Off World Adventure


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"Why do you think that?" Nova asked.

"Well according to your last physical you were not in good shape physically. You didn't have very good muscle tone and there were a number of significant to serious congenital issues. Now, however, my colleagues and I are in agreement that you are likely the healthiest person that any of us has ever personally examined."

"Well I do feel good," Nova smiled.

"That is an understatement; your lung, heart, and other organ functions are in the top 1% of people in their twenties -- yet you're 44," the doctor remarked with genuine surprise. Just then there was a knock on the door, and the two other doctors who had been examining Nova walked into the room, carrying iPads. They showed the screens to the lead physician and then sat down next to her."

The lead physician chuckled. "Now more than 90% of the lab results are in and they confirm that you are the healthiest person we have ever personally examined. Every single one of your markers that can be evaluated are either at the top end for health or within 5% of that. We did detect traces of a substance that we believe to be a knock-out drug which confirms why you didn't know how you were transported."

Nova nodded her agreement.

"One thing that you surely are not aware of, however, is that you're pregnant," the lead doctor said with her eyebrows raised.

While Nova had not gone completely through menopause she had started to before her extraterrestrial adventure and that was the source of some of her health issues. " is that possible?" she asked. "Before I was kidnapped I was well into menopause."

"Another mystery," the lead doctor said with the other two nodding agreement. "That is in fact what your records show -- however now your hormone levels are that of a healthy thirty year old, your ovaries and uterus are in excellent condition, and there is not even the slightest sign of menopause."

Nova thought for a second then said "You're going to have to explain this to my husband. We're going to have to have a serious talk about the baby. We both are strongly prochoice for the general population but personally are against abortion in our family. WOW!"

Nova decided to leave the pregnancy issue alone the next day because there was too much else going on. After spending the entire morning with her family doing every family bonding thing imaginable she went to the FBI offices for further interrogation. When the agent in charge asked if she could work with a sketch artist to get a picture of her capture she replied "That's not necessary. I can draw a good likeness of him."

"I didn't know that you have artistic ability," the agent said with raised eyebrows.

"Until my capture I didn't. Get me an oversized high quality sheet of paper and a set of art pencils of all different colors and I'll do it," she said.

The equipment was brought to Nova within minutes and she started to work. An FBI illustrator and the agent in charge asked "Do you mind if we remain in the room while you work?"

"Certainly not," Nova replied.

Nova was a whirling dervish as she worked. The illustrator was stunned as he looked on. In less than an hour she was done with a full color illustration. The flabbergasted agent said while obviously staring at the long, thick, uncut cock and low-hanging testicles at the subject's crotch " drew him naked."

"I thought that you wanted a completely accurate illustration. Since he raped me daily it should be of no surprise to you that I knew what his equipment looks like. Anyway, I've drawn him as he was on the last day of my captivity. Although he always had big muscles I think that his biceps, calf, and chest muscles are larger than when I met him so that's the way that I drew him. Also his hair was longer so I drew it that way too."

"How tall is he?" the agent asked.

"He told me six six, and I believe it," Nova replied.

"How accurate do you think the face is?" the illustrator asked.

"With all humility the face and hair are 99% accurate," Nova replied.

"Do you have anything with his fingerprints or DNA?" the agent asked.

"Funny you should ask that," Nova replied. "Yesterday the doctors told me that I'm pregnant and since when I was kidnapped I was going through menopause it couldn't be my husband's baby; therefore you'll be able to get a good idea of his DNA from the baby."

"Are you going to keep the baby?" the gobsmacked agent asked.

"I have to discuss that with my husband and family; as soon as we make a decision I'll let you know."

By the end of the day the FBI had gotten all of the information they were going to get from Nova -- she was certainly never going to say that she was whisked to another planet -- so she left them with "That's all that I have to say -- the ball's now in your court."

"Are you anxious that we catch him?" was the last question from the lead agent.

"Yes and no. He caused lots of chaos in my life and raped me, but he never hurt me and in fact due to the experience I'm in better health, and more accomplished in many ways, than at any other time in my life."


The next two weeks were the most intense and filled in Nova's life (aside from during her off world experience). Due to her enhanced physical condition and abilities, however, she never even got tired. She wowed the people at the country club that her family belonged to by playing tennis for the first time and beating everyone she played -- except the club female champion who she lost to 6-4, 6-4.

Nova insisted that the doctors provide her husband with all of her medical information including, of course, her recovery from menopause and her pregnancy. To his credit Royce did not blame Nova for that, including because the rawness of her vagina and nipples when she was examined the first day were more consistent with rape than the day-long aggressive consensual intercourse that was really responsible, and because her "recovery" from menopause was a medical miracle. Nova also made sure to tell the TV network everything that she had told the FBI and her husband, and seeing a ratings bonanza the network did a two hour special on Nova's experience.

