Not Quite the Brady Bunch Ch. 06


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Her mom's tongue was amazing, and she wondered why she had had such an aversion to this in the past. Carol and Kelly squirmed and wriggled, Kelly cumming quickly and Mike slowly bringing Carol to an intense orgasm.

Kelly slid off Carol and lay down next to her and opened her legs, laying her left leg over her mother's leg. She smiled as Mike rose from Carol's pussy and she curled her finger at him, beckoning him as she whispered, "Let me have that cock, Daddy."

Carol purred and Mike's cock raged as he moved between her legs, propping himself up on his arms above her. Carol sat up and took his cock in her hand, guiding it into Kelly's wet opening. Kelly let out a long, deep moan as the length of Mike's cock slid inside her. She pulled her legs back further to let him in deeper and felt the head pressing against her cervix, sending chills through her body. Carol teased her clit softly as Mike slid in and out, Kelly clenching down, then releasing. Kelly draped her arms over Mike's neck and reached up and kissed him as he fucked her. His strokes were long and slow, measured and controlled and Kelly loved it.

They kept that pace and rhythm for quite a while, Kelly using her muscles to knead and caress Mike cock as it slid slowly in and out, her mother's fingers helping to bring her to multiple quick orgasms. She pulled Mike down closer and whispered, "I want your cum, Daddy, please, fill my cunt with it."

Mike grinned and began pumping harder, Carol's hand moved to his balls and squeezed them as his pace increased. Kelly was grunting and pushing up against each stroke, milking his cock, wanting to feel the warm explosion in her pussy for the first time.

Mike grunted and his face contorted, Carol gripped his balls tighter, and he shot a thick load inside Kelly. She squeezed and purred as she felt the warm sensation and felt it dripping from her as he slowly eased back. Carol slid an arm around his waist and squeezed him as he slid out, then nudged him out of the way and used her to tongue to scoop globs of cum from Kelly's gaping pussy.

They rolled over together and lay with Kelly between Mike and Carol. Their bodies intertwined as they slept.

Mike was the first one up the next morning and took Josh to practice and Michael for breakfast and a trip to the gym. Michael wasn't much of an athlete, but he liked to swim, so he would go the pool while Mike worked out.

Kelly and Carol stayed in bed quietly with the door locked until Mike and the boys left, then they went into the bathroom and played in the shower, before climbing back into bed and playing some more. As they lay there, Kelly told Carol that she was seeing someone, a girl from her astronomy class. They had slept together, and she felt like it was getting serious pretty fast. They had been dating a little before all of this started and she wasn't sure how to handle it.

Carol smiled and said," Kel, you have to do what makes you happy. You have a life to live. You will always have a place in our bed, but nothing says you have to be here. If you are not comfortable being with us and your friend, then do what you need to be happy. But know, we will always welcome you when you want to be with us."

Kelly smiled and kissed her mom softly before saying, "Thanks Mom, I don't think I have to choose one or the other right now, but I'm glad you understand."

They made love again, Kelly on top and grinding her pussy against Carol's until they both came. They lay there a while longer, then Kelly went off to her room and got dressed and they went out and picked up some groceries and snacks.

Emma and Joe had gone to breakfast, then went fishing. It wasn't something Emma really liked but it was always a good time to spend with her dad as they cruised along on his boat and he tried, usually in vain, to catch that monster bass. They had a great time and Joe was so happy to have his Emma back after the last year of hell.

She told him that she had decided to study nursing in college, and that he was the first she had told, which made him feel so good. Her counselor at school had arranged an interview with the admissions director at a small state school that would help explain the gap in her school performance. She wasn't the first teen that had rebelled and figured stuff out and her school had some programs for helping their students move past that. There were even some scholarships available from alumni of her High School that had done very well after troubled starts.

It was a great day and a quiet evening watching movies. They talked about how great life was at home now and how much she loved and appreciated all that Mike did for her. But she reminded him that he would always be her dad, nothing and no one could ever change that. She went off to bed around eleven and texted Kelly. She told her about her day, and they said goodnight. She knew that she had to be careful about what she texted, part of having a phone again was the agreement that Joe, Carol or Mike could check it anytime, for any reason. Her last message to Kelly as she said goodnight was, 'kisses and stuff to Mom and Mike'.

