No Ordinary Proposal Ch. 05


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"Easy boys, I know I've been gone for a few days but you don't all have to jump on my privates the moment you see me." She was sitting on the edge of the bed wearing my Paris Air Show t-shirt and it would appear nothing else but a smile. Her hair was fluffed into a golden mass and her accent had gone back to deep Texas. I had asked her about that and she said it was a put on. Most people from the city don't speak that way, though she said she's known to throw in a "ya'll" on occasion. She slowed down the chatter by answering a few questions, one asking about her weekend which she got all giddy about.

"I've got a story for you! I took my very first flying lesson yesterday!" There were a lot of questions about how she liked it and what kind of plane it was. She went on about altitude and attitude and I was proud of her as she correctly recounted every term and what it meant.

"I do plan on taking more lessons. Especially since my trainer is fucking hot." She fanned herself. "I wanted to join the mile high club but there wasn't time or room."

I sent her a donation and her eyes lit up when she saw the username. She sent a private message which popped on the corner of my screen.

"Is this who I think it is?"

"It would depend on who you think it is." I countered.

"If it's not Chris Hemsworth can it at least be Ryan Reynolds?"

"Sorry no. I'm just a lowly peasant in the pantheon of hot guys."


"So who wants to see the new outfit I have on underneath my new shirt? I have more stories of my past week. So many things happened. One I hope you're all going to like."

Questions started flying by on the screen as the viewership enlarged.

"Well part of it includes what I'm wearing underneath so if you don't help get the shirt off, what's the point of the story?" She shrugged dramatically and donations started flying by. As the goal got closer she started to tell the story.

"Well a very dear friend of mine just happens to be a terrific photographer. Scenes, monuments, travel stuff. His work is probably on a calendar or screensaver you've seen. Well he's never actually taken pictures of a model, so we fixed that over the past week."

She got multiple offers to model for the viewers.

"I already model for all y'all." She leveled her remark at a few smart asses. "He did some terrific shots, and I couldn't have been happier. In fact I got this idea and I put a bunch of them together in a book." She reached over to the nightstand and picked up one of the books and held it up. She stood in the bay window behind her in blue lingerie, one of the early shots we took against the darkened windows. "I was thinking of making a raffle or some sort of contest for it. What do you think?"

She got several escalating offers for it as she turned it and flipped through some of the pages. "Oh wow. Would you look at this?" She turned one of the pages towards the camera. It was her standing in the shallow end of the pool brushing her wet hair back, water droplets clinging to her lotion covered breasts. "Let me tell you, that pool was fucking freezing! My nipples could have cut glass." She turned it back and flipped through it some more.

"Four color offset printed, twenty pages full color glossy photos. Centerfold, complete with staples." She pursed her lips. "I'm curious what you guys think this would be worth. It is all of me, I mean there's a little variety in the photos but not in the models." She grinned and held it up to show off the cover, tilting it slightly as it reflected one of the lights she used.

A few dozen suggestions, from sublime to ridiculous cascaded past but a general consensus was running around twenty dollars. She nodded as more settled on that range.

"Well since I have to handle the postage and such how about we go twenty-five, that covers the stiff," she winked broadly at the camera, "photo mailer and the postage to most of the US, I do have to send one north of the border. I'm not sure how to fill out the customs paperwork on that." She grinned as donations of twenty-five flew up the screen. "Hold it boys I can only keep up with so much. Let's do this. If you want one, send me your name and address, and whether or not you want it autographed." She started taking info, tapping furiously on her keyboard. Someone asked her how many she had. "I have about a hundred of them, but if these sell off fast I may just do another one, then you could order the second edition."

"Oh wait a minute!" She stopped typing and whipped my t-shirt off. "There, surprise!" She wore the new purple lingerie inspired by Matt. She lined it up and showed it off to a lot of cheering guys. It did look incredible on her and I had to thank Matt for his good eye, the color contrasted with her bright hair perfectly. She typed away recording more purchases and they slowed to a crawl. "Somebody help me out, get a count of how many people so I know if I missed anyone. A few minutes went by and she got several responses, twenty-eight so far.

