Nylon Temptation Ch. 02


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Sadly, my lady's legs closed. My view of Heaven was gone. In it's place I saw another adorable sight. Kelly's finely sculpted ass again filled my field of vision as she stood up and turned around, bending over deliciously as she fumbled through another bag. My eyes worshipped every curve of her ass as she searched the bag's contents. From that bag she finally pulled but a single object. With great effort, and will power I never thought I had, I pried my lecherous eyes from Kelly's rump and the moist tuft beneath it to see what she was doing next.

With her back still to me, she lifted the object over her head, and it seemed to slide down her arms and swallow her. It glided smoothly and swiftly down her arms and settled itself on her shoulders. Kelly tugged at her long blonde tresses, lifting them up and over the object after it had settled. Thin straps clung to her shoulders. Beneath those straps, attached to them, ultra-sheer nylon flowed loosely - though not so loosely as to disguise my love's beautiful curves - about her body from just below her underarms to about the middle of those incredible cheeks. The weave was finely...very finely...netlike.

"You like?" Kelly asked, keeping her back to me but turning her head to see the expression on my face. "It's a lovely thing, isn't it? It's a fishnet chemise. What do you think?"

Seeing that I was incapable of speech at the moment, she turned around slowly and again swayed erotically over to me. Standing again directly in front of me, she turned full circle, letting me view her naked body loosely encased in the nylon chemise from every angle. Kelly's succulent form, barely hidden from view, soft and sweet beneath clingy fishnet nylon. The ultimate tease. All her charms laid out, almost bare, yet with a thin layer of the silkiest material keeping me from them. Except...except for the fact that it hung on her like a skirt, open at the bottom. In my building lust, I leaned forward and reached for the hem of that enticing chemise and began to lift it up to touch my lady's warm skin.

Kelly grabbed both my hands with hers. She lowered my hands to my knees, holding them there for a bit. Looking me in the eyes, she said, "Not so fast, honey...it's your turn now. Off with the shoes.

I do believe I had my shoes off in less than five seconds. And not once during their removal did I look away from Kelly's supple curves...or her nipples as they pouted through the nylon...or her light, beautiful pubic triangle. So mesmerized by the sight of her was I that I continued to try to remove my shoes after they'd long since already been removed.

Kelly once again straddled me, sitting on my lap, facing me. She took my hands and slid them under the bottom of the chemise. I took over from there, as she knew I would. Again I felt up her gorgeous ass. I grabbed it and fondled it with greedy fingers as she leaned forward to again kiss me passionately. From behind, my hands once more sought out, and captured, her sex, feeling it's steamy warmth. We sighed into each others mouths. But, alas, as my hands roamed under nylon on soft, warm flesh, touching all of Kelly's favorite spots (and mine), Kelly again wanted to hold off. Seeing the disappointment in my eyes as she pulled away, she reminded me, "Don't worry, honey...as soon as I try on a few more sexy nylons for you you'll be totally naked, and then the fun will REALLY begin. Just hang in there. This is as tough on me as it is on you. But, in the end, it'll be worth it."

That didn't help my situation any, but I knew she was right. When we finally got to the lovemaking, we'd probably kill each other. But, hey, what a way to go! Death by fornication! Well, it's something to aspire to anyway. It's always good to have a goal, fatal or not.

Still, my heart sank and my penis throbbed as Kelly swayed seductively away from me. My hands still reached out for her, fingers wiggling needily. I didn't really care how I looked...I just wanted my hands and mouth and ... other parts ... all over my lady with no further delays or interruptions.

This time Kelly turned her head to grin at me coyly, her lush lips sucking the tip of her index finger as she wiggled her bottom in my direction. And let me just add here, for the sake of any fellas reading this, that Kelly has one of THOSE asses. You know the type...round, soft, smooth...the kind you wanna grab and squeeze and fondle and kiss and nibble and nuzzle your face in like a soft roll of Charmin bathroom tissue. The kind of rear you wanna play with and give hickeys to. Maybe you'd even want to have that soft derriere under your head for the most delicious of pillows as you sleep on it all night through. Yeah...it's THAT sexy. Whether it's bare or stuffed into tight jeans, it always makes me sweat if my eyes ever happen to be lucky enough to lock onto it. Anyway, you get the picture. So, when she wiggles it at me, it's instant erection time...as if I didn't have one of those already.

