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Tiny came out of his room then, as if he had been eavesdropping on them. He glared down at Coco before he grabbed her hand and took her into his room, slamming the door behind them with his foot. Self preservation immediately kicked in, and Coco saw irritation in his mind. But not real anger, and he didn't actually intend on hurting her.

He was just pissed off that he had needed time to recover from the blowjob she had given him. And instead of sticking around, he had stormed off to his room to sulk like a jilted teenager. Someone pounded on the door then, and Tiny had the decency to look ashamed of himself for a moment...moving out of the way so that Coco could leave if she wanted to.

"Are you ok in there?" It was Sin.

Coco opened the door enough to poke her head out. "Yeah. I'm fine. We'll be out in a little bit." She said before closing the door again and turning to face a surprised Tiny. He was clearly surprised that she hadn't taken the opportunity to run out on him, especially since he had all but dragged her into his room by the hair like a cave man.

Coco rubbed her body against Tiny's chest like a cat, reaching down to gently grab his crotch. He was growing bigger by the second, and she smiled up at him with eyes that were filled with mischief and desire. He grabbed her hair at the nape of her neck and pulled until it hurt. She gasped, but she didn't cry out. Coco enjoyed a little pain with her pleasure.

"I'm sorry." Tiny said, letting go of her hair when he saw her wince from the tight grip he had on her. "I won't hurt you." He promised.

Coco gave him a sultry look that practically had his dick jumping out of his pants on its own. She shed her clothes in seconds and kissed him as if he was the love of her life before she stretched up on her toes and whispered in his ear. "I'm stronger than I look." She purred. "You can hurt me a little."

The feral look on Tiny's face almost scared her when he wrapped a hand around her throat and pushed her against the door. He was much bigger than she was, but she still didn't see any desire to harm her in his mind. Just blinding lust and the need to be a little rough with her. That was fine with her. She could take it. Gentle lovers bored her to death.

She ripped open his pants and shoved them down past his hips as best she could without being able to move much. His cock was standing at full attention by then and his lips crashed against hers hard enough to hurt. But Coco didn't care. She reveled in his aggression and she grabbed his ass, pulling him toward her.

"Are you on the pill?" He asked her with a husky voice. Tiny smiled when she frantically nodded her head. He roughly pushed his knee between her legs and shoved her legs apart.

"Are you clean?" She finally managed to ask him in a brief moment of clarity. His hold on her neck was tight enough to keep her attention, but not enough to restrict her breathing.

"Yeah, baby. Clean as a whistle." He said. Tiny always used protection when he was with Trixie or one of the other whores, but he wanted desperately to fuck this girl raw without anything in between them.

"Me, too." Coco assured him before she pulled his face down to hers by tugging on his beard. "Now, shut up and fuck me."

When Tiny bent down and thrust into her, she was lifted off her feet for a moment. Holy shit. Whoever gave him his nick name was an idiot. She felt like he was ripping her in half with that monster between his legs. Keeping reasonably quiet proved to be an impossibility when he reached between them and began rubbing her clit as he pounded into her.

Coco was screaming within moments, and she couldn't believe she was about to haveanother crippling orgasm. She knew what it must have sounded like on the other side of the door, but she was too deranged with lust to give it much thought. It wasn't as if the others didn't know exactly what they were doing in there.

By the time they finished together several minutes later, Coco was hoarse from screaming and she could barely walk when Tiny put her down. She was sweating and her hair was a mess. They dressed in silence, and Tiny frowned when he looked down at her as they were leaving the room.

"What?" Coco asked him. How bad could she possibly look? He didn't answer her, but she found out what had put him in a mood the minute they had rejoined the others. Bull came over to her and tilted her head up so that he could get a better look at her neck. Well, shit. She didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know what he was looking at. Tiny must have left bruises on her.

Tank was a little shorter than Tiny, but he still got in his face. "What the fuck did you do?" He growled angrily. Seeing that Tiny had been so rough with Coco made him feel like shit for encouraging her to have sex with the other men. But they were going into battle soon, and he knew that the guys needed to burn off some of the tension before all hell broke loose.

"Fuck you." Tiny replied. "Yougave her to us, asshole. Remember?"

Coco wedged herself between the two men when it became clear that things were about to get ugly. She didn't want to be the cause of animosity between them when they needed to remember who their real enemies were. She pushed them apart, which was no easy task...considering their size.

