O'Farrell Theatre


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She grabbed the blue diaper bag, propped Darren Jr. on her hip and thought how big and heavy he was getting as she took Courtney's hand and led them to Rita's apartment.

"My God, Jan maybe you really do have a date," Rita said as she stepped back and admired how Jan looked and how she was dressed.

"I don't have a date Rita," she said emphatically. "Thanks for taking care of the kids. They've had their naps and I'll try to be back before their bedtime."

"Don't worry about it Jan. If you're not back, I'll put them to bed. Don't worry about a thing."

As she backed the Honda out from under the parking cover, she couldn't help but wonder what Darren would think if he knew that she was driving to San Francisco?

Chapter 3

While Jan was driving to San Francisco, five thousand miles away and at the beginning of what would be a grueling workday, Darren Primm, as a member of the small deck crew, was starting to help load the heavy containers destined for the United States. Kwai Chung was the busiest container port in the world. More than ten percent of the containers loaded there were bound for the United States.

He had been in port for three days but was very tired this morning. Gus had dragged him to another club last night. It seemed as if there were an endless number of strip clubs catering to the crews of ships that put into Hong Kong's busy port. Last night wasn't the first time he had visited one of these clubs.

During Darren's first voyage he had no intention of doing any of the things that men who made their living sailing the seven seas had reputations of doing. He had been raised on the wrong side of the tracks in Tulsa, Oklahoma. But, in spite of their poverty, they had taken him to Sunday School at the Assembly of God Church located just two blocks from the small house that was his home. Never drink, never smoke, never take drugs and never play with yourself or you'll go blind or crazy he had been taught. And, then when he was older, never never do what David of the old testament did; never let a woman like Bathsheba steal your very soul. Resist temptation! Don't sin! And, everyone in his world, at that time, knew that "sin" was all about lusting after women and succumbing to the temptations of the flesh.

That first voyage he avoided doing anything but drinking a beer one night with a meal in Japan. He thought he should feel remorse for drinking alcohol but he didn't. By the time they docked in Hong Kong on his second trip he drank a beer with almost every meal and it quickly became his thirst-quenching beverage when he wasn't on duty. He liked the feeling it gave him and he didn't see that it was a problem. He knew that Jan would raise hell when she found out about his new vice and he was right.

Darren's muscles rippled as he worked with the heavy equipment. The sun that had baked his skin for dozens of voyages had turned it a deep brown. The blue-black ink of the tatoo on his right arm was hardly discernable. He had a hard time focusing on his work though an error could prove fatal. His mind was on the request he had made of his wife when he e-mailed her three days ago. It had taken him more than a year to summon the courage to ask her to audition as a nude dancer in a San Francisco club that had advertised for help. Oh, she knew that he wanted her to be hotter. It was no secret that he wanted her to show more of her fabulous body. Maybe he just had too much on his hands during the long stretches when they were at sea because it was constantly on his mind. Even on duty, except when they were loading and unloading, most of what he did was routine and raunchy ideas had no difficulty entering his stream of thinking. Almost every fantasy was about his wife, seldom other women, even though he had seen and been with many of the most beautiful women in the Orient.

He had been going to girly bars with Gus and sometimes other guys at nearly every port of call since after his maiden voyage. Before going to sea, he had never been in--or even imagined-- places like those to which Gus had introduced him. Something strange happened the very first time as he gazed at the naked girl spreading her legs a foot in front of his face. Though he tried not to, he compared her with Jan, his wife. As pretty and sexy as the girl on the stage was, she couldn't hold a candle to his own Jan. Jan's pussy was prettier, though she did have a thin growth of pubic hair on her lips and above her cleft while the Chinese girl had just a thin strip above and absolutely no hair between her legs. Gus laughed and called it a "landing strip" when Darren had asked about it. After that, he couldn't remember ever seeing a dancer or hooker who hadn't at least trimmed her pubic hair. It took him sometime to get up the courage to ask Jan to do the same thing. But a year ago he did ask her to leave just a "landing strip" and from then on she kept it bare with just the narrow landing strip of light brown hair above. She did it for him. He realized that she had never denied him anything.

