Office Re-adjustment


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"Yes, oh, please." Anything to stop the pain--but not all of it.

"Twinks obey."

"Yes... yes."

"You are here to give pleasure."

"Yes... anything."

"Twinks kiss." Still kneeling beside me, his camera close to my face, Brad stuck out his tongue and wiggled it in front of my lips.

Everything about my body felt inflamed and swollen, including my lips. Unconsciously I licked them--and then I gave in and kissed him.

A feeling of sensuality surged from my lips to my mouth and through the rest of my body. The pain in my ass lessened immediately.

What were they doing to me? I didn't even have time to wonder that I was kissing a guy.

He pulled away. "Nice," he said. "But twink guys are more submissive. Just accept my kiss. I'm the aggressor. Pretend you are giving my tongue a blowjob."

He kissed me again. This time I realized I was kissing a guy. He explored my mouth and I suckled at his tongue like it was a cock, just like he had asked. It was humiliating, but god it set my cock on fire.

When he pulled away, I was sorry it was over. "How was Steven-twink's first time kissing a guy?" he asked, pointing the video at me again.

"Okay I guess," I replied feeling my face becoming redder.

"Just okay," he said. To Jock: "He said it was okay he guessed."

Brad grinned, his smile fit for a crocodile. He got up and placed the video recorder on a stand, pointing it directly at my face. He returned to the couch, knelt on it in front of me, but as I was bent over the arm of the couch this put him higher than me. He captured my head between his hands, tilted it up, and ravaged me with his kiss.

At the same time, Jock plundered my ass from behind, pushing farther in but never completely out. The pain from his thickness receded but never stopped. I was so dazed and breathless and absorbed with Brad's kissing that I didn't realize Jock was orgasming until he let out a roar and I felt a surge of liquid inside my ass.

When Jock finished spurting, Brad too eased back from his aggressive kissing of my mouth and asked, almost gently:

"Did Stevie like that kiss better?" Brad teased. "Did it make his cock throb?"

"Yesss," I admitted, but in a barely audible voice.

From above and behind, Jock said, "This is one wet ass. He's positively soaked. I think I've never shot so much sperm before. I can see it leaking out from around my cock."

Brad still had my head between his hands. He pointed me so that I faced the video. "Answer me, twink."

The camera lens stared straight into my soul. I looked at the camera and said, "I liked it."

* *

Now, I don't want you to think that all of a sudden I had a change of heart due to the kiss. My decision to humiliate myself in front of two work-subordinates and god-knows-who-else with the recorded video and all--that was purely defensive. My apparent eagerness was a direct result of the large cockhead battering my ass. I would have said anything to make Jock stop.

And he did almost stop, now that he'd come inside me. But he kept his cock partway inserted, sliding an inch or so back and forth as he enjoyed the liquid sensation and watched Brad reposition himself on the couch.

"Now my cock," Brad ordered.

His cock was fully erect, the head flaring proudly as he positioned it close to my mouth.

Almost automatically my lips pursed and I kissed the tip tenderly. Then my tongue crept out to taste it. For a minute or so I alternated between kissing the soft tip and licking around the head.

"That's nice," Brad said. "Does that make Stevie's cock hard?"

He pulled his cock back to the camera could see my face fully.

This time, I have to admit that I was enjoying it. The combination of Jock's still mostly hard cock inside me and what Brad was having me do had me leaking precum steadily. Two cocks giving me their attention.

"Yes, my cock is very hard," I said earnestly to the camera.

Brad smiled knowingly, and re-positioned his cock close to my mouth so he could push it in when he wanted.

But at first I kissed it. Just at the tip, and then along his shaft and almost to his balls before kissing my way back to the tip.

"Oh, he's a teaser, this one," Brad said to Jock.

To be honest; I had fantasized about doing this for Jock and Brad, even before I had any idea what their cocks looked like. The stories Brad told me and my own fantasies turned me on, but at the same time they were frightening. I worried that I wouldn't be good at it. I worried even more that I wouldn't like it. I mean, how do you tell someone, Sorry, but my curiosity has been satisfied. See you around.

Well, that wasn't an option now. Brad's cock was like a fantasy made real, and while I still hadn't seen Jock's what I felt inside my anus was like the fantasy cock so big that you both fear it and would die to possess it. I was helpless to do anything other than what these two men wanted.

And right now what they wanted was for me and to spread my ass for them and to suck. Except for being recorded and treated as a mere pleasure toy or something, it was exactly where I wanted to be.

"That's it, twink, work my cock," Brad cooed. "But back up a bit and look at the camera while you do it."

I tried to refuse, but he just hissed, "Do it!" He grabbed me by the ear and pulled and twisted until he was satisfied with my position.

