Not My Day!

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My sister traps a super hunk into being her man forever.
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Not My Day

By Handymanblues

(The following is the story of my sister falling in love with some neighbour. Not sure I agree with her idea of how to trap some unsuspecting super hunk into marriage, but I guess it is whatever floats her boat. She gleefully asked me to tell her story, word for word, and who am I to disappoint her. So here it is, the true story of how things unfolded, on a day that was 'not her day.' This is her story.)

It was not my day.

The wind was picking up, blowing my hat down the street, ensuring I would never see it again. It also ensured that my hair would be blowing every which way.

To make matters worse, it was starting to drizzle. That could mean only one thing. My hair was going to get frizzy.

Cross town traffic was incredibly boisterous today, and my bicycle had a hard time zipping in and out of honking car lanes.

A splotch of white bird shit came next, landing on my shoulder, and instantly stained my brand new silk blouse. That was what usually happened when one invertedly forgot their spring jacket.


Gilmour's Department Store was now in view, and my ten dollar an hour job was about to start.

I reached the parking lot and wound my way to the bike stands. Then I dismounted, leaning my bike against the steel circle and lashing it with my steel chain lock.

I checked my watch. At first I thought it was just stopped from a lack of winding, but quickly realized, after trying to start it, that it was broken.


I moved quickly. One thing I didn't want to do was be late again. I already had two punctuality write ups against me, and a third would mean a reprimand and one day's suspension.

I reached the swipe in clock with two minutes to spare, and punched in my code, then my thumb print. It flashed green. I had made it.

I hopped on the escalator and rode it to the third floor, where my eyes were greeted by some naked male mannequins. Obviously, Germaine my boss was going to want me to dress them with something sharp from the new spring line.

I scoured the men's wear department for any sign of him, but he was not around. I knew it was Tuesday and remembered he often had meetings with the other Department heads on Tuesday mornings. I suddenly felt a reprieve. Such meetings could sometimes last for an hour or two, which meant I wouldn't have to put up with his annoying bullshit for at least until first break.


The sound of my name being called so unexpectedly, especially by an unknown voice, gave me a jolt. I bristled and placed a frightened hand against my generous cleavage. Then I turned around.

It was Henry, Germaine's assistant. Usually he was over in sporting goods. But I supposed he was merely covering for Germaine, although he'd never done it before. I'd only spoken to him once or twice in the past, but some of the other girls told me he was a real prick, an asshole just like his boss.

"You startled me," I whispered, catching my breath.

"I know I usually don't come over to this side," he clarified, "but I noticed you on the escalator."

"You're not supposed to be gawking at my ass on store time," I spat out, almost venomously. I didn't want to have any kind of relationship with any of the men in the store. They were all full of themselves and real absolute bastards.

"Don't flatter yourself," he said, his face reddening. "I came over to talk to you because I saw that you were not in uniform."

My face now reddened just like his. "Girls on this floor don't wear a uniform. That's only for the other floors."

"I'm not talking about an apron with the store logo," he said. "Store policy says a worker is considered out of uniform if he or she is not wearing their name tag."

A sigh of despair rummaged through my mind. I had forgotten my stupid nametag at home. I knew I would have to come down off my high horse and almost beg for mercy. He had a right to write me up if he wanted. I tried to quickly humble myself.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that," I managed, trying to sound contrite. "I'll remember to bring it tomorrow. Promise."

"Okay then," he said, accepting my self imposed debasement. "I'll let it go this time, although Germaine will probably yell at you when he notices. Although, you did manage to put on a huge splotch of bird shit down the front of your blouse. So it's not like you're not wearing anything there."

His words were like rusty daggers, plunging their tainted sharpness deep within my soul. I had forgotten to clean off the bird shit. That meant everyone had undoubtedly already seen it.

His cell phone went off. He glanced at the number and acted alarmed.

"Shit, the store manager. What the fuck is it this time?"

He forgot I was there and turned around abruptly, heading back towards the escalator.

I was now in a full blown panic. That giant splotch of bright white bird shit was wreaking havoc against my brand new dark brown silk blouse.

I turned and made a b-line for the dressing rooms. At least there I could have a place to clean up.