At the end of the two hour broadcast the interviewer asked Nova "What have you decided to do about the baby?"

"My husband, other family members, and I have discussed it completely and have reached a decision. While we all are definitely pro-choice we believe for our particular situation that having the baby is the best option."

"Do you intend to put the baby up for adoption?"

"No; we intend to raise her or him -- we haven't had the baby's sex determined yet -- as our own. Our kids actually insisted on it."

"This is very personal and I only ask this because you have been so upfront about everything. Have you and your husband resumed sexual relations?"

Nova laughed. "WOW -- that's a question even I would never have asked in my most out-there days. However, I'm going to surprise you and give a hint, though I won't answer it directly. Since two days after I've gotten back my husband has had the biggest smile he's ever had permanently plastered on his face. Draw your own conclusion," she concluded as both she and the interviewer laughed.

The day after the special aired -- the 2nd most watched special of its type in history -- Nova restarted her career as national network anchor, unfazed even through half of her eighth month of pregnancy before she went on pregnancy leave.


Throughout her pregnancy Nova remained the healthiest pregnant woman ever and kept up her exercise regime. Her delivery exactly on her projected due date was without complications, with her husband in the delivery room providing moral support. Her little baby girl Nancy was healthy, cute -- and large, bigger than her other children at birth.

Although she was doing some part-time work Nova enjoyed staying home with little Nancy and nursing her. Nova also exercised religiously and within four months had muscle tone comparable to when she first returned from her extraterrestrial adventure.

Nova was having a quiet morning with Nancy, with everyone else out of the house, and had just settled down to nurse her when someone entered her living room from the back of the house. Nova was startled for a few seconds then calmly said "Hello Rob, although I know that's not your real name. What brings you here?"

"Hi Nova; I see that you're as beautiful as ever and a loving mother. I just wanted to see my little girl once, and provide you with some information that you may want to hear."

"And what would that be?" Nova asked.

Rob sat next to Nova and smiled at Nancy whose eyes got big. "I lied to you when I told you I didn't know how we ended up at Rigelend -- that's the name of the planet we were on."

"I can tell that this may get me excited, which isn't good when nursing. Why don't you just tell me about your life since we got back to Earth until Nancy is finished eating. You do know that the FBI is looking for you, that I gave them an accurate sketch and that they took Nancy's DNA?"

"Yeah, I know; but the chances of them finding me are slim. Anyway..." then Rob continued telling what he had been doing since he got back, and complimenting Nova on her career, health, and the way that she handled her adventure. By then Nancy was sated, and Nova let Rob burp her.

After Nancy was put down for her nap Rob started to tell his story. "I lied to you about not knowing why we were off-Earth because that would have had a negative effect on your attitude toward me. I was obsessed with your entire persona as a newscaster -- for some reason your appearance really clicked with me. Then, when I was solo hiking in a remote area of Canada I came across a stranded spaceship; I can only tell you this because you lived the aftermath, but can't and won't tell anyone else ever. I helped out a humanoid from the spacecraft -- I'm not at liberty to explain how -- and he was very grateful. He asked me what he could do for me. I laughingly told him of my obsession with you and he took it from there."

"What do you mean he took it from there?" Nova asked.

"Well he told me he could arrange a worthwhile encounter with you but only if it also resulted in some advantages to you. Therefore he needed to interview you and find out what makes you tick and if he could accommodate my desire while also helping you," Rob grinned.

"Are you saying that I met him?" Nova asked.

"Well, do you remember your interview with Paul Pretzsky?"

"Yesss..." Nova cautiously answered, "although not what we talked about after everyone else left."

"Well Pretzsky is really the extraterrestrial being that I helped out. For lack of a better word he hypnotized you when you were one-on-one with him and learned of all of your ambitions in childhood about having a knight in shining armor rescue you, being an athlete, dancer, and artist, all of your hopes and dreams; and also about your dread that you'd die early like the other women on your mother's side of the family. Then he set up you and I in a circumstance where you could achieve everything you aspired to. The setup was on a planet his species calls Rigelend which as you know is very similar to Earth."

Nova's eyes got wide. "Did you and he expect the pregnancy?"

Rob laughed. "No; of course I expected the sex which was far better than I could have dreamed of, even though you were my fantasy woman. However, Pretzsky -- which is what I'll call him -- had never done something like this before. He underestimated how successful he would be in not only having you fulfill your ambitions but to make you healthy. While he had every intention of making sure that you'd live a long life without the problems of the other females in your family he did not realize that his techniques would actually reverse your menopause and make you fertile."

Nova was aghast. Despite her skill as an interviewer she couldn't think of anything to say. Finally emotion started to well up in her and she said "I came to love you very quickly, Rob. However, I'm content with my husband Royce and kids and I can't have those relationships ruined."

