Nude Walk


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I grunted and clenched my jaw to avoid crying out. I kept walking, one foot in front of the other, as the tingling of the contact ran down the length of my shaft into my balls. I was fully hard again, and I glanced around in trepidation. Fortunately, we were in the middle of the group and no one seemed to notice my condition. But that couldn't last for long. It was clear now that Melodee was going to push this just as far as she could.

She was looking around with an air of nonchalance and smug superiority. I took some deep breaths to get myself under control. When I trusted myself to talk again I said, "I think I'll let you two walk together for a while." Then I slowed my pace to drop behind them. I needed to get out of grabbing range.

Melodee cast a glance over her shoulder. "Fine," she said. "But I know you just want to get a look at our asses."

Crap, I thought. I walked behind them and stared resolutely at the back of their necks. The head of my dick was bobbing with every step like it was nodding in agreement, but I was determined to be the master of my desires. Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down.

I looked down.

Darby's butt was perfect. Smooth and unblemished, supple like a tiny pillow you just wanted to lay your head-on. She walked in her heels with the easy grace of a runway model.

Melodee's ass was different but just as perfect. The tanlines left a white triangle in the center of two rounded globes. It was like an erotic Escher drawing; all beguiling geometry and mystery. The bright white accentuated her nakedness, and the curves of her hips seemed to draw my hands with an overwhelming desire to grab onto them. I forced my eyes back up to her head only to find her glancing back and smiling as she caught me looking. Embarrassed, I turned my head to the side.

And that's how I walked right into her as she stopped in front of me.

Suddenly the breeze on my chest was replaced with the hot, wet feel of her skin. The back of her head hit just at my breastbone, and her soft hair flopped up into my chin. But most importantly to me at the moment, my cock hit the upper curve of her right buttock and slid up to the small of her back till it was pressed between us.

All of this happened in an instant, but it seemed like I was frozen there for much longer. I Looked down to see her tits framing her upturned and grinning face. "Wow, you really are clumsy," she said.

Then she was off again, stepping quickly to catch up to Darby. I forced myself to follow, just to avoid drawing attention to myself. Sparks seemed to be shooting up and down my dick, and my body fought with itself as parts of it tried to walk and other parts tried to thrust. I was hard as a rock and keenly aware of it.

I concentrated on anything I could see other than them, following close behind but always with one eye on her in case she tried that again. I started trying to think of ways I could get back at her but couldn't come up with any. It was like playing flag football but I was the only one with a flag. Even casual touches would draw attention, and what would be the point? Getting her nipples hard? I seemed to recall that they already were hard, but that wasn't as obvious and embarrassing as an erection was for me.

Gradually I became aware the girls were having a mildly heated discussion. Darby's voice had an angry tone I'd never heard from her before. Melodee seemed to be trying to explain something, but her friend was having none of it. Eventually, I made out Darby saying, "He was really looking forward to this, and now you're ruining it for him." Melodee started to say something but Darby overrode her, "Yes you are!"

They walked in silence for a time. Then I saw Melodee nod. A few more exchanges ensued below the level of my hearing, then Darby moved over to make space between them and waved me forward. "Come walk with us, Aaron. Please?" she asked.

I stepped up between them, Darby on my left and Melodee on my right. I was back down to half-staff now, concerned about how angry Darby had sounded. We walked for a bit in silence and I started to relax. We were on the way back to the park now and walking into the sun. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and I reflected on how amazingly lucky I was to be here with these two beautiful women.

Melodee eventually said, "I'm sorry, Aaron. I was being rude."

I waited for a bit in case she wanted to say more. Then I replied, "It's okay."

She shook her head. "It's not 'okay'," she said, "but thank you." We walked a bit longer. "I ... get told that I'm too forward a lot." She said this softly, like a confession.

Choosing my words carefully, I answered, "It wasn't the 'being forward' that made me upset. It's just that I felt like you were teasing me and there was no way for me to really respond."

She nodded in agreement. "I get that. I'm sorry I put you in that position."

"Forgiven. Forgotten."

After that, we walked silently together for a few minutes. I could see the park up ahead, just a few blocks away now. I suddenly wanted them to decide to take another lap, but I knew that wouldn't be happening. I tried to burn the memory of this walk into my mind for future reference.