I found a half bottle of water on the counter along with some paper towel. I quickly took it to a dressing room and locked the door behind me. Thankfully, it had a full length mirror.

I wet the towels and began gently wiping the shit. Gratefully, it came off easily, but brushing against my breast felt strange. My boobs felt tender to the touch.

I pulled down my top, glancing at my pointy firm boobs. The nipples seemed swollen and my breasts felt tingly and engorged. I could never remember them being like that before.

A thought came to my mind, and then a sense of worry tried to descend like a cloud. I chased the thought away. No way I was pregnant.

"No fucking way."

I pulled up my skirt and pulled down my panties. Then I checked the tampon I had inserted last night. My period was supposed to have started during the night but there was no spotting. Still as white as the driven snow. Half a day late. My mind raced in circles? Had I ever been late before?

"No...never before."

I sucked in my breath and could feel a panic attack set in.

I was dazed and flush...speechless for sure, but still trying to be optimistic. In my heart of hearts I knew I'd rather be dead than pregnant. At the tender age of eighteen, I'd been having sex about once a month since my birthday, a mere five months in total. Each time it had been a different guy, usually during a party. And during those five times, I'd always been so absolutely careful. Condoms all the way. Every time. EVERY FUCKING TIME!!!!


My mind was awash with vivid memories of my next door neighbor Todd. He had come by two weeks ago asking to borrow some milk for his cereal, and I had lent him some. But when he returned a few hours later with the jug, he handed me a bottle of wine as a thank you present.

And so I had invited him in for a chat and some of his wine. I also had wanted him to fix a leaky sink. What the fuck do women know about fixing leaky sinks?

The wine had started going to my head, one thing lead to another and before you knew it...

He had sworn to me, in the heat of passion, that he'd remember to pull out on time.

I pursed my lips and remembered it like it was yesterday. My multiple orgasms, his fabulous lips sucking on my enraptured soaking pussy on fire with pleasure...and after a half hour of riveting thrusts...his tell-tale grunting, leading to him pulling out as promised and then half a minute later delivering the goods onto my bliss filled ass.

No he hadn't gotten any inside when he maybe...just the pre-cum?

"No, I'm not pregnant...definitely not pregnant."

I began to repeat the words over and over. But the strange sensation of my engorged breasts, and such unusual tenderness in my swollen, reddened nipples. And the tell tale lateness of my usually "right on time" period, all conspiring...all conspiring

I came back to my senses then made sure the bird shit was completely off my blouse. Then I gave a final glance in the mirror. "You'd better not be," I whispered at myself.

And then I straightened my clothes and noted that I needed to take a pee. Suddenly I remembered how it had puzzled me the last few days that I seemed to be urinating more often, not able to hold it as long as I usually did. Wasn't that also a sign of being knocked up?

I was suddenly in a full blown panic and I began to mumble, almost incoherently.

"Oh fuck...oh fuck...oh fuck!"

The changing room door made a sound as if someone was tugging at it, trying to open it.

I took a deep breath and slid open the latch, pushing the door open and moving out onto the salesfloor, taking my suspiciously engorged breasts with me.

Chapter Two

It took what seemed like forever for the crazy day to end. Mercifully, my putrid boss, Germaine, was stuck in meetings the whole day. I wasn't sure why the meetings had lasted so long, only that a rumour was floating about that possible hour reductions and even layoffs were in the offing. I prayed it wasn't true. As much as I hated my fucking job, I needed it to keep my rent going and food on my table.

I emerged from the store at the end of my shift feeling like some paroled prisoner from some dysfunctional jail house.

It was still drizzling outside, which meant my hair was going to get frizzy all over again.

I reached the bike rack and was both shocked and dismayed that my bike had been stolen. The only thing remaining was the unopened lock on the iron ring, and some busted wheel spokes on the ground.

I felt like crying, but knew I might have bigger problems, and I promised myself that if I were going to cry tears then it would surely be over the fact my period had still not come.

The long walk home took me a full half hour, and I was literally soaked through to the bone. I hadn't expected I would need to take the bus home, and therefore had not brought any bus tickets with me.