"Keep licking." That was from Jock, still way deep inside of my sprawled body. I could feel his cock returning already to full hardness, and he was beginning to move inside me again more rapidly.

I obeyed, snaking my tongue up and down along Brad's shaft.

I had a moment of self-realization. Who was I now? I had gone from fraternity guy to graduate-school guy all the way to management guy. And now, in a span of minutes--because of one stupid, stupid decision--I was now forever recorded as naked-and-willing toy for two gay men.

What would my friends do if they ever found out? Or my colleagues?

"Smile, baby," Brad said sweetly, running his hands through my hair and up and down my back, while his eased his cock out of my mouth for a moment.

It didn't take me long to realize that there was an easy way and a hard way whenever I was asked to do something. Either way, I would end up doing it. I gazed up at Brad, plastering a fake smile on my lips, then another for the camera, and returned to licking his cock.

"Oh you should see him smile, Jock," Brad said. "He just loves cock, this one does. Don't you, twink?"

"Yes sir," I answered. "I love cock."

"He wears such nice suits at the office," Brad said teasingly, "but underneath he just wants to be naked between two cocks."

"Yesss," I groaned.

"He has a girlfriend," he continued, "but he really wants to open his legs and mouth for men."

"Ah, ah fuck," I gasped the words. "I want to be your ah--ah pleasure guy."

At that Jock thrust especially hard. "Oh god your cock, Jock! Oh! OH!" Then I dove my face back down, pressing my mouth deeply onto Brad's sex. He was moving faster, humping my face. I just let my mouth and lower body relax totally, giving myself up to their cocks. Letting them have their way with me.

Brad pulled his cock out of my mouth, leaving me feeling empty and needy there, tilted my head to the camera again, only this time he held my cheek tightly against his cock, while he continued to hump his hips. "Tell me about Jock's cock. Tell me what it's doing to twink's ass."

In those moments Jock was a beast, but a beast that owned me. "Oh god, he's filling me, and it's oh-oh-oh it hurts. I want him to stop." But I didn't really.

My words made a thick drop of precum spill out of Brad's cock and onto my lower lip. "But, you love it, don't you, Steven?"

"No.... oh oh oh god, yes..." It came out as a sob. "God help me I do."

Then Brad forced his cock into my mouth, pushing until his pubic hair brushed against my nose and chin. I lay still between them, allowing them to use me.

The pressure was building up inside of me. I felt a familiar tingling in my loins, as my cock was rubbing against the fabric of the couch, both from my own hips moving and the force of Jock's thrusts.

I tried to will it away, but the feeling was relentless. It would not be denied.

"Going to cum for us now, twink?" Brad asked. "You do love it, don't you? Give us a cum. Show us, show everyone, show us how much you love it."

"Oh god oh god--ohhhhhhh ..." I groaned. It was happening. I was coming. I spread my legs wide, giving my soul to Jock's cock. Brad pushed my face back onto his cock, and I sucked for all I was worth. Jock drove me on. Plowing me. Punishing me with his cock.

I exploded onto the couch, spurting and moaning as my cock throbbed and jerked.

Brad's fingernails cut into my ears as he pulled my mouth tightly onto his cock.

"Oh Stevie twink, here it comes. Don't stop. Don't you dare stop!" Brad cried. I didn't. I attacked his cock with renewed vigor. "Oh-oh-OH FUCK!" he bucked several times, filling my mouth with his liquid.

Jock let out another grunt as he pounded into my ass, and if possible I felt even more liquid surge into me, and then the weight of his body came down on mine, his energy exhausted.

Brad finally released my head from between his thighs, his cock sliding out from between my lips.

He got to his feet and stretched languidly. "God, but that was good!" He leaned over and kissed Jock on the lips, which turned into a long deep kiss. "Thank you lover," he beamed, ignoring me now. He turned away to take the video recorder off the stand.

Meanwhile, I was still held down by Jock's weight and impaled by his cock.

"Just try to relax," Jock said, and then he began to work himself free. Now that the flames of my desires had cooled, the pleasure from when I was orgasming was gone and now it felt mostly like pain.

My anus was raw and stretched. It had been traumatized. Probably ruined. But now Jock was gentle, removing his fat cockhead it as tenderly as possible.

I cried out when it finally pulled free and the shock of cold air hitting my insides. Oh god, I felt destroyed there. I could no longer close my anus. Would I need to go to a hospital? How would I explain my condition?

"Don't move," Brad warned. There was no need to warn. In my state... I was in no hurry.

All of a sudden, the feeling of cold touching my anus caused me to gasp in shock. Dear god it was the lens of the video camera.

"Close your anus, Steven," Brad said.

I tried, but it was useless. I hoped I wasn't wrecked forever.

