No Strings Pt. 03


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"Your house is amazing," Lynne commented as Marla led us to the kitchen nook where the table was set for three. Her 'nook' is located in the turret opposite the one that houses her bedroom sitting room. The large bay has wrap-around floor to ceiling windows and is larger than my dining room by a factor, and furnished with an oval table that can seat six.

"What would you like to drink, Lynne, wine, beer, a mixed drink, or iced tea, juice, water? I have everything."

"Yes, she does," I commented.

"I guess a red wine would be nice," Lynne ventured.

"Matt, why don't you get the drinks, while I put the steaks on. How do you like your steak, Lynne?"

"Medium is fine."

She didn't ask me as she knew what I liked.

"Lynne, I am so glad you accepted my invitation. I've wanted to meet you, but I would have understood if you didn't want to meet me. Why don't you help me get the food on the table, and we can chat a little," she said as she slipped on an apron.

Once the steaks were done, we settled at the table. Marla said she would explain the dinner invitation after we ate. Dinner was outstanding. I already knew she was an excellent cook, but I could tell she had gone to extra trouble for this meal (You may be wondering why someone as rich as Marla does her own cooking - because she likes to, though she employs a chef from a four-star restaurant when she wants, or has a big soiree). After dinner, we retired to the library which is one of the coziest rooms in the house - small in scale compared to the rest of it, only about 20 by 20 with book-lined walls on three sides, the entry door and a bar on the fourth wall, and four small club tables arranged in a square and surrounded by plush club-style chairs.

"I know you are both wondering why I invited you. When Matt told me you two were finally doing the right thing, besides meeting you, Lynne, I instantly knew there was something I wanted to do; so I'll get right to it. Lynne, I don't know what Matt has told you about me, but I'm sure he has told you that I'm going through a divorce, for which my ex, the prick, and I have recently concluded negotiations on a settlement. Long story short, to avoid going to court, and the public embarrassment that would result, he has acquiesced to all my demands. As a result, I am now filthy rich. Before, I was quite well off with my own money, but now, I could use it to fuel the fireplace and not run out. I'm talking triple-digit rich!" she said with a laugh. (I surmised triple-digit meant '100's of millions.)

I interrupted, "I thought you once told me something about prenups?"

"Oh, yes. We signed a prenuptial agreement, but I'm no dummy. I insisted on a clause that stipulated all conditions of the prenup were null and void if the cause of our divorce was due to spousal abuse or infidelity on his part. I refused to marry him otherwise, and the little prick agreed to it. So, 'ta da'!" she laughed.

"Anyway, I tell you about the money, not to brag, but so that you will understand what I do next. First, I have grown very fond of Matt, not just because he is an amazing lover, which I'm sure you already know..."

I interrupted, "Um, Marla, we haven't actually made love yet. It's kind of a long story."

Marla gave me a look of incredulity, "You haven't bedded this lovely creature, yet? I can't imagine the story that would account for that! Well, be that as it may, and Matt's lovemaking skills aside, he also proved to be a very good friend at a time when I needed one. And he never judged me or overreacted to my wealth, treating me as a person, as a woman, not some rich bitch. That meant a lot to me. And Lynne, so you know, from the beginning, there was never any doubt about how much you mattered to him. I knew, at least I hoped, you two would work things out...though, selfishly, I hoped it wouldn't be too soon," she joked with a sly smile.

"Honestly, I will miss Matt, but I do hope we can stay friends, and I hope you will look past our relationship and that we can be friends, also. In my position, I have very few 'real' friends, and the few I have, I treasure; which brings me to the purpose of this visit. I wanted to do something special for the two of you, something to help you get started together. I know you both suffered financially from your previous relationships, specifically in Matt's case, from a money-grubbing, cheating bitch of a wife; and in your case, from a gambling spendthrift of a husband. So, it seemed appropriate to me to help you financially as you start your lives together. And I want you to know that I will not accept no for an answer or entertain any objections to what I have decided to do."

"Marla," I interrupted, "You really don't have to do anything..."


"Matt, that sounds suspiciously like an objection in the making, so zip it. I am doing this because I want to. So hear me out."

"Yes ma'am," I kidded her.

"Oooh, you can get away with that now, but watch it!" she kidded back.

"I'll explain later," I said to a confused Lynne.

