No Ordinary Proposal Ch. 06


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"How much trouble would I get in if I walked in there right now and yanked it off, and threw you back and jerked the panties off too?"

I typed quickly. A huge grin spread across her face instantly. She dropped the bra and tossed it onto my shirt to cheers from the gathered masses.

"Well I'd be in a lot. Don't do it until after I sign out."

She rubbed the underside of her breasts and let out a deep sigh.

"That's better!" Everyone agreed and they were quick to get after her panties next. "You boys are persistent today. Is it because you won't ever see me again?" She pouted. "You know I've still got about fifty of these." She reached over and picked up one of the photo look-books she'd had made from all of the photographs I'd taken of her over the past several months. She reached out and put my uniform hat on. "You can see me in full uniform, and out. The price is still the same all I need is your mailing address in an email." She gave them a wink and set the book back on the nightstand. She took another long pull on her coffee cup. "Let's do this, if the three top tippers today haven't already ordered one, they can have it free of charge. I'll contact them directly after I sign off today. Now let's get the rest of this outfit off first because I have a little surprise for you."

She ignored several more inquiries about the ring and only responded to questions about the books or the surprise. "If I tell you then it won't be a surprise!" She drawled. I loved how she went full Texan when she was on camera like this. They got around to dropping her panties which she offered them a frontal or posterior view of when they came off, they surprised me and opted for posterior. I couldn't blame them after seeing her turn around on her knees. She looked over her shoulder. "Any of you boys able to help me with this string up my butt?" She reached back and pulled it from between her cheeks and let it go as the volunteers lined up. She slipped them down her thighs slowly, stretching the strings out as she did. She lifted each knee and slipped them off and peeled off the socks while she was at it.

"That is so much better." Her fingertips appeared between her thighs rubbing herself as she spoke over her shoulder. She leaned forward and asked if we agreed and got a resounding yes in response. She turned around and sat back on her heels again.

"You know what? I'm horny as fuck right now." She got plenty of agreement on that as she fanned out her hair. Her nipples were hard as rock. "Would y'all like to watch me get off?" The chat went by so fast with agreement it was nearly unreadable. She grinned and reached over to the nightstand again and came back with a U-shaped plastic device.

"Reach over and grab my phone off the charger."

I did as she asked. She directed me to an app and had me open it and it was a virtual control pad.

"Y'all know what this is?" She grinned. "I know you've seen them in other girls rooms, don't lie. Well this is new for me. She sat back setting it beside her. As many of you have asked, yes." She held her hand up showing off her ring. "This is an engagement ring. The owner of that shirt and tie popped the question, and as you can see, I said yes." The screen erupted in congratulations for us and I was surprised at how these guys were happy for her, for us. She seemed a little choked up by it too and swallowed hard to keep from tearing up.

"You see, that man is one of the kindest, sweetest, sexiest and I'm guessing right about now, hardest in all the land. He's watching right now." There were shouts to out me and she just shook her head. "No I'm not going to tell you who it is.

"It's up to you, but I'm glad you didn't make your nickname Flyboy or anything like that!"

"No he's not the reason I'm leaving. In fact he's fine with me working on here. It's time to dedicate a little more time to building my life, maybe have him put a baby in here." She rubbed her hand across her stomach. "Or at least try like hell. The trying is the fun part, or so I've been told." She leaned over and grabbed something off the nightstand, holding it in her hand. I recognized the small bottle of lubricant she'd kept in her bag when we had gone to Montreal.

"Since boys aren't allowed on here, I figured out another way for him to bring me to a screaming orgasm, and I thought you'd all like to watch. See, this works with an app over WiFi and he has the control in his hot little hands right now. Don't you sweetheart?" She winked at the camera then reached up and began massaging her breast tugging on the nipple. "All of these lucky guys are going to watch you make me cum. I hope you can perform in front of an audience. Because when you're done I'm going to come downstairs, tear your jeans off and fuck you like a bitch in heat." Cheers erupted in the chat box.

I gasped aloud at her brazen comment which I did hear from the stairwell and speakers. I swallowed hard trying to wet my suddenly dry throat. If her point was to get me so hard it hurt she'd achieved it. I wiggled in my seat, seeking some relief from the tightness of my jeans.

