Object of Worship Ch. 01-03


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Ahh...It's been too long... Nikanna whispered into her mind. Her hands went down, touching the teen's slender chest, moving down to his belt buckle. He broke the kiss, panting and flushed.

"Ah, I...I've never..." he touched his lips, still very much wet. The hunger in his eyes matched Nikanna's.

"Neither have I," said Nikanna. She bit her lower lip, successfully failing at hiding her blush. "Do...Do you want to?"

No. God, please no. I've never done that before, and I don't want my first time with Jason fucking Patterson. Jane pleaded and fought again, but there was nowhere to go, and nowhere to hide. Nikanna was in control, and their hunger began to match. The need grew, a small spark fanned into the first few flames. There was an emptiness to them, and the goddess knew how to fill it.

"I...Do you promise not to laugh at me if I'm bad or don't last long?" Jason may have broken six feet and had the first ghost of a beard, but at that moment he looked like a gangly kid instead of an eighteen year old man.

Nikanna saw potential in him, saw the man he could be, with the right instruction. She knelt before him. Her hand went to his belt. With her eyes locked on his, she undid the button and zipper. When she pulled the tight jeans down, his tented boxers bounced up next to her face. Immediately, she nuzzled it with her cheek, sighing contentedly.

His scent was inescapable. Jane had never been one to notice smells, and now it was all she could notice. It was thick, dizzying, and it made her entire body pulse gently. Jason gasped as Nikanna brushed her lips across his shaft through the material. She kissed her way to the wet spot at the front of his boxers, tongue darting out to taste him. Salty, and more of that intoxicating scent.

Jason jumped in place. His cock twitched and Jane could taste more of his precum seeping through the material. Nikanna pulled the front of his boxers down and revealed his hard, six inch cock, with a bit of sandy blonde pubes around the base. The tip was purple, glistening, and throbbed with their mutual desire.

"God," Nikanna said in a needy, breathy wine. "You look so fucking good. Can I? Please?" Her dark eyes bore into his pleadingly.

Without a word, Jason nodded. Nikanna didn't have to be told twice. No matter how much Jane cried and begged, the goddess knew what she wanted, and she would not be denied. Maintaining eye contact, Nikanna ran her tongue up the underside of the teen's hard cock. He tasted like desire, like more. When she got to the tip she wrapped her lips around it.

Once more, Jason jerked, thrusting more of his cock into her mouth. He hit the back of her throat, but Nikanna swallowed him to the base in one smooth motion.

"Fuck!" he cried out, obscenely loud in the silent museum.

Jane wanted it out, but Nikanna wanted more than he had to give. The goddess bobbed her head up and down, moaning like a whore as she worshiped him. Jane felt her desire increase until there was a wildfire in the pit of her stomach, and the cunt they shared throbbed with anticipation.

Nikanna slurped lewdly. Each sound Jason made thrilled them, drove them on to more. There was no drawing it out, or teasing him. She sucked like she was trying to draw the life from him. Her hand wrapped around his shaft and became a blur as she pumped in time. He twitched in her mouth and his moans grew closer and closer.

You love this, no matter how much you pretend otherwise, Nikanna purred to Jane. Look at the power we have over him. He'd do anything for us, so long as he can slake his lust. He is not a man, he is a slave. Take him!

It was harder and harder to think. A fog descended, and the only thing that mattered was Jason's cock and slurping up every drop. Jane hated how it happened, but the goddess felt what she did, as she experienced it. Her nipples were hard and everything ached with a need.

N-no...Please stop this...

Nikanna didn't stop. Instead, with her free hand she groped her small breast through her sweater, finding her nipple and tweaking it. The world flashed white and Jane whimpered. She felt Nikanna's encouragement, every dark whisper telling her to give in and enjoy it. Tears slid from her eyes as she worked the shaft.

"Fuck, Jane, I'm going to..."

Swallow it, Jane. Swallow it all and demand more!

Jane pushed herself. Ancient memories surfaced, of countless times performing this act, a symphony of hard men crying out in pleasure and submitting to her control. Jason's cock thickened. She pushed herself to the base and swallowed wildly.

That's all it took. Jason's hands went to her hair and pulled her forward as he thrust directly into her mouth. His cock erupted and Jane swallowed like her life depended on it, drinking down every last drop.

Her body burned in a new way that wasn't unpleasant. Jane sucked everything she could from Jason until he pulled her off of his cock with a wet plop. Cum trailed from the corners of her lips, and from the tip of his softening member. The lust didn't go away, it lingered. Jane licked her lips as she considered the salty, bitter taste, and the sense of victory that came with it.

"Holy shit Jane, that was your first time?" Jason laughed breathlessly, then seemed to realize what he said. "I'm not implying anything, I swear!"

Jane stood, trembling violently. Something was going on. She felt different now, satisfied, but it wouldn't last for long. Not while the fire burned inside her. It was then that Jane realized that she had control again. She had finished the teenage boy off under her own power. The trembling increased.