"Okay, so here is what I came up with," Marla remarked as she opened a folder on the table and pushed two documents to us. "These are signature cards for bank accounts which are in both your names. I am gifting the proceeds contained in those accounts to you, and I had my lawyer draw up legal documents to support everything so nobody can claim otherwise. Please sign them now, then we'll proceed to the next items."

"Matt?" Lynne questioned.

"Go ahead, honey. You heard what Marla said, she will not entertain any objections."

"He's right, dear," Marla said softly with a smile and patted Lynne's hand, reassuringly.

We signed the signature cards and she retrieved them, then handed a folder to us.

"The contents of that folder includes all the documents for your new bank accounts, including checking, savings, and cd accounts that I took the liberty of setting up in your names. Go ahead, open it and see if it meets with your approval," she demurred in an unassuming tone.

My response was, "You're shitting me! Marla, have you lost your mind?"

Lynne sat with her mouth hanging open, and the color drained from her face.

"No, dear. Like I said, I'm filthy rich now, and it gives me great pleasure to pass on some of the proceeds I fleeced from that no-good, piece of excrement, my soon to be ex prick-of-a-husband."

"Marla, I know you said no objections, but this is..."

"Just say thank you, Matt; and Lynne, you should start breathing before you pass out, dear."

I simply said, "Thank you," still in shock.

Lynne looked up from the bank documents, and remarked, "I, I don't understand. I mean, this is just..."

"Doll, like I said, I have very few good friends, friends I trust and actually like. I trust and more than just like Matt. I care for him, and by extension, and based on what I know of you, I care for you, too. And I want to see you two have a good start, and hopefully a good middle and end," she finished, raising her glass in a toast. We joined her in the toast, and I thought that would bring an end to the evening.

"Well kids, now that the business stuff is out of the way, I think it's time to retire to the pool room and celebrate."

Lynne looked at me, "We're going to celebrate by playing pool?" she asked in a hushed tone.

Marla laughed lightly, "No, dear girl, not that kind of pool. Matt never lets me win so I don't go near there with him anymore. No, we're going to the other pool room."

"Indoor swimming pool," I explained to Lynne.

"Oh," she replied, not quite understanding why we were going there. Not that I really did either. If we were going to celebrate, I assumed that meant drinks, and there were several bars in the house, including where we were sitting.

When we walked into the pool room, Lynne looked around, "This is amazing."

Marla replied, "You know, honey, the first time Matt came into this house, he never commented on anything until he learned about my large selection of beers, and that was what impressed him."

"That sounds like Matt," Lynne replied with a laugh.

"I'm making margaritas. Would you like something different, honey," Marla asked Lynne.

"No, margaritas are fine."

While Marla busied herself making our drinks, Lynne took in the surroundings. The pool is pretty impressive, about 25 feet wide and 80 feet long with a waterfall in one corner at the far end. The deck is surrounded by lush landscaping, and the room features a glass-paneled ceiling for natural light, augmented by soft lighting for nighttime use.

"The pool is amazing. I didn't imagine it would be so big," Lynne remarked.

"Help yourself, if you like," Marla said as she shook the ingredients for the margaritas then poured them over ice.

"What? Oh no, I don't have a bathing suit," Lynne answered.

"Bathing suit? Oh, honey, I don't even own one. If you're bashful, you can keep you panties and bra on."

"Oh, um, thank you, but I wouldn't feel..."

"Doll, I'm going for a swim, then a nice soak. Here's your drink," Marla interrupted as she brought our drinks to us.

"You mean now?" Lynne asked.

"Oh no, dear. First, I'm going to have a couple drinks."

Incredulous, Lynne looked at me. I just shrugged.

We went and sat at the table and sipped our drinks.

"So, are you two going to tie the knot or just live together?"

I was caught completely off guard by the question.

"We have not discussed that yet. We just finally got together. Lynne may decide she doesn't like me after she gets to know me better," I joked.

Lynne quickly countered, "How do you know you won't get tired of me?"

"Oh, I know I won't get tired of you...but, um, seeing as how I haven't actually seen you naked yet..."

She smacked my arm, "Yeah, well I haven't got to try out the goods yet to see if you measure up!"

Marla gave a light laugh and interjected, "Oh honey, he measures up, trust me."

"Well, that still doesn't settle what Lynne looks like naked," I cracked.

She shot me a look, "Fine, we can settle that, right now!"

She set her drink down, stood up, kicked off her heels and started stripping. I was again caught completely off guard.

Marla started laughing, "You go, girl! I guess we're going swimming now," she remarked, knocked back her drink, then stood and started stripping her clothes off. "Come on, Matt. It's not a party till everyone's naked."