I shivered as I climbed the stairwell to the fifth floor. Third day in a row that the elevator wasn't working.

I wasn't surprised to see Todd standing there as I approached my door. The newspapers were usually delivered throughout the building at this time, and he had told me he was checking every day to try and find a job. He was one of those poor saps that had borrowed over sixty grand to get a four year BA from a top college, only to find he couldn't beg, borrow or even steal a job even if his life depended on it.

He had also told me he was getting desperate, and had even been turned down by McDonalds, which, in their words, had turned him down because he was "very overqualified." Go figure!

I smiled wryly at the thought. If he was going to be a father then he was not going to be able to afford child support. I nodded my head in disgust. Why was I not surprised?

"Hi Todd."

"Hi gorgeous. I've missed your stunning emerald eyes."

I smiled at his flattering words. There I was, showing off generous cleavage, my large long nipples showcased against the tight wet blouse, and all he could gawk at were my pretty green eyes.

"What about my ass?" I whispered, "you miss that too?"

I immediately regretted the words as they left my mouth, but he was just so much fun and so uplifting, not to mention being so incredibly handsome and oversexed. The way the day was going, I needed some laughs and I longed to be admired.

Besides, I really liked the guy and I had learned a long time ago that I couldn't control which guy my heart was very fond of. But the real reason I wanted to connect to him today, was due to the fact that my period was late, and he may have been the accidental reason. I needed to know how he might feel about being a dad, but I needed to know it without tipping my hand. I didn't want to scare him off.

"I'll probably be by a little later to borrow some more milk, or maybe some coffee," he said mischievously.

"I bet you will," I said, expanding my smile. "But just remember that milk is what got you in trouble last time, that and a bottle of wine."

"Naw, that was strictly my charm."

"So you say."

Staring at him was starting to bring back memories of what he looked like underneath, and a part of me was suddenly ravenously horny. I had to wonder if that was a sign of being knocked up as well.

I smiled more broadly, not letting on that a part of me was desperate to feel him out and gauge how he might feel about owning a bun in my oven.

Then I went inside and closed the door behind me, but didn't lock it. If he did stop by later as he suggested, I wanted to be able to shout at him to simply come on in.

I yanked off my rain soaked clothes and put on a super short skirt. I thought about a see through lacy bra, but decided just to go naked up top, leaving my large firm breasts exposed to the stale air. If Todd did indeed come in, he was going to get an eyeful.

A twinge of guilt and angst suddenly took hold of me. Why was I inviting more trouble into my place? Hadn't his first tryst with my oversexed body given me enough potential problems? Why was I looking for a second helping? I sighed and felt like a slut. Why did I have to be such a sucker for super hot guys? And then it dawned on me. Wasn't every self respecting eighteen year old? Especially if the hunk had a really nice personality to match?

I took out my laptop and started to research pregnancy symptoms. Then I started searching for what might possibly be a woman's most fertile time of the month. I was surprised at myself for never having asked the latter question before.

"A woman usually ovulates thirteen or fourteen days before her period, making that her most fertile time of the month, where she is likely to have the best chance of getting pregnant."

I let the words from the article soak into my brain. Then I closed my eyes and stared blindly at the ceiling. It had been exactly two weeks since letting Todd fuck me bareback. Exactly two weeks before my now overdue period. That meant he had been plowing my fields at a time when I was most vulnerable.

To make matters worse, neither of us had owned any condoms at the time, and despite his best efforts to cover my ass with his shooting cum, some might have gotten inside.

"Might have...might have...might have..." I whispered the words as if I were a drowning woman asking for a life preserver to be tossed my way.

There was a knock at the door.

Todd's rich velvety voice reached my perky ears. I sighed at my frame of mind. Why was I making it easy for the guy?

"Door's open," I bellowed.

He wasted no time coming in, and he gasped loudly at the sight of my large firm boobs, which were standing at attention for his crystal clear blue eyes and wickedly cute dimples.

He quickly moved towards me, swinging the door shut behind him.

He already had a bulge in his pants as his thick red lips reached my anxious mouth.

