Not in That Way Ch. 03


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I invite him over the day that my parents are driving over to UC Davis to check out the campus with Grace. He says yes immediately and tells me he'll be over in twenty minutes.

That's when I get really nervous. I can feel myself sweating in my clothes and my hands won't stop shaking. All I can do is picture the worst, and then I would have lost probably the best friend that I ever had.

Gabe comes over and knocks on the door three times. I open it, seeing that whole mouthed smile as I open the door.

"What's up Dust?" He says casually as he walks into my house and plops himself on the couch. It's almost comical how quickly he makes himself at home.

"Not much, man" I say as I join him on the couch. I try to play it cool, but I can feel the tension in my tone.

He looks at me with his hands open, "What is it?"

"What do you mean?"

He smiles, "You're freaking out about something,"

"I'm not" I say as I throw a pillow at him. Gabe manages to catch it and set it aside.

"You are! Now what's going on?" He thinks for a second, "Did Grace complain about me again? I swear, I only annoy her because it's fun, but I can stop if it's a problem."

I shake my head, "No it's not Grace." I pause, "But yeah, she does think you're annoying."

He smiles, "Then what is it?" He inches closer to me, getting into my face like he thinks I have this big juicy secret that he wants to hear. "Come on, Dust, just spit it out."

"I'm gay." I say without a second thought.

I see his face turn, going from that playful expression to something a bit more serious.

"Oh" he says.

Gabe moves away, sitting back on the couch. I look over at him with a dumbfounded expression, "What do you mean, oh?"

He shrugs, "I thought it would be something worse like you not wanting to be friends anymore." He looks at me, "I don't care that you're gay, Dust."

He must see the surprised look on my face because he corrects himself, "I mean I do care that you're gay, but it doesn't change anything."

This time, I smile, "I know what you meant, Gabe." He nods, "I guess I'm just surprised you're taking it so well."

He replies, "I mean I kinda heard some rumors around school, but I never really paid attention to them."

"Why not?"

He shrugs, "Because if I wanted to know that badly, I'd ask you." He smiles, "Besides, if you turned out to be gay-" he adds "which is now confirmed as true, I would have wanted you to tell me when you were ready."

I lunge forward and hug him, feeling his body through his clothes. He's so warm and he has that scent that comforts me every time I breathe it in.

"I couldn't think of anything better to hear when I was debating on telling you."

He smiles and I fall victim again to those dimples and those perfectly white teeth. That smile soon turns mischievous as I hear him ask.

"So do you think I'm cute?"

I pause for a second, knowing he's trapped me. I look around, but can't seem to shake his blue eyes that stare into me.

"Yeah" I say, not seeing a reason to lie. "But you'd look better with shorter hair." I say honestly as he has his mouth wide open.

I hit him with another pillow before we're laughing so hard. "What? You asked for my opinion."

The next week, Gabe comes to school with a haircut, wearing an even bigger smile than he usually does. He stands in front of my locker, waiting for my reaction and I desperately try not to shower him with compliments that will only inflate his already large ego.

"Hmm, it looks really good." I say simply as he flashes me a wink.

"I think so too."


I don't see Gabe the next day, and if I'm being honest, it took a lot of willpower not to text him that entire time. Sure, there are days we go without talking, but the fact that we're intentionally avoiding each other feels strained.

I barely get through the work day, managing to finish all the tasks I needed without drawing any attention to myself. I make a plan to pick up some food and go over to Gabe's place- hoping that some fish and chips could serve as an olive branch.

Gabe responds indifferently to my offer, which is all I could really ask for at this point. I swing by a hole in the wall pub right as I get off and walk over, not really sure how to approach this.

He answers the door and offers a simple hey before sitting back down on the couch. He looks timid- like he doesn't know how to act around me in order to avoid another spat. I follow behind him and set the food on the counter.

"How's it going?" I ask, testing the waters.

He nods, "Alright. Slow day at work."

I look into the kitchen, seeing that bright pink box from the other night with the ribbon still intact.

"You didn't even touch the cookies."

He scoffs, "I don't even really like them." He turns to me, "I always just get them for you."

I join him on the couch and he surprisingly doesn't recoil when I sit. "Look, Gabe. I'm sorry for acting that way last night."

He exhales, "You shouldn't have to be sorry." He stops, "I don't get a say in who you want to spend your time with." The way he's talking, it's almost like him taking ownership of how he was with Tom or any of my exes that he was cold to.

