No Work and All Play


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Andrea's mind was blown by what she had heard. When she'd married Dave, she had no issues about cock size. But after a year of sex with his undersized dick, she knew something wasn't right. The first time she used the dildo, she knew that size mattered to her. So, what was the girl's definition of big? It had to be bigger than 7 inches. Andrea could easily take the dildo & she was certain she could accommodate more. Cock size had become a fetish to her. It wasn't everything, but it was number 1 on her checklist. When Glen came out of his office, her eyes locked onto his crotch, wondering how much beef he was packing. Glen knew she was staring, almost trance like. He guessed she'd heard the rumor.

That night, Andrea casually brought the subject up in bed. She put down the porn novel she'd been reading & said,

"Have you heard about Glen's nickname? A few of the guys call him Oz."

Dave had heard about it & had no wish to discuss it. He replied,

"People talk about a lot of crap when they should be working."

"They call him Oz because he's big down under. You know, Dave, a big trouser snake," She retorted with glee.

Her words had hit Dave like a punch & he grimaced & quickly said,

"Glen probably started the rumor himself. The guy is full of it."

Andrea looked over at Dave's beet red face & replied,

"I don't think so. I have it on good authority that the man IS HUNG."

Dave breathed hard. He looked like he was about to burst into tears. Andrea had a sudden realization & reached across Dave & grabbed his dick. She wasn't surprised to find it rock hard. She kissed his earlobe & whispered,

"You really like it when I talk about Glen & his big cock, don't you?"

Dave began lurching like an epileptic as he cried,

"Oh, shit...holy shit...HOLY SHITTTTTT!!

He ejaculated over himself & whimpered like a puppy.

Dave said nothing as he drove them to work the next morning. He was embarrassed that Andrea had found him out. What could he say? He'd seen the monster that was Glen's dick & it had emasculated him. He had nightmares of being dominated by the powerful, younger man. He called them nightmares but he always woke with cum in his shorts. He didn't understand it, but he was both terrified & in awe of Glen. He sheepishly looked away when Andrea studied his face. She didn't want to embarrass him but needed to know why talk of Glen's cock had made him cum...hard.

At the office, Glen raised a piece of paper with red written on it. Andrea looked pleased as she lifted the front of her skirt & showed him her red thong. She drawled,

"Mmm, you're getting good at this, Glen."

He didn't bother telling her that most days he knew the color of her underwear within 5 minutes of her arriving. As she arranged her things, she would only have to bend slightly for her miniskirt to ride up & show him the color, the fabric & sometimes even the state of her arousal. He had some things to clear up, then he would enjoy one of Andrea's massages.

Glen got back to his office at 11am & said,

"OK, Mz Big, time to work those talented fingers."

Mz Big had become a joke between them. She was Small by name, but certainly not small by nature. She followed him into his office & watched him remove his jacket. He completely filled the shirt, his upper arms bulging. Andrea wondered if he tensed his muscles, would it shred his shirt? She stepped behind him & began rubbing his powerful shoulders. He obviously worked out, but he wasn't over muscular like a body builder. In her eyes, he had the perfect physique.

Andrea marveled at how hard his muscles were. She ran her hands all over his back, pushing, squeezing & kneading his skin. She leaned forward & squeezed his biceps, running her hands to his bare forearms. Her big breasts pushed against his neck, then moved up & down his head & upper back. She looked over his shoulder at his crotch. It took a few seconds to see clearly as his pants were black, but there was no mistaking what she saw. Something massive ran down his right leg, pushing up the material as if trying to escape.

Andrea felt her pussy spasm as she leaked juices. Her nipples became huge & poked into Glen. She knew there was no hiding her overwhelming arousal. Glen sighed in obvious pleasure. This girl was driving him nuts. His cock lurched & throbbed in his pants. Andrea was sure she could see a huge cockhead near his knee, rearing up like a snake. Glen could feel her long, black hair caressing his neck as her hands were now around him, stroking his large pecs. Glen debated his next move. She could still just be a cock teaser. Unlikely, but still a possibility.

The phone suddenly rang. It was coming from upstairs & he knew he had to answer it. Andrea understood that the call was important & reluctantly stood up, still massaging his shoulders as he answered it, listened, then spoke quickly, trying to buy himself time. She went back to her own desk while Glen got the ice from the mini freezer & tried to deflate his hard cock. Damn, he wanted Andrea so bad. Any man that had her would happily settle down because she was the pinnacle of female sexuality.