Kelly giggled as she rolled over and kissed Carol, then kissed Mike. Then she slid down and slipped Mike's cock into her mouth, thinking this would qualify as stuff wouldn't it. When she finished and had swallowed a load of Mike's cum while her mom watched, she grabbed her phone and responded to Emma, 'Done.'

Emma had just about fallen asleep when her phone buzzed, and she saw Kelly's response. She had a pretty good idea of what that meant, and she smiled and slipped her hand between her legs and softly played with her clit thinking about what the three of them were doing and how Kelly must feel being in this situation most nights. Before long she was sound asleep.

Emma was up early the next morning, dressed and at the kitchen table doing her homework while she waited for Joe to get up and moving. They were going to a barbecue at a friend of Joe's who had a big farm and a pool. It was a little early for pool season, but the pool was heated, and the forecast was for an unseasonably warm day with clear skies. So, she had a bikini under her shorts and t-shirt, just in case.

They went to the farm at about eleven and she met a lot of Joe's friends and their families. Lots of nice people but she was becoming extremely bored. At that point a group of kids her age showed up with their families and Joe introduced her to them. They went wandering off together to do what teenagers do. They ended up down at a dock on a large pond. There were six of them, four guys, Emma and another girl who was seventeen.

One of the guys pulled out a baggie of pot and some paper and rolled a joint. He lit it and took the first hit then offered it to Emma, she declined and figured this was over, they wouldn't want her around. The girl took a hit and one of the other guys, but the other two guys declined, and they all sat and talked for a while before heading back up to the house.

As they walked back, one of the boys moved up next to her and talked to her. His name was Brad, and he was a senior, had just turned eighteen and was going to West Point next year. She hung out with the group for the rest of the afternoon, spending a lot of time with Brad. They all went swimming and she was enjoying the looks she was getting from both her friends and some of the older men. When it was time to leave, she asked Brad for his phone number, she entered it into her phone and texted him, so he'd have hers, then gave him kiss on the cheek and told him he didn't have an excuse for not keeping in touch now.

They left the party to take Emma home and during the drive she told Joe what had happened. Told him how scared she was that she was going to be left out if she didn't join in, but knew it was the right thing to do. As a result, she met a guy who was going to West Point who really seemed to like her. Joe was proud of her and happy that she got one of those rare lessons in life where doing the right thing is rewarded instantly, it usually takes a long damn time.

Joe dropped her off at home around five. Mike had just left to take the boys back to their mother's house for the week. She was actually sorry she'd missed them., she had enjoyed having them around. Kelly was still there, she decided she'd stay the night, so she had some time with Emma and would leave early in the morning, her first class wasn't until ten tomorrow.

Carol and Kelly were at the kitchen table when she came in and she joined them and told them about her weekend. She was blushing as she told them about Brad and Kelly teased her a bit about being smitten. Kelly decided she'd have a private chat with Emma to see what she was thinking as dating was concerned and what it meant to all of them.

Emma got up and used the bathroom and when she returned, she sat on Kelly's lap and wrapped her arms around her neck. "So, did you all have fun without me?" she said with her trademark fake pout.

Kelly ran her hand up under Emma's shirt and gently fondled her small breast. "More than you can imagine, sis," she replied with a giggle.

"I don't know, I can imagine quite a bit at this point," she said with a laugh.

Kelly tugged her swollen nipple and Emma moaned, realizing how nice it was to be totally free and not need to worry about hiding their actions from anyone. She turned her head and kissed Kelly deeply, slipping her tongue between her lips and swirling it with hers. Carol watched in amusement and interest, one of the things she enjoyed most about their situation was being able to watch Kelly and Emma, whether it was alone, with each other or with Mike. So, she sat and watched, and the girls made a production out of it for her.

Kelly broke the kiss and wiggled. "Think we can move somewhere a little more comfortable, this chair sucks, and not in a good way," she said.

