No Purer Love


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Julia's love for her father deepened, combining with the familiar relationship that she already shared with him. The two elements meshed perfectly, creating a deep bond that only strengthened through the following two days.

During the day, father and daughter simply enjoyed each other's company, taking advantage of the numerous opportunities for fun and entertainment available in the sun-kissed state. At night, they cuddled together in the bed, sharing the closeness and sleeping better than either of them ever had in their lives.

The third day ended with a romantic dinner. They both smiled when the waiter referred to Julia as Dean's lovely wife during one visit to their table. Julia's heart soared when her father made no attempt to correct the man. With the pain of her deflowering now nearly gone, arousal mingled with Julia's love, growing ever stronger.

Sitting on the beach with him watching the sunset, Julia's arousal prompted her to kiss him. Their kisses rapidly progressed into touching, and Julia felt none of the twinges of pain that she'd experienced the previous two days whenever her juices started flowing. After a particularly ardent kiss, Julia squeezed his manhood, already erect beneath the hand that had caressed him during their kisses. "Let's go back to the hotel," she whispered in his ear.

He kissed her again, lost in the sweet taste of her lips and the feeling of her soft skin beneath his fingers. He stood, helping her to rise as well. He smiled as she spun and asked him to brush the sand off her bottom. He couldn't resist a squeeze of her taut buttocks when he finished clearing away the sand. Julia shuddered from the touch, grabbing his hand to tug him away from the beach toward the hotel.

Julia barely gave him time to close the door behind them before she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close enough to feel his cock pressed against her. He guided her toward the bed, their fingers working on each other's clothing all the way. Dean pulled a condom from his wallet in the process of removing his clothing. When the nude couple sat down on the bed, Julia took the condom from his hand and opened it.

Dean lay back when Julia gently pushed on his chest, drinking in the sight of her kneeling on the bed, her perfect young body flushed with excitement and the musky scent of her arousal reaching his nostrils.

Julia stood her father's manhood up straight, placing the rolled latex on the mushroom crown. He reached down to silently instruct her to pinch the tip of the condom between her fingers before rolling it down over his turgid flesh.

She rolled the condom slowly down his cock, feeling it throb between her fingers. Once her fingers reached the base, she glanced up into his eyes with a look of breathless anticipation. Leaning over him and laying down over his body, she kissed him, delighting in the feeling of her breasts against his muscled chest.

Dean sighed into the kiss as his erection throbbed beneath her, her wet heat and firm breasts pressed against his body. When their lips parted, he reached under her arms and pulled her toward him, suckling one of her nipples between his lips as soon as he could reach it.

A quavering gasp bubbled from Julia as his lips locked around the pebbled crown of her left breast. Letting her knees slide farther apart, she rocked her hips to rub her folds against his body, relieving some of the building heat between her legs.

Wrapping his arms around her, Dean rolled his beautiful daughter over. As soon as her back rested against the mattress, he sucked her other nipple between his lips. She reached down to caress his latex-shrouded manhood as a long, high-pitched moan slowly escaped her. The pace of her breathing increased and she lifted her hips to keep her damp sex in contact with his skin.

He could still taste her bittersweet juices on his lips from the last time he'd put his mouth on her. His mouth watered, and he couldn't resist kissing his way down her body toward her pink folds.

"Oh, yes," she softly gasped as he kissed her tummy just below her navel. She parted her legs wide as his lips moved lower, kissing her just above her hood.

Dean snaked out his tongue, groaning as he slipped it between her nether lips to the wetness within. The first touch of his tongue caused her to tremble, and when he lapped upward toward her clit, she let out a sharp cry of ecstasy.

Julia writhed and stroked his hair as his tongue gave her indescribable pleasure. A knot of tingling pressure steadily grew in her depths, evidence of her rapidly approaching climax.

Slipping a finger into Julia's depths, Dean noted that she didn't flinch from the penetration. Adding a second finger produced the same result, causing his cock to throb and urging him to lap her with more vigor.

With his stroking fingers added to the already overwhelming stimulation, Julia's pleasure boiled over in a rush. Her thighs clamped down around him of their own volition, even as her hands pushed his face down hard against her. When the bubble of pressure within her burst, the contraction of her muscles pulled her upper body up off the bed, a loud cry of release erupting from her wide-open mouth.

