No Other Option


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They arrived at her building and, with a tender kiss on the lips, she told him he'd stay with her tonight. He knew he should protest, uncertain as he was on where this was heading but everything in his body wanted to be with her. It had been too long since he had been with a woman and her body, warm and soft would feel wonderful next to him.

Once inside the door, she pulled him to her and placed a soft, moist kiss against his lips. It took him too quickly for him to react and by the time he responded she pulled away. Her hands slid over his body approvingly though he was too nervous to respond in kind.

"Don't you find me attractive?" she leaned up and whispered in his ear. Such a simple question that could be taken so many ways. She was unlike any woman he had ever been with before and he felt stalled when he wanted to proceed. Dumbly he nodded and she smiled with a slight grin. "You are attractive," she countered. "Very attractive."

Reaching between them she unclasped his pants and reached inside. He sensed her touch but felt only the hardness of the case surrounding him. The feel of it drove her and she circled her hand around the hard plastic. Within it he filled the sheath completely. His cock filled and pressed outward, only to be met with unyielding resistance on the edge of a dull pain.

"Yes, you're very attractive...beautiful." He pled, "Please let me out."

She stepped back, quickly taking off her top to display two firm breasts stretching the confines of a black satin bra. Her skirt followed, underneath a black silk thong. Her skin looked fresh and warm. Chris' body reacted to it immediately.

"I can't," she said, her face sympathetic. "You have to feel it. You must know what it is to want."

Conflicting emotions flashed in his head and he searched for the right words to voice his feelings. As if controlled, he shed his clothes, his eyes never leaving her barely-clad form. His mind told him he was naked but he knew different. The confinement of his sex felt cumbersome even with its light weight.

Despite this it made him feel safe. It ended the struggle every man faces before a woman. Now there was no choice. There was no decision to dwell on, couldn't be even if he had a say. He was resigned to his predicament and, realizing that, the breath left his body like a bellows. She noticed his body relaxing and, one foot angled away from the other, studied him with fascination. If only she could see what he felt, the heavy wanting that filled his sack, teasing and tormenting him without relief.

She wasn't a cruel woman, and she was growing feelings for him. At first just an experiment, she thought he would be a wonderful addition to her artwork but he was growing to be much more. She recognized the pleas in his eyes and knew men well enough to know how important their cocks were to them. Most had based their lives around a limitless number of orgasms. It defined their sexuality and dictated who they were as men. Having it taken so quickly would be difficult for anyone.

The bra unsnapped and tumbled to the floor. Still wide-eyed, almost panting visibly, he looked at her with a hunger that aroused her. She came to him and pressed herself to his body. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders and she rested her cheek against the expanse of his chest. Placing a tender kiss on his soft fur, she looked up at him. What she saw stirred something innately feminine in her. It called to her needs as a woman, it was the slow yielding of a man.

"I want you to sleep with me and hold me tonight," she held his gaze, wanting to ease his hurt. He nodded almost imperceptibly and she smiled at him warmly. "Would it be alright if I took these off?" she said, fingering the thin waistband of her panties. "I don't want to upset you anymore."

He nodded and opened his mouth to speak but was unable to get any words out. With a nimble step, she turned and folded back the sheets of her bed. With a slow tease, she bent forward slightly, hooked her thumbs in the thin elastic and pulled the thin strip of material down her smooth legs and stepped out. Chris was awed. Her backside was magnificent. Tight, full cheeks with a lush texture that tempted him to reach forward and feel her softness. She looked over her shoulder and caught him staring.

"Is this ok?" she asked, a playfulness in her voice. Seeing his condition, she pushed further. "You can touch me if you like." She slipped into bed, allowing him a glimpse of her freshly bare pussy.

Her sheets were fresh and smelled of lilac. His body was tired and he was thankful for the rest they offered him. Though he needed it, he knew sleep would come fitfully that night. To make things even more difficult, she fell into a quiet rest soon after he lay beside her. She curled up next to him, sharing his warmth and clutching her naked body to his.

