No Regrets Ch. 03


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"That's not all, Sally." Alex said. "Tell them the rest. All of it."

I turned to look at Alex and I didn't see one ounce of compassion in his eyes.

"So, then," I continued, "I was remembering the way Dale was watching Alex play with himself, and as I said, my imagination got away from me...... and I started thinking how cool it would be if Dale wanted to touch Alex's penis......"

"I can see this isn't working." Alex said, interrupting me in mid-sentence.

"She told me she fantasized about me having sex with Deb in front of her and Dale," Alex interjected for me, "and that Deb was writhing in pleasure, moaning 'Fuck me, fuck me'. Sally told me in her fantasy, she actually wanted me to fuck Deb and didn't do a single thing to stop me."

I felt my face turn beet red and my cheeks started to swell and feel warm. I looked over at the shocked look on Deb and Dale's faces. They seemed truly dazed, and when Deb looked right at me, I hunched my shoulders as if to ask her to say something to help me out.

"She even fantasized that Dale and I did things to each other." Alex continued, turning to Dale and speaking right to him. "She said she played with herself to the vision of us touching each other and sucking each other's cocks. But, that's not the worst of it......" Alex said, "She fantasized that Dale fucked her in her ass while Deb and I watched."

I could no longer bear to look at Dale and Deb. My head was down and I was staring at the carpet under my feet. Deb made no attempt to save me and I was hurt that she abandoned and betrayed me, especially after all the discussion we had about setting up the four-way. To make matters worse, my own fiancé – the man I was going to marry - had outed me in front our friends, and I felt completely alone.

When Alex stopped speaking, there was nothing but silence in the room. The only sounds were the light sounds of my breathing as I sat there in shock, humiliation and misery.

"I'm disappointed in you, Sally." Alex said to me. "I gave you several chances to tell them what you did, and you didn't tell the whole truth. You even tried to make a joke out of it. You obviously don't respect their friendship, and you probably don't deserve it."

I couldn't gather the courage to turn and look at Alex. I was confused and heartbroken. All I wanted to do was get out of there..... disappear and go away.

Alex stood up next to me and reached down for my hand. I didn't fight him, but when he started to pull me up off the love seat, I raised my face to look up at him and silently plead for this to stop.

"You really leave me no choice." He said, pulling me over to stand in front of Deb and Dale. "Take your shoes off."

It only took an instant for his words to reverberate in my head, and I immediately turned to him as tears began to swell up in my eyes. "Alex, please don't do this. Please.... I'm begging you. Anything else, but not this."

He turned away from me just long enough to walk a few steps and reach down to pick up a large ottoman that was placed to the side of their couch and he set it down next to me. When he rose back up, he put his hands on his hips and looked down at my feet and then back up at me.

I did as he asked without looking back at him, reaching down slightly to pull my flats off my feet and letting them fall to the carpet. He bent down to pick them up and set them on the love seat where we'd been sitting a few minutes ago.

"Skirt next." He said.

As soon as he said it, I immediately felt crushed and knew where all this was headed. As hard as it was to accept, I could only pray that Alex would be compassionate enough to allow me to keep my bra and panties on while he spanked me. Surely, he wouldn't make me undress completely..... not his fiancé.... not the woman he was supposed to love. But, as I reached for the zipper at the side of my skirt, I remembered that I was wearing the see-through lingerie and I realized that even if Alex let me keep my bra and panties on, Deb and Dale would be able to see right through them. My completely hairless slit..... my nipples..... everything was going to be totally exposed for them to see.

Like a zombie, I pulled the zipper of my skirt all the way down while I held the waistband up and looked at Alex. I prayed he'd change his mind and wouldn't make me take it off. But, he nodded his head slightly and reached forward to my hips and pulled my skirt away from my body and let it fall to my feet.

Even though I was wearing panties, I felt naked. I knew Deb and Dale could see right through the flimsy material and would have no trouble seeing the freshly shaven slit between my legs. Standing only a few feet in front of them, I'm sure they didn't have to look very hard to see my pussy. And, as their eyes finally came to rest between my legs, I became extremely embarrassed because I knew how exposed I was.