"You boys have never seen me go this far, and I figure if it's going to be my last day on here then you might as well get a treat for being such terrific, supportive fans over the past year." She reached between her thighs and rubbed her fingers against her clit. She wasn't really showing anything but it was obvious when she let out a little gasp. "Oh you'd probably like a better view, wouldn't you?" She spread her knees wider and leaned back a little her lips parting eagerly. I licked my lips knowing just how delicious she was and knowing most of the viewers would kill to find out for themselves.

"Despite being a tall woman, I'm kind of small down here. So when I fuck I need some extra lube to take a big hard cock in me." She flipped the cap on the small bottle and poured out a large pool and brought it between her legs rubbing it in slowly. She slipped a finger inside her and sighed, her chest heaving with the effort. "Mmm, slippery, wet, and strawberry scented, just for you." She set the bottle aside and took up the vibrator and checked something on it before reaching between her legs and slipping into her with a little push.

"I'm in your capable hands now sweetheart. I know you won't let me down. Make me cum like I was riding your cock."

The chat erupted with calls to hit her with everything the device was capable of, but I wasn't going to let her off the hook with a quickie. I chose a low, long wave pattern and she hummed in appreciation. She licked her lips.

"This is going to be fun. Unlike when I tried it out, I sort of knew what to expect when I was controlling it." She sat up and began piling the pillows up before reclining on them like a model in a Renaissance painting. Her fingers glided up her thigh as she stretched out, legs spread for everyone to see.

"I love the way you make me feel." She said looking directly into the camera. "That disconnected trance you can put me into like I'm floating in warm water, waiting for your touch to ground me." She grazed her stomach with he fingertips. "That feeling in here, of molten heat you create by taking your time, loving me with your soft lips and eager tongue."

I reached for the zipper on my jeans and sought relief as she turned me and the suddenly silent room of admirers on. We connected as if no one else was there and fixated on her body and words. I saw the screen of the phone darken as if it were to fall asleep and I picked a new pattern and intensity, a moment later she gasped. She reached down and pulled the little vibrator hard against her clit.

"Tease." She purred. "I wish you were here to suck and bite my nipples. You know how much I love when you do that while you're fingering me."

I smiled because that had been one of the many little things I'd discovered by accident as I had mistakenly sunk my teeth into her nipple making her cry out and writhe under me as she pushed her hips up harder into my hand, one night not long ago. I sent a bursting pattern of fast shocks to the vibrator and arched her back. "Do you remember that night?" She giggled and sighed in appreciation of my memory. "For the rest of you that weren't there, we couldn't wait, we never made it off the couch. I got on all fours and he mounted me from behind and fucked my like a stallion. I have no idea how the couch didn't fall over, but he did move it across the floor as he drove his cock into me." Her hips began to grind in small circles as she held the vibrator hard against her clit.

"Oh fuck!" She cried out, as I moved the intensity to the top of the scale. I stroked my cock at the sight of her. She pinched her nipples, her mouth hung open as she gasped. I noticed she was soaking wet around the vibrator and it was dripping down her ass. Her knees were pulled back and her toes curled as she let out a shriek. Her body began to shake as she came. Her back arched as she cried out again, her entire body was tensed up for a long moment before she began to relax. Her head laid back on the pillow, her heels settled back to the mattress. The vibrator had been drenched as well as the towel she sat on. The only sound was her gasping for air and the soft whine of Maggie trying to get into the room.

Jo raised her head and looked at the camera. "Was it good for you?" She laughed and her head dropped back to the pillow. She pressed her knees together and let out another soft moan.

I had stopped stroking my cock which was causing a lot of discomfort as it sought relief from Jo's teasing.

She sat up, her hair was a mess around her face and she blew a strand out of the way and giggled.

"Gotta love sex hair." She reached down and slipped the vibrator free, and her pussy dripped freely onto the towel. "That was almost as good as the real thing." She wiped off the vibrator and looked at it. "This was a good investment. In case any of you need an idea for your girl." She set it aside and took a long swallow of her coffee. She sat back slightly and began wiping herself down.

"I want you all to know how much I've enjoyed spending time with you." She laid the towel aside and brushed her hair behind her head. "What started out as a way to tease someone turned into a great place to make friends and tease even more of you. I know I may not have been the sexiest, or naughtiest, or wildest girl you've seen on here but those of you kept coming back, and supported me have really come to mean a lot to me. I'm keeping the account open for a little while longer so you can reach me about the photo books. I'll be keeping my social media account open for now. Since he's a camera geek I might post some more sexy photos for you to see there. If you don't follow me then you should." She typed in her social media account info in the text box. "I was thinking of making him come through on that promise of a trip to Hawaii. We might even do the deed while we're there." She grinned and wiggled her ring finger. "After he pins me to the bed and does right by his new wife, I'll drag him to one of those secluded waterfalls and have him take pictures of me au naturel." She turned serious. "He's a wonderful man, and I know he's going to make me the happiest woman in the world."

