Now that was a Surprise

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Hypnotising my girlfriend's mother... Or perhaps not.
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I suppose this story began in early January, at my girlfriend Sally's house. I was there for a Sunday Lunch with her family, which was masquerading as a late Christmas Dinner. Sally and I are both in our second year at Warwick University, which is where/how we met; Sally still lives at home with her parents near Warwick, while I'd been back in Scotland with my own family for the holidays.

Sally had caught the train north to join my family for the Hogmanay celebrations and we'd driven back together the day before, in time for that lunch date. Sally was relating anecdotes of her time in Scotland to her family during the meal; our New Year celebrations most particularly and no doubt saving the best -- in her opinion -- until the last.

It was close to the end of the meal when Sally dropped her bombshell "... and that was the first I knew about Alec being a hypnotist."

That isn't true of course; well... not really. Along with my mother and siblings, I know and understand the theory and basic techniques of hypnotism and amongst my family I am perhaps the best practitioner nowadays, but that still leaves me a long way short of 'being' a hypnotist. My maternal grandfather had been the professional stage hypnotist and it was he who had taught us the basic principals when we were kids.

Not unexpectedly, Sally's pronouncement proved the catalyst for a lively debate about hypnotism and garnered the usual cross-section of opinion: Sally and her younger brother 'believed', her mother, elder brother and his wife Hannah, were all sceptical, but prepared to debate the subject, while Sally's father Tom and her younger sister Emma both immediately called 'bullshit'.

Hypnotism is real; you don't have to believe me, just do a little research on the internet; ten minutes should suffice. Sure, what you see on stage or TV includes a lot of razzmatazz -- you wouldn't pay for a ticket without that -- but the underlying science, mainly cognitive psychology, is fact. It was that aspect which I spent the following fifteen minutes trying to explain and as is invariably the case... I failed miserably.

As is also, invariably the case, our discussion concluded with demands that I 'prove it' and 'go on then, show us; hypnotise someone.' I'd been dreading this moment ever since I'd been cajoled into hypnotising my Aunt Maude on New Year's Eve. Sally hadn't stopped talking about it since and despite pleas that she not mention it back here in Warwick, I'd anticipated that she wouldn't be able to resist.

The first skill, or if you prefer 'trick' to hypnotism, is in selecting a subject. If you're good enough -- which I certainly aren't! - you can in theory, hypnotise anyone, but some people are much easier to hypnotise than others; Aunt Maude's a piss-ball. So given a choice, you're looking for people who not only believe, so therefore expect to be hypnotised, but those who also appear willing and likely to perform once you have.

That primarily is why I'm NOT a Hypnotist; while I can make the easy distinctions, I'm not a good judge of those in the middle -- usually the majority -- nor am I skilful enough to hypnotise any but the more... susceptible. Given my options that day, Sally would undoubtedly have been the best person to select, but I knew that to choose her would get called foul and a fix.

With Sally, along with Tom and Emma immediately discounted, I turned my attention to the others. Young Jack was likely susceptible, but he was rather timid... easily embarrassed, so while he'd go under easily enough, I may not be able to get him to do much -- perform if you like -- once I had. Sally's mother Kate, gave me similar concerns, which just left me with Mike and Hannah.

Neither would prove easy for someone of my limited abilities, but as I'd not met either before today there'd be no suggestions of collusion. Better yet, I reasoned that if as expected, I only managed to hypnotise one out of the two, that'd prove that while hypnotism in itself was real, I wasn't a 'real' hypnotist and so perhaps avoid any future requests for a demonstration.

With that decided I insisted everyone remained sat quietly at the table, while I directed Mike and Hannah in clearing a space and rearranging chairs for themselves. I also got them to remove some odd items of 'distracting' clothing and jewellery; those tasks were all part of the hypnotism process, but I wasn't letting them or anyone else know that.

Eventually climbing to my own feet, I deemed the pendant which Hannah had removed unsuitable for hypnotism purposes and instead borrowed the one which Kate was wearing. Beyond providing a distraction and fulfilling their expectations, swinging either one of them back and forth would make no difference whatsoever... just another bit of razzmatazz.