As he was dragged from club to club and brothel to brothel over dozens of voyages and in many different ports of call, he began to imagine Jan doing what those girls were doing. At first, because of his upbringing, be felt guilty about fantasizing about his own wife doing such things. But the salacious thoughts wouldn't go away. They became more frequent and more intense. He was thrilled when he talked her into changing her practical and conservative wardrobe.

When he plunged into an Asian pussy, as wonderful as it was, he compared it with Jan's. In his mind, he compared their movements, with hers. The noises they made when he did something that they liked with the excited sounds she emitted. He couldn't help but compare the taste of their mouths, which usually were flavored by an alcoholic drink, and even the taste of their pussies with Jan's sweet mouth that had never tasted alcohol and her wonderful snatch. As he would smell the fragrance of their perfume and even the lingering fragrance of the shampoo in their black hair, he always compared them with Jan's favorite perfume fragrance and even the smell of the strawberry-scented shampoo she always used. Every single women came up short in the critical comparison with his terrific spouse.

Over time, the fantasies weren't enough. He came to really want her to do what these women did on the stage, on their backs in cribs or on their knees. The idea that they would spread their legs to the eyes and the cocks of many men was thrilling to him. Whether it was in the Wanchai area, the Mongkok area of Hong Kong. Or the Girlie bars on Lockhart Road or Portland Street didn't matter. He realized it was becoming an addiction to him--not just watching the women and not just fucking and sucking them, but dreaming of his wife doing the same.

Once, in Singapore, Gus had taken him to the bottom of Orchard Road and into Orchard Towers. There were four floors of sex. On the fourth floor in a disco named "Crazy Horse" he hooked up with a beautiful blond Russian girl. When he found out that she was married and whoring because her husband wanted her to he used that as encouragement that fantasies can come true. Whenever they talked of Orchard Street after that time with the Russian girl he called it Whorechard Road and Whorechard Towers.

If he knew Jan, he thought as he went about his loading tasks, she'll never call the number on the ad that he had e-mailed.

Chapter 4

As she turned left onto the bay bridge, she thought of the differences between San Leandro and San Francisco, which everyone who lived in the bay area referred to simply as, "the city." The skyline of the exciting city was unlike anything she had ever seen. They had crossed the bay a few times to see Fishermen's Wharf, Chinatown and ride the cable car. Another time they had driven across the Golden Gate Bridge into Marin County and had lunch at a charming restaurant at the water's edge in Sausalito. Yet another time, they had taken the boat to Alcatraz Island that had once been a notorious Federal Prison. But San Francisco might just as well have been hundreds of miles away because it was not part of their world, they were only tourists to it from a world away.

She realized that this was one of the very few times she had been by herself since they married. She and Darren had been inseparable until he began sailing away on the giant vessel. But, by then, Courtney was always with her, expect for the time when she tried to work. After Darren Jr. was born, both of the children were always with her. Just driving to the city by herself was an adventure.

Her heart was pounding and her palms were damp as she followed the directions to the theater. Finally she saw it on her right. A marquee, just like the one in front of the theater she had frequented in Tulsa before ten-screen, sixteen-screen and even bigger mega-theater complexes put most of them out of business, was over the entrance to the theater. She saw that it had taken her less time than she had planned on to drive over. It was twenty minutes before five. She circled the block twice before getting the courage to park in the lot a block away at Geary and Polk that Anthony had recommended. Then she sat in the car wondering if she could walk the short distance to the theater. She was already here, she reasoned, and Darren sure wanted her to do this. She had never denied him anything before, would she deny him this? After-all, it was only an interview. They would probably have her fill out an application and ask her a few questions, she told herself.