Alex bent down to pick up my skirt, and as he did, I lifted one foot and then the other, so he could pick up and fold my short skirt and lay it on the love seat with my shoes.

"Take your top off, Sally." Alex told me.

A tear fell down my cheek as I looked at him. I had already accepted the fact that my skirt had to come off so he could spank me, that was already bad enough. There really wasn't any reason that my top had to come off, though. For a moment, I thought about asking him why, but, I decided that might hurt my chances of being able to keep my panties on during my spanking, so I kept my mouth shut.

I was in agony as I wiggled my arms out through the arm holes and was able to get my top off without messing my hair up, but that left me standing in front of Deb and Dale in my sheer bra and panties, with my most private parts on display. I realize I'd taken my top off in their hot tub, but, we'd been drinking, the light was subdued and it had been done in fun. Now though, this wasn't fun, we weren't drinking, and I was extremely embarrassed to be standing in front of our friends like a bad little girl being who was being subjected to corporal punishment in front of the adults.

I couldn't look at them anyone. My face was flushed and the blush from it had spread noticeably down my neck to my chest. My nipples were poking out through the mesh cups of the bra, and as Dale's eyes scanned my body, he stopped for a second to see my distended nipples and looked up at me, eager to see more.

"Now the bra." Alex said, calmly. "Take it off and hand it to me."

I clearly remember telling Alex how I'd love to be stripped and spanked in front of his friends. It was one of my fantasies, but, something I figured would never happen. It was okay for that fantasy to be nasty and humiliating because I never once thought he'd really do it. In that fantasy, I was made to undress myself while his friends watched, something that added to my embarrassment and humiliation. It was one thing to be undressed by force, or, undressed by someone else – but, the idea of being made to voluntarily undress myself while others watched me was, in my mind, the ultimate of humiliation.

There was a soft ringing in my ears as I reached back to unclasp the flimsy bra. I took a deep breath as I undid the catch, and then quickly raised my hands to hold the cups in place against my miniature boobs.

I looked up into Alex's eyes hoping he would see the pain I was in, but, he only held his hand out, saying, "Give me the bra, Sally."

Reluctantly, I lowered my hands and let the bra slide down my arms and he took it from me. I almost reached up to cover my petite breasts, but, there was no reason to at this point. My nipples were as hard as little rocks and they could all see it. There was no point to hiding them now and I was still holding out hope that Alex would let me keep my panties on, so I lowered my hands to my side and stood there in front of Deb and Dale with my less than A-cup breasts on display.

"Now, do what I asked you to do and apologize to Deb and Dale." Alex said to me. "Make eye contact with them and tell them you're sorry for using them to fuel your fantasy and masturbate. Tell them you deserve to be punished and you want them to watch you take your spanking."

I closed my eyes, trying to find the strength to raise my head and look at Deb and Dale to do as Alex asked. I knew if I delayed too much, that might make Alex angry with me, so I did it – I opened my eyes, cleared my throat and spoke.

"I'm sorry." I began, softly. "It was wrong of me to jeopardize our friendship. I had no right to use you in my fantasy, and I'm sorry for doing that. I know I deserve to be punished for what I did, and I think it's fair for you to witness my spanking."

Deb looked at Dale and then they both looked up at me. Dale's eyes went to my crotch and then up to my exposed breasts before he finally looked up at my face.

"We forgive you, Sally." Deb said, looking briefly into my eyes. "Since Alex wants us to watch, we will. Maybe it'll go faster for you if we cooperate, then, we can just forget it ever happened and have our dinner."

I turned to look at Alex and he seemed satisfied. After a second, he asked me to take a step back and then he pushed the large ottoman in front of Deb and Dale and adjusted it a few inches back and forth until he was happy with its position.

"Sally, if you cooperate like you promised, I won't make this as harsh as you deserve." Alex said. "I want you on your elbows and knees with your legs apart as far as they will go without you falling off the ottoman. Put your elbows as far forward as you can, and then don't move unless I tell you to."

I felt fortunate he let me keep my panties on, so I got down on the ottoman as quickly as I could. I moved my knees to the edges at the side and moved forward until my elbows were at the front edge of the padded ottoman. In this position, Deb and Dale could easily see my little breasts hanging down from my chest and Alex could see the full expanse of my panty covered vagina from behind.