"I didn't expect to run out in the first hour. Not bad though. Covers the cost of production." She said to me in private.

She began to recount some of the story of when we arrived and Matt brought in dinner and she flashed him her bush.

"I had so much fun teasing him. I'm making it up to him though. I gave him the website address so if you're in here Matt, keep an eye on the mailbox." She winked broadly and blew a kiss at the camera.

"Do you have or know anyone with one of those instant cameras?"

"No, but they can't be hard to find online." I replied.

"Are you in here Matt?"

Plenty of guys volunteered to be Matt if she wanted them to be.

"If you send me a private message with the name of the hotel that should be proof enough."

Several viewers started throwing out suggestions. Jo leaned forward and spoke as if conspiring with the audience.

"You know, you could see what he saw that first day if we hit that goal." It took moments for the goal to be reached and she laid back on the bed after adjusting the camera a little to the left. She peeled off the panties and held them up on her finger. "I hope you don't mind Matt but these are all yours." She set them aside and rolled onto her side, her legs crossed naturally but the blonde strip was showing neatly disappearing between them. She started to pet it, stroking the fuzz and tugging at the hair. "Now imagine if you will you're a lonely bored college student working a lousy hotel job in some big city. You knock on the door and push the little room service cart in and this is the first thing you see."

She was a master at the art of the tease. I was there when it happened and she had me hard all over again.

"Yes it does sound like the music should start, like at the beginning of sex scene in a porn flick." She laughed.

She sat up suddenly and began typing, a grin spread across her face. She paused for a minute and squealed. "We have a winner! Ding, ding, ding! Welcome Matt!"

"Well if it's not him he knows an awful lot about me and where I spent my weekend and who with. It's him, he even gave me the room number!"

"I'm not going to out you in the room Matt. Since your screen name doesn't give you away. Thank you for being so terrific to me." She blew another kiss at the screen.

"Guys, let's see if we can get this off next so I can pack it with Matt's book, and you'll see what he walked into one of the nights he delivered dinner to my room." She grinned.

Soon she was nude on the bed and moved back into her seated position. She would tap away occasionally and I had to assume it was Matt she was speaking with since my screen didn't change.

"Matt says I'm not the first woman to flash him, but I'm most definitely the hottest."

"Well I can't speak for what he's seen but I can agree you are the hottest I've ever seen."

"Sweet talker, you're just trying to get into my pants. What are you doing for dinner tomorrow night?"

"Nothing special."

"Good I'm going to pick up an instant camera in town this afternoon. Let's make his day and send him some personal snapshots. You can stay over and go play golf with Scott in the morning, if you have enough energy."

"So that's how he plans on winning!"

"I cannot tell a lie. He put me up to it."

I laughed. She finished up her session online to the heartache of hundreds. She had received a few more orders for books before she logged out. I turned back to my work and found I had a few messages and several emails accumulated. I cleaned up my inbox and made myself some lunch.

I did go into the office on Tuesday and got ribbed incessantly. I told John that when he started bringing in some real sales then he too can live the good life. I smiled at that as I returned to my office with a fresh cup of coffee. I was leaving for the day when the boss asked if I was going to go back to full time soon. I laughed and asked him how many aircraft I had to sell for him to get off my case. He said one per week would do and I was behind on my quota.

Jo texted me earlier in the day asking me to pick up some white wine since all they had was red at the house. I stopped home and changed into something comfortable and grabbed my golf clubs before taking the highway around the outskirts of the city towards their place.

Dinner was delicious and I gathered the dishes and started clean up when Jo leaned in and kissed me on the cheek.

"Thank you for doing this. I'm going to head upstairs and clean up. Come on up when you're done."

Scott poured the rest of the wine into his glass and looked at me. I rinsed the pan and put it in the drying rack. I looked up at him as I dried my hands. He looked out the patio door at the waning light. Maggie whined, rule was she didn't get to eat dinner until the people did so she knew it was her turn. I began to move and Scott stood up slowly.

