Office Party Surprise Pt. 03

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The party night continues with a surprise meeting.
8.4k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/08/2020
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Author's note.

Before reading this last instalment, it might be best to read the story 'Elevator' first.


The guys and I had parted ways when leaving the office. I stood in the building entrance enjoying the chilly night breeze, my nipples standing proud against the thin material of my blouse, I felt deliciously exposed. A tingle of excitement caused a little shudder, and I smiled to myself thinking of the fun I'd been having not a half-hour previous.

A lonely hotel room awaited me. I decided I wasn't ready to call it a night, knowing I wouldn't sleep. The evening's events were still buzzing around my head.

Things had gone much further than the mutual masturbation I had planned. My recent dry spell had affected my usual, 'control' and judgment of the situation. Still, there wasn't a moment of it I regretted. The evening had been my most enjoyable and memorable in a while.

Heading back to the party, I was acutely aware of some of the glances I was getting. My nipples still standing proud from the chill, dark shadows showing through my semi-sheer blouse. It would have been easy enough to fasten my suit jacket nut where would the fun be in that.

Think of the looks I'd get if they knew I was naked under my skirt.

Reaching the bar, I ordered a large glass of red wine.

From his sly glances towards my chest, the barman had noticed my nipples.

As he poured my drink, I leant over the bar a little, which caused my blouse to pull a little tighter. The poor guy almost spilt the glass as he turned to hand it to me, and it was all I could do to suppress a giggle.

'Well, that was naughty of you.'

I turned to see who had spoken and nearly dropped my glass.

Standing there with a slight smirk on her face was Jenny.

Jenny, who had been accounts manager at the company I had previously worked.

Jenny, who always dressed very 'prim.'

Favouring smart trouser suits, thinking skirts in the workplace were somehow 'distracting' to the male staff and unprofessional.

Jenny who thought that showing any 'flesh' undermined a woman's professional image.

Jenny, who had shared a crowded lift. The lift that had got stuck between floors lit by a dim security light that did little to illuminate the crowded space.

Jenny, who had reached under my short skirt, the very kind she despised and caressed and squeezed my buttocks. exploring the shape of each cheek, cupping them in turn while rubbing a thumb back and forth

Jenny, who had casually dragged my tiny thong panties down, peeling the string from between my cheeks to slip a hand between my legs, fingered me to orgasm.

Jenny, who had very gently pulled my panties back up when she'd had her fun. Leaving me thinking it was Peter, one of the managers who had been standing behind me, right up until a friend in security had shown me CCTV footage.

Jenny tipped her glass towards me, 'been a while. It's nice to see you again.'

For a moment I was stunned to silence then burst out laughing.

'I bet it is, tell me, did you see the disc I left you?'

My friend had copied the CCTV footage for me, and I had left it on Jenny's desk.

She smiled, 'and the note, I believe it read, next time ask.'

She whispered in my ear.

'Although I can't remember much of an objection, I always wondered why you didn't scream.'

Placing my hand on her shoulder, I leant in close, so close that my lips brushed her ear as I said.

'Because it felt too damn good.'

She seemed a little stunned, 'did you...' she began.

'I thought it was Peter.' I cut in. 'Right up until I saw the tape I thought it was boring, grey Peter.'

She laughed at that.

'When I found the disc, I was expecting consequences, but you just left.'

I sipped my drink, leaving that hanging a moment, she nervously licked her bottom lip.

'My contract had been fulfilled, so don't flatter yourself.' I smiled.

She looked relieved, and her cockiness returned.

'Were you horrified when you saw the tape?'

'What were your thoughts on seeing who had been...' she paused.

'Touching me?' I finished for her.

In answer, she shrugged and drained her drink, signalling to the barman for a refill.

She watched him as his gaze slyly wandered over my chest, and was watching my reaction in turn.

When he left, she asked. 'You don't mind men looking at you like that?'

Again I smiled, 'I take it as a compliment, to be honest, I'm a bit of an exhibitionist, and I find it arousing.'

Once again she leant in close, whispering. 'I had heard.'

She gestured towards seating on the far side of the room.

'Can we talk a little more, I find you intriguing.'

In answer I refreshed my drink, the barman again paying sly attention to my breasts, and walked over to soft seating arranged at the far side of the dance floor.

Jenny sat and said. 'You must think me rude I didn't think to ask if you were here with anyone. It was such a surprise to see you here.'

