Not Such a Bad Job


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His mind was in whirl of disbelief at what was happening as his hands continued on their journey. It was then that he could feel something under her skirt and, remembering what he was "supposed" to be doing, he cleared his throat and asked her what it was.

"Oh, they're my suspender clips," she answered casually as if it meant nothing.

Ronald nearly choked and managed to disguise it as a cough as he continued to feel his way down her thighs. "I'll erm, I'll have to check I'm afraid," he told her trying to sound as matter of fact about it as he possibly could.

"Mm," was all she answered as the old pervert crouched down behind her. He was now face to face with that oh so cheeky ass as his sweaty hands touched her nylon clad legs and began to move up under the hem of her skirt.

He was shaking like a leaf but there was still no objection. Unbelievably as he moved his hands higher she even allowed him the freedom to feel around to the inside of her thighs. His mouth was now watering like crazy and his cock was throbbing like never before as he came to her stocking tops and with his sweaty fingertips fumbled with the lace suspenders until he found the metal clips that hooked onto her stockings.

"Oh I see," was all he could say as if confirming that what she had said was correct and so all was fine.

The truth was all he wanted to do was tear that skirt off bend her over and fuck her right there and then, it was an urge that he found almost impossible to control. But control it he must, he knew he had to be careful but with a hand between her legs feeling the smooth tight bare skin above her stocking tops he took a chance and reached his fingers up and lightly touched the silky crotch of her panties. It was only a fleeting touch and so barely noticeable it was easy to pass off as an accident, but it was a touch none the less, and something that thrilled him beyond compare.

Not wanting to push his luck any further he slowly withdrew his hands back down her legs and eventually out from under her skirt before standing back up straight behind her. The pole sticking out in his trousers was very obvious and within just inches of her ass. All he could think of was pressing it into the valley between those beautiful cheeks and grinding it hard against her.

Of course again that was an impossibility and he knew he had just one part of her body left to search, and it was the part that he was really looking forward to.

"P...please excuse me," he said trying to sound as polite and apologetic as he possibly could as, still standing behind her, he slipped his hands around her waist.

"Oh....oh I see," she responded in a surprised tone, it was clear what was coming next.

"I'm sorry," Ronald said sensing her discomfort, "we can still go back to the police station if you would rather." It was a gamble, if she said she would then he really had no idea what he would do.

"No no, let's just get it over with," she replied.

Relieved and now more excited than ever at her agreement the old man wasted no time in bringing his hands up and placing them on the underside of her breasts. Was this really happening? Was this gorgeous young woman going to just stand there and allow him to feel her lovely big tits? Surely it couldn't be true......but it was, and as his spread his hands wide he quickly realised just what a beautiful pair they really were.

His eyes rolled back in his head and his mouth flooded with saliva as his trembling hands started to roam all over them. He could feel the lace cups of her bra through the fine material of her blouse as he brought his hands upwards until they rested squarely over the front of them. He was more excited than he had ever been as he felt sure he could feel her nipples against his palms. It was too much he couldn't control his urges as, holding one tit in each hand, he sank his fingers into the firm fleshy things.

He couldn't help pausing as he held them firmly in his hands soaking up the moment, the incredible sensation of squeezing these lovely firm tits was something he just had to make the most of.

But quickly the woman became suspicious and brought her hands down from where they were resting on the roof of the car and removed herself from his grip. "Excuse me!" She exclaimed clearly not happy at what he was doing. "Perhaps we should go to the station afterall!"

"Oh need, that's it, I've finished,'re free to go," he quickly replied somewhat panicked by her suggestion.

With a huff and a puff she put her jacket back on and giving him one hell of a dirty look got back into her car started it up. She glanced over her shoulder to give him one more dirty look and then with a shake of the head she drove off.

Old Ronald realised that was a close one, but he had got away with it. As he got back into his car he knew he had something to do that required immediate attention, something that simply couldn't wait. With his head spinning with thoughts of what had just happened he unzipped his trousers and released his desperate throbbing erection. Its head was dark purple and shone with the generous smearing of pre-cum that covered it. It twitched and jerked as if it had a life of its own. "Oh God!" Ronald called out as he gripped it in his hand and started to rub the rigid pulsating thing up and down.

It was all too much and within seconds he felt the explosive release of hot thick spunk flooding from deep within his balls. Feeling it power up through his shaft he let out a cry of relief as it erupted like a volcano shooting thick sticky ropes into the air that landed in globs all over his trousers and shirt. "Oh fuck yes yes yes," he groaned as he excitedly pounded away on himself. The high flying bolts of spunk soon gave way to more of an overflowing deluge that flooded out covering his hand. Never had a man needed a wank more, and as he slowed his pace and pumped the final drops from his relieved cock he took a moment to survey the damage. There was filthy great splodges of the stinking white stuff everywhere and he knew he was going to have to clean it all up before he could carry on his way. But he didn't care, it was so worth it, he had just had the most explosive orgasm of his life and was still reeling from its affects.

After taking a while to compose himself he cleaned himself up as best he could before starting the car and heading off. Now he knew he was onto something and his mind was working overtime with plans and schemes of ways in which he could satisfy his insatiable sexual appetite. Having been deprived of female contact for so much of his life and now with an idea of what he had been missing all these years it was all the lonely old man could think of.