"You have a condom?" I asked, my inquisitive eyes searching his face for clues. What if it wasn't an accident. What if he had of purposely let some sperm slip inside me before pulling out?

"Who has money for condoms?" he asked coyly. "Besides, you know I can pullout on time."

"I know, and I don't mind it bareback," I said teasingly, carefully still gauging his expression. "But I wouldn't want to get knocked up by accident. What if you get me pregnant?"

I tried not to look nervous, and waited for him to answer, but kissing me hard on the lips was all he could think about.

He was an amazing kisser, setting my mouth on fire for a full thirty seconds before teasingly breaking it off.

I shivered with delight. A few more of those wildly sweet lip locks and I was going to get very wet.

"I'm not wearing any panties," I whispered.

He savoured my words, lifting up my skirt to let his warm hands squeeze my bum cheeks.

Next he kissed and sucked my breasts like a man possessed. My subtle hints about how he might feel if his girl was in the family way hadn't seem to jolt him into a response. Did that mean he wouldn't be worried if he got a girl pregnant?

I tried to figure it all out, but in the mean time, his lips felt beyond good, and after just a few minutes I was reeling in ecstasy.

Still, he was continuing not to comment on my question, and as his pants swirled around his ankles. Next his erect cock started to brush against my exploding clit, so I sought more clarity before I dared let him inside.

He was easily the hottest, most gorgeous hunk I had ever seen, and I knew from fourteen days earlier he was also the best by far at fucking any girl he chose. And lately he was choosing me.

I was now panting furiously, but still able to focus on the task at hand. The question I asked had been reasonable enough, and he didn't seem suspicious as to my reasons for asking it.

"You're not wearing a condom. What if you get me pregnant?"

I gently pressed my hands to his rippling abs, then let them rub against his muscled chest. By doing that I was managing to still keep him at bay, not allowing his cock to slip inside. At least not yet.

That meant that the question I'd asked now hung in the air like a slap, demanding an answer.

"I'll pullout like last time," he assured me, still not picking up on my anxiety, and side stepping the question entirely.

"And if I get preggy anyways?"

His kisses kept coming, buy my hands pressing against his chest and abs stayed vigilant.

I wanted to hear him talk a little more about it. I needed to get him to talk.

"Couples have to be careful when having sex," I said, almost in a whisper. "For example, I was ovulating the last time we did it.".

I expected him to pause and analyse my words, but he was far too out of his mind with turn on.

I supposed he wasn't really listening. So typical of men.

Still, I was only human, and his kisses on my neck and breasts were really starting to rock me. Not to mention the sight of his cock.

I stared at it longingly. It was so red and stiff and pulsating.

He started panting and I guessed that he needed it to be inside of me at once.

He kissed my lips again, only this time much more fervently, knocking down my remaining defences.

Then he lowered his mouth yet again to my breasts, sucking them until I groaned my approval. I was really on the ropes and we both knew it.

I melted in his arms, moving my own hands away from his abs and onto his thighs and bum.

His cock was firm, entering me with such sweetness, causing me to have an orgasm which was prolonged and intense.

I groaned, and wallowed in the pleasure, clutching him closer, and savouring his kisses over my face and along my neck.

His cock spent the next half hour moving in and out of me with lightning precision, lighting up my world and making me forget all about life's troubles and disappointments, until...

"Can I come inside?" he suddenly asked, bringing me back to earth.

I let my inquisitive arms roam along his back and sides. He was covered with layers of sweat, and groaning loudly, just as I had been doing for the last half hour.

His muscles were tensing, a sign he was losing control. His sperm was ready to fire, and yet, he was asking if he could come inside, even though he hadn't done so the first time, two weeks ago.

My mind was awash with surging thoughts. He was like a charging bull, savouring each thrust as it left him wallowing in pleasure. I was sure he was having the fuck of his life and didn't want a pullout to lesson the sensations as they unfolded.

I placed my red lips to his ear.

"If you promise to marry me if I get knocked up, then you can come inside."

I could feel his body shivering now, and heard desperate breaths heaving as his balls began catching fire. He didn't have much time to decide.

But I knew that he was so horny that he would have promised anything and everything for his cock to have its way.