Nostalgia Ch. 06


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It was a long, black coat that hid her calves, quilted with a faux fur lined hood. That hood was tilted back, letting her French braid of a hairstyle chill in the snowy air.

And she didn't want to take it off just yet.

"No thank you. I'll keep it on."

As the man, who might have been a butler, went off with the gifts, Ana admired the glittering foyer she was in. There were two staircases with red carpeted steps. The glossy railings had tacky yet lovable icicle lights hanging from them. In the center of the room, there was a shiny round table with a tiny Christmas tree on top. Another Christmas tree, a huge one, plastic and green, was glowing. There was a massive amount of presents under it, and that was where the butler went.

Was the floor black marble? Nice.

Her fingers anxiously fiddling with the zipper on her coat, a little uncomfortable in the indoor heat, Ana looked around and couldn't find a single familiar face for the longest time. She went off in search of the dining room, which was a long search. The place was huge.

The dining room was mostly traditional, with a wooden flooring and a grand fireplace that had red stockings hung on it. On the table, there were many types of food laid out for anyone to put on a plate and take away.

There were lots and lots of pork based dishes, which made perfect sense to Ana. There were also some stuffed cabbages, pickled vegetables, eggplant salad, and beef salad (which didn't literally have beef in it). As for desserts, there were several lovely things. Two round cakes with Christmas colors, cupcakes that looked like they'd been ordered from a bakery, gingerbread men, and then there was a big loaf of sweet bread known as cozonac.

This was one of the best things her eyes had seen in years!

Ana hurried through all the people and snatched up a clean plate. Then she went to the buffet and took a little bit of everything that could fit. She put her heavy meal on a smaller, round table in a corner of the room. Then she thought to get a drink, but that butler appeared with a nearly enchanted speed. "Hello there! Do you need a drink?"

"Oh, thank you very much! Do you have any coke?"

"Right away!" He went to get a glass for her.

Her parents came into view, and they were very happy. They put a wrapped present on the table, right next to her food. "Your presents are under the tree," Ana told them.

"We know," Kennedy said with a grin. "Did you just get here?"

The butler returned with a glass of coke. "Thanks," Ana said. As he went away, she said to Kennedy, "Yeah. The food looks great."

And Mihai popped in, wearing the most endearing, ugliest, flashiest Christmas sweater Ana had ever seen. It nearly hurt to look at, but it also had Ana trying not to giggle. "Ana! There you are! I got your gifts." He walked over and sat down beside her. "You didn't have to bring any gifts. Let me pay you back for them."

Shaking her head, but still fighting a giggle, Ana said, "Oh no. You're taking them and that's that."

A short, good-natured argument ensued between them. Mason and Kennedy just laughed at it and went off to mingle with all the new and interesting people around. Apparently, one of the guests owned a rather successful pig processing plant, and he had lots of strange stories about the workers there.

"Hey," Mihai said after a while, "your face is pink. Aren't you hot in that coat?"

Well, of course.

But Ana kept on eating and insisted that she was perfectly fine. Then she asked, "Are all these people members of Fair Orchard?"

"Not all of them," Mihai said. "Do you like the food?"

After a sip of pop, Ana said, "It's glorious!"

"I'm relieved."

"So ... have you seen your dad?"

His hands clapped together. "Oh, not in a while, but I think he's been hoping to see you."

As if he knew he was been spoken of, Vlad appeared from a doorway and called out to them, wearing a gray jacket with big pockets. His hair was tied back, and his complexion seemed refreshed and healthy.

"Ana! I'm so pleased to see you!" He stepped close to the table and looked down at her with a smile that had Ana's toes curling. He was like a smiling dog wagging its tail ... or a dog that was half wolf.

"Hello!" Ana quickly decided she didn't care about her food anymore. She wiped her mouth, patted her stomach, and said to Mihai, "I don't think I can eat anymore, not without getting sick."

Mihai reached over to take her plate. "Don't worry about it."

Ana popped a small mint into her mouth, left her seat, and walked over to Vlad. "This is a beautiful house. Would you mind giving me a tour?"

He nodded to her. "Come with me. I'm certain that you'll be highly entertained."