"What's wrong," Brad asked.

"I c-can't."

"You can," Brad said.

"Get on your knees, twink," Jock said.

I did so. But they weren't satisfied until I knelt before them, with my legs spread wide and my fingers laced behind my neck. All the while, the camera continued to film my exposed state.

"Don't worry, twink," Brad said. "You'll be back to normal in a few days. You're fit, and the body has amazing healing abilities."

I wasn't so sure. Maybe he was just saying that for the camera.

Jock continued where Brad left off. "And then Brad came to me with the best idea. There was this hot twink at work--who didn't know he was a twink yet--who just happened to be our new manager. I said, Brad, are you trying to get us fired?"

Brad took over, "And I said, Hell no. Once he gets the twink treatment, who's he going to tell with this video floating around?"

He paused and that thought sank into me for a few moments. Then he continued.

"A video like this would ruin his real world. What would his friends or co-workers think? Or his girlfriend? Imagine them watching the clip with Stevie asking us to let him make our cocks happy any way we want?"

It was awful. There was no way I could get the video from them--or risk them letting anyone else see it. I'd be ruined at work, socially, and no woman would ever look at me again.

Jock said, "So what about a deal? You be our permanent twink guy? Any time and anywhere we want."

I considered the unlimited range of possibilities that meant. Permanent? Any time? Anywhere? No way.

"Or," he said, "does the video go out?"

I had to avoid that. The thought of that was terrible.

But the price was too high to pay. Now that I was no longer aroused, the idea of doing anything sexual with these gay men was gross. I couldn't do that again.

No way.

Jock ask again, more harshly: "So, what's it going to be, twink?

"The video goes out," I almost felt like crying.

"There, there, Steven," Brad pressed in close to comfort me, running his hands through my hair. A nice gesture if he hadn't been naked and if my face wasn't pressed into his crotch. "Don't worry about him," he said.

Then to Jock he said, "See, I told you he wouldn't go for it."

My heart leapt as he pulled me in tighter to his crotch. I allowed him to press my face between his thighs ... and strangely I could feel myself getting turned on again.

"Okay, twink," Brad said. "Here's our last offer."

He release my head, and I sat back on my haunches to look up at him to hear better.

"Once a week. You come over here every Saturday at five o'clock. You do anything we want. When we are done with you, just like tonight, you can leave. How's that sound, twink?"

One night a week? To be totally owned for one night out of seven--in exchange I could keep my job. I wouldn't have to explain my secret to my friends or family. I could even keep my girlfriend.

A surge of relief went through me, and a decision came.

"Yes, sir," I answered. "I will do it."

"That's my twink," Brad cooed. "Now, give your lovers a kiss to seal the deal."

I tried to stand, but he held me down with a hand on my shoulder.

"No," Brad said, "we're lovers," pointing to himself and then to Jock. And then they kissed lovingly. I felt a twinge of jealousy.

"These are your lovers." Brad smiled wickedly, and then pointed to Jock's sticky cock and his own still semi-hard cock. "And you better convince them you mean it."

I burned with humiliation. Even more so since I was still being videoed. But, I knew I had to do it... and be believable.

So I kissed both of their penises. I should have been mortified, but ... the soft texture of their skin, the smells, and being on my knees before these two men ... I found myself growing aroused. I reached my hands around Brad and grabbed his soft bottom and, pretending it was my girlfriend kissed his penis like my long lost lover. Mostly pretending, anyway.

"Enough, twink," Brad said.

Jock tossed my clothes over. "Get dressed. We need some privacy."

"But--a" I needed my underwear. I needed a shower.

"But?" Jock raised his eyebrows and said harshly, "You think we're still negotiating?

I looked away.

"Okay then," he continued. "But--we are also going to play with you at work sometimes. Let's say one day a month. The day will be a surprise. Any other buts?"

"No, sir," I answered hurriedly, quickly putting on my shirt and pants. "I understand."

* *

I drove home, keeping the car under the speed limit. No way I wanted to be stopped in the state I was in.

I understood what Jock had said. All too well. And further disobedience would change the deal, and the deal was bad enough as it was. I dreaded the thought of what they had in mind to do with me at work. Why hadn't I just left and kept my big mouth shut? And keep things with only one day a week at their apartment.

... What would they do? Make me do things for them in hidden places? Would they call me twink in front of the other employees? What would they do when my girlfriend came to visit?

Oh god, I should have been mortified, yet instead I was growing hot. My ass was sore. It hurt to sit, much less walk. I cupped my cheeks through my pants where my aching flesh was. My god, what had he done to me? Well, at least my opening felt like it had closed again.


Surely it was too soon to masturbate, wasn't it?

* *

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