Office Slut - The Beginning Ch. 01

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It was a dark and rainy night.
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Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/23/2022
Created 01/04/2011
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It was a dark and rainy night. A classic starting to a story, but in this case it was a darken night caused by a huge rain storm. My work had called me back in earlier in the night to shut down system encase of lightning strikes. So I had time to kill since the power was out at home, and the family was out of town for the weekend visiting my wife's parents, ugh. I decided to stop in at my favorite watering hole to catch some sports and hang with whoever was here I knew. Hey and it was also taco bar night so it was a great deal all around.

When I got in the bar I loaded up a plate got me a nice Bourbon and coke and found a good seat that allowed me to look at three different big-screen. Life is good I thought. I looked up and one of my regular hang out buddies was headed to my table also with a plate of tacos also. He had this sullen look.

"Hey, bud, what's got you down looking?"

"Well Dave it's like this, I have this neat thing that is happening and I can't really share it with anyone. It's is kinda neat to me, but if it got out totally embarrassing to me and most definitely Karen. But my real problem is I am not sure I am normal because I love what's going on, instead of being upset. You're going to have to tell me what you think."

Ah Karen, my mind went into overtime in immediate fantasy. This is a woman that is in her mid-thirties, looks to be in her mid-twenties. She has one of t hose bodies that no matter what she wears you can see she has a beautiful set of perky tits, and that Venus "V" between her legs that makes you just shudder wishing you could have her for thirty minutes once in a lifetime. You top this off with long flow auburn hair and those green, not hazel, but truly green eyes that burn with a smoldering passion in them for all things to do with life. I was so hard just thinking about her. Ah, But back to the story.

"Okay, Mitch ole buddy, if you want to tell me I will listen and never say a word, if not I understand. No one likes to embarrass themselves and god help us if we do it to our women, the pay-back never ends."

Mitch and I sat in silence for the longest time eating and sipping our drink and mindlessly watching what was on all the screens.

"Dave, you remember when Tony invited us to see his new high tech officer building for his construction company?" Mitch asked this with this kind of faraway look of the good ole days.

"Yeah, you were engaged and I had been married to Angie for a short period of time. He had just finished two huge contracts and need to spend some dollars on capital improvements or some such crap to avoid high taxes, so he built that palace of intrigue if I remember the nickname you gave it."

"Well Dave, what are the two things you remember most about our visit? I know what I remember."

Back to silence while I mulled over what he said. I guess we must have sat there ten minutes while I thought about that day. Tony had called and asked if some of us from the Sunday football group at the bar wanted to come out and look, then he offered four of us that have known each other since high school to stick around for a private tour of the "Whole" building. Mitch and I were the only two from the high school group to show.

The building was huge and ultra modern even by today's standards. It was completely wired for computers, internet, cable TV and everything else you could think of. The entry way was open and you could look up into the private suites for the big boys as Tony put it. As the owner and President his was the largest office area, followed by his two VP's and then room for up to three secretaries. It was dark smoked glass so you really could not see in. But he said the cool thing is it is adjustable. He used a rotating switch and it did something to adjust the glass darkness from total black out to lightly grey. He then told us that is only from the outside, on the inside of the suite it never changed you could easily see out. He had found a company making this over in Europe and had it imported.

After we toured downstairs in the main area, which by the way was awesome set up, he took us up into the reception area of the bosses' suite as he called it. For whatever reason I remember that he would not show us much of the upstairs when we went up from the lobby.

"Mitch, you know what I remember the most" I said after the long silence. "I remember him giving us a code and telling us to drive around and park in the private garage and take the elevator back up to the second floor. I remember when you parked and I got out the spot next to the VIP parking had his car in the presidents spot and the two VP spots were empty that day as was the two Secretary spots and the one spot marked Office Slut was right next to us and we joked about that."

"Yeah" Mitch said and gave a small smile

"I also remember that when the elevator opened it was a whole different upstairs we stepped into. There was this back hall and hidden rooms and a bedroom suite and the like. Tony told us that is was for use by the office slut and all the staff. I even remembered you joking that no one has a real office slut and Tony going "well we don't have one yet but we are working on it, but everything is here when we find her." Then you crack a joke that you hope he got a she-male and we all laughed our asses off."

"Gawd I forgot about that comment". We were both laughing now. "Yeah I also remember him saying it would be close to a six figure job since she would have all sorts of special requirements, then you were still laughing and said yeah like a dick and tits. I was never sure if he thought that was funny or not but he did laugh."

We went back to eating and small talk and watching the games. After a few minutes of this I remember to ask him how his wife's search was going for a job. She had been laid off from a nice paying job working in a advertising firm doing stuff for the two bosses as an executive assistant. They got hit hard by the economy when it had the down turn and they let what they considered were luxuries go - her position was one of those luxuries.