As she slipped the thin straps off of her shoulders and let the transparent chemise drift feather-like to the floor she remained grinning at me. I watched the flimsy nylon float from her shoulders down her back, glide over her glorious cheeks, ski gracefully down her thighs and calves, to land softly around her feet. My eyes followed it every inch of the way. And Kelly's eyes followed mine ever downward.

As she kicked aside the chemise, she woke me from my trance. "Off with the socks now, sweet cakes. I'm going to have you help me with my next nylon treat. I think you'll really like this one. I never even knew these existed until today. Shows you how sheltered my life has been."

I tore off my socks. One quick tug on each foot. I had no patience for any other method of clothing removal. And I stared at my naked Kelly as I removed them, not once even looking in the general direction of my sock-removing hands. When my right sock became obstinate and briefly clung to my foot, my hand ripped at it with profound agitation. As I said, I was in a hurry to move things forward to their desired outcome, and a stubborn article of clothing had no place in my world at that particularly heated moment. If it hadn't finally relinquished its hold on me when it did, I'm sure I'd have torn it into a billion tiny fragments within another few seconds.

Chuckling at my bitterly fought battle with my sock, Kelly turned around to face me, then sat her pretty naked ass down on the chair. Again she rummaged in her bag of sensual delights. She pulled out something that looked dark brown in its original state, but which became more of a transparent chocolate color as it was stretched. It looked to be an ordinary pair of sheer, chocolate brown pantyhose, but "ordinary" was not the proper word to use when describing them at all.

"Mmmm....down to your pants and skivvies now. I like that. Now come here and help me put these on." She dangled them in front of her, letting me get a good look at them, all the while grinning from ear to ear.

I was alongside the chair by the time the word "on" had left Kelly's lips.

"Sit right there on the floor, hon. I'm going to get these started, and then I want YOU to finish putting them on me. All right, cutie?" She leaned down and tickled my chin. Then, as a last minute thought, she reached out the hand that held the pantyhose and rubbed the silky nylon along my cheek. My chest heaved and my eyes fluttered. Admiring my adorable goddess, feeling the cool, sleekness of the nylon against my skin...it was all so incredibly erotic.

By the time I realized the nylon was no longer caressing my face, Kelly had already gotten one leg encased in the sheer hosiery. Only then did I realize what an incredible optical illusion nylon could be. What was once dark brown in its unstretched state, became the sheerest light chocolate hue as it stretched to follow the contours of Kelly's foot and calf. It was so sheer that I thought the nylon would just disintegrate on her leg and float into the air like so many microscopic nylon dust particles. Her leg was gorgeous in that gossamer material. It made me light headed just to see it stretched out along that shapely limb.

Kelly's fingers dragged the nylon slowly up the first leg, lifting it straight out and high into the air as her fingers pulled the light material upward. When the nylon was stretched taut from toes to knee, her hands slowly ran up and down her calf, ostensibly to even out any wayward wrinkles that dared to mar its pristine smoothness, but more likely to entice my eyes to admire every curved inch of her nyloned calf.

"You do the other leg," she smiled, handing the still wadded portion of the brown hose to me.

I looked up into her gleaming eyes and took it from her. I felt a gratitude I could never express as I looked lovingly back into those pretty orbs. She bent her other leg, twisted it to the side a bit, and aimed her foot in my direction, toes scrunched downward. As I've seen women do before, I rolled the nylon up so that all of it was balled into my palms except the toe portion, which I pushed down over her painted toes. Kelly smiled, wiggling her toes once they were completely covered by the nylon, working them all the way to the tip. I stretched the end of the hose tight across her toes, despite the wiggling going on there.

I then stretched the nylon back over her foot, along the sole and instep, slowly stretching the rolled material tight as I went along. After getting the nylon past her heel, I had to change my position, so I moved around to the side of her leg. From that angle I could then unroll and stretch the sheer hose up her calf, which I must admit I rather enjoyed immensely. Kelly again held her leg out straight and lifted it skyward, giving me luscious calves and thighs to adorn in the feathery light material. Not only was this leg lift incredibly sexy, but it also aided me in stretching the nylon along her leg. I couldn't help but sigh as I slid the pantyhose inch by inch up her thigh. When I'd completed stretching the nylon about to mid thigh of the leg I was working on, I then realized that, this being pantyhose, I had to continue where Kelly had left off at the knee of her other leg. I was only too happy to oblige. From that gorgeous knee upward, I completed the task of getting both legs of the pantyhose to the middle of Kelly's thighs. Since she was sitting, I could go no further, but I was too busy ogling her sheer, silky legs to care just then. Besides absent-mindedly admiring her sexy legs, I also allowed myself to admire my own handiwork. Not only did I pride myself on a job well done, but I reveled in the joy I'd gotten from doing it. Watching HER do it was one thing, but doing it MYSELF was another entirely. As my eyes admired and adored her encased legs, my cock whined and growled for freedom down between my legs. It was like a raging rhino stamping the earth and snorting, preparing to charge.