Julia's walls tightly clamped around his fingers as a flood of juices washed over them. Dean continued to lap for the flowing juices until her hands and legs both unclasped from around him and she lurched away, gasping for breath. He lifted his face from her folds, amazed by the resistance of her intimate muscles as he pulled his fingers from her depths. When the digits slipped free, she clamped her hands over her sex, promptly curling up into a quivering ball.

He pulled her bittersweet juices from his chin to his lips with his fingers as he watched Julia tremble in orgasm. Each time a shockwave of pleasure shot through her body, she curled up tighter for a few seconds, until her climax slowly released her. As she caught her breath, Dean stroked and kneaded her firm buttocks, his cock throbbing and a several drops of pre-cum already filling the reservoir tip of the latex sheathe.

As the power of her aftershocks faded, Julia uncurled and let out a satisfied moan. She only felt sated until her gaze fell upon his cock, however. The moment her eyes fell upon the erect organ, she felt a void in her depths, aching to be filled. Slowly parting her legs again, she said, "I want you, Daddy. I want you deep inside me."

Not even the faintest hints of hesitation assailed Dean as he moved to kneel between her widespread legs, pressing the flared tip of his cock against her folds.

"Oh, please – I want it," Julia gasped, rising up slightly on her elbows to look down her body at his gorgeous cock poised to penetrate her.

Dean sank into her with an ecstatic groan, pushing all the way to the hilt in a single, smooth thrust. The tip of his manhood only rested in her depths for a fraction of a second before he withdrew to thrust again. Julia's hand immediately moved to rub her clit as he set a slow, steady rhythm.

Julia felt twinges of pain as his thrusting organ widened the healing tears in her hymen, but the incredible ecstasy she felt completely overwhelmed the discomfort. Her fingers left her bud for a moment as she sucked the digits to moisten them. She smiled when the action drew an aroused grunt from her father. "Faster, Daddy," she gasped as her moistened fingers returned to her clit.

Dean gripped her thighs harder, adding speed and power to his thrusts. He looked down to watch her pink folds clinging to his cock as he withdrew, the latex sheathe coated in her milky juices. When she let out a yelp, he looked back up to see her eyes and mouth both wide open in a look of surprised delight. Her firm young breasts jiggled from his thrusts, urging him to even greater efforts.

Julia's fingers blurred over her hood as she spiraled upward toward her peak. "Oh god!" she gasped several times in rapid succession. "Please, f-fuck me harder, Daddy." She stumbled over the unfamiliar swear word the first time, but found no such difficulty when she repeated it in a husky groan. "Fuck me harder!"

His self-control already slipping anyway, Dean released his body to its instincts. His fingers digging into her smooth thighs, he gave her every ounce of his love and lust, slamming his cock home in her depths hard and fast. Her breasts now bounced from the power of his thrusts, and her head lashed back and forth on the pillow, her blonde hair partially covering her face as she built toward climax.

A long series of rapid, inarticulate exclamations tumbled from Julia's lips as her pleasure swelled to nearly painful intensity within her. She exploded into orgasm with a loud scream, her back arching up from the bed and her legs wrapping around him to hold him inside her.

Held fast by her legs and her tightly clenched intimate muscles, Dean watched with aroused fascination as his daughter bucked in climax, yelping in ecstasy with each shock of bliss spreading from her sex to permeate her body. When content moans mixed with her cries of release and her legs slightly relaxed, he gave in to his own need and started to thrust again.

Julia gasped as his erection stroked her again. She looked up into her father's eyes to see the mounting pleasure there as the power of his thrusts increased. "Are you going..." She paused to suck in a breath of air as his thrusting manhood set off another spike of pleasure within her. "Are you going to come?"

"Ah – yes," he grunted in response.

"Oh, yes! Do it, Daddy."

Dean's balls tightened and he felt his semen bubbling up for release. The sound of Julia saying yes with every thrust echoed in his ears. With a growling scream, he slammed his cock home one final time, his seed swelling the tip of the condom buried deep within her velvety depths.

