Norma Rogers Ch. 03

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The continuing story of two lovers in a world at war.
10.3k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 11/20/2012
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The continuation of the story of Norma and Jim Rogers, thrust together and then forced apart by war. This story is a work of fiction, the property of the author and the characters refer to no specific person living or dead. I would be remiss in failing to acknowledge the excellent work of my editor and I hope friend Yellowperil2 for the excellent work he does in turning my ramblings into a coherent story. As always, the cautionary message, that the characters are figments of the writers imagination and the story may not be used or copied without the permission of the author.


We spent Christmas 1940 as we had agreed. Maisie went to Sid's for the holiday to meet his family and she planned to stay with him for a few nights, to 'seal the contract' as she put it. They had already decided to make the engagement announcement on Christmas Day and make as big a party out of it as they could. The wedding was to be on Valentine's Day at the registry office, and Jim and I were to be best man and bridesmaid (if Jim could make it). What it meant was that Nancy and I would be looking for somewhere to live, as Maisie was moving into Sid's place above the shop. We didn't know if we could take over Maisie's tenancy, but we were going to try. Anyway, Jim and I would have her bedroom for the length of Jim's leave. Nancy had been given Christmas leave to go to her family in Nottingham, so for a while we would be alone. I was thrilled at the prospect, all that time with him all to myself!

On the day before Christmas Eve I found myself back at Charing Cross Station waiting for the Chatham train, the clouds of steam swirling against the darkness of the glass roof. The days were short - with not a lot of daylight to see by, and there always seemed to be dust in the air from the bombing. Whenever it rained, between the dust and the soot in the air, clothes got dirty very quickly. Because Jim was coming, I had been granted the one night off, leaving the girls whose husbands or boyfriends were away to work. As the train pulled in slowly, I saw a door swing open and Jim jumped down from the carriage, a pack on his back and a bag in his hand. I started running, hurling myself into his arms, crying my eyes out. "I missed you so much! Maisie has gone to Sid's, so we will be all alone for the holiday except when we go to Bromley."

"I have some bad news sweetheart, my leave has been cut short; instead of a week, I have to report back by noon on the day after Boxing Day. We have fallen a little behind and have to catch up. I'm so sorry, and that is the last thing that I wanted to have to tell you, but...."

I had a moment of panic over his leaving so soon, but quickly calmed down after realizing I would still have him for almost three days. "Never mind, at least we have a few days together." We went back to the house where I fried up a quick but satisfying supper of sausage, eggs and beans. We had been lucky to get the eggs as they were in short supply, but Maisie had turned up trumps when shopping. After supper we just sat in front of the fire listening to the music and comedy programmes on the wireless. The fire wasn't much as the coal supply was getting low, but being back in Jim's arms kept me warm as toast. It was wonderful until we heard the wail of the sirens. Our plans for the night were cancelled as we put our coats on, grabbed some blankets and the important papers box, and quickly headed for the shelters.

I told Jim that I felt guilty that I wasn't working and should have been, but he gently reminded me, "You have done plenty, my little lucky nurse. It is time for you to take shelter."

We headed for the local Tube station just a few hundred yards away; at least it would be light there unless the power was cut off. The platform was packed except for the area close to the edge. Trains were still running and people wanted to stay well back to leave passageways for passengers to get to and from the trains. Some even had camp beds or mattresses. We sat huddled together on a blanket against the wall at the back of the platform and covered up in another blanket to try to keep warm. It was hard to avoid the cold rush of air as the trains came out of the tunnel, but eventually I was able to rest against Jim's shoulder as he read a book he had grabbed from Maisie's. Due to the press of people around us, any plans that we might have had for the night had to be abandoned, though I could feel Jim's hand wandering over my body under the blanket, just as was mine wandering over his. One lady with her family sitting near us just looked at us and grinned. We hoped that the raid would be over quickly, but it wasn't until 5.30am that one of the station personnel came on to the platform to tell us that the all clear had sounded and that it was safe to go home.

By the time we got home we were absolutely dead tired, and all we could do was take off our outer clothes and fall into bed. I snuggled into Jim's arms and told him, "Wake me up later. Don't forget I have to go to work at 6." He kissed me and held me tight, with those blue eyes of his staring into mine.