Alex walked in front of me, got down on his knees in front of my face and looked at me. Reaching under me, he captured both of my nipples between his thumb and first fingers and began to lightly flick my nipple tips back and forth. He'll do this sometimes during foreplay or when I'm riding on top of his cock. He knows I like it, especially if he starts pinching me very lightly and continues pinching while he increases the pressure.

"When I'm done talking in a second, I want you to turn your head toward our good friends and apologize to them, again." Alex said, softly. "Then, I want you to tell them they can touch you or walk around and look at you while you're being punished."

"You need to make it sound sincere and convincing, Sally." He added. "I warn you, pick your words carefully. If you make it sound like you're only saying it because I told you to, I promise you'll regret it."

Then, Alex stood up and took a few steps to the side and planted himself next to the couch, right next to where Dale was sitting. As he moved, I followed him with my eyes and when he stopped and put his hands on his hips, I knew he was waiting for me to do as he asked.

I tuned my face to first look at Deb, and then at Dale. Forcing myself to give them a sincere smile, I said the difficult words Alex wanted to hear me say.

"I'm really sorry for what I did." I began. "I had no right to use our friendship in my sexual fantasies. I really can't explain why I did it. I guess I was so turned on after what happened in the hot tub the other night, I got carried away with the sexual part of it and it just consumed me."

"I know I deserve to be punished like this, and you have every right to watch and participate in what's going to happen." I continued. "You're entirely welcome to walk around and watch while Alex spanks me. You can touch me if you want to. You don't have to worry about how I'll feel about it, or if I like it, or not. What I did was thoughtless and mean, and, I'd like to earn your trust and friendship back. Maybe after this is over, we can put it all behind us and move forward with the air cleared."

I looked at them for several seconds after I stopped talking and then glanced up at Alex. "Nicely done." Alex said.

Then, he moved behind me, standing a foot away from my upturned bottom. "While she's being punished," Alex said to Deb and Dale, "she has no reason to expect any degree of modesty or privacy. So, as she said, if you want to get up and walk around to get a better view, feel free to do so. I don't mind if you touch her, or feel her, as long as you don't interfere with her punishment."

Dale immediately looked at Deb, stood up and walked around the ottoman and stood right next to Alex. I knew what he could see from back there, but, I didn't move. I turned my head to look at Deb and she was noticeably blushing as she looked back at me.

I jumped a little when I felt Alex's hand on the small of my back. He touched me lightly there, and then ran his hand down to the waistband of my panties. For an instant, I was horrified to think he was going to pull my panties down, but he didn't. Instead, he moved his hand down the slope of my bottom and directly in between my thighs from behind.

At first, he held his palm directly against my mound, but after a few seconds, he began to stroke my crotch, trailing his fingers lightly up and down my slit. An incredible feeling of humiliation and helplessness flooded over me as he touched my pussy through my panties. Any other time, I'd be enjoying this. But, not now. This was the most exposed and embarrassed as I'd ever felt in my life, but, it was about to get worse...... much worse.

I was able to look under my body - through my legs, and all the way back to where Alex and Dale were standing. When I saw Alex kneel down behind me I began to panic, but when he asked Dale to kneel down next to him, my panic turned to dreadfulness and tears started to swell again in my eyes.

Alex reached out and adjusted the flimsy panties across my bottom, smoothing them out and pulling the material this way and that so there were no wrinkles. Then, using two of his fingers like a plow, he pushed my panties between my two outer lips. I felt him run his fingers several times up and down the wet folds of my pussy, each time pushing my panties into me a little more as he drug his fingertips across my clitoris and then back to the entrance of my vagina.

I didn't have to be looking to know what Alex was doing. He was creating a reason for Dale to focus and concentrate his stare directly on my panty covered vagina. And, even though I was still covered, I'm positive the thin, see-though material did absolutely nothing to hide my sacred feminine anatomy from Dale's eyes.

Alex knew what this would do to me. As I laid in that position with my bottom up and my knees apart with my crotch exposed like it was, I felt an enormous rush of heat and shame overtake my face. I was so ashamed; I closed my eyes to lock out what was happening.

