Of Bonds Forged Ch. 05


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But she would be wet like now.

And in heat like now.

All the time.

Goddess, how I want to fuck and be tamed.

A torrent of rage twisted within her. As tempting as that state of nothingness was, and it was, that rage carried with it the truth that she'd rather be wiped away having been something once even if she didn't remember it. She would rather be gone than to live with enough unleashed mind to know that she was once someone that someone that she idolized as if the Goddess herself increasingly looked upon as a peer.

And enough unleashed mind to know that there were mages following in their footsteps that looked to her for counsel as much as instruction in the trade, and that she gave it up.

Gave it up to be nothing but a domesticated animal in constant heat.

Her arm stretched again and she expressed that rage in a howl that threatened to pierce even her own eardrums and orange mage fire erupted from her fingers as scattershot as the tatters of her mind and will. The eruption banished the fog and made the air crackle as she watched the fire explode through an empty kiosk and move wildly as she swept her arm left to right, catching the edges of the roof shingles before she brought it down to Solos, who launched himself out of the way with surprising speed given his bulk as fire took the entryway.

The link between her mind and the talisman now severed she felt more in control, but only slightly. She could still feel it in her mind and if he reached out again she knew she'd fall. She thought for a moment she was hearing the echo of her own screams when she was hearing those of the people around her. She turned and two wobbly steps forward brought her to two her knees which led to several feet worth of clawing forward on all fours to her horse.

Reaching up to the stirrup as though it was hope itself she used it to pull herself to her feet. Having no time for niceties She wrapped her hand tightly around the leather keeping the horse to her post and burned through it. She flung herself over and onto her saddle. Vale led the two of them into the woods as fast as four legs could carry them both, leaving the outpost behind. She the horse choose the path, not trusting herself from one moment to the next. Vale realized that it didn't matter that the connection to the talisman was severed, the magic was already firmly within, seeping deeper into the corners of her mind.

Time was hard to count. She tried to muster her skill to banish what was within, but she was still more confused than not, now that there was no immediate threat to distract her from the wet in her mind. The rhythm of the horse helped her mind soak the wet like a sponge. There was no one trying to hurt her now. She was safe. It was safe to be wet and to feel and to want. Vale was wet. So very wet and she sighed as she rode, the motion too much like fucking to be ignored. Vale let herself feel safe and wet and feel the motion that reminded her of fucking.

It was so much the extent of her world that when she felt an arm hook around her, she just didn't care.

* * *

Sylanna tracked their way back to the shack, the rune showing to her mage's sight like a beacon. When she found Vale, she saw the flames in the distance and looked upon them with satisfaction. Despite her confusion and fear Vale had delivered a serious blow on the way out. People underestimated mages at their own peril. Vale was disoriented but appeared none the worse for wear, though Sylanna would check things more thoroughly when they got somewhere safe, and, at the moment, the shack was all there was.

Sylanna assumed that any eventual pursuers would be familiar enough with the area to know where it was, but she thought they might have until morning. She heard and saw no signs of pursuit then or since, so she had guessed anyone that might either perished in the fire, were so concerned with putting it out if they could that looking for the cause could wait, or they were afraid to hunt a mage in the dark.

You should be.

She tethered the horses in the back and took everything from the packs that she thought she might need for them. "Vale, do you hear me? Stay here until I come for you."

There was a lingering pause so long that she was ready to repeat herself before Vale said, "I'd like that." The words and the tone did not quite match with the circumstance or Sylanna's tone, as though she were responding to someone at another time or place. Not having time to dwell on it just now, Sylanna entered and put what she brought on the old table before tossing another log on the fire and, with a wave of her hand, ignited it and the small lamps on the walls.

Bringing Ani in over her shoulder, she placed her on the cot opposite to the cupboards before wrapping her tightly beneath two blankets and dosing her with her remedies once again and tracing runes on her forehead to place her in a healing sleep. There would be no dreams. All she would do is breathe and heal.