Emma jumped up and grabbed her hand, heading for the couch in the family room. She laid down and pulled Kelly down on top of her, struggling to pull Kelly's shirt off as they kissed. Carol followed and sat in Mike's chair to watch, slipping her jeans off and sitting in a T-shirt and a pair of blue silk panties that had begun to develop a dark spot in the crotch. Her fingers moved softly over the silk fabric, teasing her sensitive lips as she watched the girls on the couch, having discarded most of their clothes after some struggle.

At that moment the garage door opened, and they froze before realizing it had to be Mike, no one else had the opener. The girls went back at each other, and Carol pulled off her shirt and bra. Mike strolled in from the garage a minute later and smiled as he turned the corner and saw his beautiful wife in his chair, topless, and heard the grunts and squeals of the girls, even though he couldn't see them on the couch from that angle.

He tossed his car keys on the table and walked over and kissed Carol on the forehead. She smiled up at him and ran her hand over his crotch which was beginning to bulge.

"Come over here babe where you can get a better look," she said as she guided him next to her where they could both watch the girls. She unzipped his jeans and pulled his cock out, moving him slightly so she could still see the girls play while she blew him.

Mike's fingers teased her nipple as she slid her mouth up and down his cock. Her tongue danced over the head and around his shaft as her lips dragged up and down occasionally pressing the head into her throat and making him squirm.

Kelly had slipped a leg between Emma's and sat up, half turning and pulling Emma's leg along her body as she pressed her pussy against her sister's bare mound. They watched their mom suck Mike off while Mike and Carol watched the two sisters fuck. Emma came quickly and loudly, sending Kelly over the top soon after. Kelly slid off and moved between Carol's legs and began eating her pussy.

Emma moved behind Mike and wrapped her arms around his waist and whispered in his ear, "You want to cum don't you Daddy, fill Mommy's mouth with your cum so I can have some." Mike squirmed and shook; fuck Emma knew all the buttons to push with him and Carol.

Seconds later he gasped as his cock unloaded, Emma quickly moving downs and kissing her mom to get a share of Mike's cum before she swallowed it. Carol was getting close, and Emma leaned down and began sucking on her nipples as Mike pressed his dripping, semi hard cock against her bare ass.

Carol gasped and shook as she came, a little squirt hitting Kelly's face. Kelly moved up from between her legs and crawled into her lap, kissing her mom and tasting Mike's salty cum on her tongue. Emma smiled and said, "I need to do a couple things before bed, see you all there," as she bounced away.

"Brad," Kelly said with a giggle.

"Brad?" Mike asked. "What's a Brad?"

"The West Point bound heartthrob she met this afternoon," chuckled Carol. "I suspect we'll hear lots about him soon."

Mike shook his head, thinking about the complications a boyfriend could bring into this minefield. Oh well, a problem for another day. He leaned in and kissed his wife and daughter and said, "I'm going up to bed, see ya soon." He knew it was a good thing that she was interested in boys her age, and he knew it was going to happen at some point now that she was being given more freedom, but he kind of liked her being just theirs and selfishly didn't want her fucking some West Point heartthrob or whatever they called Brad, rather than him.

He went upstairs and went into the bathroom, cleaned up, put on a pair of boxers and headed out to bed. He opened the door and saw an amazing sight, Emma sitting in his bed, naked, her hair down over her shoulders, her legs crossed at the ankles and a huge smile on her face. He nearly melted as he slid across the room and into the bed beside her.

Her arms wrapped around him, and she kissed him softly and whispered. "I'm so glad to be home Daddy, I missed you so much."

"What about Brad?" he thought but didn't say, she would tell him when she was ready.

"I missed you too baby, it's not the same around here without you," he answered as he squeezed her.

"Daddy, I love us all being together and all, and I would never tell Kelly or Mom this, but there are times when I just want you. Times I don't want to share you with them, not even Mom," she said.

He nodded and understood. He loved Carol more than he could say, but there was something with Emma that he couldn't explain. It was more than sex, more than being his stepdaughter.

She curled up and laid her head on his shoulder as he read. She felt warm and content in his arms. She thought of Brad and how cute and sweet he was. She wondered what Mike would think. Would he be jealous if she went out on a date with Brad, would it upset Mike? What if she wanted to have sex with Brad, would she tell Mike? She'd had sex with other boys before, a bunch when she was going through her little stage as she liked to think of it. But now that she had Mike and Mom and Kelly? What did that mean to them? Fuck, she'd have to talk about this with Kelly, she'd know what to do.

