Not Quite a White Witch Ch. 01


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Sam slid him the paperwork for two contracts. The proposed one-day job - good until 11:59 tomorrow night - would be to kill the master passwords on both networks and install new ones for the life of the contract, along with throwing up a new improved firewall based on the new passwords, on all the firm's computers for both networks. Sam mentioned that she would also carefully remove that nasty zombie malware they had discussed for no extra charge. "Figuring these things out is fun for me, I get to beat some other computer guy into impotence. Once I figure one out the others will be easy," she assured him. "These criminals are all lazy so they always reuse the code, they call it a 'signature' but I call it easy hunting."

Without the second agreement the new password and firewall would lapse and revert to the old passwords. "But maybe the pirates won't check," she said, like she almost believed it.

The one-day job would require unfettered access to the entire network, followed by all needed tests and other security procedures, and it would commence after a $200,000 payment was wired to her account. Due to the press of time there would be no changes considered for that contract, if the price was steep (it was more than thrice the previous firm's monthly contract) he was free to call others, make appointments and let them "play" before they made an informed bid.

Sam said she was ready to work right now. She made it sound like she would physically have to go to each computer; actually she would use bots on the networks to do the work in roughly 90 minutes while she found other amusements for herself. Sam had never jilled off in a building like this, but she had her little friendly toy along. Barnes did not need to know that detail, his head was full of law and did not need boring computer or sex stuff. The former was beyond his understanding, and the latter was bad for his heart right now.

Also, if Barnes knew what she had planned, he might want to watch, and that would spoil her plans.

Barnes hated short deadlines and contracts that were non-negotiable, but he feared the shadow giants, thieves, blackmailers and the dreaded Goldstein a lot more. These unspeakable calamities were mere hours away!

The second document was a proposed 30-day contract, to get the new security system going and assess network security, plus it provided the on-site and on-call tech support they needed. The price was another $200,000 due by midnight. Any changes in that contract had to be approved by Sam's lawyer, who was a straight arrow no nonsense ex-judge Barnes knew: Xavier Honesty Crux. Barnes knew his usual loopholes, traps, escape clauses and double-talk would not get past the honorable Judge.

As it happened, Barnes was literally unable to write a straight-forward honest contract by himself, his mind simply did not work that way. He would have his partner Judge Stern do that one. Judge to Judge, it would get done without delay.

Because he had to negotiate something, Barnes took a shot at getting a side payoff for himself. He proposed that once the 30-day contract was ready, Barnes would call Sam. They could meet late this evening to sign it. Perhaps at a hotel of her choice with room service, on his dime, so they could nosh while they talked? Would 11 that evening work for her? He made it sound like this was ordinary and normal.

They both knew everything that was on offer, including their private parts not mentioned in the contract, for Sam it was all part of the job as an attractive young female CEO. She flashed him some "bedroom eyes" and said with a hint of joy in her voice that his suggestion sounded like a good time for both of them to "get to know each other... much better."

That made Barnes very happy.

In the three previous years Sam had not made $30k cash in total, most of her needs were paid for by services rendered, either computer service, or sexual service or (most commonly) both. She lived in a crash-pad with a high speed internet connection where violation of her body while she slept was normal on a daily basis. Under her CEO deal her cut of each contract was a flat 25% off the top; she was looking at a $50K payday in a matter of minutes, and another $50K before midnight. At those rates screwing the old reptile to seal the deal was something she could do with a smile on her face. If she reminded him where the power was between them at the right time it was even possible that her smile would be sincere when he serviced her with his very expensive tongue.

Sam turned her back on Barnes and took her own moment of prayer. In soft Hindi words (it sounded like an incantation to Barnes) she mentally prostrated herself before the goddess Parvati to give thanks that Paulo Zero was her friend and worthy master who knew of her computer skills, plus he trusted her judgement. Also, he had taken the time and expense to cleanse her body of street poisons, then to hook her on his own specialized drug habit so he could trust her actions completely, as she was bound to him by pink steel. "Thanks be for my Master, my Prince and my demigod of a lover... Amen," she said in Hindu.