Julia let out a long moan as she watched his face tighten in ecstasy. A moment later, he leaned down to support his weight on his arms, gasping for breath. She wrapped her arms around him, her rhythmically clenching walls causing his cock to throb within her, which in turn caused her to squeeze him again. They lay trapped in the chain for long minutes before they managed to catch their breath.

Dean finally regained the strength and presence of mind to grip the condom between his fingers and withdraw, causing both of them to gasp. He rolled over on his back, still feeling too weak to remove the condom. Julia snuggled up against him with a languid moan.

"Did it feel good?" Julia whispered in his ear, and then kissed his neck.

"God – yes," Dean groaned.

"You felt wonderful. I'm so happy that I made you feel so good." She let out a sigh and said, "I can't believe we have to go home so soon. I don't ever want to leave. I want to stay right here – forever."

"Me too, Julia," Dean sighed, wondering how he was going to deal with returning home as well.


For the remaining time in Florida, Dean and Julia spent as much time in bed as they did anywhere else. They coupled urgently, as though this short vacation was the only time they would be able to share the magic growing between them.

Upon returning home, however, their relationship continued unabated. Though both behaved appropriately for a father and daughter outside the home, behind closed doors they lived as though they were a newlywed couple.

Julia saw him off each morning with a sweet kiss, and welcomed him home each evening with a far stronger one. Dinner was always ready when he arrived; catering to his tastes rather than the strict dietary restrictions they'd both known for the last two decades. Each night, they shared his bed and snuggled their spent bodies together to drift off to sleep.

After years of suppressing all their desires and dreams, Dean and Julia lived life to the fullest with each other. The need to hide the truth of their love for each other from the world beyond the walls of their home gnawed at both of them whenever they were alone, but the feelings vanished whenever they were together.

After a month of such a blissful existence, Dean could not remember a happier moment in his life, and each day was better than the last.

Dean stared at the caller id of his office phone, not recognizing the number. Shrugging his shoulders, he picked it up. "Dean Lanza speaking."

"Deano, you son-of-a-bitch, how the fuck are you?" the voice on the other end of the phone said.

The nickname took Dean straight back to his college days. He knew it was someone who knew him from that time, but couldn't place the name.

"It's Steve, Deano."

"Holy... How have you been, Steve? I haven't heard from you since I left school."

"Doing great. That's why I called you, actually. I just picked up something on the side in a business deal. The place is doing okay, but the management didn't come with the deal. I need somebody to get a team together, and I think it's right up your alley. I couldn't believe it when somebody mentioned your name when I started making calls. I'll make it worth your while, but you're going to have to move to Nevada. Only a few miles outside of Vegas, if that sweetens the deal any."

Dean sat in stunned disbelief for a moment and then said, "This is coming a little fast."

"I've got to get something going fast. I looked up your resume, and I can guess what you're making now. I'll double it if you can get there before the end of the month and keep the place running until you have a team to do it for you. If the initial figures I'm seeing pan out, that amount will probably go up."

"I need some time to mull this over, Steve."

"Take down my numbers, then. Call me any time, day or night. Just don't wait too long."

Picking up a pen, Dean said, "Shoot," and wrote down the numbers. Even as he wrote, his mind whirled through the possibilities.


Julia could barely contain her excitement as she waited for the Chinese take-out, knowing her father would be home soon. For the first time since her mother's funeral, she wasn't cooking the evening meal because she wanted to spend as little time as possible cleaning up afterward.

The day following her return from Florida, Julia had gone to the doctor and requested birth control pills. With the time of her monthly cycle now come and gone, she knew that tonight she could feel him inside her without a condom.

The deliveryman arrived on schedule, leaving her with an anxious ten-minute wait until she heard the car pull up at the house. As always, she stood to meet him at the door with a kiss, which was even more passionate than usual. "Welcome home."

"Thank you, Julia. You look beautiful," he remarked, growing excited from the revealing outfit she wore and her touch.

"Thank you," Julia beamed back, "Come eat." She then tugged him toward the kitchen, wanting the meal finished so she could reveal her surprise.