If Jan had known of the infamous theater's history, she would never have agreed to drive across the bay and check it out. The theater--as it was called though it was much much more than a cinema--has been located at the corner of Polk and O'Farrell in San Francisco since 1969. What started as a movie palace where the notorious Mitchell Brothers showcased the adult films they produced has evolved into the hottest, adult entertainment complex in the nation. As she looked at the theater from her parked car, she had no way of knowing that its proprietors had always risen to the challenge of introducing the world to the nastiest and most innovative sexual excitement of the moment.

Beginning by playing their own early movies, that were so erotic no one else would touch them, the brothers took the world by storm in 1971 when they introduced the Ivory Snow Model, Marilyn Chambers who deliciously sucked and fucked her way to stardom in their classic film, "Behind the Green Door."

In 1980 they shook San Francisco again when "New York Live" was established. As audiences gaped at the beautiful performers, the shock really registered when the performers came down off the stage wearing nothing but a smile and wiggled their way on the laps of the delighted patrons. When Diane Fienstein, was Mayor it was decided that perhaps the girls would be more comfortable if they had on a bra and panties when they entered the audience. The New York live stage show offer's continuous erotic entertainment until closing time. Every minute offers a variety of beautiful women performing individually with their own personal style who grace the stage for a two-song performance that leaves her completely nude. After the performance she comes down in the audience, gives spectators the opportunity to meet her and continue the fantasy.

When she stepped out of her car she felt the chill in the air, as there often was in San Francisco whose temperature was more than 20 degrees cooler than it had been in the east bay. She wished she had brought a sweater or jacket as she walked briskly the short block to the theater's entrance. The brightly-lit lobby could have been the lobby of a theater that was playing a Disney movie. A man in a business suit paying for admission which she saw was $60.00. My goodness, she thought, that's a lot of money to pay for admission. A man behind the counter saw her, smiled and not recognizing her as a regular said, "Hi, you must be here for the audition."

Her legs were wobbly as she cleared her throat. "I'm supposed to see Jack for an interview," she said.

"Hang on a sec sugar, I'll call him and tell him you're here. What's your name?"


It seemed like forever as she waited in the lobby while three or four other men paid for admission and were stamped on the back of their hands so they could go in and out for the evening. Finally, a middle-age man walked to her, extended his hand and said, "Hello, Jan, welcome to the O'Farrell Theatre." He matter-of-factly looked her up and down and said, "you're gorgeous." He turned, indicating she should follow him and said, "let me show you around."

They walked a few paces to a room off to the left of the lobby and Jack said, "This is the "Kopenhagen Live room. It's been here since 1978."

As he said that, Jan realized that this room had been here as long as she had been alive. She saw a small room with benches on all walls and strange flashlights, with long plastic cones attached to them laying on the benches.

Jack saw that she was puzzled and explained. "The Kopenhagen is the most mysterious room in the club. Guys who enter this room are ready for anything. When the show starts, we turn off the lights, close the curtains and it's really dark, lit only by the flashlights the men are holding. Two girls perform their theme show, leaving them both hot and naked. Then, even the flashlights go out. As you can imagine, the men are patiently waiting for their turns as they get more and more excited. In the dark the men are wondering which girl is that over there? What is she doing? When their turn comes, all of their questions are quickly put to rest. The shows are every hour and a half beginning at 1:30 PM with the last show at about 1:30 AM most days."

Then, they walked to a central corridor and off to the right. Jan was thinking that she should tell Jack that she had made a terrible mistake and flee. For some reason, on legs that she hoped would continue to hold her up, she followed Jack without saying a word.

"Behind the curtains are individual booths. The Ultra Room is really, just a peep show style show. It's been here since 1976 and is open from 12:30 PM to 12:30 AM most days."