With her rite of thanks satisfied Sam turned back to Barnes and agreed with all his suggestions, including the unspoken ones where they both thought of the other naked. Her smile said she was looking forward to it. Then she said it was time for her to go to work.

Barnes called his secretary in, told her what had to be done, then added that Sam would be granted anything else she might need or desire. She was to get her own office in the building immediately, plus access to all the other offices, as there was an immediate dire need. She could even kick senior partners out of their offices, if need be. "Her slightest whim is your command as if from my lips," Barnes said. His secretary - the best in the building - also witnessed the signatures on the first contract and saw to the wire transfer of funds into Sam's bank account in Singapore. From there it was gone in seconds, untraceable. Sam knew how banks worked. The second transfer was also set up, Barnes could stop it with a call if there was an issue, but otherwise it would happen automatically at 11:30 tonight.

Barnes gave final instructions and then, with a terrible day almost over, he fled the building.

His final act before he turned off his phone was a call home, asking for a "number 4." He needed somebody to comfort him; the code meant his (third) wife and his adult daughter would be waiting at home naked, to greet him at the door with a brandy old fashioned drink, some brandy old fashioned kringle from Racine (both Wisconsin specialities), and their own worm embrace. They would remove his clothes and lead him to a bed where their naked and willing bodies would comfort his body and mind. There would be no sex, a man his age needed to preserve his reserves for the contract closing with Sam later tonight; a failure while servicing Sam would be a disgrace too terrible to contemplate. But loving hands and soft lips on his body, and some serious relaxation were what he needed, and those were things his loving wife and daughter were very glad to provide for him.


Chapter 02. Work And Play

Sam requested an office on the second floor in front. That was close to where her special laptop awaited her command. The secretary set her up in an empty office with the usual two computers, one computer hooked to the web plus the network of the firm's web-connected computers, and a second computer hooked to the supposedly secure isolated internal network the late Larry (by now he had encountered his wife's skillet and met St. Peter) had breeched.

When she started working Sam opened both computers, added something inside, then opened a tiny hole in the both systems (the "secure" computers all had convenient-but-usually-disabled wi-fi cards installed). She closed the tiny hole almost immediately, after a brief wi-fi chat with her laptop in the parking lot. Then she spent a moment configuring some minor details before she unleashing her simple but eager bots written the previous day. Sam got the 24-hour job going in 5 minutes, including the password changes and logging the careful and time-consuming eradication of the fictional "Zombie" malware that was seemingly sending terrible secrets to Pune.

In fact, everything she had shown Barnes originated in her low-rent crash pad 5 miles away. No computers in Pune or anywhere in India were molested in the little bit of theater. It was easier than actually setting up an overseas website.

One might ask why the super-secure computers had wi-fi cards installed. The answer was that the previous CTO Chet who ordered the computers was an idiot who thought that anything which cost a little more had to be a little better. A lawyer by profession, he recalled how his professors constantly said he was NEVER to ask a question in court without knowing the answer. Chet took the lesson to heart, he would never stoop to asking a lowly computer sales tech if he needed the upgrade or "secure high-speed blah-blah gizmo" when ordering, he just checked the box for the entire order. In his law-geek mind was the "cool" thing to do. As a result, the secure network was only as secure as Sam wanted it to be, and she could easily change the limits at any time. Before today she had to be in the building to access the secure network, but now the computer in this office awaited her command via wireless signal; it "opened the door to look outside" by wi-fi every 10 minutes. It would listen, but would respond only to a particular coded command that knew the password "witch." Within the next week a few other computers would be equipped with similar witchy instructions.

Barnes really did not understand this stuff and was paying dearly for his ignorance - it was the way of the modern cyber-world.

As the bots faithfully did their work, Sam had time to burn so on a whim she called for one of the "service girls" she had heard of. Resha was there in 3 minutes. As soon as she entered the room she routinely averted her eyes and shed her sari-inspired garment. Only when she was naked did she look up at the room's occupant. Resha actually knew embarrassment at being seen naked by a woman. Still, keeping her cool, Resha explained the protocols to what was clearly a new office-holder, and first she had seen without a cock to satisfy, as was her usual practice. Begging Sam's pardon, Resha sent a quick email to her supervisor; Sam's cleft and clit called for a special ruling. The reply came back quickly from the office of Mr. Barnes. It said, "Whatever is requested, you are required." Resha bowed as she informed Sam.