The next day, Andrea had managed to keep her arousal in check as she worked his shoulders & back. Glen was browsing through one of her girls magazines. It was all about sex, relationships, cosmetics & clothes. He read an article & then said,

"So, girls are encouraged to shave their vaginas completely. It's hygienic & sexy, huh?"

Andrea nodded & replied,

"That's right, Glen, I have mine lasered. I only need a once a year treatment now."

"Every girl seems to be saying that these days. They want to sound sexy like the porno babes. Most are full of shit."

Andrea folded her arms & said,

"Well, I don't need to lie."

Glen shrugged, trying to give her a dubious look. Andrea put her hands on her hips. She seemed frustrated that he didn't believe her. Glen thought she was going to cry, but her face hardened & she glanced at the half open door. She lifted her skirt & hooked a finger into her thong. She slowly pulled the material aside & gave Glen an unobstructed view of her shaven pussy. It glistened in the light, clearly wet.

"See, I never lie," She said defiantly.

Glen stared with lust at her delectable pussy & replied,

"I can see that, honey."

Dave took the stairs as he went to meet his wife. He was praying that Glen would be out. He was about to step into Andrea's outer office when he heard Glen's voice saying,

"These accounts only I deal with. The others, I usually delegate to Ryan or Brown."

The conversation sounded normal until he heard Andrea moan. Dave looked between the hinges & nearly collapsed. Andrea was bent over her desk, looking at a computer in front of her. Glen leaned right over her, pushing his crotch into her ass. Andrea pumped back, rolling her ass in circles. She moaned again & murmured,

"Mmm, yes, Glen."

Dave stepped into the office, red faced & trembling. Glen noticed him first & whispered in Andrea's ear. He then stepped around the desk & Dave saw it. Either it was a truncheon in his pocket or a cock of impossible proportions. Dave felt dizzy & weak. Fear gripped his brain & he blurted,

"Sir, may I leave with my wife?"

Glen found Dave's behavior baffling. But he was obviously afraid. Maybe he could use that. He patted Andrea's ass as she followed Dave out.

In the parking lot, Dave gulped in air & began to feel better. In the car he muttered,

"What's going on, babe? That bastard Glen was all over you."

"Look, Dave, I told you, Glen just likes to rub his big cock against me. We both enjoy it, so don't be so serious. It's just some harmless office fun, so control your insecurities," Replied Andrea smiling. Things were spiraling out of his control. Would Andrea leave the company if he begged her to? He doubted it. She seemed to be really into Glen. He saw her staring at his crotch & realized he had an erection. He looked away, red faced.

That night, Andrea got into bed, wondering about what had happened earlier. She'd seen Dave trembling in apparent terror of Glen. She leaned on one elbow & said,


A tired Dave was hoping she wasn't still horny. He had already used the dildo on her twice. He mumbled,

"Yeah, babe."

"What's the deal between you & Glen?" She asked.

Dave didn't want to talk about it & replied,

"Nothing...I just don't like the guy."

"Is it because of his big cock?" She almost taunted.

Dave whimpered as his whole body spasmed. Andrea's hand found his hard dick & gently stroked it. She rested her chin on his shoulder & cooed,

"I think you like it when Glen & I are naughty. Your little dick is going to explode, honey."

Dave gasped & gritted his teeth. If he ejaculated, Andrea would take it as his approval of her 'naughty' behavior. He tried to push her hand away, but it was too late. His dick throbbed & spurted in his shorts. He turned away, totally embarrassed & eventually pleaded,

"Please don't let Glen go too far, babe."

Andrea smiled in the darkness & closed her eyes.

A couple of days later, Glen was dictating to Andrea in his office. He watched her writing on her notepad, legs crossed. Her miniskirts never ceased to amaze him. This one couldn't have hung lower than 6 inches. He'd seen guys craning their necks to see up her skirt. For many of them, it was the highlight of their day. Andrea was well aware of all this, of course, and she really loved the frenzied attention she caused. He watched her foot sexily rocking back & forth in her 4 inch heels.

Glen finished up & leaned back in his chair as he said,

"So, Andrea, are you going to let me take you out on Friday, or what?"

She tapped her pen on her full lips pensively before she replied,

"That's a tempting offer, Glen, but Dave would have a meltdown. He knows how horny I get when I drink, and I've got a feeling the night would end with your big cock inside me."

That comment had caused Glen's cock to lurch in his pants. A tipsy Andrea, that, he would love to see.