He allowed himself to feel her and noticed a slight upturn of her lips into a smile when he did. She had the classical feminine form; warm, giving and smooth. Her belly was tight and her hips wide. He especially liked skimming his palm over the full swell of her hips. Her breasts were tiny but full and pressed eagerly against his ribs. Pink nipples hardened at his touch.

Every instinct told him to reach down, take his cock in his hand and pull himself to a much needed come but he felt only the hard shell of his confinement. Instead he shuffled beneath the sheets until they were nose to nose. He felt her breath on him and inhaled it into his body. It was warm, fresh and helped ease his loss. Their lips touched and he felt himself growing tired. Soon he slipped into sleep beside her. She woke for a moment and felt the hard plastic against her pussy. "That's good," she whispered. "Rest, my sweet. Accept it."

Her words were the last thing he heard before he passed into sleep. They plagued him, bringing sex filled dreams where naked women pressed against him fondling his aching cock. Breasts, with erect nipples were forced between his lips and teased along his body, down his back, over the cheeks of his ass. Light, soft fingers like gusts of air tickled beneath his balls, tweaking and twisting them playfully. His cock was ramrod straight and the head of his prick was swollen to fullness. A rising wave of heat passed through his body, beginning in his throat to travel down to his belly, down through his abdomen. It filled his balls and stayed to fill his shaft. It perched on the edge for a moment, breaking forth with an expulsion so deep it roused him from his sleep and caused him to sit up and clutch his middle.

His movement woke her and she placed her hand on the small of his bare back, stroking and reassuring him.

"Ok, sweetie?" She asked, sleepily. The warm come on her ass told her what had happened and how ashamed he must feel. His body had reacted naturally, expelling its contents without relief when they became too much for it to bear. Turning to face him, she reached for the chastity belt to find it wet, his declining erection still swelling against its cage.

"Easy...," she called to him like he was a sick animal. Her hand closed around it and he could feel her warmth. "Lay down." She sat next to him now and pressed her lips to his shoulder. "Lay with me."

With a slight press, he reclined until he lay flat on his back, his eyes wide open and staring at the ceiling. She moved against him like a serpent, her shaven body twisted and pressing against him. Her sex felt hot and left damp patches where she pressed with a moan against his thighs. She reached his ear and he could feel her breath, hot and wet, in his ear. "It gets easier," she consoled. "Comfort yourself in the fact that if you were not wearing this," she placed her hand against the device, causing him to gasp. "You would not be anywhere near this." She took his hand and placed it gently against her slit. He could feel she was wet and involuntarily moaned. His cock filled the chamber, causing an ache.

At that moment he gave in. His body was pleading with him to come, to break out of the contraption that held him and give in to his instincts but the knowledge that he couldn't had a calming effect on him. Rather than plead anymore, he closed his eyes and felt what seemed so foreign to him.

Instead he stroked her pussy lips, studying it with his fingers as he never had before. He felt how swollen they had become and found her nub hidden beneath a wet fold of flesh and gently held it. She responded by pressing herself against him, almost purring like a kitten. There would be no orgasm tonight. He held her that way and listened to her soft moans as they slipped into a dark slumber wrapped in each other's embrace.

As he always did he awoke aroused. Before awakening he felt a pressure at his crotch he could not identify. Slowly, as he came around, he recalled the day before and his predicament. He was unable to find comfort from his hand like usual and twisted in the sheets, hoping to find a comfortable position. Dawn was appearing outside, throwing pinkish rays of light into the large room. His movements awoke the woman resting silently beside him. Still draped in sleep she rested her arm over his bare abdomen.

It weighed heavily on him and reminded him of his state. His penis, encased in its device, filled it completely until he ached. The sight of it, vainly forcing itself brought him a sense of sadness. It felt separate from his body, helpless and weak.

When her eyes opened he was lying stock-stiff beside her. Looking down his body, she saw his member red and swollen against its entrapment. Droplets of moisture appeared at the tip and dripped slowly down to his thighs. Lazily she reached and caught one on the tip of her finger. He watched, shocked that he felt nothing though she was touching his most sensitive area. A tear formed at the corner of his eye and slid down his cheek. She did not notice and faced the opposite direction, studying how her artwork looked on his body.