With everyone silent and Kate's pendant metronomically swinging from my left hand, I began the... act. The whole process revolves around suggestions and instructions; the right words, spoken in the right tone, with the right modulation. That swaying pendant and the physical contact are just bells and whistles, it's all in the voice.

That both succumbed was a surprise and the speed with which they did so -- less than twenty seconds -- even more so. I've wondered since whether my success might've been related to my being sober; I was driving that day and it's generally late into a party that I'm called upon to perform. Whatever, while Hannah's eyes had remained open, she was perhaps even further under than Mike.

That's another misconception: Not everyone closes there eyes and for a hypnotist it's almost better that they don't; people can easily fake closing their eyes, but if a subject's eyes remain open, it provides you with more tell-tales that the hypnotism has succeeded; pupils react more slowly than normal, the blink reflex even more so.

I directed the pair of them to perform a few out of character actions: Clucking like chickens and meowing & hissing at each other like cats, but nothing outrageous. In conclusion I had them exchange their shirt/blouse, but that was Kate's suggestion rather than my own and one I felt a prudent moderation to the initial suggestion of getting them strip-off entirely.

That wasn't as impractical as it might sound: compared with the elfin frames of Kate and Sally, Hannah is a rather more... substantial girl. It was young Jack who'd made the 'get 'em naked' proposal, but his father had quickly joined him in that request; the look in Kate's eyes suggested that I wasn't the only one to be surprised by that.

Once a surprised and embarrassed Hannah and Mike were back with us, I decided to quit while I was ahead. Jack especially was now eager for me to hypnotise him too, but his interest soon waned when I reminded him of his demand to get Hannah naked... In light of that it would surely be only fair to have him strip-off instead?

I headed home to my own apartment an hour or so later, having first extracted a promise from Sally not to mention today's or indeed New Year's events to any of our classmates when we returned to Uni the following week. That promise, to everyone's amusement was extracted under duress; I swore that if Sally did so, I would have her strip naked and parade around the campus.

There were no more displays of my ability, nor indeed was the incident mentioned -- to me at least -- for more than two months. That changed one Tuesday in early March, when with no lectures scheduled I was spending the day at Sally's house. Two of my housemates are also lecture-free every Tuesday, so our place becomes the venue for an all-day beer and on-line gaming party.

I'm not a Gamer, so Tom & Kate's house affords me some peace and quiet to study along with an internet connection that isn't overloaded by all the other guys. I'm always made welcome there and as a bonus, Kate provides me with hourly cups of coffee and a midweek meal of 'real food' too. It's only ever the two of us for lunch, with everyone else out at work/school/college.

We were sat at the kitchen table having lunch when Kate set the ball rolling, by casually -- or so I thought -- commenting "I could do with some help from those hypnosis skills of yours today; I can't put off cleaning the cooker any longer and I really hate that job."

"Sorry Kate, but it doesn't work like that; you can't make anyone do something they don't want to do by using hypnosis."

"Oh, a pity. Then again I'm going to have to do it anyway, so it's something I don't enjoy doing rather than something I don't want to do; can't you just help me to not dislike it quite so much?"

We bandied that question around for another five minutes: Whether, it was feasible and even if it were, whether Kate was sufficiently susceptible for my limited abilities to do so. It was very light-hearted and the decision eventually reached, was that it'd be fun to find out and succeed or fail, we both promised to keep it to ourselves.

I immediately dispatched Kate upstairs to bring down the pendant which I'd used in January; that began the process of having her accept my instructions and provided a prop which Kate had witnessed working successfully once before. After Kate returned I had here rearranging chairs, removing jewellery and all the rest of the spiel.

With the stage now set I gave it my best shot: Kate's hypnotism didn't go as easily as Mike and Hanna's, but after a minute or so Kate's eyes had closed, her colour risen and her breathing slowed and deepened; result! I had Kate comply with a few simple instructions to confirm and reinforce my control, then suggested how much she was going to enjoy cooker-cleaning before instructing her to get on with it.

Kate re-gathered herself quite quickly, but immediately reported that she felt no different and that my efforts hadn't worked. I would've been disappointed had Kate not followed that up by promptly ushering me back to my studies so that she could get on with cleaning of the cooker; all said with a smile and an enthusiastic sparkle in her eyes.