"That means I had better wake you up at 12 and give us a little more time," he said with a smile. I just grinned at him, and then I tried to stifle a huge yawn. "Norma just settle down and sleep, I'll still be here when you wake; we have lots of time to be together before I go back."

The next thing I remember is waking up feeling a hand sliding up and down my body on top of my underwear; Jim's eyes were half closed as if he was peeking at me. I started doing the same to him, and as I touched his penis over the cloth it started growing stiffer. His hand slid up under my petticoat and over my stomach before he cupped my breast, lightly pinching the nipple. He slid over me, keeping his weight on his elbows and his hands on my breasts so that his fingers could roam and squeeze, then he lowered his head and gave me one of those deep kisses that I so loved. Then just as we were getting into the mood and I was stretching my arms around his neck, there was a banging as somebody was knocking at the front door; Jim grimaced, "Of all the times for this to happen! What can it be?"

"I'll go down and find out," I said and quickly slipped on my dressing gown before I rushed downstairs. Opening the door I could hardly believe what I saw. There with a big grin on her face, with one child on foot and two in the pram, was Jenny.

"Merry Christmas Norma! I hope we didn't disturb you, but we had to bring over your Christmas present since you'll be going to your Mums. Did Jim make it on leave?"

My heart sank at the sight of her oh heavens will Jim and I ever get together but I couldn't turn her away. "Come on in, while you're here, I have some little gifts for the kids." She came in and we took the kids into the kitchen where I started the fire so they could play. I went upstairs to tell Jim what had happened, and he groaned and started to get up. "Go get a shave; I don't think we are going to get a lot of time" I said as I quickly slipped some clothes on.

He picked up his bag and went toward the bathroom while I went downstairs again. "Jenny, you aren't going to believe this but Jim is here. Just as we were settling down last night, the raids started, so we had to head for the shelters, and by the time we got back all we could do was fall in bed and sleep. Things were just beginning to get very interesting when you knocked on the door. I'm on nights so I don't know if we will ever get together."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, luv, I never thought, though being married to a sailor you would think I would know better. Let me get going so you can head back upstairs."

"Jenny, it's alright. It is a bit late now anyway, and by the time Jim and I get something to eat, it will be almost time for me to go to work. I'll put the kettle on, so please stay and have a cuppa at least, and you can meet my man." I grinned at her, "Just keep your hands off; he's mine." Just as I made the tea, Jim came into the kitchen and surveyed the room.

"Jim, this is my friend Jenny and her brood, Kenny, Mary and the little one, Thomas. Jenny is married to a petty officer in the Royal Navy"

Jenny smiled, "Jim it is nice to meet you after the glowing stories Norma told me, I'm awfully sorry about disturbing you both. As a sailors wife I should know better, but Christmas has me so excited. Bert will be home later, and I wanted to get Norma's gift here cause I won't get chance after he gets here. The kids don't know he is coming, as I just got the call earlier this morning. He is coming up from Pompey now, and his ship HMS Repulse, is getting ready to sail, so part of the crew is getting Christmas leave and the rest New Year. Once they sail, we don't know when we will see them again. At least he is on a big ship; it's much more reassuring than being on minesweepers where he was for his last draft."

We sat and chatted for a while, and then Jenny smiled to herself. "I've got a secret; you remember I said at the station that there might be another one in the oven, well I'm positive now. I'm going to be a Mum again, but the only thing is that we won't have room in my Mum's house for another baby. I'm going to have to look for another house. Have you heard of any at all? It is such a job to get a place after all the bombing."

"Mrs. Harper, two doors down from here, has been talking about moving to Brighton to be with her daughter. I'd talk to her if I were you, as it's a three bedroom house there would be lots of room for you all. If Nancy and I get this place when Sid and Maisie get married, we would be neighbours. We would even be able to have the kids if you needed, and let's face it, when you have that baby it won't hurt to have a couple of ambulance attendants around."

"That's a thought! I'll bring Bert around while he is on leave."