"Aaron," said Darby, fixing me with that direct gaze of hers, "I think you've been very mature today. Lots of guys would take something like this as an excuse to ogle, but you've been every bit the gentleman." She was her usual sincere self, but her words were somewhat spoiled by an inadvertent glance down to my penis as she said them.

I smiled back. "Thank you," I said, stealing one last glance at those freckles. She actually laughed at this, causing me to do the same.

"I'm glad you were able to get yourself under control," said Melodee, with a significant glance of her own at my semi-erect shaft.

I sighed in resignation. "Honestly, it's going to be touch-and-go all the way to the park, I think."

She nodded sagely. "Obligatory joke about 'touching'," she said.

When we got to the park, we strolled around till we found the woman who had our clothes. The mood was much more relaxed than before we started. Darby was totally un-selfconscious about her nudity as we waited. When we got the robes, I drew mine on but didn't bother to tie it shut right away. She carefully shook hers out, and I saw more than a few guys checking her out as she did so, but she seemed unperturbed by the attention and calmly put it back on and tied it loosely.

Melodee just draped her robe over one arm with nonchalance and said to me, "So where are you parked?"

I looked at her standing boldly exposed before me as she asked this. "Two blocks that way," I said, pointing off to our right.

With a considering look, she said, "We're one block that way and then one down. Let's walk together for a bit."

"Sure," I agreed, wondering where this was leading.

"You gonna put that on?" asked Darby.

Melodee sighed with exaggerated reluctance and slowly began donning her robe. She stared directly at me as she did so, taking as much time as possible. When there was just a thin strip open down the middle she stopped and asked me, "So, did you see her heart?"

I wasn't sure what she meant at first, but Darby snorted with a suppressed laugh, and then I remembered those blonde hairs sculpted into a heart. I glanced over to see her blushing and said, "Yes, I did. It's quite adorable."

"Well, what do you think about mine?" Melody asked, quirking her eyebrow.

I glanced down the opening in her robe to her bush. Before, I'd only noticed that it was shaved into a small patch. I looked carefully at the dark black curls. They were longer than Darby's had been, so the shape wasn't as clear, but after a moment it resolved itself into an arrow pointed directly at her clit. And to my surprise, the tip of her clit was clearly visible, poking out above her lips like a wet little button.

I looked up to meet her gaze. She was unconsciously sucking on her upper lip and watching my reaction closely. I realized that she was very turned on and that she was showing me this on purpose. Perhaps as payback for getting me riled up earlier. Though I was never going to get even in that game because even now I felt my erection growing again.

"That's really sexy," I said. "I like it a lot." She smiled at this, and for a moment we stood there looking at each other. I was aware of the crowd starting to drift apart around us, oblivious to this. The sounds of people talking and laughing formed a backdrop. In the midst of it all, we were suddenly having this very intimate moment. It didn't feel like we were standing in a public town square any more. It felt like we were in a bedroom.

Darby coughed discreetly. "Tie it up, you two. It's time to go."

Feeling like my face was burning up, I closed my robe over my erection and tied it shut. There was a slightly visible tent to the fabric, but I endeavored to alter my posture to conceal it. Melodee tied hers shut as well, though very loosely. She left much more cleavage visible than when she'd first arrived at the park.

The girls set off toward our cars. I trailed behind a few steps and watched as they began talking in hushed voices. Melodee was asking something and Darby seemed reluctant at first. But eventually, she seemed to relent. Melodee picked up a noticeable bounce in her step after this.

At the end of the first block, they turned to the right. Most of the crowd was going straight, and indeed that was the direction I was parked as well. I stopped at the corner as they were receding and said, "Well, I'm up this way."

Melodee turned and said, "Come this way a little bit. I have something I want to show you." She was obviously up to something, and my heart started to beat faster. There wasn't much else she could show me that I hadn't seen already, after all.

I followed as they walked up to a bus stop a short way down the block. Like most of the town, it was fancier than it needed to be. It had frosted glass over three sides and was open to the road. Melodee strode confidently up to the open side and motioned for me to follow her around the corner.