I explained how I'd come to be working there, who with and that I had attended the party to say farewell to colleagues.

'Where are they now?' she said, briefly glancing around the room.

I explained...

in graphic detail.

Jenny sat, stunned for a moment. 'Oh my.' was all she said.

'Have I shocked you?' I asked.

She shook her head. 'No not at all, well perhaps a little, I had heard that you were a little, let us say 'adventurous', but that's...'

'Sluttish?' I asked.

She grabbed my arm, 'oh no, not at all. It's pretty much what I did in that,' her voice went quiet, 'elevator.'

'Really?' I said.

'Kind of, just giving in to a desire, can't tell you what made me do it.'

She took a drink.

'And when you didn't move, well I just got carried away.'

'What did you get out of it?' I asked. 'Apart from the obvious, I mean.'

'It was exciting, exhilarating.'

I interrupted. 'Sexually, I mean.'

I laid a hand on her leg and leant close, looking her deep in the eye. 'I'd like to know.'

She paused a moment then said.

'Ok, yes, it turned me on.'

She paused again.

'So I had to go to the toilet and masturbate.'

She stared at me a moment and when I didn't move away or react horrified she added.

'I masturbated watching the disc too.'

Leaning back, I said, 'at work?'


So we're not so different, I thought. 'I had the impression you looked down on me for dressing in what you consider a provocative way.'

She shrugged.

'It's the men I don't trust. I've worked hard to get where I am, and I need them to respect that.'

I nodded. 'Fair enough, I worked hard to start my business, truthfully I have never cared for anyone's opinion. I've often used the shallowness of some men to my advantage.'

She raised her glass in a mock toast and knocked it back and gestured towards mine.

'Can I get you another?'

I said yes, and she went to the bar, returning with new glasses and a bottle of red.

'Saves keep going to the bar.' she said, pouring our drinks.

To be honest, the wine had gone to my head a little, but I was enjoying the slight buzz.

Jenny was quiet for a few moments, deep in thought, then said.

'The elevator, was that the first time you had been touched by another woman?'

Thinking it over a moment, I said.

'I haven't slept with a woman but here was a lady my ex and I became friends with who I had a little fun with.'

And I told her the story of meeting Tracy.

About how we'd spotted a woman staring when we were fooling around in the woods.

Hiding behind a tree.

That she was pretty, dark-haired and had a camera.

And that she hadn't just been watching, but had been taking pictures as we fooled around.

Jenny interrupted me.

'What did you do?'

I laughed, 'what could I do?'

'I stood naked in front of this pretty stranger and asked if she would like us to pose or would it be ok if we fucked while she took pictures.'

Jenny laughed, 'I can't believe you, what did she say.'

I explained how the stranger, Tracy, had been shocked at first but had decided to stay.

'I pointed out that she had seen us and nothing bad had happened, then told her she should try being adventurous.'

Jenny's eyes went wide.


'She declined and just took pictures at first. Then she became braver and at my invite touched my guy's cock.'

I told Jenny of how she'd been intrigued, asking why I didn't mind her touching my guy 'down there.'

And how I'd explained that we like to see each other pleasuring themselves and other people. Of how we'd let her take control by asking us to do the things she wished to see.

'What you performed for her?' Jenny said.

'Of course' I replied, laughing.

'She wanted to watch and take pictures, so we let her influence what was happening by guiding our lovemaking.'

Jenny shifted in her seat, drained her glass then refilled hers, topping up mine.

'And that was when it happened, the touching?' Jenny said.

Sipping my wine, I explained how things swiftly changed when my ex asked Tracy if she was enjoying herself.

That she said, she was.

That, he had then asked if she was wet.

And that after a long pause she had gently whispered, 'yes.'

He had then touched a finger to my pussy and asked her if she was as wet as I was, or just damp.

Again there had been a long pause then a whisper of, 'Very wet.'

Jenny leant closer, a little flushed.

'He then said she must feel very uncomfortable and frustrated and it was ok if she wanted to touch herself while she watched.'

Jenny sat in rapt silence as I told the rest of the story.

How Tracy had said, there was no way she would take her clothes off in public, that we said it was ok to touch herself under her skirt so no one could see.

That she had nipped behind a tree to remove her panties.

How at her request my ex had fucked me from behind, she had knelt to watch. Reaching up under her skirt. Careful to let its folds drop over her hand.