We chatted on for a few minutes and I noticed that Jim had been quiet and thoughtful for a few minutes, and I thought maybe he was still upset about being interrupted. Just then he spoke up, "Jenny, how long have you been married to Bert?"

"Coming up to seven years; We married in thirty four as soon as Bert was twenty one and could get his skipper's permission to get married."

"Don't you find it hard, him being away so much?"

"Yes, but that is what being a navy wife is all about. Oh, I was all starry eyed when we were courting, fancy marrying a sailor and all that, but even before we married I knew that he also had another mistress, the sea, something he would never give up. I just make sure that while I have him with me I make the most of it. I know that I'm going to have to raise the kids on my own for a lot of the time, but I make sure that they know he is their dad and they should be proud of him. We were lucky compared to many; at least we had two years in Malta when he had a shore posting"

"Don't you worry about him being killed?"

"Of course I do, what service wife doesn't? Even girlfriends do, and I'll bet that Norma lays awake nights worried in case you are killed or injured just as I do with Bert. It's what we women do, but if we're sensible we don't dwell on it. However, I've seen women that can't do anything else and they either pressure their hubbies to get out of the service or the marriage breaks up. That doesn't just apply to service wives - what about copper's wives or firemen's? Right now they are just as likely to be hurt or killed. The same thing applies to us. Norma could be hurt really easily, and so could I, just while walking down the street, like a friend of mine who got in the way of a dogfight between two planes. They were in the air, but that didn't stop the bullets from hitting her and the street. If it's going to happen, it will; you just can't stop everything because of what might happen."

"Jenny, thank you for answering me the way you have. Your answer has really given me something to think about. Now I think that I had better get ready to escort Norma to her station, and tonight I'll be the one worrying about the one they love. By the way, I hope you get the house you want, because you are a good friend to Norah. I hope I get to meet Bert at least for a pint before I have to go back. What about meeting tomorrow night at the pub at the end of the street at around 8?"

'I'm sure that Mum will look after the kids so we can get out. If not I'll drop a note through the letter box."

After Jenny left, we had a quick supper, before I got ready and we walked across to my station. Jim was very thoughtful and commented, "Jenny is right, you know, we can't let Jerry dictate what we do with our lives. If we do they have won the war already. Tonight I'll be the one who is scared, scared for you knowing full well what you might have to face," he bent, kissed me deeply and as he turned he said, "I'll be waiting here at 6 o'clock in the morning, ready to go to your parents' house."

The Germans must have been celebrating Christmas too, as there were no raids, a real change after the last two months. I got back to the house at about 6.30 in the morning. All was quiet in the street, and as I opened the door, I heard Christmas carols playing on the wireless in the kitchen. I crept along the hall and looked in at the door. Jim was sitting in front of the fire, drinking a cup of tea and staring into the flames with the thousand yard stare that servicemen seem to develop. I tiptoed over behind his chair, put my hands over his eyes and asked, "What are you seeing so far away?"

"Somehow, I'm seeing a terrible fiery little woman with a wee girl and boy, her brown hair burnished in the sun and her telling me that I have to get home, that they miss me and want them with them. While I have been here thinking, I've also come to realize that after this war is over, I don't think I will be able to continue in the Army. I've found the life I want, and it doesn't include being away from the woman I love if I don't need to be. How I can make it so, I don't know, but I will if I can. Just sit yourself down and I'll pour your tea." He pulled me down into the chair beside him and stood and poured tea. "Now if you drink that quickly, we may have a little time for some tomfoolery before we are off to see your family, the thought of which scares me worse than the Germans." The tea was wonderful - hot, sweet and just what I needed. I finished, stood, took Jim's hand and led him upstairs to our bedroom where we undressed and cuddled together under the warm blankets, our naked bodies intertwined.

We were quick and needy, coming together hurriedly in that age old rhythm, our kisses were long and searching, exploring each other's mouths, I felt Jim's erection as he rolled between my legs and slid into me, hurriedly pushing deep into me then as I was being carried away in my mind I felt Jim's penis begin to pulse as his essence flowed into me. We lay together as he slid out of me, holding each other, panting for breath as if the world were about to end. We dozed off that way, waking with the alarm and rushing to wash and race to the station to catch the train. We could have taken it easier as damage to the line had to be repaired and the trains were running a little late. At least we had time to pick up a tea and bacon on a bun at the station café at Charing Cross.