"There's a show today," her voice was dull, still coming out of a deep sleep. "You look wonderful. Do you think you can handle it?"

"Handle it?" he asked, doing his best to hide the sadness in his voice.

She moved slowly, almost gracefully until she was on her knees. Her rear rested on her ankles and Chris noticed how beautiful she looked in that position. "There's an exhibition of my work. You'll be the main attraction." There was a spark in her eyes. It was then she noticed his tears as they reflected the first light of the morning. Leaning to him, she kissed him softly on the cheeks, catching the wetness on her lips. To Chris it was small relief. His cock ached and rigidly pressed against its confinement.

He watched her intently as she stood from the bed. Every part of her- her rounded breasts, firm ass and clean, pouting little cunt called out to him. He listened as the shower ran and turned to her pillow, inhaling her scent and hoping to fall asleep. For a moment he considered joining her but knew it would only make his struggle harder. His penis still leaked slightly and though he took no pleasure in it, it relieved him some.

Through habit he reached to his crotch. He found no respite there but searched for a hole, some space that would allow him to touch himself. There was an opening at the end but it offered no pleasure. His balls were open and felt good when he touched them but after a few minutes of cradling and slowly squeezing them, it made his situation worse and he got up from the bed, her sheet wrapped around his midsection like a living thing.

She left the door open and he couldn't resist watching her wash herself. Her body was long and lean with subtle feminine curves. She seemed much more beautiful when she was unaware of him there, much more laid back and comfortable with herself. Her pussy looked irresistible and he grew jealous of its freedom. Lazily she stroked herself, her fingers rubbing the smooth lips and he watched as she reclined against the shower wall. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose and fell with the ministrations of her hand.

She increased her pace and he felt guilty, as if she shouldn't be privy to such a private time. He'd never seen a woman masturbate before and it aroused him. His cock swelled within his chastity belt, bringing the ache back. Still he did not look away, only stared, enrapt, as Eden skillfully teased herself. He began to flush as his body's need increased with hers. His breath increased as he noticed her tiny stiffened nipples and her fingers dancing between her lips.

She came with a moan and Chris felt a rush. At first he thought it was another release and was disappointed when he exhaled and realized he was so focused on her that his body matched hers in arousal. Unlike her, however, he could not climax. He only felt his peak level out, leaving a dull throb in the center of his testicles.

At that moment, as her breaths slowed, she felt him watching and turned. It upset her and she felt a sense of violation. She wasn't used to having a man around and had forgotten how driven they were about sex. Flesh pressed fully into his casing, looking almost comical. His penis, the center of his masculinity, looked cartoonish pressed against the clear plastic with no more room to grow.

For a moment she felt a pang of sympathy for him before remembering how he had leered at her in this private moment. She scolded him.

"Chris!" She glared. "How dare you! I invite you into my home- into my bed, and you have the audacity to leer at me in the shower!" Her voice was raised but in truth, she was anything but offended. She made no move to cover up, aware of the effect her naked body was having on him. She stepped out, still making no move to cover up, and toweled off in front of him. His prick shook in its entrapment.

She was bold, stepping two feet from him and drying her naked body. Despite the pain it caused him, his eyes roamed over her. Her ass lured him and he gaped. Her legs were long and freshly shaven. He admired her, making no move to leave. It felt as if he was trapped.

"Come with me," Eden walked by him and held his belt. He was stunned and hesitated until he felt the firm pull of her direction. With a gasp he stepped quickly to follow.

Her ass cheeks undulated perfectly and Chris felt like a pet on a leash following his owner blindly. Every ounce of his being wanted her. The swell of her ass with its perfect, dark cleft only served to entice him further and made his cock cramp within its confines. She reached the foot of the bed and turned to look at him. There was an appraising look on her face, only slightly irritated.

With a firm press on his bare shoulder she dropped him to his knees and he went without a word.