How she had wobbled and I that I felt the heat of her hand on my buttock as she steadied herself.

'That was the first time a woman had touched me, accidentally, but still...'

'Not quite the same as the elevator.' Jenny said.

'But there's more.'

I replied.

Jenny shifted even closer, and I could feel the warmth of her leg against mine.

'My ex knew she wanted more but was shy. He put on a show slowly thrusting back and forth, almost to the point his cock popped out. Slowly easing it back in allowing Tracy to savour every movement.'

I took a drink, the story and memories were affecting me, and I needed a moment.

'He told me later he could make out the movements under her skirt as she stroked herself, I could feel it because the more she became turned on, the harder her fingers dug into my butt.'

Jenny licked her lips, 'and?'

'My ex read the situation perfectly, and he asked if she would like to hold him to help make him come as it would be special if they could both do it together.'

'Holy shit.'

Jenny shook her head in wonder, entranced when I told Tracy had allowed him to guide her hand over my buttock. coaxing her to cradle his balls as he slowly pushed into me.

'Wow,' Jenny said. 'And her hand also...?'

Again she left the question hanging.

'Tracy was moving her hands over his balls and the base of his cock as he fucked me, so yes her hand 'accidentally' brush against my pussy.'

Again Jenny shifted in her seat. I had been deliberately graphic in my description. I was wondering just how turned on she was, if at all. Despite the 'elevator incident' I knew she dated men. The whole scenario was puzzling and to be honest, with the wine, the earlier 'entertainment' and the nature of our conversation, I was finding it more than a little exciting.

'And what did you do?' she asked.

'Nothing, I was too close to be bothered who was touching me.'

'Rather like the elevator.' I added.

Jenny flushed a little. 'So that was it?'

'Oh no, there was more touching.'

Her eyes widened. 'Really?'

'Oh, yes.' I said. 'Only it was me touching Tracy.'

Jenny's voice was a whisper. 'Please go on.'

'Tracy had wanted to see my partner cum, preferably on me, she said it was something she had fantasised about.'

I remembered how I had convinced Tracy to lie down next to me so that she would be more comfortable watching him masturbate. How he had knelt between us stroking his cock with a steady, slow movement, the end was red and swollen as he slid the foreskin back and forth.

And that he had told her to carry on touching herself and without a word she had reached under her skirt, still shy, keeping her intimate area covered.

Jenny gently shook her head. 'That sounds exciting.'

'You're right.' I said 'And it just made it all the sexier, her movements obvious but hidden.'

'She was licking her lips and couldn't take her eyes off him, she started squirming her legs a little, and I took a chance that her inhibitions were melting away with her need to cum.'

Jenny asked. 'And that's when you touched her?'

I swallowed some more wine.

'Kind of, I knew my partner was dying to see her and so I asked Tracy if he could have a little look to help him cum.'

'She went bright red but whispered it was ok, so I very gently moved her skirt over her legs up above her waist.'

'She kept her legs squeezed together and both hands over her pussy, keeping herself hidden.'

I twirled my glass and looked deep in Jenny's eyes. I could see the anticipation on her face.

Her breath coming in little gasps

'I had never touched a woman before, but the situation was getting to me, So I placed a hand on her thigh, slowly stroking the soft skin.'

'I could feel her relaxing so I applied a little pressure, eyes firmly fixed on my ex's cock she allowed me to open her legs.'

'That's so...' Jenny started. I raised a finger to her lips, leant into her and breathed hotly in her ear.

'Tracy's hands still cupped her pussy, covering it. So I ran my fingers up her thigh and over her hands, easing them away because, to be honest, I wanted to see what she looked like as much as my partner.'

I paused a moment to let Jenny absorb that.

'She had bare pink lips below a neat landing strip of dark hair and was extremely wet. I guided one of her hands back between her legs, 'accidentally' brushing my fingers against her as I did so.'

'I remember her legs were straight out rigid, her hand lay between her legs again hiding most of her pussy from view, but she never once took her eyes off his cock.'

'How did it end, did he cum on you as Tracy had asked.' Jenny whispered, her voice a little husky.

'Not quite. Tracy was pressing her fingers hard against her pussy, her hips swayed gently, her breath had quickened, and I knew she was almost at the point of orgasm. At the point where desire overcomes everything else, so I whispered in her ear that my partner was going to cum.'