"Relax." She told Tank. "I just bruise easily. He didn't do anything that I didn't wholeheartedly encourage him to do."

Bull rubbed his temples as if he was getting a migraine. "I don't want to hear this shit." He said, trying to will the image of Coco and Sin fucking his friends out of his head. "We need to get ready. Coco and Sin, I want you on the roof. If you see more than one guy on a motorcycle, tell us. I'm not taking any chances with these fuckers."

"Whoa!" Blade said. "You're putting the women on the roof? What the fuck, Bull?!"

Bull frowned at Sin. "Didn't you tell him that you came here to help because you're the best sniper I know?" Blade almost spit out the beer he'd been drinking.

"No, Uncle Bull." Sin replied. "My mouth was full."

Coco burst into laughter, and the men were having a hard time keeping a straight face. Even Blade was stunned speechless by Sin's outrageous words. She had proven to be a wild woman in bed, and it had been all he could do to keep up with her. He was covered in bite marks and scratches that would last for days, if he could just live that long.

"Seriously, though," Mike said. "The girls can shoot? And from that distance? Their aim is going to have to be spot on if they're going to be of any help to us." He couldn't imagine the woman he had fucked on a bar room table was also good with a gun. That was just too much to hope for. As it was, he wished he could have some time alone with her before The Legion of Hades showed up.

"Their father was my best friend, and he could kill a man in his sleep with a gun. Since he had daughters instead of boys, he taught them how to handle themselves. They can fight and shoot as well as any man I've ever met. If I trust their skills, then you better have a little faith in them too." Bull said, daring any of the men to contradict him.

None of them dared to speak against the twins after Bull's angry lecture. Besides, they'd probably be safer on the roof than in the bar. They'd all have to be dead in order for anyone to get to the girls up there. Sin left the bar then and came back a few minutes later with a big box. She put it on the bar and opened it up.

"I thought of something after Coco called me that might give you an advantage, Uncle Bull. You're going to get a kick out of this." She exclaimed excitedly as she started pulling out several sets of night vision goggles. "Since you guys don't know how many men will be coming, and you'll probably be fighting within the confines of the bar...then you need to make it as hard as possible for them to see you."

"Where the hell did you get these?" Dutch asked.

"I was dating a soldier a few months ago. He had this stuff in his garage." She said. "As long as all the lights are out in here, they won't be able to see you." The bar didn't have any windows, except in the back where the bedrooms were. Bull used a vent to keep the place cool. Sin was right. It would be as dark as a tomb with the lights off.

"Even if the front door stays open, there won't be enough light in here to do them any good. Just be as quiet as church mice, and take them out quickly." Sin added.

When Coco grabbed Sin's hand and headed for the stairs that led to the roof, Blade and Tank stopped them. The men looked uncharacteristically worried. They had just met the sisters, but the threat of death loomed heavy in the air. Blade picked up Sin and she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He kissed her long and deep. Tank tilted Coco's head up and kissed her much more gently.

"Don't worry, baby." Sin said as she pressed her forehead against Blade's. "We'll take out as many of them as we can."

"Uncle Bull wasn't just bragging about us for the hell of it." Coco added, reluctantly pulling away from the safety of Tank's embrace. "We didn't have dolls when we were growing up. We had guns. When other kids were going to sleepovers, we were learning how to fight like boys and shoot. That's just the way it was for us. We've lived our whole lives on the backs of Harleys and calling men like Bull our uncles. We can do this."

Coco and Sin went up to the roof to keep an eye out while the men prepared for war in the bar. It would be dark in a couple of hours, and the twins hoped that the biker club would be waiting for the cover of darkness to attack them.

That way, there wouldn't be any light at all in the bar, even with the door open. Sin had brought two of the night vision goggles up to the roof with them. They would make it a little harder to use the scopes on the rifles, but the sisters had been doing this kind of thing for years. So far, there was only the occasional car on the secluded road.

Bull had given them a walkie talkie so that they could let him know when they spotted their enemies. The sisters walked along the roof in opposite directions, always watching the road. They also made sure that they had plenty of ammo at the places where they would be lying in wait when the shit started hitting the fan.

"I miss dad." Coco said sadly when it started to get dark.

"Me, too." Sin said, sniffing away the tears that always threatened to flow whenever they talked about their father. "But he died the way he lived. Raising hell on his bike."

