No Regrets


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"I'm so lonely...all I have is Matt, and soon he'll have his own life and I'll be all alone. I'm afraid, Michael. I'm sorry. I guess I thought if I could have you that day, I'd be happy for a little while, at least."

"Look at you," I whispered, trying to settle her down. "You are a smart, funny, beautiful woman. You can have any man you want. You just have to let them get a good look at you, and you'll be beating them off with a stick. Trust me."

I didn't want to leave her in the house by herself. I promised Matt I'd look after her, and God only knew what Judy was capable of in this state. I pointed over to my bike, all bright chrome and gaudy neon striping. "How would you like to take a ride with me?" I asked. "My folks are gone, and I've got the whole day to myself. We could take the back roads up to Morneau Lake, and look at the leaves turning. How does that sound?"

"I've never ridden a motorcycle before. That sounds fun." Judy face brightened momentarily, then darkened again.

"I can't go like this," she said mournfully. "What should I wear for a motorcycle ride?"

"Whatever makes you feel good about yourself. I'm going to take you up to the burger joint overlooking Morneau Lake, and I want every guy there to see how much of a hottie you are."

"Really?" Judy asked, in a surprised, hopeful tone. "OK, let me go change, and I'll be out in a few minutes."

"I'll be right here," I replied, as I watched her go into the house. She seemed to literally bound up the steps. She turned at the door, gave me a big smile, and went inside.

* * * * * * *

I had been sitting on my bike in Judy's driveway for almost 20 minutes when she finally came out.

"I couldn't decide what to wear. What do you think?"

Judy looked like every teenage boy's fantasy. She was wearing tight low-cut leather jeans, tucked into high-heel black leather boots that ran over her calves to her knees. Over a tight-fitting white t-shirt, she had on a short motorcycle jacket. The jacket and t-shirt ended just above her pants, and I could see a ribbon of bare skin around her midriff. She hadn't touched her hair; before it looked like an unkempt mop, but now the curls that cascaded down her neck onto her shoulders looked made her look wild and wanton. I had never seen Judy look this hot before, and I tried to keep my emotions from the day at the pool in check. She spun around for me, and I admired how the shiny leather hugged her curves perfectly.

"These were the fashion rage 15 years ago," she said as she ran her hands over the smooth leather that encased her hips. "I can't believe they still fit me."

"You look amazing, like you belong in a music video! Hop on, before someone tries to steal you from me."

Judy giggled, obviously pleased by the compliment. "Oh no, Michael," she said, shaking her head at me. "You're stuck with me for the whole day."

I helped her get her helmet on, and got her up on the bike. Wrapping both arms tightly around me, she pressed herself against my back as I popped my bike into gear. Judy squealed in delight as I gunned the throttle and rocketed us down the street.

* * * * * * *

We took the twisty back roads up to Morneau Lake, arriving there about 90 minutes later. I pulled us over at an isolated overlook, which gave a perfect vista of the lake and the mountains beyond. The foliage was at peak color, with yellow, orange and red blending into a breathtaking mosaic.

"It's absolutely perfect," Judy sighed, as we took in the view. We were alone, sitting on top of an old picnic table. Judy had edged over closer to me. She looked so sexy as she stretched her legs out and leaned back across the table. Her leather jacket was open now, and I could see how her t-shirt clung to her body, revealing her shapely breasts. Her shirt had pulled up, exposing a good two inches of bare midriff. She was driving me crazy, and I slid away from her, trying to avoid the temptation.

Judy giggled and hopped over, pressing the side of her left leg against mine. The intermingling of the scent of leather and her perfume was intoxicating. She squeezed my right arm with both hands, digging in lightly with her nails.

"I've been holding onto you for dear life with both hands for over an hour. I'd think you'd know by now that I don't bite."

Judy leaned her head on my shoulder, and I felt her hair brush against my chest. She lifted her head and turned it to me, her face inches from mine.

"You know, I really didn't want to stop you that day at the pool. That's why I feel so terrible."

"Do you feel terrible for what we did, or for what we didn't do?" I asked.

"Both. But mostly for what we didn't do. I'm 40 years old. It's getting a little bit late for me to keep having regrets."

"Then let's not regret anything," I whispered, as I kissed her gently on the lips. Judy betrayed no shock at my boldness, and didn't back off an inch. Turning her head, Judy kissed me on the ear and held me close.

