No Questions Asked Pt. 03


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Dave sat down dumbly. He was sure his lips were moving though he didn't have a damn thing to say.

Bea still stood, she let go of his sleeves and took up his hands in trade. She announced, "Dave, didn't you hear? We're playing for different teams but collaboratively again. Dammit David, I like dicks not chicks, what's wrong with you?"

"What?" Dave's dark eyes stared up not completely comprehending. He was waiting for the death stroke, where she ended their marriage announcing she had to follow her nature away from him.

Bea got quieter appraising him, Dave was wrecked. Last night hadn't gone well for him. She'd done the right thing getting home to him as quickly as she could.

Bea sat down on his lap wrapping her arms around his neck telling him softly but happily, "I was with her. I hated it, I didn't even get through two minutes of seven minutes in heaven! She was absolutely gorgeous, exactly my type, and ... I couldn't stand it."

Dave was shaking his head to clear it. It was finally getting through to him that this was good news, but what had she said?

Bea saw it written all over him. She hugged his face to her bosom, "It's all over now honey. If you want, I'll never leave you again. You can rest now, I'm home."

Later that afternoon, after they had spoken more, and she'd driven the main points home. Bea told Dave to sit back reclining. She stopped him from pulling her to him. "No honey, I asked for something huge and now I'm taking something huge. You can drive home your point as much as you want, but I need to do this first for both of us. I'm going to take my time and luxuriate and glorify in my man's proud staff. I'm so happy that I'm into manhood that I'm going to lick and suck and bite and well, give you oral servitude of the highest order of cock worship. I'm going to make you glad you're a man, and I'm going to go nuts, happy that nuts are what turn me on."

* * * * * *

After a prolonged session of simply being together the couple had come up for air realizing they were famished. Bea had told the home delivery boy to leave the food on the front porch. She'd brought the food in after throwing on a robe to retrieve it from the front stoop. As soon as she was back inside, she cast her robe away as far as she could. She wanted to revel in the differences between men and women.

Bea curled across Dave's chest again nodding to the meal telling him it was there whenever he wanted, clarifying that he was her food today. She felt wonderful as he enfolded her in his powerful arms. Viva la difference!

Bea quietly began to unfurl more of her tale, after all she'd promised to reveal everything once she was home. It was time to record over whatever terrible visions had formed in his head after she'd left. "Dave, I asked that my time with the... crap, I don't know what to call her, certified sex therapist, be recorded. It was all taped. It didn't last long. The tape may be ten minutes long from the time we enter the room. I certainly didn't spend the night. We talked through five minutes because I was still sort of freaked out. Our actual time ... touching was less than two minutes. Still, I thought that maybe you would want to see it. I didn't think you would find it hot, but I thought you might want to study me, see if there was anything that worried you. I had no idea the matter would be decided so decisively so quickly. I'm dedicated to taking away the worries I caused you. My counselor says, especially for men, seeing their mate with someone else is majorly scarring. You've been tremendous through all this. I'm going to recommend against you watching it, but it's there if you need to assure yourself."

A still tired but much rehabilitated Dave answered, "I think I'll take it on faith Bea. Tell them they can delete it." Before her smile got too big Dave asked, "What would you have done if her touch sent you into orbit?"

Bea started crying, "Probably destroyed the recording and never mentioned it to you. But Dave, we have a happy ending, I'm not sure admitting a theoretical scenario that scares me into being less than honest with you is the best way to use our energies. We have a great resolution and I'm being completely honest with you. I'm also certain, if things played out the dark mirror universe way, the destruction of that tape would have been the most dishonest thing I would have done; I still would've told you everything that happened, I just wouldn't rub your face in it by making you watch. Dave, I was always sure you were my mate. I was never going to leave you!"

They were quiet laying on the carpet in the family room, leaning up against their sofa on a pile of pillows taken from it.

"Dave, here's a weird one, ah, do you want to see a picture of the medical professional I was paired with?" Bea was in a full-on cringe.

She watched his face, Dave was smart he got it, his wife had touched this woman they had lip kissed. She watched as his painful squint became more pronounced. Dave thoughtfully replied, "I guess I should know your type. You may want me to steer you away from someone with that look in the future. But I don't know that I need to see her specifically. If so, maybe a still of her, instead of the two of you together."