The train journey seemed to take a long time for such a short distance. I think the train was diverted to other tracks, as some were damaged and we went through a couple of stations that we wouldn't normally go through on the way to Bromley, but eventually we arrived at Bromley North Station and began walking to my parents' home. While there was some bomb damage in the streets, it wasn't anything like Central London and the East End where whole streets were laid to waste. We arrived at my old home and, opening the front door, I yelled, "Mum, Dad, we've arrived, we can start Christmas." She yelled back, "We are in the parlour; come on in and have a seat. I looked at Jim and laughed, "Well Mr. Rogers, you are honoured, the parlour indeed. Do you realize that you are the first of my boyfriends ever to be accorded that honour? Dad must be seriously going to ask what your intentions are towards his darling daughter." Jim just looked at me and grinned as we opened the door. Surprise, surprise, there was a houseful. Not only were my parents sitting in their chairs beside a roaring fire, but Jim's parents were on the couch while on the love seat were my older brother Andrew, dressed in his blue Royal Air Force uniform, and his fiancée, Ruth.

They all stood and we hugged all round. Mhairi looked at Jim in his officer cadets uniform and I could see the tears and pride in her eyes. The room was decorated with streamers that Andrew and I had made over the years while growing up in this house, from somewhere, Dad had been able to get a Christmas tree and it stood decorated in the corner with some gifts under it. It looked so homely that I could actually believe that the nightmare we were living would be over sometime, and that possibly we could make our lives our own choices again. Andrew shook hands with Jim, then looked across at me and winked. "Looks like my little sister has found herself a pretty good guy" he said. I just put out my tongue and made a rude noise at him, just as I did when he had teased me so many times as we grew up. Just then a roasting smell struck me, "Mum, do I smell Turkey? How on earth did you get that?"

"Thank Mhairi and John for that. They brought a turkey and a ham with them from Ireland from their farm. We even have a case of eggs that they brought. John and Mhairi were really loaded down, and it was a good job that we met them at the station. I'll give you some of the eggs before you go back. Now I'll just make a cup of tea for everybody, and while Mhairi and I get the dinner ready, you can chat."

Mum brought the tea through and she and Mhairi went through into the kitchen where they applied the finishing touches to our Christmas Dinner. While they were doing it, Dad took Jim and his father out to show them the garden where he was growing all the vegetables for the house. I stood at the window watching them and happened to see Jim very intently in conversation with Dad. I wondered what they were talking about. Ruth even giggled a little and said, "It looks as if they are very serious; maybe they are talking about you." She went to help the Mums with dinner saying, "I'll give you a little time alone with Jim. I want to talk to Andrew anyway."

I was soon to find out what was happening. Jim came in without either of the fathers. "What was the serious looking conversation about, and what did you do with the Dads?" I asked.

"I talked them into giving us a few minutes alone. Norma, I've been a selfish fool. Here's me thinking I was being so noble and I've expected you to treat me as if we are married, with none of the responsibilities of a husband. In the last couple of weeks, I've talked to some of the men that I'm serving with about their lives and their families, and that plus the little chat we had with Jenny yesterday has made me think a lot and change some of my ideas." With a sinking heart I thought that he was about to suggest that we separate and wondered what was going to be next. Then to my surprise he knelt on one knee in front of me, "Norma, though I'll do everything I can to survive this war, I can't guarantee you a long and happy marriage. I've not even had time to shop for a ring, but I can promise this, I love you with all my heart and want to be with you for whatever life we can have together. Will you marry me?"

I was taken aback for a minute, and then my heart leapt. "Yes, Jim, I'll be delighted to marry you. As far as the ring is concerned, I'll proudly wear my grandmother's ring until we are able to get one." I slipped the ring from my right hand and gave it to him and let him slip it on to the third finger of my left hand. Then I slipped my arms around his neck and he kissed me in a way that made me want to take him up to my room and have my way with him right then and there.