Vale was aware enough to help Sylanna help her from the horse.

"Excellent, Denna. We'll get inside and get warm, then you can tell me what happened while I check you over. We should be safe here for a time." She left Vale standing while she barred the door, though, she resolved that if anyone came, they wouldn't get nearly as close to them as the door . She looked into Vale's dreamy, distant eyes before putting her hands to Vale's head, thumbs on her cheeks while opening herself to see into Vale, seeing the pool of molten heat in her mind almost at once.

It took no great leap of logic to know that she had touched what the women they tracked had. "I believe I can clear this, but it will go much faster if you help me help you. Can you help me help you, Denna?" Sylanna maintained the unfamiliar familiarity to try reach her.

Vale clasped her forearms. "I feel good, Syl. I feel so good."

"I have no doubt, since I doubt you've ever so much as thought to call me, 'Syl'."

"Wet and hot." Her hands began to caress and she drew closer to Sylanna causing Sylanna to step back until she pressed hard against the counter. "Fuck me, Syl. Will you fuck me? I want you to."

She forced Vale's hands from her. "You don't, Denna. It's all right. It's not your fault it's the magic. I can clear it myself. It'll just take more time, but it's all right."

"I don't want you to clear it, Syl. I want you to fuck me. I want you to take me. Tell me how to please you. Better yet, show me. I want you. I want to do whatever you want me to do."

"You don't."

Vale was so close to Sylanna now that their lips brushed. "I want you. You want me. Fuck me. Show me your true form. I've seen it. I know it. It's wicked and beautiful and I want to fuck it. I need to stop the ache. I need to stop being wet. I have to fuck and I have to obey."

"I can stop the ache. All you have to do is allow it." Her voice wavered. "Allow me to focus and take this from you."

"I don't want you to. I like this." No longer interested in trying to reason through the haze, her tongue darted straight in to taste. Sylanna's hands touched her in the same manner as before, but there was an uncharacteristic tenderness to it, her thumbs caressing those full cheeks. When the kiss broke, Sylanna's voice was had gone from wavering to quivering, fearful of the words she would utter next. "You want me?"

Vale knew without thinking, which was good because thinking wasn't something she was interested in. Mindlessness. Wetness. Being what someone else wanted her to roiling around in her mind her mind. "I want you."

Sylanna's eyes darted, searching. Whether she found what she sought or not, she kissed back ravenously. In the next moment the veil magic that she wore that she was so practiced in holding, she could very nearly do it in her sleep; the veil that she made an art of to the point of plucking features of others that she liked and integrating them into the identity of the moment. The veil she created to cover her true self fell away and Denna looked upon her with a new flush of heat at the differences between them.

Sylanna's gifts, like the ability to see in night as in day were the result of years of self-experimentation with magic and combining that with her skills in alchemy, but those experiments changed her in more obvious ways. Her skin was pale with a slightly gray tone that hinted of blood darker than red, that darker hue more pronounced at her cheeks, and full, pouting lips that carried a dark purple tinge that on anyone else would have reminded Vale of one not getting enough oxygen.

Her hair fell straight behind her head and just beyond her neck, carrying a wet sheen of the darkest black. Tiny veins the color of her lips could be seen at points from her hairline. Vale touched her hair for the first time and it felt as slick as it looked. Sylanna's nose was finely sculpted and her brows were sharp. But it was the eyes that held attention. They were an emerald green and the way the gold flecks within played with the light, the irises looked almost faceted the pupils not quite round anymore; definitely more animal than human.

Vale looked deeply into them and then kissed her again as deeply as before, her hand caressing that hair that felt like silk before Sylanna batted it away while holding the kiss because the positioning was creating an unintended obstacle to making Vale naked, which was supremely important to her just then. Sylanna's long fingers wormed through the cloth pulling away the cloaks that would fall on their own and, using her gray nails that rounded smoothly to points reminiscent of claws, found the knot that would untie and let her work free the tight crisscross at the top of her shirt just to tease herself. The clothes that could be shed at once were and when the kiss broke, they both looked down and Sylanna watched Vale unhook her belt and shimmy from her pants. Sylanna could not yet see the prize, but she wanted to. After pulling Vale's top free, Sylanna stared at Vale's small, round breasts as she undressed herself as quickly as she could make her fingers and limbs work.