Bea realized she'd been holding her breath. She wanted to thank Dave for his wise decision. Instead, she gave him a big kiss on the cheek. Then she got up and ran out of the room. She reappeared shortly, carrying two random women's magazines. Each had a rather stunning blonde on the cover. The women were definitely of a particular style. He would have termed them Philadelphia or Baltimore hunt country.

"I see." He smiled at her; "We have similar taste."

His wife blushed crimson, then she looked worried. The first model was a tall curvy va-voom blonde but done in a tasteful classic take. Bea had longish hair, but it was brown. Her curves were definite but nowhere near as pronounced. If that was Dave's type, then she wasn't. The other model was more her proportions but being a model made more of them, she was also a stunning blonde. Worry crept across her face. Dave had a type and had married a woman who didn't fit that description. Now she'd piled on all this baggage for him. How much had her stock dropped? Bea went rigid. If she wasn't Dave's type and felt this ill at ease, what the hell had Dave felt while fearing Bea liked the same classic movie star blonde? Dave, of course, was nothing like a debutante ball blonde or a lipstick lesbian! Seeing her growing discomfort, Dave took her in his arms to dispel any ill thoughts she may have. Her apprehensions melted in his grasp.

"It was decided that my ... being with another woman would be the definitive test. You should know the therapist was already sure of my nature. But I kept questioning. It's bugged me for a long time." Bea looked down, "My ... interaction with, er, the surrogate ... damn, that's a terrible way to put it, no one replaces you, and I'm about to prove that."

Dave encouraged her to continue.

"Honey she was a lovely creature." Bea could feel her stomach turning, "She was exceptional, just the type of woman that made me question myself in the first place. The counselors had done a great job of listening to me and providing me with my ultimate kryptonite." She glanced at the magazine covers inviting his eyes to follow.

"As I said, my interaction lasted three kisses and two caresses. Less than two minutes total, which felt like hours. We kissed softly just on the lips. I made it through that one because the sensation was so different; women's lips are very soft. For a short while it was only a new sensation that held no implication. Then as she kissed me again, she stroked my breast over my clothing. I shook. We separated slightly, though she was planning the next step. She opened her robe, and mine, a bit. As she kissed me the third time, she put her hand inside my robe and placed it on my breast. I've had breast exams that had more contact, but I hated them too. The final straw was her taking my hand and placing it on her breast at the same time."

Bea waited for Dave to focus; she was overwhelming him. He was not a happy man, the sorrow in him was on a logarithmic rise.

Bea continued softly, "Then ... I couldn't take it anymore and pushed myself back, and accidentally off the bed we were sitting on. I accidentally pushed myself right off onto the floor. If I have a bruise back there, that's what it's from.

"Dave," Bea said concerned, her voice slowly taking on an excited tone, "I absolutely hated it! I mean HATED it! I couldn't stand it; my stomach was turned, I scrambled for a trash can in case I threw up. The surrogate, professional, nurse, I'm not sure what to call her, laughed softly, saying both she and my counselor expected that reaction. The nurse said because I kept questioning myself, they decided the best way to convince me was with my own body and brain. And they sure reacted. She said I was normal; I just have an overactive mind.

"I told them that you might think my mind was underutilized or faulty after all this.

"I, ah, I did throw up. That's when she explained what I just told you. She also told me that while she had no issue working with both men and women that she preferred men and was married herself. After the woman I was ... with ... explained all that, I no longer felt her touch as threatening. It was okay to feel her gather my hair so I wouldn't soil it with my retching. She stroked my hair to help me through the retching, just like a woman would help a sick child. There was nothing romantic or sexual about her touches any longer, where just moments before those elements in the same sorts of touches had brought about my retching. I'm thoroughly disabused of the notion I might have latent bi tendencies. I do have a brain that can tie itself up in knots though.

"I'm sorry for putting you through all this, and honey I think you are the kindest, strongest, most generous man in the world for letting me go so I could learn this lesson to this degree. I was hypnotizing myself. Now I'm cured. And I'm completely yours! Now my biggest fear is that you won't think that's any reward after all I've put you through."