Sam noticed some mannerisms of the attractive young woman before her, plus two distinctive tattoos - both very faint - of a trident on her arm and a serpent around her neck. The girl's skin was black, as where the tats, but Sam's eyes discerned the faint lines. By themselves they could mean many things, but the pairing suggested Resha's devotion to the Hindu god Shiva, who happened to be Parvati's consort. Out of more than 20 service girls, Sam got Resha. It was like something directed from above.

Sam replied to Resha's bow with a perfect namaste, then she opened her blouse and called attention to her own tats, including a lion and the hands of a dancer. These are symbols of the Hindu goddess Parvati, who Resha knew as the one to share Shiva's house as wife and lover.

Resha's eyes lit up in pure wonder and delight. A woman, with those specific tats, in an office at her "fortress of white male privilege" workplace? In her wildest dreams Resha could not have imagined such a meeting. Could this be true? Both women knew prayers were sometimes answered. It seemed today they were sending their prayers to the same house so better times were coming back to them from on high. Their chaste embrace and kiss - after Sam got topless - was foretold and blessed. Together they smiled as they spoke the Hindu prayer of thanks. Praise be indeed!

Sam stripped before Resha and ordered a quick shared shower, one spiced with with extra nipple nibbles and deep, pussy-warming kisses for both. The warm running water invited them to put hands on each other, both sought the other's body under the spray. The pure pleasure and delight of their embrace went both ways.

In Resha's past experience, taking a shower with one particular lawyer was a fig leaf, a naked invitation for her to wash her customer in a very disgusting place because after the shower he would ask her to provide the most repulsive oral service possible in that same place. The rules said the service girls didn't have to do that sort of thing, it was "optional." But as the lowest girl on list, declining was bad for her paycheck, so Resha did what was required of her, then threw up and scoured her mouth afterward. The lawyer named Church was the offender in this particular crime, and he considered the act justified because Resha was a pagan who refused to convert. Resha had to pleasure him in this disgusting manner on several occasions since she started working in January. Sometimes she had to jerk him off as her tongue probed in back, other times he called another girl in to suck his cock and to witness how Resha was humiliated serving his very filthy desires.

Resha's shower with Sam was NOTHING like that. Resha knew of no lawyer who actually took a girl in the shower and played with them for mutual enjoyment! Or who actually went to her knees for the service girl's pleasure!

Sam explained that she had to be free of her "expensive damn suit" for at least a half hour, which she knew was longer than the usual "coffee break." Was that a problem? At the time both women were under the warm spray. Resha had her back to Sam's front, pressed and rubbing against her in a delightful manner; Sam was playing with Resha's nipples and caressing her soapy body while she nibbled Resha's ear as she spoke.

Resha, who could not believe how excited she was at the playful sexy embrace that was taking place, assured Sam that time was not an issue. The email from Barnes gave permission for any service required.

"Any service I might require?" Sam asked.

Resha said "yes, any service," sincerely, without thought.

"Well then, we should probably start at the bottom," Sam said. With that Sam got on her knees and insisted on washing, massaging and finally kissing Resha's tiny feet.

Resha felt like she had died and was in Nirvana! She had never known the like. Plus, the treatment continued up her body, until Sam finally massaged Resha's scalp. She was amazing!

When they were done with the shower, doing everything first class was clearly indicated. So Resha showed Sam where a sealed bottle of the best scotch was hidden. Only partners were supposed to know such things, but word got around. The email gave Resha the permission needed, she poured and offered the glass to Sam.