"No regrets," she whispered.

I took Judy by the hand and we walked back to the bike. We kissed again, our bodies held tight against each other. The day was beginning to fade into afternoon, and I could see the shadows lengthening. Pretty soon we'd have to head back, and I wondered if we'd really have no regrets once we got back into town.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yeah! You promised me a hamburger." Judy put her arms around me, her hands sliding down my back to my ass. She gave me a squeeze, and then stole a last quick kiss before we climbed back on the bike for the Moreau Burger Bowl.

* * * * * * *

The Burger Bowl is an old-fashioned burger joint, like something out of Happy Days. It looks like a dump from the outside, but the inside is all chrome and neon, and is decorated with pictures of Elvis, Buddy Holly and James Dean. There's a jukebox that plays oldies, and they only serve five things: burgers, cheeseburgers, French fries, onion rings and fountain Coca-Cola. It's a place where everyone gets to feel young again, and I figured it might help lift Judy's funk. And it was far enough away from home that I figured there was no chance anyone we knew would see us there.

From the minute we walked in, every guy in the Bowl had his eyes glued on Judy. She just looked so positively bad-ass in her tight black leather and boots, and her whole demeanor went through a metamorphosis. The perky ex-college cheerleader had been banished, and in her place was a sultry biker babe, a man-eater with a stud half her age.

"" Judy's heels telegraphed her arrival, and as she sashayed in, she did a seductive bump and grind with her hips, her lovely bottom moving like a leather-bound metronome. The act was clearly a thrill for Judy as well, as I could see her erect nipples poking from under her t-shirt. She took me by the hand and led me to a booth in the back.

We ordered a couple of cheeseburgers with fries, and as we ate, I could see all the guys stealing glances at Judy. However, she didn't seem to notice, as she kept her big brown eyes on me the whole time.

"Was today fun for you?" I asked. "I hated to see you so sad because of me. I wanted to cheer you up."

"Today was wonderful," Judy replied, as she nibbled on a French fry. She reached across the table and put her hand in mine. "And you've been wonderful, too. You're just barely a man, but you already have the key to the heart of every woman in the world." She paused and laughed. "But you probably don't even know what it is yet."

"What's that?"

Judy sighed in exasperation. "Every woman wants nothing more than to be desired by her man. Some men never learn that. You knew it naturally." She smiled. "And now I've told you, so remember it."

Judy pushed her plate away, and squeezed my hand tighter. "Prove your desire to me," she said in a firm voice. "Take me home now. No regrets." She leaned over the table and kissed me, taking my face in both hands and pulling me in like she wanted to devour me right there. She was in control, alternately taking me with her tongue and then sucking my tongue into her warm soft mouth so deeply, I swore she was stretching it out.

By the time Judy and I came up for air, every person in the Bowl was staring at us. My face burned in embarrassment, but Judy just leaned forward, elbows on the table, her chin resting delicately on her interlaced fingers. She pursed her moist lips at me and blew a kiss, her eyes blazing with molten lust.

"Umm...I think we should go," I managed to mutter, as I slid out of the booth.

As we walked out, I wrapped an arm around Judy's waist, my hand coming to rest on her right hip, then sliding up to caress the bare skin of her midriff. Judy was in full strut as we moved toward the exit, her heels clicking in a hypnotic rhythm. Her movements now were assured and cat-like, and in her tight black leather it was easy to imagine her as a sleek black panther on the prowl. Her right hand found mine, and as we entwined our fingers, she moved my hand down her haunch until it rested firmly on the bottom of her ass. I let her taut hindquarter nestle in my hand as I savored her sensuous movement, and then I gave her a squeeze. Judy threw her head back, her hair spilling down, as she purred in arousal.

"Lucky bastard," I heard someone mutter as I held the door for her on our way out. Judy made believe she didn't hear it, but as she brushed past, I swore I could see the corners of lips curl into a tiny smile.

* * * * * * *

I raced my bike back home in the bright afternoon sunlight, Judy on the back, holding me tightly even at the stoplights. Her left hand was tight on my chest, her palm flattened over my heart, which was pounding in desire. Her right hand began to explore, first sliding down my chest, then working its way under the bottom of my zipped leather jacket. I felt her untuck the front of my t-shirt from my faded jeans, then undo the button. Working her hand under my shirt, she pressed her hand against my flat stomach, then delved down to my lower abdomen. I could feel her scratching me ever so lightly with her fingernails, teasing me. Judy was holding herself against me even more tightly now; I could feel her stomach up against the small of my back, while her breasts were warm upon my back.