I face him, "Last night was a fluke" I say. "But I want to be able to make my own mistakes without you trying to save me from every guy who you deem not worthy."

Gabe sighs heavily, "You're right." He thinks back, "You don't but into my dating life nearly as much I do to yours- and that's not fair"

A long time ago, I made a conscious effort to steer clear of any of Gabe's relationships. Sure, it may have been fucked up whenever he openly voiced criticism about any of my guys, but those always came from his role as my best friend. The thing is, the minute I criticize someone he's with, I'm no longer Dustin the best friend, instead I'm Dustin- the guy who's secretly in love with him and wants to see those relationships fail.

I can't really play by the same rules.

"I'm sorry. Dust." He says before I lean in and give him a hug. It feels nice- like we've just peeled back a layer on our friendship- one that allows for more vulnerability.

We never linger on sad moments for too long. One of us always has to break up the tension and try to change the subject. It's almost as if we're afraid of what will happen if we let our emotions out to play.

This time, it's Gabe who gets up and sniffs the bag I brought in. "Brassingtons?" He asks, pulling out the paper bag with newspaper wrapping sticking out.

I nod, "Only the best fish and chips in town."

Gabe undoes the cover of the malt vinegar and dips his piece of fish in there. I hear him crunch down on it, followed by a moan that breaks the tension.

"This is definitely the way we should end all arguments." He says, reaching for the fries.

I shake my head and laugh, thankful that we're able to bounce back so easily. We settle onto his couch and Gabe goes off about this new Netflix show he found yesterday. I tell him to put it on and he spends the next forty-five minutes carefully watching my response. It's almost like he wants me to like it as much as he does, and to no surprise, I do.

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whiteasianlvrwhiteasianlvrover 2 years ago

This is such a well-written story. Many gay men who are insecure about their sexuality or grew up in an era which wasn't so favorable about being gay have probably struggled with unrequited love - loving that seemingly straight guy and being unable to out themselves and admit the cause of all the tension in the room. What is so unique about this story is that "Dust" so totally lacks the courage to just admit his feelings. In this sense, he lacks trust in his best friend's capacity to love, assuming Gabe would never be interested. This is the tragedy. Gabe's gay. He's all Dust has ever wanted and he still can't go for it. We all live in the cages we put ourselves in. I just hope for the sake of a happy ending, Dustin finally has the courage to get beyond his.

JRSONJRSONover 2 years ago

This story is becoming to frustrating and painful to read!

I understand the fear of damaging/loosing the friendship over sharing honest feelings, but its past time for the truth to be revealed!! It is not even realistic to believe that Gabe is not aware of Dustin's feelings for him at this point, or visa-versa! Can't either of them see the damage that is being done to the relationship with more hurt like occurred in this chapter! You cannot take that hurt back! It changes things until its just to painful to be together, even as just best friends! The best fish and chips on the planet cannot fix any of it! Its an insult the way Dustin treats all his hookups, and meaningless relationships! If he was a decent person he would stop using others to just get his rocks off, and get his shit together!

I hope one of them can grow some balls and finally address the elephant in the room, before they damage things to the point of no return!

The pink box of cookies, still all tied up in a bow, and the way Gabe felt about Tom, says way more to me than Dustin can let himself see! If I were Gabe I'd have told him to go fuck himself! Which might just cause to him to get real! This is an unhealthy co-depend friendship as it now stands, that needs to end sooner than later!

Dustin's romp with Ethan pissed me the fuck off! It was not hot, or exciting! It disgusted me and made me furious, especially after how shitty way he treated Gabe! Is he so cruel that he cannot see how he uses others, because he is to afraid to be honest even with himself! Dustin is an asshole right now!

Obviously this story is good enough to bring these emotions to the surface! Had I not made some of these same mistakes in my own personal life, it would not be bothering me so much!

There is nothing harder to live with than regret! Missed opportunities, and failed relationships that could have been amazing if the fear of the unknown could have been overcome!

carmelcookeecarmelcookeeover 2 years ago

The wall is chipping away. waiting for the next chapter. loving it, can't wait for them to cross the line.

PDreadfulPDreadfulover 2 years ago

Looking forward to more of this! Great story, the pacing feels spot on.

Hutchison12Hutchison12over 2 years ago

Oh please Dustin …. Just tell him , love the story , just love it

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