above her with his cock in her pussy and a third man fucked her in the mouth. They weren't gentle either, they thrusted in and out of her so forcefully that her whole body shook and you could see her skin shake from the force of their thrusts.

This made me even hotter and I knew that I was on the verge of coming. With Ali fucking my pussy and me stroking my length, it was only seconds later when my nervous system exploded and I could feel the load of cum pouring through my cock. My whole body stiffened as rope after creamy rope shot out of my tip, hitting my face and going in my mouth and hitting the wall behind me. My legs shut tightly, trapping Ali's arm inside my body. She tried to stroke me from the inside but it wasn't going to happen so she left her arm inside me and began to finger fuck herself.

My orgasm lasted over two minutes. It seemed like forever but it left me wanting more. As soon as Ali could pull her arm free from my cave of wonder, she scooted up toward my head and helped me drink from my ever-giving fountain of ooze. Her hand naturally found its place on my cock and she mindlessly began stroking me. Ali scooted in close to me until our cheeks were touching and let my cock cover our faces in cum. My hands were still busy milking every drop from my dick so I could only drink what landed in my mouth, the rest drenched the bed below us. I could feel my fluids leaking out of my pussy as well. I wanted to reach down for a handful but Ali was already doing it. With both hands she scooped up as much as she could and then drizzled it into my mouth.

She lay back down beside me and when the rush was over and I could finally speak I said, "You came in at the perfect time."

Ali giggled and replied, "And you came at the perfect time." She leaned in and kissed me causing my head to spin and my cock to spurt more cum onto me.

It may have been an awkward moment to bring it up but I didn't know how else to tell her so I just blurted it out, "Ali, I know you want to grow a cock."

Ali pulled away from me but just for a moment and the cuddled back in close, "Are you mad." She didn't bother denying it. And why should she? After all, this was Ali.

I placed a hand gently on her cheek, "Of course not. I could never be mad at you for telling me your secrets and wants and desires. But why didn't you tell me?"

"You just dot your dick to work, I didn't want to take away from that. You deserve some happiness in your life." I was right. Ali was too sweet and too nice to be selfish. At least with something like this.

I rolled onto my side, pressing my cock between us, and wrapped an arm around her. "My dick wouldn't be working right now if it wasn't for you. You're the source of all my happiness. I told you before and I'll tell you again, 'this dick is just as much yours as it is mine'." I kissed her and added, "Plus, I'd be lying if I said I didn't want you to have one as well."

Her face lit up with excitement, "Really?"

"Of course." I took a deep breath, "In fact, I gotta secret of my own."

"What's that?"

"I actually made the changes in your body two days ago. It should start to show by the end of today."

"You didn't?!" She gasped and slapped my arm. "Ali, I could kiss you."

I smiled wide and demanded, "So kiss me."

Ali leaned in and gave me the most soft, loving kiss. As we kissed, I pulled her closer to me. Our breasts pressed together around the tip of my cock. He shot out several loads of cum, hitting our chins which caused us to giggle.

Ali couldn't stop kissing me so she spoke into my mouth, "I can't believe I'm gonna have one of these things."

"You're going to love it."

She stopped kissing my cock for a moment and drifted off in thought, "Can you imagine what we could do if both of us have cocks?"

I smile with delight, "Or the girls we could do?"

Ali screamed with excitement, "Oh my god, can we fuck girls together?"

"Uh, duh." I said, "We both have dicks now."

She screamed again, "Oh, god, can you imagine? You could fuck her pussy and I can fuck her ass. And then we could switch." She thought for another moment and then continued, "And then we could 69 each other... we wouldn't even need another girl if we didn't want to."

I just smiled as I watched and listened to her describe everything I've already thought about.