That night back in his dingy room he lay naked on his lumpy stained old mattress and with cock in hand couldn't get the days events out of his mind. He masturbated furiously to once again release the weighty load in his balls before going to sleep only to awake several times through the night with the one same thing on his mind. By the time he got up for work the next day his flabby white belly was covered in spunk, some crusty and dry and some still warm and wet, he had never wanked himself off so many times in one night, and even still he was hungry for more.

This feeling continued for over a week as he waited desperate for another chance to again play his little game. The chance came the following Friday when he was asked to take one of the cars to drop off at the service depot on his way home. Luckily it was the unmarked car again, there had been some parts ordered for it from the previous time and the plan was to have it there ready to start the work on Monday morning.

The old man had got a plan all worked out in his mind, it was all he had been thinking about. The plan was to deliberately hang back at work a while longer than usual so when he took the car everyone at the service depot would have finished for the weekend, which meant he could take it home and drop it off any time over the weekend, all that mattered was that it was there for Monday morning.

After the previous weeks result he was riding high on a wave of confidence and as he drove the car away from the station he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Earlier that week he had managed to pinch a breathalyser from the store room without anyone noticing, this was all part of his well thought out plan. He had spent the previous evening fixing it so the only light that came on when it was used was the red one, indicating that whoever had blown in it was over the legal limit for drink driving regardless of whether they really were or not.

He waited until later that night before setting off in the unmarked car. He had done his best with his fake uniform although still it wouldn't stand up to real scrutiny, mainly because it was so scruffy and rather grubby, and of course because it was just a regular white shirt with black tie and trousers. But when coupled with the hat and the car it was all in all fairly convincing.

He headed off to a town about 30 miles from where he lived. The reason being that no one would recognise him and also it was an area with a different police force, so the car wouldn't be recognised either. Being a Friday night the town was full with young people out drinking and having a good time. He took a drive through and couldn't believe it, it was wall to wall with so many hot sexy girls, the sort that has always been way beyond his reach, the stuff of dreams, until now......hopefully.

His plan was simple, he parked up in the main car park and waited to see who would be driving home tonight.

After almost an hour of nothing he was about to give up and take a drive around. But then he saw a young woman of probably about 25 or so walking across the car park rummaging through her handbag for her keys. She wasn't the most drop dead gorgeous he had ever seen, but she was very nice and rather full figured. As he slouched down low in his seat so as not to be seen he watched her to see which car she was heading for.

Suddenly heard some laughing together with the clicking sound of heels on concrete coming from over to his left. He turned to look and saw a young couple with their arms around each other heading towards what must have been their car parked over in a darkened corner.

"Oh fuck me!" Ronald muttered under his breath. The girl was absolutely stunning, with lovely thick long wavy blond hair and a body that almost defied belief. In skin tight blue jeans she swung her hips with real purpose as she clung to her ridiculously handsome muscle bound boyfriend. He could see she was wearing a white t-shirt but with the guy hanging all over her he couldn't make out much else. As the loved up pair passed in front of Ronald the guy must have tickled her because she suddenly started to try and pull away from him in fits of hysterical laughter.

Now he got a proper look at her and could hardly believe his eyes. Not only did she have the sweetest most gorgeous face, but she also had the biggest bounciest pair of knockers he had ever seen on such a fit young girl. As the guy tickled her again she wriggled and squirmed giving the old boy the most fantastic show. She was a real cock hardener, and as he watched her lovely huge tits bounce and sway with every twist and turn he could feel his neglected old tool doing just that.

All too soon the two of them were entwined once more and all the pathetic old boy could do was look longingly at her mouth watering ass as they walked away kissing and cuddling as they went.

"Lucky bastard!" Ronald muttered referring to her meathead boyfriend. He couldn't take his eyes off her as he squeezed his swelling erection through his trousers, "ooh what I wouldn't give for a piece of that."

He then noticed the first girl had gone and the love birds too were also now at their car over in the far corner of the car park. Just as he was about to give up and go for a lap around the town he noticed the girl had climbed into the car but the guy was standing outside and remained there for about five minutes or so smoking a cigarette. Ronald wasn't sure what she could be doing but the guy seemed to be chatting to her the whole time.

She then reappeared and he could just about see that it looked like she had got changed. Being dark and standing behind the car Ronald couldn't be sure but it looked like she was now wearing some sort of dark jacket. Then after a good couple of minutes passionate embrace the guy walked away on his own and the girl got back into the car and started it up.

Confused and excited at the same time the dirty old man watched as the guy walked around the corner and out of sight and the car headed for the exit. Shaking himself he suddenly realised he would have to act quickly before he lost sight of her. He started the car and within seconds of leaving the car park he was soon right behind her. He was amazed at what a flash new car she was driving, especially for such a young girl. As he followed her along he was trembling with excitement, he didn't know if his plan would even work, but if ever there was a time when it had to be worth a try then this was it.

As they headed out of town they passed a number of office buildings. They were well lit with plenty of parking spaces for the staff. Obviously at this time of night they were all closed and the car parks were empty, Ronald could see this was an ideal place to pull her over.