"Come on Maggie I'll get your dinner." He said and I stopped at the end of the counter. He looked over at me. "Well get up there. Don't you know better than to keep a lady waiting?"

I chuckled and turned towards the hallway. When I got upstairs the door to the bedroom was open and I could hear the shower running. She had moved the lights around to the end of the bed. The water stopped and I thought maybe she could use a hand drying off. She took one look at my face and warned me off or we wouldn't get the pictures taken.

"Afterwards though." She whispered in my ear and gave it a little lick. She wrapped the towel around herself and turned to walk past me. I hooked my finger in the towel and it came off as she walked out of the room laughing. I noticed she'd moved the table against the wall and on it was a couple boxes. I looked it over and opened the camera up. It had been unpacked already and on top was a funny faced selfie Jo had shot to test it out. I flipped through the manual to learn the controls. Jo came back a little while later wearing the purple lingerie set again, this time she wore purple lipstick and eye shadow to go with it. Her cheeks even had a dark blush to them. She climbed on the bed and shuffled to the end on her knees.

"Would you flip on the lights and take a shot of my face so we can see if this is too much?"

I did as she asked, turning the lights down a bit from their full power and took a test shot. She sat back on her haunches and waited for it to develop. "I got a little thank you gift for Matt. I'm going to send it all at once. I even wrote him a little love note."

"Really?" I responded warily.

"Oh stop." She reached out and pinched my stomach. "I'll show it to you in a bit." She looked at the picture and made a face. "My eyes look like they were done by a color blind cartoonist." She handed me the picture, climbed off the bed and left the room. I looked at it and thought they were a little heavy on the color, more like something you'd see in a stage show rather than a photograph.

She came back into the room with a little wipe she was rubbing her eyelid with and asked for the photo and left again. The color was darker than the lingerie and I hoped she was going lighter. She came back a few minutes later and stepped in front of the lights and held up the photo to me.

"A couple shades lighter, is it better?"

I swallowed hard. "You look fantastic."

She rolled her eyes and smiled before closing her eyes. "Yes I know that, but how does the color look."

"I can't wait to ruin that lipstick." I said, my voice huskier than normal.

She made a little growl and climbed back on the bed. "Now that's what a girl wants to hear."

"I see you bought plenty of film, what exactly are we going for here?"

"Something that's not in the books. Something a little naughtier?" She blushed even beneath the makeup. I could see that she was worried.

"You look concerned."

"Well, I figure you might be personally interested at this point."

"Just how naughty?" I looked at her wondering. A grin slowly crept across her face.

"Well for the really naughty stuff I was thinking it would be close up, none of those showing my face."

"Uh huh." I lifted the camera up and she dropped the smile and gave me a searing come hither look, her hand touching the bra strap. "Tell me more." I said as I set the picture on the table. She didn't hesitate and undid the bra and dropped it on the bed and massaged her breasts and I took another shot.

"Again." She said and puckered up and blew me a slow kiss. She covered her breasts with her forearm and pushed down one side of the panties with her thumb. She turned around and pulled it down again while looking over her shoulder. She pushed them down to her thighs and leaned forward exposing herself and I held back the next shot.

"You're directing here, tell me what you want."

"Get right in there, give him a closeup." She giggled and turned her face away from the camera. She reached beneath her and slipped a finger in and I shot another picture. She rolled onto her back and we lined up a shot with her legs straight up as she pushed the panties up her legs, then another with them dangling from her toe. She began to finger herself and told me to get in close. I wasn't even looking at the photographs at this point I was just setting them aside as I took them. The film ran out and I had to reload it. She stood and showed me how it went in and told me to wait a minute. She went out of the room and came back with a small bottle of clear liquid. She held it up and it was personal lubricant. "I bet this is going to be nice and shiny." She made a face with her tongue lolling out to the side. She laid back on the bed and spread her legs. "Are you ready for me?"

"I think that's my line." She ran a line of the lube down her fingers and began stroking it into her lips with a hum. "Enjoying yourself?"