Right beside him, that's where Ana walked, nearly simmering in her coat, but she was happy. The man was leading her out of the dining room, into a hallway away from the people, and up a narrow set of stairs that seemed tucked away.

This wasn't a tour.

Even though heat tends to rise, the second floor was much cooler than the first. Nothing was said about it. Nothing was said at all.

Her mint's crunching remains were gulped down.

Vlad led her down another hallway and then into a small guest room. It was actually very nice. Everything was either white, tan, or pale green. She didn't ask why he wanted them to be in a guest room. She thought she already knew.

That was when she thought to remove her coat. She wasn't naked under there, or anything like that, but this was the first time she wanted to look nice for him. So, she wanted him to be the first to see her outfit. It was a tight sweater dress with elbow length sleeves, a U shaped neckline and a skirt that stopped a little above her knees, which were encased in a pair of black leggings. Her flesh felt the relieving cool air, but there was still a flush there, because she knew Vlad was quietly yet keenly starting at her as if she was stripping down to nothing.

She looked over and saw a green loveseat facing a window. Her boots were oddly light as she left her coat on the bed and walked to that sofa. She claimed the left side and politely waited for Vlad to go over and sit beside her.

A new cologne was there, teasing her, enthralling her, relaxing her body. Pine needles and heat, rugged and fresh.

Tell him! Tell him now!

He needs to know exactly what these feelings are!

But instead of expressing herself like a normal, well-adjusted adult, Ana was timidly looking down at her hands and sucking on the inside of her cheek.

She heard him shuck his jacket off. She peeked at him. He draped the jacket over the armrest nearest to him.

Her voice dared to come out. "Cred că ... "

I think that ...

I think that you're nice.

That you're funny.

That you're interesting.

Gray and green eyes ...

Warmth ... he was closer, did he move?

Yes ... but she moved too, leaned in, put her hand over his.

Buzzing, pulsing happiness!

He bent over. Their foreheads touched.

And they ...

Looked at each other.

She was dreamy and content. He was too. She could feel it in his breath.

A long time, an amount of time that would normally be uncomfortable, but Ana loved every little moment. But she eventually recalled all the things she wanted to tell him, the very important things. If they were going to move forward, then he needed to know what he was dealing with.


"Hm?" He touched her arm, then slid up to her shoulder, then her throat, almost searing the fragile skin there. Ana's shoulder rose at first. Then she gasped, but she had to persevere.

She said it. "I like you."

His lips pursed, but in a way that suggested he was trying not to laugh. Then he spoke, his voice at least five times huskier than before. "Even though I'm an old man?"

"I'm not in denial. You won't be the same in thirty years. You might even get so sick and weak that someone will have to take care of you."

"Of course." He moved back a bit, removing his brow from hers. His expression didn't change much, though. He was still relaxed and happy. "Honestly, I could have an accident tomorrow and become an invalid."

"Yeah." She layered her hand over the one on her throat. He felt vibrant. "If that happened, I'd probably still try to be your friend."

And she meant it. She thought he knew that she meant it, because ... because his cheeks looked softer ... his brow was smoother ... his free hand slithered up, and the tip of his index finger moved close to a corner of her lips.


"Hey," Ana softly said, "I think you should know something about me." She felt his rough finger on her face as she talked. English and Romanian phrases mixed together, but maybe that didn't matter. He could understand her. "I ... well I've dated some guys before. Lots, really."

He gave a gentle little chuckle. Ana felt it in his hands. "Don't pretend that's not normal."

"No. What I mean is ... I've had lots of dates, first dates, but I never got a second."

Vlad was patting her shoulder then. "There's nothing wrong with enjoying your youth."

"No. I mean that I've never gone far. I've had first dates, but I've never even had a first kiss."

She closed her eyes and shifted away, taking Vlad's hands off of her, even though she wanted him to continue touching her. She was an modern girl. As far as she knew, women and girls tended to have sex pretty young, and she was quite a bit past that youth. It was actually a little embarrassing. In her eyes, women generally had a much easier time getting laid than men. Men were usually the ones who had to work hard at it.