I closed the browser window, stood and walked upstairs. She looked up surprised when I opened the bedroom door. Her smile widened as she looked up at me. She turned back to the camera.

"Well a very handsome man just showed up at my door with a raging hard cock, so I'm going to go now and take care of that. Remember to send me any more orders for the books if you're interested and I'll keep in touch through my social media. I'm gonna miss you guys." She choked up a bit and a tear fell from her eye as she waved goodbye and blew them kisses. She reached forward and clicked the mouse a few times.

She bit her lip and looked up. "Hi."

"Are you okay?" I said grinning. She just nodded. I walked forward and turned off the lights and moved them out of the way. She unhooked the camera and lowered the lid of her laptop and I pushed the small table towards the wall and she sat alone on the edge of the bed looking up at me, her expression almost shy. Her eyes flicked down and her smile widened.

"Come here and I'll take care of that." Her chin came up and her eyes locked on mine. I pulled off my clothes and stepped closer and she kissed me, taking the head of my cock into her mouth and sucking gently. "You're not going to last long." She said and took more of me into her mouth drawing me out quickly. She swallowed as much of me as she could and filled her mouth in only minutes. I gasped as I came down. She leaned back and looked up at me, licking her lips. "There, now we can take our time, lie down." She stood and went to the bath, when she returned she climbed into bed beside me and laid her head on my shoulder and kissed my chest. "Are you okay with that?"

"Hmm?" I was still in post orgasmic bliss and I wasn't sure what she was talking about.

"Hawaii? Wedding? Waterfall?"

"I'll book the flight as soon as you want. We can keep Paris for our anniversary." I joked. We spent the rest of the afternoon in bed. I must have passed out at some point because I woke to Jo coming into the bedroom in a tee and gym shorts with a large glass of water.

"Is everything all right?"

She laughed. "Well Maggie needed to go out pretty badly, other than that yeah."

"Holy..." I said looking at my watch. "Are nooners supposed to last until five?"

"Only if you're lucky." Jo grinned as she kicked off her flip-flops and crawled onto the bed and straddled me, the sheet the only thing covering me as she peeled the tee over her head and leaned forward dropping a kiss on my lips. "All tuckered out are you?" I replied by sliding my hands down her back into the shorts, pushing them over her ass.

"These need to go." I said smiling and watched her eyes light up with a smile.

"Dinner is going to be late." She said as her tongue slipped past my lips once more.

* * * * *

"Ready?" Jo looked at me with a huge grin on her face and we both tensed up and swung Ellie up into the air by her arms making her squeal in delight. She swung back down onto the sand in the frothy surf of the beach. Ellie was nearly four now, born a respectable, as Jo had put it, year and a half after our wedding here in Hawaii. This trip was a celebration on multiple counts for us, our anniversary, Ellie's birthday and my recent promotion at work. Jo had bought me a sweatshirt with a little stick figure family on it with the moniker "Life is Good" as an anniversary gift, and I couldn't agree with her more as I looked down at the wavy straw blonde hair of our daughter, the golden sunset lighting her soft features and bright hazel eyes. I glanced up at Jo, the sunset made her glow, her hair blowing her hair all over. I nodded as she looked at me again.

"Life is good." I said before leaning over and kissed her.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Sweet. Really a love story. Hard to walk away from it. Thank you.

gunmakergunmaker15 days ago

Well, it all came together nicely. And they all lived happily ever after! You done good.

BHCoupleBHCouple10 months ago

Thanks, this is absolutely my all time story on here

donner60donner60about 1 year ago

Hey 389….Thanks for one of the best stories I’ve read here on Lit. Your writing makes the human condition of your characters and plot line so real and believable. Read it in one sitting and was left in awe of your ability … Hoping for more.Thanks again….

OU8ME2ICOU8ME2ICover 1 year ago

OMG, what an beautiful love story. Very emotional. I chocked up and cried several times. It was also funny and very EROTIC. You are an amazing story teller. Thank you for all the time and effort you gave in writing this and your other stories. Cheers!

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