We got into town, and pulled up to a major intersection. It was only minutes to home, but to our right, I could see Debbie Wheeler and Susan O'Brien, who had both graduated high school with me. They recognized my bike and me, even with my helmet on, and they both gave me a smile and a wave. Debbie raised an arched eyebrow at my backseat passenger. I waved back weakly, my heart going into my mouth as I thought of Judy behind me. But I reasoned that no one would recognize sweet Judy Martini in a helmet, sunglasses and outrageous biker leathers, so I just played it cool and prayed for the light to go green soon.

Debbie and Susan were both pretty blondes, and at different times, I had serious crushes on each of them. I was sort of friendly with both of them, but they had given me the unmistakable impression that they considered themselves out of my league as far as dating was concerned. Judy, now in full vixen mode, seemed to become a little jealous and was intent on showing these two teenyboppers that I belonged to her. Her left hand had now slipped down from my six-pack, into my crotch, and Debbie and Susan watched, mouths agape, as this mysterious woman in black leather brazenly fondled me from behind.

My dick had been at least semi-hard for most of the afternoon, but under Judy's direct attentions, I quickly sprung to full attention. My cockhead shot out from under my boxers, and my meat splayed along the top of my right thigh, straining the worn fabric of my faded Levi's. Judy's left hand came down from my chest and now firmly grasped my crotch, her middle finger massaging the split between my balls. Her right hand now traveled across the top of my thigh, pulling my jeans tight and displaying the now unmistakable silhouette of my swelling manhood to Debbie and Susan in the next lane.

The intersection was a large one, where 16 lanes of traffic met in a four-way intersection, with the local shopping center on the left side and a big supermarket on the right. The traffic lights winked in a seemingly endless series of yellows and reds and cars in other lanes came and went, but Judy, Debbie, Susan and I didn't seem to be going anywhere soon.

Judy was intent on giving the two girls a show. Unrelenting, she continued manhandling my open crotch, driving her hips against my ass and forcing my cock and balls deeper into her grasp. She traced her right index finger slowly along the top of my engorged shaft, down to my swollen cockhead. Gently tapping my tip three times with her blood-red painted fingernail, Judy openly flaunted my size to our two now-shocked spectators.

What had been shame for me was now turning into complete sexual provocation. I had never been so turned on in my life, as my libido was firmly wedged between Judy's jealous grasps and the shocked, and now admiring stares of Debbie and Susan. My sexual tension had built all day, and now, with the two girls in the next lane watching, I instinctively sought release.

I put both feet flat on the pavement and lifted myself off the seat. Judy immediately adjusted her grip, moving her left hand lower to firmly take my nutsack into her grasp. Her right hand rested lightly on the bare skin of my stomach, now damp with sweat. She gave my balls a powerful squeeze, and as the blood rushed from my head to my loins, cum began spilling down my thigh in hot, thick torrents.

Judy loosened her grip on my crotch slightly and began a pulsing clench, seemingly squeezing the semen from me and causing it to spurt down my leg in insistent jets. I could feel the wetness spread across my leg, and as I looked down, I could see the dark stain spreading from the tip of my cock down to my upper knee. Looking over at the girls, Debbie's hand was on her throat, and her mouth hung open in shock. Over on the passenger side, I could see that Susan's left hand had slipped under her plaid miniskirt, while she was absent-mindedly fingering the bottom of the collar of her V-neck sweater with the other.

Reveling in her new-found sexual power, Judy taunted the two girls one last time. With her left hand, she gave my still-hard shaft a final squeeze, forcing a dollop of cum to pool on my jeans by my tip. She ran her finger along my tip, gathering my juice as electric shivers shot through my body. Releasing my balls, she rose up on the pegs, rubbing her body along my back. I could feel the warmth of Judy's sex through her leather as arched her back and pushed her soft mound against the bottom of my spine. Judy lifted her visor, and looking straight at Debbie and Susan, flicked her tongue out from between the rose buds of her lips and tasted my cum from her finger.