At that moment, I heard Deb stir from her seat on the couch. I opened my eyes to see her moving in front of me and kneeling down in front of my face just as Alex had done. Without saying a word, she reached under me and cupped my small brestlings in the palms of her hands and gently started to knead them. She didn't go right for the nipples as a man would do, but instead, she began a soft caress of the meat of my little bobbies as she looked into my eyes.

Leaning in to me, she whispered, "You don't know how fascinated I've been with these, Sally. Ever since you took your top off that night in the hot tub, I've wanted to feel them in my hands."

Instantly, our eyes met and I searched her stare for the true meaning of what she'd just said. Her touch on my breasts was soft and as she caressed me, I became aware of how good it felt.


I wasn't prepared for the loud slap and the sting that caused my body to lurch forward. Almost instantly, I could feel the intense bite of the sting warm my bottom and spread across my backside. This was certainly not a playful swat; Alex had really smacked me good and as I tensed my muscles to keep from moving, Deb leaned into me again and whispered to me.

"Shhhh." Deb said, softly. "Be still and don't move. The sooner you accept what's happening to you, the better it'll be."

I was trying to comprehend what she'd just said when I felt Dale's hand under me, sliding down over the front of my panties. His hand didn't stop until he was between my legs, cradling my pussy and pressing his palm into me. I could feel his fingers as they touched me back there; one finger in the crevice between my pantied pussy lips, and his other fingers at the sides, touching the bare skin past the edges of my panties.

"It's okay." Deb whispered to me. "Don't move. Close your eyes and think about how you look right now - how we're touching you and what's happening."


Once again I felt the sting of another swat on my bottom, but, even as Alex spanked me that second time, Dale's fingers never left my crotch. And, almost as if it had been carefully arranged, at the same time as Alex delivered the second swat, Deb's fingers found my nipples and gave them a little pinch.

My eyes shot open and I looked right up at her as she held the pinch on my nipples and then finally let go. She had a slight grin on her face as she looked down at me and that threw my mind into a mass of confusion and uncertainty as I looked back at her.

Dale's hand pulled away from my crotch and I felt him searching for the elastic waistband of my panties. As soon as he found it, he slipped his hand down inside, found his way between the folds of my labia and wiggled one finger inside my lubricating vagina.


Again, the sudden sting of Alex's swat caused me to flinch, but, as soon as he'd spanked me, Deb let go of one of my nipples and put her hand under my chin. Lifting my head slightly, she pressed her lips to mine and kissed me tenderly.

"Let go now." Deb said, as she leaned back away from me. "Just let go of everything and concentrate on the signals your body is giving you. Don't fight your feelings, Sally. We've worked too hard to bring you this far to let you spoil it. Make a decision right now to give in. Will you do that for me?"

To say I was mixed-up and confused would be a complete and gross understatement. I didn't understand why Alex had selected this time and place to finish my punishment. It was so unlike him to be as firm as he was – to the point of being mean. He'd never once done anything to belittle me in front of anyone. But, here I was – almost completely naked on my hands and knees at his insistence, being touched, spanked and humiliated to a point I would have never thought possible from him.

Dale's finger found my clit and started rubbing directly against my little nubbin. "Do it, Sally." Deb said to me, leaning in to brush her lips against mine. "Right now..... look me in the eyes and tell me you're ready to give in and submit to us fully."

To be continued.

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Cc19275Cc192752 months ago

Loved the whole series. Wish there was more.

paulthewetcdpaulthewetcdalmost 4 years ago
Holy Crap!

Amazing sensuous lusty eroticism......!!!

lezluver69lezluver69over 10 years ago

This story has become sort of a "Holy Grail" for me.

It's one of maybe 4 stories on this site that were never completed and left off in such an amazing place, sort of a Cliffhanger type of moment.

PLEASE write one more installment to give fans closure, I know what I want to happen and I'd love to see how close I am to your imaginings. Deb and Sally at the very least need a nice scene together.

Thanks in advance. CSJ

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Great story

I love this story and am hoping you will continue it.

Thanks for writing this and for sharing it with us.

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