Glen thought about Dave. Damn that little dickhead. For all Andrea's outrageous flirting, Dave was still her husband & his feelings still mattered to her. Glen tried a stab in the dark & said,

"Maybe Dave boy would enjoy it if I took you out."

Andrea seemed to be considering the possibility. Finally, she replied,

"I think I need to think about that. Dave can get really jealous & insecure."

Glen raised an eyebrow. With a wife like Andrea, Dave would probably end up in a straight jacket. Glen sighed, it had been worth a try, and he would try again.

Later, at just before 5pm, Andrea grabbed her things & opened the door to Glen's office & said,

"I'm going to meet Dave. I'll see you tomorrow, Glen."

Glen stood up & said,

"Wait up, Andrea, don't I get a goodbye kiss?"

Andrea seemed hesitant as she glanced at her watch & replied,

"You don't give up, do you, Glen?"

"Did you want me to?" He asked, daring her.

She closed his door & drawled,

"Just because you're so gorgeous, it doesn't mean I can't say no to you, Glen."

Andrea sashayed towards him & ran her hands up his chest before holding his shoulders & giving him a peck on the lips. Then another one, and a third, before she hesitated & stepped back. But Glen suddenly wrapped his arms around her & kissed her hard. Andrea didn't resist & their mouths opened in a tongue swapping frenzy. Glen reached along his desk & hit a button which disabled the electronic lock on his door.

It was 5.05pm when Dave entered the outer office. There was no sign of Andrea & he wondered if she had left. He looked at the door to Glen's office & his heart rate quickened. He couldn't leave without knowing if she was in there. He should have knocked but he didn't. He turned the handle & pushed the door. He immediately heard smacking sounds & sighing. His heart rate jumped again as he pushed the door slowly & peered around it.

He fell against the door frame in shock when he saw them. Glen & Andrea's bodies were locked together as they passionately kissed. Glen's hand had lifted her skirt & was squeezing & caressing her ass. Dave made an involuntary high pitched squeal as he watched in total horror. If they heard him, they didn't seem bothered as they continued. Dave could see their lips & tongues vigorously fighting as their bodies pumped & grinded together.

Dave could hear his heart beat thumping in his ears. He wondered how they couldn't hear it. He had to do something to stop this. He nearly collapsed as he stepped into the office. He stared at them & blurted,


Glen wasn't bothered by Dave's appearance & was now trying to free her big tits. Andrea didn't want to stop, but Dave looked like death warmed up. It took all of her willpower to push Glen away.

Andrea grabbed Dave's hand & said,

"We better go. I'll see you tomorrow, Glen."

Glen winked & said,

"See ya, baby. We'll finish this tomorrow."

Andrea smirked at his brazen confidence. As they left, Dave could smell his wife's arousal. He was glad their elevator was empty. His shirt was drenched in sweat & he only now realized that he had ejaculated in his pants.

As Dave drove them home, his mind kept replaying the scene he'd just witnessed. Glen was going to steal his beautiful wife & he was suddenly furious. He growled,

"Why were you kissing that asshole, Andrea?"

Her response was predictable, as she said,

"Look, Dave, don't call him that. It was just a goodbye kiss. No big deal. And why have you cum in your pants?"

Dave's face went crimson in embarrassment & they drove the rest of the way in silence.

The next morning, as soon as Andrea saw Glen, she pointed at him & said,

"You tricked me yesterday, Glen."

"Me?" He innocently replied.

She folded her arms & said,

"I shut your door & it locked. Only you could have disengaged it. You wanted Dave to see us, you rat."

Glen attempted to look contrite as he said,

"Sorry, baby. I thought he might like it. Like a closet cuckold."

Andrea's attitude softened as she said,

"Look, Glen, Dave's not like you. He doesn't have your confidence or charisma. I think you intimidate him."

Glen chewed on this information. Maybe it was that incident in the toilets last year. Dave's dick had looked like a 2 inch stub. Maybe he had a hang up about it, and Glen's superior endowment had humbled him. Glen knew how men often reacted when confronted by a large cock. It was a psychological issue that most wouldn't admit to. In truth, cock size mattered more to men than women.

Later, that afternoon, Glen didn't have a lot on until a meeting at 4 pm. He walked out of his office & watched Andrea busily dealing with a call. She stood up to reach for a notepad & Glen saw her skirt ride up & reveal her black stockings & garter straps. He momentarily saw the band of light brown skin above her stocking tops & his dick stirred. He walked over to the door & stared at it for a moment, before he locked it. Anyone coming to his office would call through first.