At that moment, the light finally changed and I popped the bike into gear and roared through the intersection. From behind us, I could hear the annoyed honks of car horns awaken Debbie and Susan from their daze. Judy burst out in a throaty laugh, her body shaking in delight as she drew me in and held me closer than ever before.

* * * * * * *

It was only a few minutes ride to our street, and everything was quiet as we rode to the end of the block. I could see that Mom and Dad were still out, and Judy's house was still as I rode up her driveway. I parked the bike in front of the garage, and we hopped off.

"Thank you for today..." Judy said. She cast her soulful eyes downward, and her voice quavered and trailed off, as if she was uncertain how to continue. The wild minx on the motorcycle was gone, and the beautiful, vulnerable woman had retaken her rightful place, unsure of how to cross this last threshold.

"It's not over, if we don't want it to be," I replied. Judy's eyes rose again and met mine. She had an expectant look, as if she was waiting for me to take the next step. I was holding her hands lightly, the delicate tips of her fingers resting in mine. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, almost drowning out my thoughts. "No regrets," I reminded myself.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Yes." Judy flung herself against me, squeezing me tight, pressing her head against my chest. "Yes, I'd like that."

* * * * * * *

I wanted to pounce upon Judy and satisfy my boiling urges right there on the living room rug. However, Judy's tender, doe-like eyes reminded me of the lesson she had imparted to me at the Bowl. I closed the front door behind us, and then pressed Judy up against it.

"I want you so badly. Let me prove that to you," I breathed softly in her ear. I slipped off Judy's leather jacket and threw it on the floor behind us. I kissed her deeply and glided my right hand down her stomach, then lower, until I was cupping her firmly between the legs. She mewled in pleasure, biting her lip as I increased the pressure and began kneading her pussy through the warm, damp leather. She arched her hips forward, urging her pussy deeper into my grasp. I leaned it to kiss her again, but she turned away and moaned urgently into my ear.

"Upstairs. Now. No regrets."

I led Judy up the stairs, which I had climbed thousands of times as a boy, playing videogames or listening to music in Matt's room. But this was different, and I felt my manhood stir as we passed Matt's room and stepped into Judy's bedroom.

Judy's bedroom was at the far end of the hallway. The autumn afternoon light was fading, and Judy lit a single candle on the dresser, which sputtered in the breeze from the open window overlooking the still waters of the swimming pool. She hesitated, watching over the candle until it finally caught.

Judy's room had a big brass bed on the opposite side of the window, flanked by an armoire and a full-length mirror. On the far end, there was a door which led to Judy's bathroom. The floor was strewn with clothes, which I guessed were the outfits Judy had tried on that morning before we left. On the nightstand were an alarm clock and a framed picture of Matt as a boy, smiling as he posed in a Little League uniform. From the corner of my eye, I could see Judy quietly turn the picture face down, and then walk toward me.

We were both sweaty from our day on the bike, but our carnal desires were our primary needs. Judy stood before me, looking lovely in the candlelight. She sat down on the bed to remove her boots and jeans, while I quickly stripped. Looking up moments later, Judy was shocked by my nakedness. The candlelight played off my body, enhancing the definition of my muscular frame. I was fully erect, my cock jutting out proudly before me.

"Michael, you're beautiful. Like a Greek statue." Judy sat on the bed, watching me. She had undressed herself save a sheer white bra and a white cotton thong. She rose and walked toward me, presenting herself to me. I took her chin between my thumb and forefinger and kissed her once, while my other hand reached behind her and easily unsnapped her bra strap. Her bra fell away, and I could see the luminous white globes of her breasts, each punctuated by a stiff, dark brown nipple.

"You've had practice," Judy said in a mock accusatory tone. She kissed me hard, holding the kiss as she wrapped her arms around my neck. Her bare breasts felt soft and warm against my chest, and I trembled as she wrapped her fingers around my thick shaft.

"A little," I replied, with a smirk. Sliding a finger under each side of her thong, I pulled downward, exposing her clean shaven mound.

Judy lay back on the bed, and I quickly clambered on top of her. Running my middle finger along her cleft, I could easily feel her wetness. I dropped my head between her legs, kissing and nibbling my way up her inner thigh, then further, until my lips were moist with her musky juices. Judy's pussy blossomed before me, and I shifted my body into a higher position as I slipped my tip into her love-slickened furrow and readied myself to enter.