On the other side of the corridor was a strange, small theater with ramps and stairs leading to a steep seating area. She followed Jack and when her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw that there were probably a dozen men scattered in the dark room with their eyes glued to the flickering screen. Her cheeks turned crimson when she saw what they were watching. An extreme close-up of an enormous black penis, that was covered with a clear viscous fluid, was plunging in and out of a pink, hairless vagina. She had only seen three porno films in her entire life. Darren had gotten a hold of them somehow and begged her to watch them with him a couple of months ago. This, however, was very different than watching a video in the privacy of her own bedroom with her husband after the kids were down for the night. She also noticed that not all of the men in the room were watching the movie. Two men were busy concentrating on something else. Sitting on each man's lap, facing the screen was a beautiful woman wearing what appeared to be a skimpy bikini or maybe they were actually bra and panty sets, in the darkness she couldn't be sure. The women were grinding and moving on the men's laps. Now, she was sure she should just get out of this strange place. She was frightened and knew that she, of all people, didn't belong here.

For some inexplicable reason she found herself following Jack deeper into the establishment. The corridor ended at a large auditorium with a dozen rows of seats facing a large empty stage. Several beautiful women who were dressed as the women in the movie theater had been dressed standing in a concession area talking to several anxious men. "Jan, let's grab a couple of seats, and I'll explain how things work here," Jack said.

She followed him to an empty row and they sat down in the comfortable theater type seats. No sooner had they sat down than she heard music begin to play and a voice over the P.A. system announce, "guys, put your hands together and welcome Tasha to our New York Live stage." There was a smattering of applause as a very pretty light-skinned, black girl, wearing a low-cut blue evening gown, walked through the velvet curtains behind the stage.

Jack leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I want you to watch her carefully, Jan, it's very important. She's one of our best dancers."

Tasha made it a point to smile at every man in the audience which started growing once the music started. Men who had been lounging about waiting for something to happen grabbed seats. Tasha was tall, and thin. The gown did little to hide her long legs which peeked through the slit in her skirt with every step that she took. She moved gracefully and seductively around the stage in perfect time to the music. Jan saw that a closed circuit TV above the stage was also broadcasting a closer view of her dance.

Before the first song ended, she turned her back to the audience, unzipped the gown and let it fall to the floor as she looked over her shoulder twirled around and slipped through the curtain. Jan saw men drop bills on the stage before the second song began. When Tasha stepped back through the curtains, she had removed her bra and danced to the pounding beat of the new song dressed in nothing but a tiny thong or G-string and the tallest heels Jan had ever seen. As even more money was dropped on the stage by the men in the audience, Tasha stepped out of her panties and was nude before the two dozen men who watched her. Then, she went down on the stage, lay on her back and spread her legs.

Jan hoped that she wouldn't pass out. She thought that she might be hyperventilating. She knew that she was flushed as she watched Tasha reach between her legs and spread her lips apart. She moved around the stage giving a birds-eye view to as many men as possible. Before the song ended, she got up on all fours and grabbed her buttocks and spread her cheeks as far apart as possible. The audience went wild.

"See how she does that Jan. That's how she gets the big tips. Do you have your music?"

Jan wasn't sure she had heard him correctly and had no idea what he meant. "My music?"

"Ya. Didn't Tony tell you to bring your music for the audition?"

"No. He didn't say anything about music."

"Okay. That's not going to be a problem. We've got a terrific selection. Are you all set?"

All of this was happening too fast for Jan. She thought she knew what he meant by his question but she sure hoped she was wrong. "All set for what?"

"For your audition. Hey, what's going on here? You came over here to audition. You're up next. If you want to audition I'll take you backstage. If you don't, don't waste any more of my time. What'll it be honey?"

She couldn't picture herself doing what the black dancer had done. Maybe she could just move around the stage and then leave. She guessed that each song lasted four or five minutes. Jack made her decision for her.

He stood up held out his hand for her and said, "come on." She took his hand and they walked out to the aisle. "I'll take you backstage and then pick out something for the DJ to play." He gave her the most important instruction. "Take off your dress by the end of the first song and then the rest before the second song ends. Got it?"

Her mouth was too dry to answer so she just nodded her head in the affirmative and followed him behind the stage. Behind the curtain he guided her up four steps and told her, "wait here until you hear the music and they announce your name." Then he was gone and she was alone with her fears.