My heart beating in my chest, I went inside. The bus stop was clean and well lit from both the frosted glass and skylights in the roof above. There were two benches, and Melodee stood facing me against the near wall with her back to the end of one bench. As I came around the corner Darby followed me and stood slightly off to the side behind me, facing away toward the road.

"Um, what's this?", I asked with trepidation.

Melodee grinned a promise at me. She lazily reached out to catch the end of the string on my robe and pulled it gently closer. "Well," she said, "Darby pointed out that I was teasing you when I meant to be flirting with you, so I wanted to fix that."

The string drew taught and I took a step closer to her. "Um, what's the difference?", I asked. I couldn't take my eyes off of hers.

"A tease doesn't follow through," she explained. "A flirt does." The string grew taught again, and I took another step. We were now only a few inches apart. Looking down I was struck by the delicate beauty of her face and also by the ample cleft exposed by her loosely tied robe. It's amazing how being partially-clothed can be even more erotic than being naked. Even though I knew everything her robe concealed, I still longed to see it again.

"So," she continued, licking her lips, "I asked Darby to keep a watch so you and I could make out for a bit. If you want to, that is." She said this last with a grin, knowing what my answer would be. I nodded with a grin of my own.

"Yes, I'm watching out," said Darby as she stood with her back to us. She sounded both amused and a bit put-out. "There's no one around so go ahead."

At this, Melodee turned her face up to mine, inviting a kiss. But as I started to lean down, she also pulled on the string of my robe, causing it to fall open. My hard-on popped up to stand proudly between us. Then, just as my lips almost reached hers, she suddenly pulled away. At first, I thought she was teasing me again, but to my surprise and delight, she instead dropped down into a squat right in front of my hard cock.

And then she swallowed it.

I sucked in my breath through my teeth at the sudden sensation of Melodee's mouth around my dick. It was already hard almost to the point of painfulness, but in moments it was also wet and slick and warm. Her tongue swirled around to coat every bit of it, and then she began sliding it in and out of her mouth. She made little moaning sounds that were not unlike kissing. She grabbed my leg with one hand for balance, and with the other held the base of my shaft.

I suddenly remembered where we were. I looked over to see that Darby still had her back to us. I could see some people walking on the next block over, but they were far away. I looked to the other side and couldn't see anything through the frosted glass of the bus stop. There did appear to be the suggestion of moving figures on the street to that side, but nothing clear enough to make out.

I moaned in the back of my throat at the glorious sensations she was giving me. I quickly started to worry I'd just explode after all the teasing before this, but I couldn't bring myself to stop her. I began to marshal my willpower, when Darby said, "People are headed this way. I don't know why you couldn't have just waited till we got to the car."

Melodee moaned a not-answer to that. I said, "The car is fine with me."

Darby turned at this, saying, "How can you talk while you're kissing .... oh my god, Dee! You said you were just going to make out with him!"

Melodee pulled her mouth off my cock to answer, "I didn't say what part of him I was going to make out with," then resumed her blowjob.

Darby turned away again, adjusting her position to more correctly block what Melodee was doing from sight. "There's people across the street and I won't be able to block all of them when they pass, so you better wrap this up!"

Releasing my dick with a wet pop, Melodee stood up and fixed me with a lustful stare. She was breathing heavily, and she licked her lips in one quick motion. "I agree," she said. She undid the strap on her robe and began to shrug it off, saying, "Let's wrap this up."

Unable to believe my eyes, I watched as Melodee stripped and calmly folded her robe over twice. Then she turned around and laid it down on the bench behind her. Thus naked save for her sneakers, she climbed up on the padded bench on her knees, resting her arms on the back. She arched her back and wiggled slightly, and I could see the folds of her pussy practically dripping in anticipation.

I stepped forward to place one hand on those round, inviting hips. I said, "Are you sure?"

"God, yes! I've been wet since we started walking."

Darby let out another "Oh my god," over my shoulder, but I wasn't going to reject this offer. I stepped up and positioned myself at her entrance, then slid the head of my dick inside her pussy. She hadn't been kidding - I'd never felt a girl so wet before. After a few experimental thrusts to adjust my posture I grabbed onto those hips and started fucking her with a strong and steady pace.