I did as Kate asked and it was about two thirty before I heard another peep from her. That arrived with a call from the kitchen: "In here Alec; come and look at this!" I wandered through to find Kate sat on the floor beside the cooker; while she herself was looking rather grubby and dishevelled, the cooker was spotless, shining like a new-pin.

I was a few feet away from Kate, when I congratulated her on the fantastic job that she'd made of the cooker-cleaning, then followed that up with a suggestion that she would now need to do the same for herself. I said something along the lines of "That blouse will need chucking into the washing machine straight away; before it stains."

Kate's eyes dropped to look where I was pointing, then gave a small squeal and immediately began to unbutton and peel off the offending blouse. I stood and watched in silence and was very probably open-mouthed too; initially from surprise, but as Kate's trim belly and well filled bra were revealed, other considerations also came into play.

My eyes followed those bra-clad breasts as Kate scooted on her bum across to the washing machine and threw her blouse into it. I was still staring when after closer inspection Kate snapped "Oh damn, it's come through onto my bra as well" If I hadn't been open-mouthed to begin with, I certainly became so in the moment when Kate unclipped that and tossed it into the machine with her blouse.

Kate's tits were gorgeous! Perhaps not quite so firm and... buoyant as Sally's, but definitely bigger and they sat high on Kate's chest, with nipples standing proud to catch the eye. Kate's nipples and areola were definitely eye-catching, large and so dark a brown as to appear almost black against the pale skin surrounding them... is chewable an adjective?

There's no mistaking Kate and Sally as mother and daughter; very much peas from the same pod. Tall, slim, brunettes, albeit that the flecks of grey now appearing in Kate's hair leave it a shade or two lighter. That she still retained a trim figure like Kate's at the age of forty-six might not be unusual, but I reckoned that her having done so despite bearing four kids was noteworthy.

I simply stared; I was beyond speech and other than my cock rising inside my pants, beyond movement too. I didn't say a word to Kate, no instructions or suggestions... but perhaps I issued some non-verbally and Kate read them in my eyes or perhaps from my expression? Kate muttered "Here? Right Now?... OK."

A second later Kate rocked up onto her knees, grasped my sweat-pants by either hip and pulled both they and my boxer shorts down below my knees. When my cock sprang free it was only inches from Kate's face; her right hand released the waistband of my pants, caught my cock in mid-bounce and as Kate leant forward, she parted her lips and steered my cock unerringly between them.

I found my voice then... Well, OK, nothing coherent, more of a gurgling moan, as the first inch or two slipped between Kate's lips. There it was welcomed by a firm probe from Kate's tongue, pushing back my foreskin before sweeping around the crown's full circumference. That liquid groan became a gasp as Kate pressed further forward, to engulf the remainder of my shaft.

That was very much 'just the beginning'; Jesus Christ but Kate could suck cock. Sally's... enthusiastic, in that department, but she, like myself too I suppose, lacks experience in the bedroom; that was clearly not a criticism which could be levelled at her mother. Kate worked my cock like a whore... Not that I've ever visited one, but you know what I mean; Kate was good beyond my wildest dreams.

It went beyond the sensation of my cock sliding between Kate's lips, even beyond my amazement as to how deeply and for how long Kate could accommodate each penetration; was my cock going into her gullet? Kate's tongue, teeth and cheeks had to be considered too, Kate possessed an almost magical ability to sense just when and how hard to apply each as my cock slid back and forth.

I'm unsure as to how long Kate continued, perhaps four or five minutes. I'd one hand buried deep and clenching in Kate's hair, not so much to restrain her and certainly not to direct her... Kate didn't need my input! I think it was more as a release for the increasing tension in my body; I was taut as a bowstring when Kate finally slowed and then stopped.

We were staring into each others eyes as Kate released my cock from her mouth with an audible pop and enquired "Should I carry on Alec... Or do you want me to fuck you now?"

My answer came out as another incoherently gurgled moan, which Kate interpreted -- correctly -- as a desire to fuck her. Grasping my forearms Kate pulled herself to her feet and still holding onto my arms, she walked, or at least waddled me -- my pants were still around my ankles! - backwards for the few feet to an isolated chair.