Coco nodded in agreement. "Do you think that trucker really didn't see him?" She asked.

"I don't know." Sin admitted. "At least he didn't suffer. I think we all hope that our deaths will be instantaneous like his was. Me? I want to go in my sleep."

Just then, they saw what they had spent the last two hours looking for on the slowly darkening horizon. There were two rows of motorcycles barreling down the road toward the bar. Every lesson their father had ever taught them snapped into place, and the twins got into position...aiming their rifles through the holes on the roof.

Sin got on the walkie talkie and told Bull that they were coming before she blew a kiss at her sister and opened fire. It was like shooting ducks in a barrel. The enemy had nowhere to hide as they were riddled with bullets from the roof top of the place that they were hell bent on getting into. Coco was a little surprised that none of them turned back once they saw that they were the ones being ambushed.

One by one, in quick succession...The Legion of Hades went down. They put up a good fight, shooting back at the roof top, but the bulletproof barrier made their efforts all but useless. Neither sister missed a shot, but there were more of them than they could kill. And it looked like six of the men were going to get into the bar. The twins could only hope that Bull and the others would be ok. At least the odds would be even.

Bull and the other men had donned the night vision goggles and made sure all the lights were out when Sin had told them to get ready. It wasn't like looking at something in daylight, but they could see their enemies as soon as they busted down the door. Six men came into the bar with their guns drawn, and Bull was confident that they'd be able to take them out.

Dutch and Blade shot the first two men as they were trying to adjust their eyes to the darkness. The remaining four started shooting at random, trying to hit pretty much anything that was moving in the bar as they backed out of the front door. When they tried to get back on their bikes and flee, gun shots from above rang out into the night...destroying their tires and killing their chances at escaping with their lives.

Bull got on his walkie talkie and told Sin to stop firing. The enemy bikers put their guns on the ground and raised their hands into the air. Bull and the others came out of the bar and kept their own weapons pointed at them. Sin and Coco had stood up and were also prepared to kill the last of the intruders if Bull gave them the order.

Bull wasn't surprised to see that the president of the club was one of the men. The man glared at him and lowered his hands. He wasn't about to cower in front of the man he had come there to torture and kill. The other men lowered their hands too, following their leader's example.

But they weren't happy with him. He had told them that they would have a huge advantage because of their numbers, and that taking over the bar would be a piece of cake. When they looked up to the roof and realized that their brothers had been mowed down like grass by a couple of women, they were mad enough to spit nails.

"I could just kill you and your men outright, Drake." Bull said angrily to the man who had tried so many times to get him to sell the bar. "But I think we'll do this a different way. You and me. Fists only. No weapons. If you win, we'll let you leave."

"Fuck you!" The other man bellowed angrily. "If I win, you'll be dead. Do you think I'm stupid enough to believe that your people will just let us leave if I kill you?"

"You have my word." Bull replied calmly.

Then he looked at Drake's soldiers and spoke to them directly. "I think there's been enough lives lost today. I've got no beef with you. Your club has a good reputation. I'm just a regular guy running a bar. And it's not for sale, atany price. I told your president that over and over. If he had left it at that, then your brothers would still be alive. Instead, he led them to their deaths."

Drake lunged at Bull in a rage, but he was ready for him. They were similar in size and age, but Bull was fighting with a cool head...and his opponent wasn't. Bull side stepped easily when Drake threw a punch at his head, and he followed up with a crushing blow to the man's ribs.

Sin and Coco watched the conflict unfold from the roof. Bull was a strong fighter, but the other man didn't get to be the president of a motorcycle club by playing kissy face with his enemies. Drake was able to land several solid punches to Bull's face and stomach, but Bull barely flinched as he exchanged blows with him.

When it was obvious that Bull was going to win, Drake took a switch blade out of his boot and swiped it across Bull's face...opening a deep gash. Coco and Sin were ready to shoot him when Bull raised his hand, stopping them from making the kill. They were surprised he didn't want them to take him out for pulling a weapon on him. Bull had been giving the man a chance to save his pride. Apparently, he never had any.

It was Drake's own men who stopped him when he tried to slice into Bull again. He was furious, and he struggled wildly in their iron grip. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He screamed at them. "I'm your president! I'll have your heads for this!"

"You won't be president for long." One of the men snarled. "You've had the job for less than six months. And tonight you got a dozen good men killed because of your scheming. You told us he was willing to sell and only backed out of the deal because the price wasn't high enough."