And no, Ana didn't think that putting on makeup, high heels, and cute clothes counted as working hard at it.

Maybe she was actually a stuck up, overly judgmental person? That was why she never had sex with anyone. Ana certainly didn't have anything against sex in general. She thought sex was overall a wonderful thing to do and should be done in romantic relationships between consenting adults.

But, there was nothing wrong with being a virgin either. Virginity was a completely neutral thing. It didn't make a person any better or worse than anybody else.

"If nobody has had your first kiss ... "


Ana looked back up at him.

His eyes were slumberous ... and burning ...

"Then would you be so kind as to give me your first ... and second ... "

He was closer than ever. Her lips trembled from his tingling heat.

"And third, fourth, fifth, and ... infinity?"

Infinity ...?

Infinity ...

Salty, voltaic, fluid, and tender.

They were curling up together, their hands digging and sliding around each other's backs. Behind her sweater, her soft breasts were crammed against the pressure of Vlad's body.

Oh ... yes ... another ...

Kiss after kiss, the ending of each blending with the beginning of the next. Simple kisses, pecks, wonderful little things, but they were so delightful. Ana's legs turned into loose, well cooked pasta. Her thighs were rubbing together almost like they were trying to start a fire. Her belly constricted. Her womanhood was trembling.

But he pulled away. Why did he have to do that? Ana whined and pouted up at his happy face.

And he kissed the top of her head, right in her hair. A second later, he lightly said, "It's snowing outside."

They had to get up and look. Snow tended to be beautiful, and it was this day too. Ana sighed and watched the flakes flutter down from the sky.

A pretty white Christmas.

She said it naturally.

"Craciun fericit."

"Craciun fericit si tie."

Her palm went to the glass. She appreciated the cold smoothness. Some places had Christmas in summer. Some places didn't even have Christmas. That was all fine, but Ana grew up with cold Christmases, and she felt like a little toddler that had been given a favored, soft blanket and a fresh cookie. Her body was warm. Her brain was consoled.

Ana's lips were still sizzling. She thought to ask if they were going to start dating soon, but then she thought it probably wasn't good to seem incredibly eager.

Her parents would be shocked ...

But ... well ... what could they do? She didn't live in their house. Besides, there was nothing illegal going on.

Abruptly, Vlad said, "I have a present in my jacket for you."

"Oh? You didn't have to get me anything."

"There's a pretty black and green box under the Christmas tree with my name on it, and the butler said it came from you."

Ana folded her arms under her bosom and smiled down at her boots. "Well ... it's not too expensive. It's just a pair of gold plated cufflinks and a black tie. I didn't know what else to give you."

Vlad bent down and nuzzled her hairline for half a moment. Ana shivered and snorted at the gesture. It felt nice. He said, "I might have leaped like a frog into the concrete. I hope you'll forgive me." He left her to go to the jacket on the sofa.

Leery, Ana approached and said, "Oh no, am I going to be embarrassed?"

"I think that's very possible." His thick but somehow elegant fingers dug into one of the jacket's pockets. Then he had a box filling up his hand. It was wrapped in shiny red and white paper. He gave it to her, but as his hand moved away, his fingers dragged on her skin. Ana's cheeks rose and she pulled the box closer to herself.

The wrapping paper was cautiously peeled away. She didn't want to make any unnecessary tears. It was more fun that way. When the actual container was revealed, Vlad took the wrapping paper and let it fall down to the carpeted floor. In Ana's hands, there was a rather fancy looking jewelry box.

Jewelry? Oh no.

She pulled the lid up.

A bracelet, a wide bracelet, four layers of blood red and white gemstones in an interchanging sequence, held together by gold. It glittered brilliantly, even in the cloudy daylight.

"Nu ... nu ... " Ana's voice struggled. Then she cleared her throat and told him she couldn't accept this.

"Oh, please don't disappoint me. He took the box and carefully pulled the bracelet off of the little cylinder that kept it so well displayed inside. "I imagine you're uncertain of my intentions, and I agree that this is ... ahhh ... too much. But I want to place something expensive and pretty on your skin, and I wanted to watch you walk with all the people, even those I care nothing for, so that I may look at you and think, 'My woman is well cared for, and she wears the finest jewels.'"