Sylanna was all defined muscle, her body always a work in progress. Her belly was taut, her ass firm and rounded, and thighs that looked capable of cracking a skull. She heard Vale whisper, "Fuck girls all the time."

"I'll happily show you how to do that." She put her hands just under Vale's ass and lifted her without effort. She grunted when Vale's ankles locked around her and the kisses kisses kept coming. The tongue slithering in her mouth threatened to take her breath away. They spun together until they Vale faced the wide end of the table. "Down, girl," Sylanna said it with playful desire, but Vale took it as a command, beginning to kiss, lick, and nibble down her body. Knowing what was coming, Sylanna decided to simply let it happen.

Vale worked down her breastbone, each hand hefting one large, slightly pendulous breast. She bit each breast harshly enough to draw growls from Sylanna, but no demand that she stop before her tongue sucked and played with each long nipple in turn with equal enthusiasm as Sylanna's nails gently raked her hair while she closed er eyes and let the pleasure and the frustration build as the nibbling fell to her stomach, tongue probing, actually making her laugh out loud at the unfamiliar sensation.

The tops of her thighs, left, then right, kissing tenderly. Her eyes snapped open at the sudden force with which Vale spread her thighs to continue her kissing and the gentle meandering of her fingertips from the knees inward until Sylanna's often limited patience reached its limit. "Eat."

The heat in her mind heard a command and nudged her body to follow it. The lips were thick and the same dark as her other soft flesh that flowered around a clit prominent enough to pucker lips around and suck, which is how Vale attacked it, playing with it almost like a tiny cock, sending thrills through Sylanna's body. There had been much change in her life of late, and she hadn't realized how much she needed release.

She looked down at the mop of hair and urged for more. "Don't forget to...uhh...lick as well. It is sweet. That was an...unintentional side effect on my part during my work, but since it encourages something I quite enjoy, there was no reason to try to undo it."

Vale did and was rewarded. It was musky, but with a sugary sweetness as well. Her tongue searched for more, coaxing with each dive inside, drawing it up to flavor that clit to feed a mind that was only focused on sex and reward in order to make her want to suck longer and harder. Suddenly, the ankles at her back pushed her forward with more than a little force. Her hands clutched Vale's head and she hunched forward and heaved as her orgasm too her.

She panted and in momentary exhaustion flopped backwards on the table, closed her eyes again and just let her lick her to the next and the next until she realized that, in Vale's state, she would simply lick until told to stop. That seemed not terribly fair, even though desirable. Aside from that, she wanted to taste and explore, too.

She rose on her hands and pushed herself upright. Planting her feet on the floor, she nudged Vale gently away when she tried to crawl backwards to maintain her tongue on Sylanna's clit. She lowered herself to her knees and Vale rose enough for the two to kiss again, Sylanna, tasting both Vale and the sweet. Breaking it, she lifted her gaze enough to look down the length of her body, the runes placed upon her from her marking ceremony, the rite of passage for all guild mages, and something Sylanna never saw herself after running so afoul of her guild that she was banished before it could take place.

Some were sharp, some were rounded. Some simple and some dazzlingly intricate, they all fit together to enhance her connection to power and help her focus it. The runes had other uses for the skilled. She could not partake directly in those herself, but she knew well how to manipulate those access points in others. Crafting the energy carefully through palms and fingertips, she was interrupted for a moment as Vale reached for more kisses.

Her response was firm and gentle. "Down, Vale. Be still. Be patient."

Another order to obey. She put her head down and planted her palms on the floor, she waited as she was told. For what she did not know, could not reason enough to guess at, and ultimately didn't care about.