Dean was no less anxious than his daughter, having already made the decision that he would take the job if Julia didn't object. There were several reasons for his decision, but nearly all of them involved her and their relationship. Father and daughter both hurried through their meal and the following clean up, quickly adjourning to the living room couch afterwards.

Pulling her close as soon as they sat down, Dean said, "An old friend called me with an offer today, and I'm thinking about taking it. I think I'll enjoy the job, and it's a lot more money, but I want to see what you think first."

"If it will make you happy, then it will make me happy," Julia responded.

"The job is in Nevada, near Las Vegas. Nobody knows us out there, honey. We wouldn't have to hide any more. Would you mind moving?"

Julia let out a quavering sigh of surprised delight, snuggling up against her father and saying, "That sounds wonderful, Daddy. I want to be able to love you like you deserve without hiding it in the house. I have a surprise for you too, Daddy."

"What is it, Julia?"

"I'm on the pill," she said with hints of husky passion creeping into her voice.

Dean's manhood throbbed with life as he shared her excitement. "How long have..."

Julia kissed him passionately to cut him off, answering his unfinished question when their lips parted. "Long enough. The doctor says it's safe now. I want to feel you naked inside me, Daddy. Make love to me." She pulled up her shirt even as she spoke.

In barely over a minute, both were nude on the couch, their clothing scattered on the floor below. Dean suckled his daughter's nipple with two fingers caressing her wet heat, while she stroked his manhood in her hand.

Julia pulled away with a gasp, immediately turning around and putting her hands on the arm of the couch. As she rose up to her hands and knees, she said, "Like this, Daddy."

Dean rose up to his knees, moving in behind her to stroke his hands over her buttocks. Julia let out a contented moan, her body shivering beneath his fingers. "I love the way you touch me," she sighed, looking back over her shoulder and flexing the muscles in her bottom.

Unable to contain his excitement in the face of her body presented to him, Dean moved forward until his erection bumped up against her sex.

"Oh, yes," she breathed, her intimate muscles clenching in anticipation of his hard manhood filling the aching void within her.

Guiding the tip of his cock between her moist labia, Dean reveled in the feeling of her wetness coating his tip, unobstructed by a latex sheathe for the first time. A gentle push enfolded him in her satiny soft depths. Both groaned in satisfaction as he sank into her.

"Oh, yes. I want to feel it inside me when you come. I've wanted it for so long. Give it to me. Please, Daddy."

Spurred on by her words and her walls squeezing him tight, Dean grasped her hips and pulled free, feeling her labia caress the rim of his swollen head before pushing back inside her.

"It feels so good. Does it feel good to you?"

"Incredible," Dean groaned as he continued to stroke her, already feeling his seed begging for release.

"Faster. Oh, please – faster," Julia gasped as his stroking cock set off a wave of hot pleasure that filled her body.

Dean paused, already on the verge of climax. "I-I can't hold back. You feel so good," he gasped.

"Just let me feel it then. Give it to me," she responded, her voice husky with passion.

He let his desire guide him, thrusting into her with all the strength and speed he could muster. To his surprise, the rapid stroking staved off his climax, holding him in a perfect state of ecstasy for far longer than he'd ever felt the sensation before.

The hot friction of his cock thrusting inside her pushed Julia quickly toward a crescendo. Knowing that when he reached his peak she would feel his cream exploding inside her heightened her pleasure. Her breasts swung from the power of his thrusts, and she had to fight hard to maintain her grip on the arm of the couch. Their flesh collided with loud smacks, mingling with the sounds of passion bursting forth from both their lips.

Dean let out a sharp, loud groan, slamming his manhood home a final time. He pulsed, coating her walls with his semen, continuing to grunt and groan in ecstasy. As his manhood swelled to send another burst of his seed against the entrance of her womb, he felt her walls tightly contract around him. She let out a loud warbling scream of release as she came, her entire body trembling from the pleasure.

Both fought for breath as their climaxes held onto them, refusing to let them go. "Oh, it's so hot. It feels so good," Julia gasped out.

"Oh god yes," Dean groaned, every tiny movement he made and every squeeze of her walls around him causing him to jerk and gasp. Unable to endure the sensation any longer, he pulled free with a growling gasp and sat down heavily on the couch.