Melodee let off a deep, animal growl of approval as I began to find my rhythm. Darby shushed her with a gesture. She was still facing away from us, standing off to my side and trying to block as much view as possible. Looking back, I could see four people walking down the sidewalk across the street. I couldn't imagine how they could possibly mistake what we were doing, but there was no way I could stop.

When her moaning abruptly cut off, I looked back at Melodee to find her staring at the frosted glass in front of her. Figures were clearly moving past us, walking down the sidewalk just behind the bus stop. I was way beyond the ability to stop thrusting, but I switched to shallower strokes for a bit so that we wouldn't produce the distinctive slapping sound we'd been making. Soon they'd moved off and I got ready to resume my deep thrusts but was taken aback by Melodee's reaction.

She'd started making this high keening sound, and she was arching her back as it could go. Something about my motion now seemed to be hitting her just right, so I kept it up. The pitch of her whine continued to climb, till suddenly she let out her breath with an explosive moan and began to climax.

Darby had been stepping back and forth all this time, trying vainly to cover us completely from view. Unable to do so, she tried out a new plan. She turned toward us and opened her robe wide like a cape. This plan had good points and great points. The good point was that she could cover a lot more area - pretty much from my shoulder to Melodee's elbow. The great point was that suddenly I had a naked Darby standing right next to me, almost pressed up against me as I fucked her friend.

Darby seemed to be talking to Melodee when she said, "Just hurry up and finish." I looked at Melodee's trembling body impaled on my cock and figured Darby was a little late with that advice. But then I felt a shiver from those words and with a sudden inspiration, I pretended I had not heard.

"What did you say?" I asked.

Darby looked me in the eyes with that earnest expression she always had and said, "Hurry up and finish."

And oh god, did I.

Gone were the shallow strokes and careful stimulation. I returned to the deep pounding I'd done at first as I felt my orgasm start. Melodee squealed as I fucked her with abandon. Soon I was spurting cum with every stroke, letting out all the frustration from this day in a powerful stream of lust and joy. All the while I was looking down at Darby's impeccable naked body. She watched my cock ramming in and out of her friend with wide eyes. As my climax began to slow she met my gaze and smiled. At that, my body seemed to find a second wind, and suddenly I was thrusting uncontrollably again.

It took some time for me to come down, but eventually I slowed till I pulled out entirely. Melodee gave a brief grunt as the head of my dick popped out of her pussy. With trembling motions, she gradually stood up from the bench and turned around. She had red lines where her arms had been braced on the back of the bench. I leaned my shoulder on the frosted glass of the side wall. I felt like I'd fall over if I tried to move. She slowly unfolded her robe and put it back on, tying it with a half-hearted effort. I closed my robe and tied it as well.

Darby looked around. There was a couple across the street eyeing us. "Okay," she said, "Time for us to go."

Melodee took a deep breath and stood up straighter. "Well, I'm sure glad we ran into you today, Aaron," she said with an exhausted smile.

Darby turned and agreed, "Yes, it was wonderful to see you again." She was so sincere and proper about it that I suddenly burst out laughing. Melodee did as well, and soon we all were dissolved in a giant giggling fit.

When they got their breath back, they headed off to their car. Melodee's legs still seemed a bit weak, so she held onto Darby's arm. As they left, they both said they looked forward to next year's Nude Walk.

I sat down on the bench, exhausted and sweaty. The whole thing seemed like a dream, but I had ample proof it was not. I contemplated the long walk to my car. It didn't seem like it was worth it.

Maybe I'd just wait for the bus.

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GoofyRobGoofyRobalmost 4 years ago

Slap ass cute. Believable, possible.5 stars

L O ReinsL O Reinsalmost 4 years ago

Great first story. Really well written and to the theme. I hope our votes count as votes in the contest. Looking forward to more .

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 4 years ago

Great job for a first story!

I'd like to read a sequel where Melodee, Aaron, and Darby can get together again in a more private location..

Good luck in the contest.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great story.

They definitely should meet again :)

Photo_GWPhoto_GWalmost 4 years ago
Super Fun!

Great story! This had all the good elements: a realistic scenario, great visualization, an unexpectedly sexy situation, a great build up, and great sexy fun! Excellent job

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