"Jane?" Jason sounded concerned. "Are you okay?"

Nikanna's laughter echoed in her head.

Chapter 3: Goddess of Love

"Jane?" Jason asked again.

She heard him, but all she could focus on was that dark laughter, and her ability to move once more. The ability she used to suck Jason's dick and swallow. Right at the end, she could've stopped, could've pulled away. Why didn't she?

"Look, if you're worried about me telling anyone, I won't. I swear. I really like you, Jane." And now he sounded like a kicked puppy, scared of her reaction.

Funny enough, that was what calmed her down. His fear and insecurity almost matched hers. Jane took a deep breath and counted backwards from three in her head, just as she did when her mother yelled at her, and then she was numb.

"It's okay, I...I wanted to." Numb or not, it hurt to say. She forced a smile on her face, feeling the cum on her lips move with her skin. A second later she wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand, trying not to cry or scream. "I never thought I'd...I need to go home."

Jason reached for her, but Jane turned and didn't run so much as hurried away. He called after her, but she ignored him, praying he wouldn't follow. That dark laughter bubbled up inside her once more.

Praying to anyone else is pointless, child. You're mine now. And this was just a taste of what's to come. Nikanna sounded lazy, content, and sleepy, but very much aware.

Her heart slowed to a crawl for one eternal second before time snapped like a rubberband. Then it chugged, and she ran as far as she could, as hard as she could. There may have been no running away from herself or the being inside of her, but there was freedom, momentary freedom, in pushing her body to its limits.

At close to eleven at night, traffic was intermittent. A car would pass by just long enough to bathe her in a big spotlight, as if the entire world knew what had happened and judged her for it. Would her mother know? Would God know?

As far as you are concerned, I am God. The Abrahamic God has no power over me, or the other old ones. As for your mother? The concerns of a pathetic, small-minded mortal means nothing to me, so it should mean nothing to you. I will deal with your parents.

"Oh god, please no," said Jane, right as she put on another burst of speed. The rest of the way home she abandoned her thoughts and just ran for the sake of running. Thinking was too painful, feeling was too confusing, and remembering too horrifying. Jane made it home in record time and collapsed on her doorstep, panting and heaving for air.

Nikanna left her alone for the moment, though now that Jane concentrated, she could feel the goddess inside her, feel her watching and waiting and observing. She shivered and took out her phone. 10:45pm. She'd made it before curfew, at least. Soon enough, she calmed down and crept inside as quietly as possible.

Her mother had fallen asleep on the couch, like she did most nights. Eventually she would migrate up to her bedroom in the small hours of the morning, but at least this meant she got lucky. Jane went up the stairs, dodging the creaking step near the top. Then she was in her room, and safe.

Or as safe as she'd ever be again.

"Is..." She swallowed hard. Addressing the being directly felt weird. Almost profane, acknowledging her and trying to negotiate. "Is there any way I can get you to leave?"


Well, that answered that, but it wasn't good enough. "What if there's someone better suited, someone who wants to help you? I can't...At the museum..." Jane touched her lip, where she swore she still felt Jason's cum.

You loved it!

"I did not! I wanted nothing to do with any of that!" Jane realized she raised her voice and eyed the door worryingly. Her mother never came.

You can't lie to me, Jane. I can see your every thought, feel your every sensation. Even thinking about it now, you wish you could do it again. She could see Nikanna's dark face, and her full lips twisted into a cruel smile. You'll have your chance tomorrow.

"I don't want it, please. What is your plan, even?"

Silence, at first. The seconds stretched on, and Jane wondered if Nikanna even had a plan. Then the world melted into the background as images flooded her brain. She was brought back five thousand years and halfway across the world to the cradle of civilization. The bedroom and night gave way to a massive stone temple, sparkling in the overwhelming desert sun.

The heat was far away, as was anything that wasn't an image or sound. Jane held still and the world moved around her, bringing her up the steps of the temple and through the vestibule to the chamber beyond. She wasn't alone. The temple was filled with men and women of all ages, from the very old to those who looked as young as her. The only thing they had in common was their nudity, and their worship.

Nikanna sat on a throne, high above the others. She was naked as before, and looked relaxed as an older man dropped to his hands and knees and buried his face between her legs. She chuckled, and Jane felt it in her bones. The goddess spread her legs for easier access, and her gaze bore right into her host from above. Jane heard the sounds of moaning and furious slurps, and Nikanna encouraged it with her massive hand on the back of his head.

I used to have so much. I was the daughter of the greatest of goddesses, and mortals would come from all over to pay tribute to me.

Nikanna moaned and ground her cunt into her worshiper's mouth. She fucked the old man's face with growing fervor. The spectators murmured a prayer in an ancient language. Their words rose in pitch as their goddess lost control and accepted her payment. The old man fell limp, and then rolled down the steps until he landed at Jane's feet.