I shook my head, feigning annoyance, then stood and joined them. Of course, my attention was completely on Lynne who had taken the clip out of her hair, releasing it and shaking it loose; then she removed her blouse, and was now shimmying out of her slacks. Her simple, pale ivory bra and panties were not especially sexy, but damn, did she look good in them. Lynne doesn't have a tan, but for a blond, she does have a slightly darker complexion. When she got to her bra, she turned away to remove it. I thought she was just being bashful. Then she slipped her panties off and I was left looking at her perfectly-shaped body and marvelous, firm, perfectly-rounded butt cheeks as she bent over. Next, she brought her hands up and apparently covered her breasts before turning around, obviously a bit embarrassed.

She turned, and in a flourish, she whipped her hands out to the side and exclaimed, "Ta da!"

Her display of humor, not to mention the display of her stunning body, thoroughly surprised me. My heart stopped. No, really; I thought I was having a coronary. I had to do a few chest compressions to get my heart going again...

Lynne's beautiful, round, full breasts lay perfectly on her chest. Her dark taupe, moderately large aureoles and prominent nipples are really fabulous. Her vulva is covered in dense, dark blond pubic hair, shaved into a full V. With her slightly full hips, flat stomach, narrow waist and well-toned legs, she has a classically beautiful shape, and is a sight to behold.

I exclaimed "Honey, you are too beautiful for words. As Marla said, 'gorgeous', and you're a saucy little vixen, doing the showy reveal."

Marla whistled, "Damn, girl, you couldn't be more perfect."

At that moment, Marla was removing her blouse, revealing her lovely breasts, as she was braless. She quickly shucked her slacks and turned to me, "Need help?" she kidded me.

"Sorry, I got very distracted."

I stripped down, and when I removed my underwear, Marla said to Lynne, "He's the whole package, isn't he, honey?"

"Yes," she remarked, "and, um, that's quite a package!" she giggled, nervously.

"You said it, sister," Marla quipped.

I think I blushed as Lynne continued, "Marla, I'm a little embarrassed standing here like this; and more than a little jealous seeing how beautiful you are...and knowing that you and Matt..."

"Oh, Lynne, really, with your gorgeous body, you have nothing to be embarrassed about; and you certainly don't need to be jealous of me. If anyone should be jealous of anyone, I should be jealous of you. Besides, Matt is head over heels for you; you've won his heart. I was just a dalliance for him. But why don't we get in the pool."

"Sounds like a winner," I added.

Marla dove in and we followed, diving into the slightly warm water.

We gathered at the far end, by the waterfall. Marla got beside me, putting me between her and Lynne.

Lynne remarked, "This is lovely, and kind of liberating, being in the nude. I haven't gone skinny dipping since high school."

"Was that for extra credit or a required course?" I joked.

"Oh, that was extra credit. I got an A-plus in P.T. for that, and I didn't even have to sleep with the teacher," Lynne joked back.

"I can believe the A-plus, honey," Marla commented dryly, then cracked, "but why didn't you sleep with the teacher?"

"Oh, I would have, but he was gay."

Marla laughed, "Matt, this girl's a keeper."

"Don't I know it."

We lazed around in the water and chatted, Marla and Lynne getting better acquainted, and getting along swimmingly (pardon the pun). After a while, Marla suggested we get in the hot tub and have another drink. I intentionally hung back when we went to exit the pool. Watching Marla and Lynne, their disparate but equally beautiful bodies ascending the steps, was worth the price of admission. Unfortunately, Big Matt responded to the sight of the two.

As I walked up the steps, Marla turned and looked back at me.

"Somebody liked the view?" she remarked about my semi-aroused state.

Lynne turned and looked, "Geez, Matt, how big does that thing get?"

I blushed a little, but replied, "Big enough to scare little children."

"I'm scared now!" she joked and grinned.

"Oh, I'm going to miss Big Matt," Marla sighed.

"Alright, you two, let's get those drinks and get in the hot tub."

After we settled in, we relaxed, drank, chatted and laughed. It was really very pleasant, and I felt that Lynne and Marla were bonding, which thrilled me.

Afterwards, we dried off, dressed, and said our goodnights. Lynne and Marla hugged, then Marla came up to me, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a big kiss on the lips.

"You take good care of her, Matt. She is very special."

"Don't I know it. And don't worry, I will."

"Don't be strangers," Marla said softly.