As Sam savored the complex patterns of flavor notes in the beverage that was older than their combined ages, Resha sank to her knees before her and offered her willing, and frankly eager tongue in service to the bright pink flesh of Sam's body. The first contact was breathtaking for both, Sam could not imagine life being better. Several times during the next 25 minutes Sam surmounted the heights of pleasure, the Himalayas actually, with appreciation and Hindi chants. Thanks was given at each mountaintop. Resha was not a natural pussy-licker, she had never done it recreationally, but she had a very well-developed routine of probing, licking, teasing and using a "fish lips" motion to tickle the most delicate intimate spots of another woman. She had been trained well. Plus she especially was inspired; Sam would swear Resha glowed with a unnatural erotic energy today.

(The hetro service girls were trained in girl-girl sex by the two service girls with more lesbian experience. Then they had to pass a test to make their trainer happy. There were occasions when a demonstration or "pageant" was required for partners or clients, and the trainers wanted to feel good when they were on receiving end of their students' work.)

Finally Sam breathlessly announced that she had exhausted her capacity to enjoy Resha's tongue. Resha moved as if to get dressed, but because it was her nature, after Sam had achieved exhaustive pleasure she deliberately traded places and returned the same pleasures, as well as she was able, to Resha. She insisted it had to be that way.

First Sam pouring the stunned girl a generous slug of that wonderful scotch, then guided her to take a seat in the chair of pleasure, with her bottom near the edge of the seat and her legs spread wide on the padded arms of the chair. With a smile of delight Sam nibbled her way down Resha's body, using her tongue and lips as well as any professional, providing pleasure and praise with her attention. When Sam reached Resha's pearl of pleasure in the valley of delights she overwhelmed the girl, first with praise for her beauty and then with her own skilled enthusiasm and delight in returning all that was given and much, much more.

"Oh my goodness, I have never known such a pretty lady before," Sam said when she reached the juncture of Resha's thighs. "Your clit is so proud and placed forward, I bet it will be a pleasure to get it to stand tall." Sam leaned forward and started to lick gently near the tiny stalk, alternating with kisses that pressed against the entire region and gentle sucking.

Resha's clit swelled as her blood flowed to the area, as it grew there was enough of a stalk that Sam could gently enclose it in her lips to kiss and suck. With the attention Resha's little pearl stood up, naked and pink, to be greeted by Sam's tongue. That was when the real pleasure washed over Resha.

Sam commented, "That is what I was talking about. This pearl is easy for a tongue to pleasure, and the response I'm getting is a delight besides."

Beyond a moan Resha was too overcome to respond, but Sam didn't mind.

This was something Sam had learned from experts, she had been immersed in the pleasures on the softer side during her summer at Marta's and had some good experiences since then. It was a pleasure for her to lend her mouth to kiss the delightful dark-skinned girl's sex.

Resha watched in speechless wonder as Sam's naked body went to her knees before her, then the woman's tongue opened Resha's pleasure slit perfectly. When the tip of Sam's tongue touched her pleasure pearl Resha was instantly transported to the Nirvana of her distant ancestors - the ones from Asia. The goddess within her smiled and then the young woman beheld wonders she could not imagine, and pleasure she had never known. In the past she had been easy for boys to pleasure, but they focused on their own needs instead of learning what worked for her and even the best was nothing like this. For a moment Resha wondered if maybe it was time to change her most basic sexual preferences to "female."

In fact, Resha's body was designed for this pleasure, her clit was placed where it was easy to lick and finger. Boys soon discovered how easy she was for their fingers. But by the same token she got almost no pleasure from conventional intercourse.

Resha thought she heard faint music, a comforting tune from her childhood. Then she realized that what she heard was Sam, humming a musical prayer that Resha knew from her mother holding her in happier times. That was when Resha felt safe enough to let go, to relax her sense of reality and focus entirely within. From there her pleasured trance lasted 20 minutes as she mentally basked in the fields beyond delight. Finally Resha had to say "enough" or she would forfeit the strength to walk.

When her senses returned to the mundane office Resha was sure there was only one person in the firm who could have caused the wonder she felt as she saw Sam smiling up from between her knees. Li had told her of a miracle worker, a superhero in a lawyer's suit, a demigod who walked the Earth and bedded the most humble, raising them to the height of pleasure. His office was just down the hall. Resha was starting to become a believer.