As if all that wasn't erotic enough, Kelly now suddenly stood up, facing me. There I was, kneeling on the floor before her, my hands holding the remainder of her pantyhose as she stood in front of my glazing eyes. Directly in front of those sweating eyeballs was her luscious pussy. I didn't want to cover that beautiful prize with anything at all - never, ever, ever - not even sheer nylon, but I sadly realized it must be done if I was to complete my given task, dressing my sexy Kelly in her new, sheer pantyhose. So, with tears in my eyes, I sighed and prepared to hide that impressive slit beneath nylon. Just as my hands began to tug upward on the hose, my lady love spoke.

"Now, honey....stop staring and get my pantyhose all the way up. It's okay...you'll see. No need to be so sad, I promise."

I was forced to stand in order to stretch the pantyhose the rest of the way up over her hips and buttocks. It didn't take me long to realize that these were no ordinary pantyhose, no matter how sheer they might be, for, miraculously, as I stretched them waistward, the material seemed to fall apart, leaving huge gaps at the belly and rump. What precious boon was this?! There was only nylon along the outside of the hips going up to the waistband. Everything else, from navel clear around to the cheeks, was devoid of nylon! My hands trembled and my chin dripped sweat as the reality sunk into my brain. Kelly giggled excitedly.

"They're called suspender pantyhose," she said, her eyes wide and giddy. "They're crotchless, as you can see. Aren't they just delicious?!" She twisted from side to side, letting me see both the "suspender" strips along the hips and the open areas to the front and back. Ignoring the strips, I focused on the bare mound and naked behind. Oh, what rapturous joy!

I couldn't answer her. Instead of slipping out of my mouth as drool, my saliva somehow pooled on my tongue and then slid down the back of my throat. I didn't gag, exactly, but speech of any kind was downright impossible. I had to keep swallowing to keep from choking. Kelly took this, and rightfully so, as a sign of my approval. I swear she was so pleased that if I HAD gagged on my own spit Kelly would've giggled with glee.

Throughout all of my ogling and semi-choking, my hands were still doing their level best to stretch out the nylon at Kelly's waist, wanting to complete their task so I could get on to the rest of my mission...that being the ravaging of my nylon-clad yet nearly naked vixen. It was as my fingers finished their fumbling at her waist that I felt hands on my shoulders, pressing downward with formidable force.

"Oh, honey," Kelly sighed, "kiss and lick my nylon covered thigh. Real slow and sensual. And while you do that, reach back and rub my cheeks. I know you like that."

I was going to answer with a hearty "Yes, ma'am," but in a blinding flash of speed I was back on my knees, my lips already making contact with that silky thigh. As I kissed and licked it, I was only vaguely aware of the energetic pawing my hands were doing all over her ass. In my blissful fog, I had expected Kelly to be chuckling, but she wasn't. Her hips were swaying slightly from side to side, slowly and rhythmically. Her fingers played in my hair. And, instead of giggling...she was sighing.

My mind flashed back to that incredible day when Kelly had been called early in the morning and was given the day off from work because of the water pipe break at the school. The reason for my vivid reliving of that morning was the sensation, once again, of delicious nylon on my lips as I kissed Kelly's tasty thigh. It made my lips tingle so delightfully, so erotically. I found myself sighing and moaning on her inner thighs as I kissed back and forth from one to the other.

With fingers still working on her delightful ass, my tongue licked the nylon on Kelly's thighs. To this day I delight in the slightly rough feeling as my tongue glides along, the tight weave of the nylon toying with every taste bud on the top and sides of it, every centimeter of the way. And should my tongue wander over the edge of the silky hose to Kelly's even silkier thigh, then so much the better. Such a delightful contrast between smooth, bare skin and sheer, tongue-tingling hose.