We headed home.


On the drive home, Lynne was fairly quiet, and I was worried something was wrong. As soon as we entered the apartment, she started.

"Matt, I don't know what to think."

"About what?"

"About what! The money, all that money. I can't believe it!"

"I can't either. But obviously it was something she wanted to do. Besides, that is probably a drop in the bucket for her."

"That's a damn, big drop! And all I can think of is you must be amazing in bed for that kind of a payoff!" she cracked.

"Maybe it's time to find out."

"Let's take a shower and wash off the chlorine," she suggested as she took my hand and led me to my bedroom - correction, our bedroom.

After we undressed, I set the water and we got in the shower. Surprisingly, we were both nervous, even after spending all that time nude together at Marla's. But this was different. We were now going to be intimate for the first time.

As we washed each other, I became aroused. When we exited the shower and started drying off, Lynne paid special attention to my erection, eyeing it, then taking it in one hand and feeling it, running her hand the length of it.

She looked up shyly, "Honey, we'll have to go slow to start. I..."

"You don't have to worry; I promise."

She nodded, and still holding my cock in her hand, she placed her other hand behind my neck and pulled me into a hot, soul-melting kiss. This was only the second time we had kissed like that, and it piqued my libido, making my erection go rock solid.

Lynne released me and looked me in the eyes, "That was wonderful, and I could do that all night, but I think we better take care of this, before you burst a blood vessel," she joked as she squeezed my erection.

I loved the feel of her small hand and delicate fingers on my shaft. I immediately swept her up in my arms and headed to the bed.

She kicked her feet and giggled, "Go, Tarzan!"

I playfully threw her on the end of the bed. She immediately sat up and reached for my cock.

"If you would like, I can give you felatio?"

"I would like, but let's save that for later. Right now I want to please you orally, and prepare you for what I hope will be a wonderful experience for you...Lynne, I have to tell you, I can't remember the last time I was nervous about going to bed with a woman; but right now, I am. It matters so much to me that I please you, and this isn't just some lovemaking session. It's much more than that. I don't know how to express..."

She stood and put a finger to my lips, "Me too, baby. Now hush. Pleasure me, then fuck me, Matthew." she moaned in a sultry, lusty voice that sent chills through me.

Okay, that message was clear, "Shut up and get busy."

Lynne crawled up the bed on her hands and knees to the head of the bed; I think intentionally showing me her butt with her small twat peeking out from below her cheeks. She fluffed pillows and positioned herself with her head and shoulders elevated, knees bent and legs spread. My destination was now fully exposed to me and I was awestruck.

Beneath her thick mound of pubic hair, her small, slender labia were shaved clean, and surrounded one of the most diminutive vaginas I can remember seeing. Her inner labia were delicate and thin, a soft, light taupish-pink in color. Her light pink vagina was slightly moist; it was all a beautiful sight - and a beautiful site!

I stretched out on the bed and slid my hands under her full, firm butt cheeks and went to work. I gave a gentle swipe with the tip of my tongue. I felt her hands in my hair as her hips lifted slightly in response. I began licking and sucking lightly on her small lips and around her clit, playing gently over the hood, testing for sensitivity.

"Mmm, yes," she moaned and I slowly became more aggressive, working my tongue into her vagina and licking more firmly. I worked her vagina gently, slowly licking and probing, enjoying the feel of her. Before I hardly got started, she interrupted.

"Oh, yes, baby, wonderful; I want you in me; I'm ready."

"Not yet. Be patient," I replied and continued to work her sex with my tongue.

I began to gently work around her clit as she lightly spasmed, clenching her muscles and jinking her hips. Then I covered her clit area and lightly sucked as I carefully worked a finger in her small hole. She jerked in response to both stimuli.

"Oh gosh, that's, oh...nice, um, ungh, oh, oh, if you keep doing that, I'll cum," she moaned.

I lifted and smiled, "That's the idea," and went back to work, now engaging her clit with my tongue as I started working my finger in and out of her vagina and twisting it as I went. She started pulling on my hair and shuddering, her hips beginning to shake up and down spasmodically as she became more stimulated. I lifted and looked to see her petite clit, just barely peeking out and reengaged, now very lightly licking it, applying more suction and intensifying my stroking with my finger. She started trembling and shaking, pulling more forcefully on my hair. I removed my wet finger from her vagina and replaced it with my thumb, then pressed the tip of my finger against her pucker, continuing my ministrations to her clit.