She tried to push it all into the back of her mind and just enjoy Mike right now, and Kelly and Mom. But tonight, she was gonna focus on Mike. As they waited for Kelly and Mom, she reached down and wrapped her hand around his cock, playing with it gently. He had just cum, and she knew he needed some time to recover, so she just gently caressed it and enjoyed feeling it in her small hand. Mike kissed her forehead and smiled, enjoying the feeling and their moment together.

Kelly and Carol stayed in the chair and cuddled and kissed. Like Emma and Mike, they had something special between them. There were times they wanted to be alone together as well. Kelly started to nod off and decided it was time for bed. She kissed Carol and slid out of her lap and checked the doors and lights before heading upstairs. She went to her room and put on a nightshirt before heading down the hall. She met Carol as she was coming up the stairs and they held hands as they started to enter the room.

They stopped as they saw Emma in Mike's arms and Carol stopped them. She pulled Kelly back down the hall and whispered, "Let's sleep in your room, give them the night together."

Kelly headed back to her room and Carol slipped into her and Mike's room and got ready in the bathroom. When she came out, she smiled at Mike and Emma and said, "Kelly and I are going to sleep in her room tonight, you two enjoy yourselves."

Mike looked up at her a little concerned. "You OK, baby?" he asked.

She loved him so much at that moment, she had just given him a night alone with the little sexual dynamo that she knew meant the world to him, and he was concerned about her. She climbed up on the bed and smiled sweetly, kissing him tenderly as she whispered, "So good my love. Just want you and Em to get some time to yourselves." She slipped back off the bed and started out the door.

Emma looked up with a big smile and said, "Goodnight Mom, I love you."

"Love you too Em, night," she said softly as she closed the door behind her.

Emma squeezed Mike a little tighter and cuddled in more against him. Her hand was still caressing his cock and she moved it slightly to cup his balls. Emma reached up with her other hand and took the book from his hand, tossing it onto the nightstand and sliding across his body so thar she was straddling him and looking in his eyes.

Mike smiled and knew he was in for a wild night. Emma was discovering and exploring her sexuality at this point, and nothing seemed off limits. He was a pretty lucky man to be in a situation where these three women, each with their own desires and interests, were all there for him. But Emma was special. She was like the Energizer bunny and wanted to try everything with him.

She kissed his nose playfully and asked, "Can we go take a shower Daddy?"

"Sure, baby sounds like fun," he responded and patted her butt playfully.

She hopped off him and grabbed his hand, nearly dragging him into the bathroom.

Kelly and Carol had climbed in bed and were laying together under the covers. So, tell me about your new friend sweetie, what's she like?" she asked as she looked in Kelly's eyes.

"Kelly thought for a minute and said, "Well, her name is Mara, she's really smart and shy. An only child of two doctors, but she wants to be a lawyer.". She thought more and continued, "She's gay and has never been with a man and only one woman, who was older, a teacher in high school I think because she kind of avoids the topic."

"Oh," Carol responded.

"She is beautiful, very feminine, not like most of the girls I've dated," she said with a grin. "She is such a thoughtful and caring lover too."

Carol smiled as she listened to Kelly talk about this wonderful girl. It hurt a little as she knew this was right for Kelly, but would take her away from them, even if just a little, their time together was already so limited. "Have you thought about what we talked about earlier?" she asked, not sure she wanted to know.

"Yeah, I have. If things get more serious between us," she said softly, "it will definitely take time away from being with you all. But when I am home, I don't want things to change. I love what we have and I'm not giving that up."

They kissed and played together gently, each bringing the other to orgasm with their fingers before closing their eyes and falling asleep.

Emma turned the water on in the shower and lifted up on her toes and kissed Mike. Then she pushed his boxers down and softly stroked his cock which she was happy to see was nice and hard again. The bathroom got nice and steamy, and she reached in and turned the water off before stepping into the steamy shower. She had a mischievous grin as she wagged her finger at him to join her, which he did.