"And then you said there'd be next to zero resistance when we came here." Another man said. "You fucked this up, prez. Let's go home. You can explain yourself to the patched members, and if you're lucky they won't kill you on the spot."

Drake pulled away from them and grabbed the handle bars on his bike. They were going to have to walk their rides away from the bar. And he was pretty sure the bitches on the roof would shoot them if they so much as reached for their cell phones while they were in still in range of those high powered rifles. But the worst part was that they were going to have to walk past their fallen brothers.

"Call your club and tell them to collect their dead." Bull told one of Drake's men. "But if they so much as glance in this direction, they'll be sorry." He hated the need for so much bloodshed. But he hadn't been given any choice. It was either kill, or be killed.

Sin and Coco came down from the roof when the coast was clear. They ran into Blade and Tank's arms and kissed them. Bull was sitting at the bar holding an ice pack to his ribs and a wet towel to his cheek where Drake had cut him. He'd have a new battle scar. Chicks loved his scars. Tiny opened several bottles of beers and passed them around.

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Coco asked Bull, knowing he'd have to be at death's door to agree to such a thing. He scowled at her and took a long swig of beer.

"Hospitals are for sick people." He grumbled. "And they're full of germs. I'll be fine." He added.

"You know there's a good chance those guys are going to retaliate." Tiny said, speaking the words that they were all thinking. Somebody had to say it.

"I'll blow this place up before I give in to intimidation." Bull replied angrily.

"Then I guess you'll need to hire someone to help defend this place." Sin said with a raised eyebrow. The minute Bull understood what she was implying, he had a fit.

"No! Not a chance. I appreciate you coming here to help with this shit storm, but I don't want you girls here if those fuckers come back looking for revenge." He yelled.

"You said their club had a good reputation. And they know now that their own president was the cause of what happened tonight." Coco argued. "I'll stay too. I can be your secret weapon. I'll be able to warn you if anyone comes in here that means you harm."

Bull placed his cold beer bottle to his forehead and closed his eyes for a moment. "You crazy girls are going to be the death of me." He said wearily. Then he looked to Blade and Tank for help. "I don't suppose you two jackasses can talk some sense into them."

Both men just shrugged their shoulders. They weren't about to chase away the two women that they wanted to keep fucking. Bull finally hung his head in defeat. He knew that the girls would just come back if he tried to insist that they leave. And whether he liked it or not, they were right. Coco and Sin saw that he had given in. They each kissed his cheek and embraced him in a gentle group hug.

"We've got your back, Uncle Bull." Coco assured him.

"And if you need another shooter, we can always call mom." Sin teased. Everyone laughed then, breaking the tension.

Business went back to normal. The twins got a new sense of purpose. And Blade and Tank were able to keep their women. Life continued the way it always had in Nomad's Tavern, with a constant stream of drifters and bikers who needed to be housed, fed, or bailed out of jail. And Bull's strange little family would be there for every one of them.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Loveeeeee it!

This would definitely be a great MC series! Would even buy a hard copy in paperback instead of just on kindle!

NaokoSmithNaokoSmithalmost 9 years ago
Categories and voting

There is good pace in the writing, and you have good descriptive style.

I wasn't keen on Coco being able to read minds. I feel as if this is a lazy way to do character interaction; rather than explore how Coco guesses what people want, she can mind-read. You wrote about your previous story being fantasy, where that's normal, however you flagged this up as a more realistic story. It doesn't take a mind-reader to guess that the bikers want to have sex with Coco.

Have a think about the categories where you post your stories. Novels and Novellas has lower readership and voting can be variable. You can get good advice about categories in the Authors' Hangout. (Loving Wives and Erotic Couplings are two where the voting can be a bit ... unexpected.)

Rather than write longer stories, and feel you need to spend time on 'what happened' passages to finish the story, you may like to practice with a couple of 'scenes'. Short 'scenes' can be popular on Literotica and don't need too much plot around them. This is a great way to write high quality fun things and I think your good dialogue and strong descriptive writing would work well in those.

Good luck with your good writing!

PS 'Nomads' or 'Nomads' Cafe' as a title, 'Nomad's' looks like a typo.

kjohns2001kjohns2001almost 9 years ago

Fantastic. Best biker story I've read in a long time. The writing was superb and the characters were so well described that you simply want to read more about them. Five stars and every one of them well deserved!

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