"I know all of that," Rob replied before smiling and saying "by the way not only is my name not Rob Vanvleet but I've never been married." Then he frowned and continued "I have no intention of trying to harm your happy life. I lived a dream for thirty six days -- no man in history had a better stretch in his life. I'll always love you but because I do I'm exiting your life forever. Please take good care of our girl and give her this when she turns eighteen and tell her who it's from."

With that Rob handed Nova a necklace made of a metal and carrying a stone that she had never seen the likes of before; it literally softly glowed with an intrinsic energy. "I got it from Pretzsky," was Rob's final comment as Nova took it from him.

Rob held Nova's hand and pulled her up into a standing position. Then they kissed with an intensity that should have set off the smoke detectors. At that point Rob walked out the back door of Nova's house, and out of her life forever.

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DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah4 days ago

This is a second attempt at a comment. My first was unkind and for that I apologize. For some reason I found no angels in the architecture and reacted harshly.

Nova found herself in the fortunate circumstance of having every wish and desire indulged and took advantage. She also reaped health benefits when odds were stacked against her. Great for her. She had a first-class seat, content with her husband in coach. I hope she has the grace to allow the favor when he gets the chance to upgrade. At any rate, I hope they keep their seat belts fastened. Turbulence ahead is likely.

I should see this as the author letting her muse take a creative romp off-leash and let it go at that.


If wishes were fishes, we’d all have a fry

If horse-turds were biscuits, we’d eat ‘til we die

If the ocean was whiskey and I was a duck

I’d dive to the bottom and never come up — Gordon Manchester

Cracker270Cracker27016 days ago

Great job of writing. Thank you

buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny2 months ago

Just wished her husband could figure enough of it out that she was completely willing and actively in love with this kidnapping douche. She's in love with him but he contrived all the parameters to get her to feel that way, other than being attractive. Her husband Royce is put in a tough spot, an emotional minefield, but had it been me, we aren't raising any Rape babies.

MidwaymackMidwaymack6 months ago

Many commenters seem troubled by the moral ambiguities of our heroine's adventure and the difficulties she should face on her return to the real world.

It's just a fantasy, folks. A wildly imaginative very female fantasy. When someone is telling ghost stories around the campfire, you don't constantly point out logical inconsistencies, you just smile indulgently and enjoy the imagination at work.

So imagine you've encountered a female friend after a long absence, and you are catching up for three hours in a Starbucks. At one point she says, "So, do you want to hear my fantasy?" Would that have made this story go down any easier ?

I mean really… In answer to her childhood dreams, there are "Holographic Instruction" rooms for sports, dance, and art? Then she’s playing tennis for the first time and beating everyone she played! And her artistic instruction transforms her from "no artistic ability" to a "99% accurate" portraitist. And she's now "the healthiest person that any of us has ever personally examined."

And the logistics on this Electromagnetic Shield that would protect him from all attacks? Is his arm still protected when he swings the sword out at the befuddled caveman? And there's the Universal Translator that can handle even caveman grunts?

The foolishness is never-ending:

The glowing spot of "Adventure House" on the conveniently provided map.

"Then Rob whipped a pair of fur-lined handcuffs from his pocket,"

And now menopause is simply a disease that we can "recover" from?

And the unsurprising physical description of our hero? Amy paints him as 6 foot six, blonde, blue-eyed, with a “perfect body”, and dimples. And when Amy tells us a guy is hung long, thick, and uncut, you know he's going to get lucky.

But how can we square that promise with the deep love she has for her husband?

Well, how about if we just say he raped her? Yeah, that should do it! Three times a day, like clockwork, but carefully and gently, for over a month. So what could she do? She was helpless! (We can just omit that last part, the "day-long aggressive consensual intercourse" which left her red and swollen for her spousal reunion.)

So then she can return to the loving arms of her husband and children, and they can begin their Happily Ever After (plus one.)

And after a year, the rapist target of a widely publicized national manhunt simply slips in her back door to fill in some blanks in the story's set-up.

"Then, when I was solo hiking in a remote area of Canada I came across a stranded spaceship; "

Then he gives her a last kiss and burps their infant daughter goodbye. (I did get an image of the burped baby spitting up all over his back, but I guess that wasn't part of Amy's fantasy.)

It’s obvious that this is a world where there is no rational consideration of probable outcomes, no balancing of values, no unhappy results from your actions.

It's just a sensual fantasy folks. You might be happier if you just relax and go with it.

maninconnmaninconn11 months ago

Well this isn’t your usual fare, but I loved it! Thanks for experimenting and writing such an awesome tale. Now, how do I get to this planet? There’s this newscaster that has my… attention.

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