"I know it's hard for you. A man has needs." She sounded so sweet now and Chris exhaled in relief. "I have needs too. You have to learn that." She parted her thighs slowly and Chris gazed upon the bare slit of her sex. It was very soft and gleamed with moisture. Eden leaned back slightly and invited him closer. His lips reached out and the moment they made contact with her flesh he felt his erection fill the belt, bringing him a stifled pain. He ignored it, so aroused was he in the act of pleasing her. She had a soft, light taste that filled his senses. Her warmth on his tongue excited him and the light tang of her juices coated his tongue.

She rested fully on her back now, one leg draped over his right shoulder, holding him in place. The pain in Chris' groin only intensified and he knew if it didn't relent it would become too much to bear.

A muffled moan could be heard from between her thighs. It took her some time to hear it though she ignored it. The hum of his lips on her labia heightened the sensation and she began breathing heavily, her orgasm spurred by his aching breathing.

She looked down for just a moment and saw his eyes pleading intently. His mouth never left the flesh of her pussy and she sighed deeply, lost in total contentment. It was difficult for him, most likely painful, but he had to feel it. Her legs opened further as her moisture had become a heavy flow. Soon she would reach orgasm. He continued to lick obediently.

"Down," one hand rested in his hair, her fingers curled tightly in his dark locks. He made a sound, a questioning, timid sound and she repeated herself. "Lick." When he hesitated she urged him down, one hand on the top of his head. Tentatively, his tongue inched forward until it made contact with the clenched ring of her anus. He noticed it was slick with her juices. On first contact she moaned unbidden. Her thighs parted and he was eye level with the drenched flesh of her sex.

Soon he was licking her with a diligence. Her breathing increased with his touch until her chest rose and fell, her full, small breasts standing firm with pointed nipples as she groaned out an orgasm. Her peak came with a surprising crudeness, her legs wrapping about his neck, locking his mouth to her groin as she shuddered. Her body twisted as climax overtook her. Her lower body pressed eagerly against him, her asshole centered on her lips as her pussy flowed.

It seemed to drench him. Her juices ran heavily and Chris swallowed them quickly, the excess slathering his chin and running down his neck. Eden took some time to come down. Rarely were her orgasms this powerful and not in memory could she remember one this momentous. Chris was still, afraid to move. Held firmly in place with the back of her hand against his head, he waited for her. He could feel her breathe. Her pussy shuddered with each heaving breath as it slowly cooled and her flow became a small trickle.

He had forgotten himself and suddenly remembered the ache. It radiated from between his legs up his body, raging in the swollen confines of his balls to sit in his lower abdomen and glow like embers of a fire. Eden took no notice, though she was well aware of his situation. In front of him her cunt seemed to breath like it had a life of its own.

For some time he thought she was asleep, the pressure on the back of his head slowly relenting. She had only achieved a moment of serenity never felt before and did all she could to savor it. Unable to hold back much longer Chris moaned from the dulling ache that throbbed in his crotch. His position, naked with his mouth pressed tightly against her pussy, only excited him which increased his pain and caused him to whine unconsciously.

The sound of it, a low mewing, traveled from his lips to her body. It gently shook the swollen flesh of her labia and passed deep into her canal. It seemed to focus there and throb in her innermost center. Eden felt it in her womb and rolled her head back, tears almost coming to her eyes so sensitive was she from her previous peak.

She came again, this time in a way she'd never experienced. Chris' cries, stifled against the warm flesh of her crotch, were slow and rhythmic. They flowed into her, causing her toes to curl and nipples to firm. Her orgasm began at the clench of her anus, where his lips settled and traveled slowly through her pussy deep into her body. It rested in her stomach and traveled upwards so she found it difficult to breath and gasped in need of air. All the while Chris held close, his skin never leaving hers. Between his legs his penis swelled further, turning the ache of pain into a sharp, focused hurt.

As it subsided, Eden rested, her thighs parted widely. Her palm rested on her stomach, feeling the breaths pass through her. After some time she sat up slightly, one hand curled behind her head. She could see into his eyes and finally realized what he felt. From her position, the shine of tears was obvious.

"It hurts." It was a question more than a statement. He only nodded, a silent, muffled sound against her swollen lips. "You must feel it. It's good for you."