Jane shivered at the look of rapturous joy locked on his face. He may have been dead, but it was clear he went to it willingly. A familiar ache settled in the pit of her stomach as one of the men climbed the steps. He was hard as a rock, and his cock bounced in the air as he took the old man's place.

Nikanna enjoyed his attention before she drew one leg back and shoved the man backwards. He lay there, and his chest rose and fell sharply in anticipation. The goddess straddled him, but didn't take him inside her just yet. She trapped his cock between his stomach and her slick lips and slid back and forth, getting him wet.

I could have anyone I wanted, and they gave themselves to me happily. With their praise, their dedication, their lives, I grew stronger. I took everything I could...

The world shifted again, and now Jane was on the dais with the goddess and her young lover. His arms were spread in surrender on the ground. He was tall and strong, but the goddess dwarfed him. She rocked back and forth until she slid his length inside her with a low groan.

Now that Jane was this close, she saw everything, and could almost feel it. She'd gone from being terrified to even think of sex to sucking her first dick in the blink of an eye, and now that heat from earlier returned. Her eyes slid over the beautiful young man, and the way his face was twisted in ecstasy as the goddess slowly rode him. Nikanna grasped her right breast in her hand.

Jane's breath caught in her chest as the goddess twisted the ring through her nipple. "Doesn't that hurt?" she whispered, fascinated in spite of herself.

That's the point. I'm going to show you, Jane, and you will come to enjoy our rise to power, and the good we can do for our subjects. Her voice remained a husky purr, perfectly confident in every word she said. Nikanna was in power here, and Jane was her first slave.

The goddess twisted the ring the other way, and this time Jane felt it as if it were her body. Of course, now it was. The ring tugged on the pierced, sensitive nub. It was like the tip of her thumb, and the gold rings stretched. Pain flared in the spot, a sharp bite followed by a delicious, lingering ache.

Jane dropped to her knees as heat flooded her. She grasped at her nipple, harder than it had ever been and it only intensified the situation. Her pussy twitched and pulsed in time with the pain. She let out a breathless gasp. She looked up to Nikanna, who licked her lips and sank down on her young lover.

"Fuck," Jane choked as a phantom cock teased her, all the pressure without any of the friction.

What I do is important, sweet child. I take in their offerings...

Nikanna slammed her hips down and swirled her hips around. Jane nearly went cross-eyed. The ache intensified, like a dream of being thirsty without being able to be sated. The man on the ground responded with short, powerful thrusts that became a blur. Nikanna squeezed around the man, and Jane whimpered as the sensation of being filled with liquid fire teased her, mocked her for not being able to partake.

The man gasped and fell limp. His hips kept thrusting of their own accord, but the life in his eyes faded, and he seemed to shrink and wither. Nikanna stood, his cum dripping from between her legs, and cast her hands skyward. The celebrants sang out their cries of ecstasy and gratitude.

Then the temple went dark, slowly like the sun faded from existence. Jane looked up, through the skylight above Nikanna. Clouds blotted out the sky, and within seconds the rain came. Slow at first, and then torrential.

I give them what they need to thrive. I am a kind, loving goddess, Jane Kane. But I am still a queen, and they will learn to obey and worship me. Us. You are part of this now too, whether you like it or not.

"Why?" Jane whispered. She was raw and unsatisfied, burning from the inside out. The goddess reveled in it like a good drunk, but to the teen it was overwhelming.

Because you wore my necklace. You woke me up, and your soul was compatible. You need me, Jane. Nikanna reached forward and cupped her under her chin. She lifted her gaze up to meet the goddess, who looked at her with compassion and affection. I will give you everything you deserve. All you have to do is listen to me, serve me, and I will give you the world.

Jane swallowed. She thought of her mother, who was so adamant about worshiping the right god. Well, that god had never been there for her, and had only seemed to want to hold her under His thumb. Here was a goddess, in the flesh, in her flesh, tempting her, the way all false gods did.

"I can't," she whispered. "I'm sorry, but I don't want any of that."

NIkanna released her face. The rain continued to pour around them, but the world beyond the temple grew dark. Yes, you do. You can't lie to me, girl. I know how much you want it. I can protect you from your parents. I can make them your slaves, or punish them. Anything you see fit, my love, it's yours.

It took everything she had not to burst out crying, to accept right then and there. The desire for freedom, to fight back, was outmatched by one thing: her fear. Fear of burning in hell, as her mother promised. Fear of losing herself, or being a slave. Worse yet, what if she doomed the world? Jane didn't consider herself a good person, but she wanted to be. A good person could never accept.

You will, Jane. And when you do, everything will be better. You have my word, my sweet, innocent girl.

The temple faded away, and then Jane was back in her bedroom. The ache in her nipple and pussy remained, and never before had she been so tempted to do something about it. With a shiver, Jane hugged her knees to her chest, but that only made it worse.

Sleep. All she needed was a bit of sleep. Either she'd wake up from this dream, or at least the ache would go away.

The goddess laughed. It was going to be a long night.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Great start! Eagerly awaiting the next instalment.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


looking forward to part 2

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