"Mmm hmm!"

"Stop." I adjusted her hand so it didn't cast a shadow and took another shot. The scent of berries started to waft through the air. "Flavored lube?"

"As soon as we're done you can check." She said as she pushed a single finger into her and ran it back and forth slowly.

"Oh, that looks delicious." I said to her. She added another finger, the humming got louder. She was right the lubricant was shiny and made her fingers shine as they slipped in and out of her.

"Are you okay? You're not fogging up the lens are you?"

"I stopped taking pictures five minutes ago." I said lying to her. She giggled knowing I was lying because the camera was still clicking away and spitting out images. She dragged her fingers out and began stroking her clit, at one point dragging the hood back dramatically showing a large pink heart. I had to stop myself from leaning in and licking it and told her so.

"Soon enough." She sat up, holding her hand up. She leaned forward and brushed her hair forward into a tangle mess in front of her face. She parted a small spot in front of her lips and puckered up for a kiss again. She brought her fingers up and ran them over her lips, the lube making them shine brighter before she slipped the two fingers into her mouth.

"Jesus." I said as I took the shot. She took her fingers out and slowly licked her lips. Her eyes opened and looked into mine and a smile crept across her face and she closed them again and I got a picture of the smile.

"Put the camera down and close the door." She said softly. When I stood up she grabbed me by the front of my slacks, my cock was hard as a pipe. "That's proof I was doing a good job." She took the camera from my hand and jerked her head towards the door. When I stood in front of her again she had a wicked grin on her face. She unzipped my pants and pulled me towards her, my cock jutting straight out at her. She licked and wet my cock down fully before taking it slowly into her mouth. She pawed around for the camera and held it up to the side of her face and felt around for the button to take the photo.

"I have another idea too but it's going to require you to be naked." I must have looked concerned. "Don't worry, it's going to be a close up. I just need to see if I got this one without a huge identifiable profile of my face in it. Her tongue lashed out at my cock keeping it attentive as the picture developed. "It came out blurry. Think you'd be able to hold it back over my shoulder far enough?"

"I'll try but it requires my cock in your mouth." She smiled and took me deeply and I turned the camera and adjusted it as best as I could while she teased me. I took the shot and she slid back using her tongue to full advantage. She let it go and watched the photograph develop.

"Oh, that's good. You can see the side of my face but not really well. Take your clothes off."

"The romance is over." I lamented.

"You think so, huh?" She said as she took my cock to the back of her throat and drew back slowly. "Have you been man-scaping down here?"

I was naked in a flash. She had stood and straightened out the comforter and looked around. Both nightstand lamps were on she directed me to get on my knees a little away from the foot of the bed and handed me the camera. She pulled the panties back on, pushed me back onto my haunches and straddled my lap, tugged the fabric to the side and slid down my cock. She held onto me around my neck and told me to take a photo of me inside of her. She leaned back as far as she could and still hold herself up, then she just leaned back on both hands as I got a few shots.

She took the camera and put it on the table, turned off the lamps and pushed me back onto the bed and mounted me again this time without the panties on. "Think it would be too forward of me to sign that last one with, 'Wish you were here!'" Jo asked. I laughed then sighed as she sank fully onto my cock. She didn't take long to reach climax and brought me along with her

She lay on top of me in the dim light of the one lamp. I thought she was asleep. "Thank you." She whispered.

"For what?"

"Everything. Everything you do for me, for us."

"I hardly find myself altruistic as I lay with the most beautiful woman I know, and love, naked across my chest. My not completely spent cock still inside of her and wonder why I'm the one being thanked." Jo giggled and laid her head down and nuzzled my neck.

"Not completely hmm?"

"Well it may take a while but no, not completely." I laughed.

"Oh I wanted to show you what I got for Matt." She climbed off me and made a face. "I should clean up a bit before I leave a snail trail down the hallway." We both laughed and she went into the bathroom to wash up. I stood and pulled back the covers and moved the lights away from the bed before climbing back in.