My hands wandered. From her glorious bare cheeks to her moist flower to her silken thighs...fingers explored and rejoiced in the myriad sensations and textures they encountered. Soon, my lips became jealous of my wandering hands, and they, too, began to wander. As much as they adored the tingling the nylon imparted to them, they wanted more. And the scent of Kelly's arousal was becoming more enticing by the second. My lips moved unerringly toward that odor of lust. My face could feel the heat radiating from my lady's molten core. As soon as my hungry lips met her pouting ones, I felt fingernails dig deeply into the back of my skull.

Lost in a haze of lust, I burrowed my face deeply in that musky nest, kissing it passionately. My hands ceased their groping activities on Kelly's soft bottom and silky thighs and came down to assist my lips in their goal of opening her fully to my ravenous mouth. And they did so, fingers spreading her wide, exposing glistening pink petals to my energized, still vibrating tongue. I felt Kelly shudder, but she seemed to be trying to pull away from me!

Thankfully, she only pulled away from me for an instant...just long enough to push me backward, sending me sprawling to the carpeted floor. As I looked up, dazed, I saw her standing over me ever so briefly before she squatted down over my chest, her back to me, and leaned forward toward my legs. I reached to grab her hips and bring that succulent morsel back to my mouth, but she was frenetically tearing at something, and the bustling activity was keeping me from pulling her back.

With a grin of pure glee I realized what she was groping for was the zipper of my pants. Her excitement was such that it obviously made her hands shaky and imprecise, so the task of lowering my zipper was made more difficult. But she persevered. I heard the "zzziiiiiiiiip!" loud and clear, followed by my lady's sigh. A second later, the button above my fly was popped out of its hole and both of Kelly's hands reached into my briefs to capture their hard earned prize. Only when she had my throbbing penis held in tight bondage between her ten grasping fingers did she relax and lower her quivering sex onto my face. I sighed my approval.

Reaching my arms around her cheeks, I pried my hands between her legs and used skilled fingers to open her again, exposing once more my tongue's tasty pink meal. Just as the tip of my tongue entered between moist lips and began exploring the soft folds, I felt Kelly's hot mouth encircle the head of my cock. We both quivered at the same time. I felt my toes curl. Kelly's steaming nest plunged itself down earnestly onto my face.

But eating my love from this angle was a little difficult, so my besotted brain sent multiple signals to my hands and hips...the message being a loud, clear one that I needed to flip my lady over in order to get my face more deeply between her sexy thighs. Without a real, clear, rational thought, my body responded, rolling to one side, forcing Kelly onto her back. Her hands and lips never missed a beat on my throbbing member.

With Kelly on her back, I got on my hands and knees over her. This time it was MY crotch area that hovered over HER face. I looked briefly between my legs to see the love of my life hungrily gobbling my helmet and fondling my shaft and sack. To my utter surprise I saw that she'd somehow - miraculously - gotten my pants down to the middle of my thighs, and had worked my briefs nearly as far down, facilitating her subsequent feasting on my appreciative genitals. So, gratefully, I positioned myself so that she had the absolute best access to my organs, hovering just the right distance above her head so that she could just kiss and lick them if she wanted to, or she could take any or all of them into her mouth with equal ease. This done, my attention returned to her still undevoured rose.

I briefly nuzzled my face in the silky hose on her inner thighs, feeling a light static charge along my cheeks. Then, without further delay, I dove tongue first once more between those sweet, wet lips. My arms circled around her thighs again, fingertips delighting in the feel of the sheer nylon as I kissed her sex passionately and worked it open with just my lips and tongue. Kelly brought her legs up, her thighs surrounding my head. In her arousal, she rubbed her thighs together behind my neck and head. I could hear tiny snaps of static as I licked her. I could feel the upward surge of my frizzing hair and sensed my sideburns sticking and crackling along charged nylon.

Finally, my fingers once again spread her wide, and I tried to all but shove my face into her opening. At her end, Kelly was sucking me hard and fast, licking my shaft and testicles with ever growing hunger. I could hear her panting and gasping, slurping on my penis as it occasionally slipped out of her mouth. She grabbed my ass cheeks so hard I thought she wanted to tear them off. But all she wanted to do was work her way to my tightening sack so she could kiss, lick and suck it. I instinctively spread my legs to allow her all the access she could possibly want.