He switched on the blue lights and with a quick sound of the siren the car in front indicated and swung off the road into one of the office car parks. Ronald could see the perfect spot and swinging his car round in front of her he put his hand out of the window and gestured for her to follow.

They pulled right up in front of one of the buildings in a spot that was concealed from the road by some tall shrubbery. Ronald got out from the car and walked towards the young woman with an air of confidence brought on by his recent success. He knew that if it didn't work then he would just let her go on her way. If she became difficult then he figured he could pretend he had just received an emergency call, so he knew there was really nothing to worry about.

As he approached the car window came down and the girl asked him what the problem was. Gazing down into the car the old man was shocked to see that she had indeed changed her clothes. After a moment or two he realised she was wearing the dark blue uniform of a well known airline and it then dawned on him that she was an air stewardess. For a moment he didn't know what to say. It wasn't helped by the generous display of firm young thigh that the short skirt she wore treated him to.

"Erm...excuse there a problem?" She again asked.

This shook the old man out of his daze and he looked into her eyes. They were the most beautiful ice blue and her face was so pretty and young looking that he again paused as if in a trance before asking to see her driving licence. Digging it out of her bag and handing it over old Ronald could see from inspecting it that she was only 18 years old.

"Erm..who...who's car is this?" The increasingly excited old pervert asked trying to again sound as convincing as possible.

The gorgeous young thing went on to explain that she had only just passed her driving test and the car was her fathers. She told him that she had just landed a job as a trainee air stewardess and was on her way to the airport now. He could see she was nervous, probably because at her young age she hadn't been stopped by the police before, so he went on to ask her if she had been drinking.

"O...of course not," she answered. "I...I'm on my way to work, why would I have been drinking? I've only had this job a few weeks and it's something I've always wanted to do, so why would I put it a risk by doing something so stupid?"

"Then you won't mind taking a quick breath test then will you."

He could see the worried look in her eyes as she tried to explain that she was already running a little late and being a new trainee she really couldn't afford to be.

Unconcerned he went back to his own car and got the dodgy breathalyser while all the time trying to hide his excitement, everything so far was going well, in fact far better than he had ever hoped for.

When he came back to her car and ordered her to get out he couldn't believe his eyes, she was just everything he ever dreamt of but could never have. Her dark blue uniform was so classy yet incredibly sexy, the skirt was short and tight and her legs were sheathed in fine flesh coloured nylon. He wondered how she got away with wearing such a sexy skirt, especially with that incredible cheeky ass! At work she must drive all the male passengers absolutely crazy. He could imagine them all getting off on ogling her as she would parade up and down the centre aisle of an aeroplane in that mouth watering skirt.

As she stood before him waiting for him to hand her the breath tester he now saw what can only be described as the most mind blowing body he had ever seen on a girl. Her jacket was unbuttoned and underneath she wore a crisp white blouse that fitted her so snugly that it could in no way conceal the phenomenal size of her incredible knockers. He had to remove his hat and hold it in front of himself so as to hide the huge tent in his trousers.

With sweating hands he hurriedly handed her the device and told her to take one huge deep breath before blowing into it. He watched as she placed the tube between her full pouting lips, God that alone was enough to send the dirty old pervert over the edge. Then as she drew in a deep breath filling her lungs poor old Ronald felt like he might pass out as he watched in amazement as her chest expanded. He didn't think her tits could get any bigger, but as they thrust outwards the buttons of her blouse looked like they were about to give way from the immense strain she now put them under. He could feel his cock throbbing in his trousers as he marvelled at those huge 18 year old tits wondering what they must feel like. He could see they were obviously very firm and the thought that he could soon have them in his hands and she as yet had no idea was causing him to sweat even more.

Still trying to act like a proper police officer he took the device from her and held it in his hand for what felt like an age as he hoped and prayed that the red light would come on. It only took a few seconds in reality before there was a warning sound and the red light did indeed come on.

Ronald could barely contain his joy, while the poor sweet young girl realised what had happened and a look of sheer dread came over her face.

"Oh dear dear dear," he said shaking his head as if disappointed in the result. "What time does your flight leave? I presume you are flying somewhere tonight?"

"Erm yes, in erm, just under three hours.......b...but I need to be there in about two....."

This was the dirty old boys big chance, he had to take it, he knew he would never find himself in such a position as this again. So, having rehearsed for this moment over and over, he went on to tell her how he would have to arrest her and take her back to the station where she would almost certainly be spending the night in a cell. He watched the tears begin to well in her beautiful blue eyes and knew he had to carry on. He then casually dropped into the conversation that drink driving usually carried a 3 year driving ban, not good news for an 18 year old who had only just passed her driving test. If that wasn't enough he told her that because she was drunk then that would mean she wasn't insured, which in turn meant that her fathers lovely shiny car would have to be towed in to the pound.

Now she was seriously distraught and Ronald couldn't help chipping in that as part of a get tough attitude to these crimes the police were now sending out a message by having some cars crushed. As the words left his mouth he thought how unbelievable that sounded and wondered if he hadn't now gone too far.