Glen walked behind Andrea's chair & watched her writing down details as she spoke on the phone. He quietly unzipped his pants & pulled out his semi hard cock. He waited for Andrea to finish the call before he stepped to her left, his cock in hand.

Andrea put down the receiver & turned to see the huge cock level with her eyes. Glen looked at her expression of shock and...what?...horror? She'd probably never seen one as big. What the hell had he been thinking? He had to put it away. She looked like she was about to scream. But before he could move, Andrea leaned forward & wrapped her lips around his bloated cockhead. Glen watched in total surprise as he groaned in rapturous delight.

Andrea's hands pushed Glen's away & grabbed his shaft as she sucked on the circumcised head with intense excitement. To her amazement, his cock kept growing & hardening. She briefly worried about someone opening the door & catching them, but there was no stopping now. She held up the massive cock & stared at it in awe & wonder. She ran her hands up & down the gnarled shaft, huge veins crisscrossing & pulsing. She was both seduced & mezmerized by its weight & power.

Andrea lifted Glen's cock & kissed the large mushroom head & underside as she stared up into his eyes in a gesture of submission. Glen was breathing heavily as she sucked hard on the swollen, purple head. He knew he couldn't hold out much longer as he began throbbing hard. Andrea could taste his precum pouring out as her tongue licked & lashed the head. His cock was really swelling now as she squirmed on her seat.

Andrea never swallowed Dave's cum. It was a tasteless & slimy goo that she disliked. She decided she would spit out Glen's cum too. Then, Glen grimaced & groaned,

"Oh, yeah, baby."

Andrea felt his cock twitch & buck violently as it pumped a huge stream of cum into her mouth. Her taste buds lit up in pleasure & she swallowed the hot cream. More jets of thick spunk filled her mouth & she kept gulping it down until it was a flow & finally a slow trickle.

Andrea released Glen's cock & sat back in a daze. Her pussy was still throbbing & her body was quivering in arousal. She felt like she was in a trance as she licked her lips, his taste still on her tongue. His cock even dwarfed her dildo. She tried to estimate its size compared to Dave's. She realized it was at least twice as long, easily twice as thick & it was granite hard. Andrea abruptly got up & hurried out of the office. No one had ever seen her move so fast as she strode to the bathroom.

Later, Andrea was quiet as she recalled the incredible blowjob. Glen left her to digest what had happened & departed for his meeting at 3.45pm. Andrea was glad when the day ended & she & Dave headed home. She was pensive in the car, thinking about the line she'd crossed. Sure, she'd flirted & been felt up by a few guys, but she had never actually been penetrated or sucked off a guy...until today. She'd even masturbated in the bathroom afterwards, bringing herself off twice in a matter of minutes.

Dave sensed his wife was deep in thought & he was sure it had something to do with Glen. He didn't question her about it & he dreaded what the answer might be. In bed, he used the dildo on her & she came 4 times in under 15 minutes. Her orgasmic moans & cries seemed louder & more intense than ever. Dave tried to be even more attentive, pampering Andrea & telling her he would love her for ever.

Andrea tried to cool things with Glen over the following days. Her attraction to him was powerful & she knew it was more than just physical. His personality & sex appeal drew her like a magnet, and at times she found him incredibly hard to resist. Glen had no intention of letting things cool off. After the blowjob, he began hitting on Andrea with ever greater vigor. Now that he knew that sexual harassment complaints were not a possibility, he began blatantly groping her.

Andrea didn't know how she was able to hold out. On one occasion, Glen had grabbed her from behind, trapping her with his arms as his hands mauled her huge breasts & teased her bullet like nipples. Tweaking her nipples was like a remote control for her body. She gasped & twitched as her body lurched left & right. Glen was sure that he had her. He lessened his grip to unclasp her bra. Finally, he would get to see the breasts that he & the rest of the male employees had been dreaming about. But Andrea summoned the last of her resistance to struggle free & leave Glen with another useless erection.

Another time, Glen had Andrea pinned against the wall in his office. Their mouths were locked in a heated kiss as he lifted her off her feet & forced his thigh between her legs. Now, every time Andrea moved, her pussy rubbed against Glen's thigh; and the thin fabric of her thong was certainly no barrier. Especially when he managed to position them so that Andrea's pussy was sliding up & down his cock. When she started squealing & convulsing with a vacant look on her face, Glen actually thought she was having some kind of fit. He'd got it wrong again. She'd had an orgasm & he'd missed his opportunity.