I stumbled when that chair hit the back of my knees and landed on it's seat in an ungainly heap. In the few moments it took me to regain my balance and poise Kate had begun unfastening the waistband of her own jeans. As with when Kate's blouse and bra were discarded, I watched awestruck as her jeans and pants were divested with equally casual aplomb.

Straightening up Kate paused for several seconds, allowing me -- by accident or design? - to... drink in the sight of her nudity. A little fuller in the hips than Sally and a dense bush between her legs as opposed to her daughter's preened landing-strip, but all in all... fucking gorgeous! The slightest of paunches and pale scar upon Kate's belly seemed to make her more alluring rather than less.

That appreciation evident on my face was perhaps a catalyst for the smile which appeared on Kate's, as she covered the two strides that now lay between us. Kate closed that space with the same confident and relaxed poise that'd gone before. As she straddled my thighs, Kate's hand grasped my cock once again and she was guiding it between the damp petals of her labia even as she sat down.

Kate's channel was snug, hot and very wet! My full length skewered into her easily as she settled; I went balls deep on that first penetration. And yes, our union drew yet another of those dumb-arsed gurgling moans from me; at least this time around it was obscured by the feral and somewhat louder groan which issued from Kate's lips.

Kate's arms settled on my shoulders as I'd speared into her and I then felt Kate's fingers interlinking behind my head; for long seconds that was it... I and I hope we both, simply revelled in the sensation of our coupling. Kate's nipples were bare inches below my chin; I couldn't quite reach them, but leant forward anyway to at least kiss and then lick the curves of her breasts.

That drew a tremor and another groan from Kate, she immediately pulled back her shoulders and sat more upright. That in itself brought Kate's nipples into range of my mouth, but perhaps to be certain, Kate separated her fingers, allowing one hand to pull my head forward, while Kate's other guided her right nipple toward my lips... I could hardly refuse.

I had little input in what followed; in part because I was too busy enjoying Kate's tits to contribute much. As mentioned earlier, Kate's breasts weren't quite so firm as her daughter's, but they possessed a heft and... resilience which far surpassed those of Sally, or indeed any girl I'd known before; Kate clearly loved having her breasts and nipples bitten and for preference, none too gently either.

Kate rode me for certainly ten and perhaps even fifteen minutes before I eventually climaxed; long enough for Kate to reach three very obvious orgasms of her own. Besides sliding back and forth along my thighs Kate's hips were in constant motion, twisting and writhing as they ground my cock into her pussy; a pussy she seemed able to tighten and ease at will.

As with most everything that afternoon, I could claim little credit for the protracted and wonderful fuck that we enjoyed. Along with a pussy which proved every bit as talented as her mouth, Kate seemed to possess a magical knack of knowing just when and by how much to ease her constriction or even pause the action completely, to repeatedly postpone my climax.

When that climax finally escaped -- or perhaps Kate had chosen to release it then? - it was violent, loud and explosive. I'd never come so hard or so copiously in my life; I was like a breached dam, my semen flooding into Kate's accommodating channel in a series of heavy pulses as my teeth closed around Kate's left nipple once again.

It was quite a while before Kate moved; her head had slumped onto my shoulder and her sweat-soaked body shook and tremored above me while she gasped for breath. When Kate finally did move, the surprises weren't over; she slid off my lap to land back to her knees on the floor; once there Kate licked and suckled the spent semen and her own juices from my softening cock, balls and inner thighs.

Kate eventually clambered to her feet blithely stating: "I need to clean-up and get dressed; Jack will be home from school shortly, I must make him something to eat." It was only as Kate did so that I noticed her eyelids were lowered and recalled how this had all begun; I jerked up my pants and caught Kate before she reached the door.

Checking Kate's progress I pressed my outspread fingers against her forehead and left temple as I began speaking; it was the same gesture and similar words to those that I'd used with Mike and Hanna. I'd barely begun before Kate's eyes sprang wide open and she pushed me away with a cry: "No Alec, don't you dare do that!"

I stumbled backwards, no doubt wearing an expression of concern and perhaps even outright fear. I tried once more but Kate checked me for a second time, though this time less stridently: "If you were to release me from your hypnotic power, I'd realise what I've just done and never live with the shame..." I was still processing that statement -- albeit none too well -- as Kate concluded."