"Oh she got a job about a month or two back" was Mitch's casual answer and we just moved on into the games and some more beer and tacos. I just let it drop about his original question on wanting to share something but wanting to make sure I would never spill it.

Sometime after the games half time Mitch returned from a smoke with a cup of coffee and more food.

"Okay good buddy, I am feeling my beer and feel good about this so let me spill some guts here" This is how he started his conversation. "My wife was hired by Tony."

Awesome was all I could think of.

"You see she was desperate to get work, our bills were stacking up. So one day two months ago on a Monday morning she decided to go hit everyplace in town that had secretary or HR positions in their structure. She set out with a stack of resumes and in a nice business pant suit to get a job."

"That makes sense. And Tony hired her, that is awesome." was my reply. I went back to the game thinking this was the big news.

"Well it doesn't quit end there. She stopped and left her resume off at his company as was told there was no opening. That was like nine in the morning. Somewhere about two in the afternoon she is driving home dejected when her cell rings and it is the big cheese himself Tony calling her and saying he would like to talk to her about a job he might have open."

"Well Mitch that makes sense to me." I started to get up to go get some coffee and snack myself. I figured I had paid for the buffet might as well get my money's worth.

"No,no,no, sit your ass down and hear me out."

Back to the chair I went and leaned forward and looked at him closely, he was not near as toasted as I thought. "Okay Mitch, I will listen for a few more minutes than I gotta hit the can, grab some food and another coffee."

"Well Karen drove back there. When she got there Tony met her at the front desk and they walked up to the big office of his. They went over in that little sitting area with the big screen TV and sat down. He flipped through the resume. He then told her he had one position open, but it required more than her office skills. He told her the lady that held it just left two weeks earlier and while they, meaning him and the VP's, can get along without the position being filled, when saw her down there dropping off her resume he thought she would be perfect for it."

"Okay, that sounds about right. We both know Tony has made his millions by paying attention to all the details in his business."

"I know Dave, that's why I was sitting at work kinda excited. I know he pays decent and he has plenty of work so she would at least make it till something better came along."

Yeah, Mitch we all look for that something better." I started laughing.

"Well, Tony and Karen talked for a bit, and covered her resume and her background and educations. You know the standard stuff. But then, according to Karen, out of nowhere he asked her how her sex life was it still active on her part. He said it was important to the job he had in mind."

I was stunned to hear that. "He asked What??"

"You heard me Dave. He asked if she was still active in sex and how active. He asked her things like how often, was it just normal are did she personally, not Mitch, like to get wild and sex. She said she answered the best she could, but was embarrassed and felt humiliated"

"I image so. Karen always struck me as a private person in that type of area."

"Yeah kinda, a couple drinks and she will tell ya things, but the next day feel horrible about it. Then at the end of the interview, he takes a piece a paper off his desk, scribbles something on it, and hands it to her in a sealed envelope he had just stuck it in. He told her it was a job offer with a job description and the yearly salary offer. He told her to go home, read it think about it and let him know by the end of the week if she wants the job or not."

At this point Mitch reached into his hip pocket and pulled out a well worn fold sheet of paper. You could tell it had been pulled out and looked at allot. He slid it over to me and told me to read and then I will understand his dilemma.

Centered in bold letters on the top of the page was the word's "OFFICE SLUT POSTION". Right below that, also centered was the word - "Old World Construction Executive toy and sexual assistant"

I was dumbstruck. I read on down through it. The first thing I notice was in conditions of employment. It said that sexual harassment as defined by law does not apply as this was a sexual position, but that if there was a complaint about action they are to be addressed directly to Tony. Then it noted the minimum expect clothing had things like stockings and garter, sheer bras, thongs are lacy sheer boy-shorts panties, heels or boots no lower than 4 inches. The conditions also listed mild bondage, spankings, and many other items that may happen. At the very bottom was the salary. I sit in awe and silence. It was just short of six figures. It also noted that if she behaved and performed as a good little slut that after six month there would be a 5% raise.

I slid it back to him.

"Mitch, I do not know what to say. I mean she was offered the position we joked about. I assume she did not take it and moved on to the other offers you said she got. You did say she got other offers?"

"Yeah she got other offers. Back to this though. When she got home from the interview I told her she had a call from the bank about a position and some other place. She said she would get to them in a few minutes. I asked her how Tony place was. She said she wasn't sure yet but the interview was fine. She went off to the bedroom to get out of her interview clothes"

"She didn't say anything right off about the offer?

"No I don't think she had opened the envelope till she was changed and sitting in the bedroom. I figure she must have read it there. I heard the TV come on and then her talking. I looked on the phone in the kitchen and the light showed she was on the phone."

We sat in silence for a bit, I was having all sorts of thoughts. I was thinking of Karen in nothing but heels garter and stocking and those nice perky tits totally available and thought man I understand Tony making that offer, what man wouldn't want to be able to touch feel and tap that hottie anytime he wanted during the work day. I also was having these wild ideas of what the interview must have really been like and also being a person that liked to write and had a decent wife myself thought I would love Angie to take a job like that so I can write about it. Little did I know - but you will as this unfolds.