Sylanna pressed her palms firmly to Vale's shoulders and pressed down as if to begin a firm massage. As she brought them inward and together on either side of her spine, the gentle, unseen currents from Sylanna's touch found those runes and fired the nerves beneath while flushing through her body. Vale's joints locked, her fingers becoming claws scraping against the wood. Her mouth opened to release a single, monotone groan along with spittle as her body seized.

"The runes allow for the sharing of energies Vale. Mages with such marks can use them to give so much pleasure to one another. It can be overwhelming for the uninitiated," she whispered softly. Vale's pleasure ebbed slightly and mixed with a more physical shock as Sylanna as she spanked the left cheek within her reach and created a snap in the air.

Then once more on the right, then again. Sylanna liked the redness she created and the heat she felt when she held the spanking hand over the skin and she found that she was quite tempted by the rippling wave she created when she did so. Vale's animal mind focused on what it felt and what that felt like "Fuck me. Fuck me more." Feeling flowed through her. Magic flowed through her and feelings passed between them through that bond. Awareness of why she was feeling so wonderful; the sights and sounds of the moment, edged into her mind

The ravenous little thing's zeal fed her own and Sylanna would in turn feed the runes, spank that ass and then sink her teeth into a hot cheek, repaying Vale in kind for the not so subtle bites on her breasts that she knew for certain would still be there tomorrow. She finally brought Vale to her for more frenzied kisses and Vale returned them as before when Sylanna shifted to leave more nips at her neck with tongue drags to follow them, lost in her own need as she dug into Vale's flesh again, teasing between bouts. "Most women just have an ass, my dear. You have a rump. A full...soft...supple, rippling rump."

Sylanna parted far enough to look at her. Breasts enough to fit in her hand over a soft stomach. She noted to herself if that ass was a rump, Vale's stomach was just soft enough to be a tummy. Her hips were wide and inviting and the tuft between her legs was dewy enough to catch bits of light.

And Vale saw her. Vale saw her with the hazy awareness of a person dreaming, but one knows they are dreaming. She was aware of the who and the where and, while, that face might inspire terror in others and probably should have inspired at least bewilderment in her, the fog helped her not care or question. She was still in heat. Goddess, she was still in heat. Every inch of her wanted. So, when, in that barely aware haze, Sylanna led her to the floor, she followed, returning kisses as she went.

Sylanna knew what she wanted to see and followed her own cravings to turn Vale's hips sightly away from her and lifting her right leg slightly so she could get between them. She pressed her pussy to Vale's and moved slowly at first, to spread their wetness all over each other and gauging their positions so she could create a rhythm.

Vale's head slowly rolled at the teasing. "Do it."

There was no doubt that she would. Slowly at first, their lips caressed one another and their clits ground together. Faster and faster, their lips kissed what they could reach and their clits touched like the tips of tongues. When they connected, Sylanna used her skills to add to that pleasure. That Vale couldn't return it in kind didn't matter, the watching alone was enough to drive her harder. Vale had a leg over her Sylanna's to touch and she could watch that bit of tummy move in kind and watch those dreamy eyes. Or listen to the sounds they were making together.

Those sounds built slowly even with the fierce rhythm. It often took patience this way. It took consistency, so that the mind and body could build together knowing that the next motion was as the last and would be as the one that followed. Whimpers filled the space around them. Then sighs as Vale through heavily-lidded eyes began to grind her hips to compliment her movements. Then moans as Sylanna bent backwards slightly to drive her point home. Vale screamed first and Sylanna followed. Watching that tummy and thigh before her quiver uncontrollably was more than she needed. She came, pressing her cheek to Vale's leg and hugged it with both hands, sending some of her pleasure through the long, sharp-edged, and pointed tribal rune on her thigh, which made Vale cry out again.

When she was in in the moment again enough to look down, she found Vale peacefully asleep, heat spent, with hints of a smile still to be seen.

To Be Continued...

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Very hot!

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