Bea once more drew her husband's eyes back to the magazine covers saying of the models' full pouting mouths, "I now know that although I find those lips kissable, I don't want to kiss them myself." Her eyes welled; "I'd almost convinced myself I did. I'm sorry, Dave, you married a bit of a basket case."

She pulled back looking at him with pride and appreciation of him bordering on awe.

Dave returned calmly, "You also took great pains to protect us. I appreciate that. You went the medical professional route instead of trying to find a manhater at a club who would love to make out with some guy's wife." He added, "Who knows how she might have manipulated you to drive a wedge between us."

Bea shuddered remembering her college experience.

She quickly worked on her phone then handed it to Dave with a picture pulled up. "That's my nurse as she normally looks with brown hair. Hard to see her figure in the nurse's scrubs. She's still very attractive. Not bodacious but a wonderful flat tummy and curvy hips. She's a regular woman up top, no bolt-ons. In short, she's not trying to be a fantasy woman. The folks she works with need a real woman."

Bea hesitated, "She died her hair blonde for me. Later we held each other but more as friends. We were both laughing with relief and happiness that I had my answers and my life with you was safe. I really let loose with the water works over that, Dave. I did feel bad about her dying her hair though. She said it was no problem because she got to go home to her husband, and he was liking her temporary change to blonde. We shared a big smile over that. We both love our men." Bea got weepy. "I'm so sorry to have put you through this. I'm so scared there's a lingering problem I've created in your heart somewhere."

Dave reached over putting his hand though her hair saying, "Let's start with checking on other parts of the anatomy and work our way to my heart."

Bea offered timidly, "Would you like a blonde or redhead for a month or so?"

He smiled back, "That could be fun. I presume you're talking about dying your own and not working on that threesome thing."

Bea looked hopefully heartbroken, "If that's what it takes to make you forget this whole episode, I'll do it. I mean the threesome." She looked very nervous. Especially seeing Dave's growing wry smile.

"I have an idea. Those sexpot blondes caused you a lot of trouble, they have some hold on you. "

Bean nodded miserably.

"Why don't you go blonde the next month, full tilt. Don't let them haunt you, instead become what you covet. That should let you control the narrative in your head. If there's some sort of behavior you expect from them, we'll play that out too, as long as it's just me and you playing. Then, unless you want to stay that way, let it grow back to your own natural wonderful you and make me forget blondes exist."

Bea was astounded. "T-That's genius! Jeez, maybe I should have come to you with my problem, you may have solved them without so much drama!" She changed her tune, "I'll always come to you first from now on. I promise I won't hide anything ever again."

"Deal," Dave pronounced happily. "But be forewarned, based on what you expect as exciting blonde behavior I'm going to put your bombshell persona through some grueling paces."

"Really? That's it? Just me and Madison Reed dye? A-And you'll stay with me?"

"Haven't we had enough complication from other women? Besides I'll take you like you were strange."

Bea just looked at him and moaned, "Damn Dave, you do things to me!"

"Well, I'm about to."


A quick friendly note. I know the rule about not starting sentences with the word "well". However, folks do it all the time when talking, so I include it in dialog.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say on that. ; )

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OlefishermanOlefishermanabout 1 hour ago

From the first he was heading towards trouble with his wife. Come on you tell your wife you are going away for the weekend and can't call her or let her no where your going or with who or what you are going to do and you know what you'll come back to. It won't be a happy wife, You'll be darn lucky to come home to a house an not a process server. Ya,ya, it's just a story, written by aauthor with his head up his ____.

Schwanze1Schwanze18 days ago

If finding someone else desirable was cheating we would all be cheaters. False premise

AnonymousAnonymous9 days ago

He gets what he put up with and was thankful for being an NPC prop in the end.

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise28 days ago

Loved the first 2 parts of the story the last chapter was to me a let down as the turmoil she put him through would never be forgotten once a little bit of mistrust is put into your head it's there forever it doesn't matter if you try to forget it will surface every now and then. Would love an alternative ending by this wonderful author

Thank you Darren

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well we do, a good story

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