I got up at this point hiding the huge hard on hearing this and thinking about Karen naked are almost so. I hit the bathroom, then got another plate of food and settled back in waiting for some coffee to be brought around. I could tell my Mitch's face that he was conflicted from being hot over this and being shocked. Me I was just horny as hell the more I thought about it.

Finally the silence was broken. "Dave, she went back out and she told me she was heading to meet friends and talk about employment strategy or something. It was not completely true. She did meet the friends but she did not tell me until later she went back to Tony's to get a clear picture of what he meant by some of the things in the job offer."

I tried to lighten it up by teasing him that he just figured out women tend to fib at times. I mentioned that it wasn't a lie, she did meet friends, she did just stopped on the way.

I guess so was his response. He said he should have known something was up when he went up to the room when she called and she was dressing naughty. Mitch told me that she had put on this pair of nude suspender panty hose. You know the ones that look like garter and hose built together as one. He said she had put on these hot bright pink thongs and asked him to zip up her dark navy color mini dress and there was no bra. I have seen this dress it is tight, short and had a low cut front and a plunging back that went all the way to her low back. He said when she left a few minutes later she had added her knee high black leather boots with almost five inch heels. I can tell you, hearing this made me almost cream my jeans. I was ready to go home and screw Angie few times.

I noticed at this point he was looking at his watch allot. I asked him if he needed to go and he said nah, just waiting for Karen. She was going to show up at some point so he needed to try to get this all told before then. I was like oh okay, and took a few bites while silence sat in again. Final he got up and said he would be back in a minute.

When he got back he sat down and said so here's how it went. My wife goes back to Tony's business before she met up with the other girls for a night out. He has he park in the private garage and take the elevator up we went into. Now she tells me as the elevator is going up it stops and She hears Tony ask her if she is coming to be seriously considered are just get questions answered? Karen - goes why what difference does it make at this point I have not accepted the offer. Tony goes back because if you're considering it seriously than you need to undress except for what's under the dress and until I tell you to stop.

I sitting there thinking Damn I want to be Tony. "Okay, that's different, what did Karen do if you don't mind me asking." He smiles and say's oh I am going to tell you lots if I can before she gets here.

"Now you know Karen is a very shy person in public, but what you don't know she is an outright a show off slut in private. She moans, talks nasty, teases and likes to show off her body. My life is great that way, but it does wear ya down at times. So she goes back to Tony with the - what happens if I do not undress and just ask questions. And then asks him if he can see in there and how many cameras. Tony answers there are multiple cameras and hell yeah he can see, it's his elevator. She then goes okay so if I decide to strip for you, then what and why. Tony goes you would come into the office go to the couch sit on it with your legs spread wide and ask your questions while I jerk off. She starts laughing."

"Okay I got to know, how do you know all of this?" Mitch slides a DVD across to me and said because Tony recorded this whole thing and her final interview and gave it to her, she gave it to me. I want you to watch it tonight then answer my original question."

"Hey, Mitch, good ole buddy, you never asked the question."

Then he repeats the question and it dawns on me he is looking for someone to tell him it's okay that his wife is secretly the office slut for a big company. Since I have already figured out she took the job. But man I gotta tell ya I get to watch a video of his wife and hear the story. My voyeur side is in hog heaven.

Back to the story he was telling, he was rushing through it and checking his watch constant. He goes back to the elevator. He said that Karen then told Tony, that if he really wanted the clothes off he had to give her some music and answer one question up front. Tony turns on some music for her and according to Mitch she makes him change it a few times, then starts unzipping the dress but stops and goes something like okay now for the question I want answered.

At this point Mitch stops and said crap and slip a CD case over to me.

"Here comes Karen. Take this home, watch it. You going to be here for the game Thursday night?"

"Yeah, I plan on it, Why" was my reply

"Good we can talk more then, but watch that before then, please."

With that Karen arrived at the table. She looked at both of us because according to her we looked somber. Karen was in a very tight fitting showing dress. It was flimsy enough that you could tell there was no panty or bra line. It was short enough when she plopped in the chair between us and took a swig of my rum and coke still sitting there you could see the stocking tops. She had five inch stilettos, open toed heel with bright red nail polish on her toe nails. Her nipples were really hard and pushing against the fabric.

She stood up, looked down at me with a wicked seductive smile.

"Dave, staring at me will not make the clothes fall off. One of these days when Mitch is in a giving mood I may just show you what's under there and even let you sample it for an evening" She then laughed and told Mitch it was time to head out. He just shrugged and said see ya Thursday. As they left I could hear Karen asking about changing hair colors.

So I finished my drink and head home with CD in hand and thinking about watching later that evening once Angie was asleep.

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