"Your woman?" Ana actually enjoyed the sound of that, but she tried to seem reluctant, even as he was putting the flashy bracelet on her wrist and securing it well. "You're already making assumptions."

"We don't have to tell anyone about this. Keep your distance and enjoy the party. We can exchange numbers and chat another day, alright?"

Moving her wrist back and forth in the air, Ana wondered if taking such a gift was something her pride could allow. They'd only kissed and hugged. That's all. This wasn't anything serious yet.

But the man wasn't stupid, and he wasn't poor. If he wanted to give her this bracelet ... then why shouldn't he?

"That's fine. I'll take care of the bracelet. I promise." Ana pressed the box to her bosom. "Just in case you change your mind and want it back."

He squeezed her shoulder and kissed her cheek. "This will be a charming game, an old fashioned game, kissing without telling."

Her eyelashes rose and fell. "Don't be a tease. I want a phone call soon." And some physical action at a later date, but Ana didn't think she should have to say that out loud.


They put each other's numbers in their phones. Then they got the coat and jacket and exited the room in a casual fashion.

But ... as they walked, they heard some very interesting guttural moans, and they both paused and looked at a door to a different guest room. "What in the hell?" Ana said as she pressed her coat against her belly. "Should we ... should we open the door?"

She thought she heard Vlad sniff like a dog. She looked up at him. He was ... mean again ... his face was like an angry vulture's. His fingers were twitching as he went to the door. He didn't knock. He just turned the doorknob and opened the door.

Ana peeked around his body. There was a woman in there, beautiful, with wide hips and blonde hair shifting around. Her feet were bare and her stiletto shoes were on the floor, right next to a pair of panties. She was on top of a man on a bed. Her dress was hiked up around her waist. Her backside had red hand prints on it. She turned her head. Her cheeks were almost as red as her ass.

Jennifer Williamson?

Vlad barked out an order. "Get out!"

Ana didn't want to see someone else's cock and pussy disconnect, didn't really want to see them at all. She stepped away and looked down at her shoes. Then she waited as a somewhat wobbly Mrs. Williamson dismounted, put on her panties, shuffled her dress down, and picked up her shoes. Her male companion followed her out of the room. Ana stole a very short glance at him. That wasn't Mr. Williamson. That was a brunette she didn't recognize.

When those two were out of sight, Vlad put a tense hand on Ana's shoulder. He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Go downstairs and find your parents. I have to clean this mess."

He ... has to clean? Ana's brow furrowed. "That doesn't exactly sound like something you'd say."

Vlad patted the top of her head like she was a child. "You're too sensitive. Go on and have fun."

"Okay." Ana purposefully waved at him with the arm that her new bracelet hung on. "Come to me soon. I want you to watch me like you wanted to."

He nodded to her and went inside the room, closing the door behind himself. Ana didn't quite know why he wanted to close the door, but who was she to judge what a man did in his home? Okay, it was Mihai's house, but it was still another home to Vlad. Mihai wouldn't have had it any other way.

Ana went back to the party to hang around and people watch. She noticed that Mrs. Williamson fell onto some random stranger. Then, Mr. Williamson found her and carried her away, his face appropriately wretched. Ana heard him say something about the limousine. She assumed they had someone to drive her home.

After a while, she wandered into her parents' direction.

"You look like you've been having a good time," Kennedy said, "and your face has a lot of color in it. Have you changed your diet?"

"Oh no, I'm in a good mood." Ana smiled so much that it hurt.

Perhaps twenty minutes later, Ana saw Mihai and Vlad. She wondered why Vlad had taken so long with whatever he'd been doing upstairs, but she wasn't about to bring it up.

There was friendly chatter and even some pointless gossip.

And for the peculiar thrill of it, Ana and Vlad pretended they'd never kissed, never held each other, and were only friends. Ana didn't even mention to anyone that her bracelet came from him, and nobody would've known any differently, since she'd worn her coat in the beginning.

A secret for the sake of being secretive.

They'd reveal the truth eventually, but for now there were only a few playful stares and rare winks.


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