'I remember I had butterflies as I asked if she would like to see and feel his cum.'

I paused to take a drink, and Jenny almost yelled. 'And?'

I smiled at her. 'She surprised me again by saying yes.'

I told Jenny of how Tracy had gasped and squealed as the first spurts landed on her thighs and the hand she held over her pussy.

'She was wide-eyed staring his cock twitching and pumping great gobs. Tracy had stopped rubbing her pussy mesmerised as she watched him cum.'

'But she splayed her fingers slightly, so a little dribbled between her legs.'

Jenny again shifted in her seat, squeezing her thighs together.

'When it eventually slowed to a dribble, she looked down at the mess between her thighs. I knew she had been close to orgasm but hadn't quite got there.'

'So I picked up my partner's boxer shorts and started to wipe her down.'

Jenny was startled. 'What, wait, you started to clean her up, down there?'

I laughed, 'Can't say I wasn't tempted, but no, I just wiped a dribble off her thigh then suggested to my ex that he help her out.'

'He knew what I meant and gently lifted her hand away from her pussy. She closed her eyes, tilting her head away to one side embarrassed but at the same time didn't stop him.'

'He made a fuss of cleaning off her hand, then turned his attention to her legs.'

'She was relaxed about that but stiffened as he dabbed at the tiny strip of pubic hair, his hand brushed against her mound. But she didn't stop him, so contact became more intimate.'

Again I paused to take a drink, Jenny topped both our glasses, and she said.

'How were you feeling while he was touching her?'

I sipped the wine and said. 'Fine. It was exciting for me as it was for those two. I like watching and being watched, so it was exciting. especially with Tracy exploring new things.'

'Tracy was a voyeur but not so much an exhibitionist, well at first. She was enjoying the experience even though she was shy about it, especially when we started wiping the mess off her pussy.'

Jenny stopped glass halfway to her lips. 'What, wait, you said we.'

I raised an eyebrow. 'So, I did.'

'My ex had started wiping her inner thigh. She even parted her legs a little to allow access. I knew my ex was working towards her pussy, going slow, giving her time to stop things, which she didn't. He started testing her by 'accidentally' catching her pussy with his hand until she suddenly grabbed it and pressed it to her.'

I laughed.

'Just from the way she was breathing, I could tell she was close to orgasm, this was exciting, naughty, and a first for me. But I couldn't resist taking tissues from my bag and joined him cleaning her off.'

'There was this driving urge, a desire that I hadn't felt before.'

'To be honest, she was probably was so turned on that she didn't realise we were both touching her.'

'And that's about it.'

Jenny placed a hand on my arm and said, almost pleading.

'Don't stop; please tell me the rest, did she cum?'

She sat very close.

Her lips moist from the wine, her tongue, darting over them as her eyes searched mine, hoping I would tell her more. I was acutely aware of the heat of her leg against mine. Her one arm draped behind me, along the back of the seat, almost intimate.

I'm not attracted to women, so I didn't know if it was the wine or the memories or the earlier encounters, but I was getting a little moist.

'Well, as I said he had been going slow, Tracy's breathing had become more rapid and shallow the closer he got to her pussy. She raised her hips and pushed back against his hand as he wiped the cum off her vagina. I watched fascinated as he stroked along her labia, his fingers spreading them slightly.'

Jenny squeezed my arm tight as I told her of my part.

'Using a tissue, I dragged my fingers along the length of her pussy. Tracy twitched at the first contact, and I was sure for a moment she knew it was me and not my ex and started to move my hand. But she arched her pelvis pushing onto my fingers, seeking to keep contact, increasing the pressure.'

'My fingers slightly parted her labia as my ex's had done.'

Jenny's next questions came out in one excited breath.

' How did it feel, what did you think, what was he doing while you touched her?'

'He was watching me, still caressing her, and I could tell he liked it. He had dropped the pretence of cleaning her up and was very gently manipulating her clitoris with a single finger. I also think he was hoping that I would touch her some more.'

'And did you?' Jenny's question sounded almost hopeful.

'My ex was doing his thing, just resting the tip of a finger on the hood of her clit, making little circles so that the skin moved over it.'

'He looked at me and mouthed, touch her. I was excited but unsure of what to do. So I just ran a finger down the centre of her slit.'

Again I paused thinking back to that moment.