Office Wife Gets Caught Ch. 07


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"Carmen, Carmen," yelled Jake as she keeled over face-first onto the couch with her ass pointed up into the air.

Jake pulled up his pants. He pulled Carmen up and laid her on the couch. Jake made sure she was breathing and checked her pulse. He pulled her panties up and then pulled down her skirt and called Shannon.

Diego's plane had just landed at Knoxville, Tennessee Airport at nine that evening. He had heard the message from Shannon sitting on the runway in Dallas that afternoon to call her, but his phone battery had died.

So he dragged his carry-on to the Park-and-Go shuttle waiting area and was eventually taken to the offsite airport parking facility.

Nervously, he kept checking his phone for messages every few minutes but cussed himself every time because it was still dead.

Finally getting to his car, he plugged his phone into the USB charger and drove to the payment gate. He paid the fees and drove out.

The phone started dinging and buzzing right after it came on. Over 50 missed calls and text messages from Shannon asking him to call her ASAP.

"Shannon, this is Diego. What's going on?" he asked.

"It's Carmen," she replied. "We had to have her taken to University Hospital. She had gone into Jake's office for their afternoon meeting."

Before Shannon could finish, "That son-of-bitch," snarled Diego. "I'll kill the bastard," slamming the steering wheel with his fist. I heard your message from this afternoon."

"Hold on, Diego, he said she just passed out," explained Shannon. "He said he phoned me once he got her on the couch.

Jake swore to me he never touched her. Jake explained that Carmen looked like she had had substantial weight loss and didn't look well."

Diego asked, "How is she doing now? Has anyone talked to the Doctors?"

Shannon replied, "No, Diego, we can't talk to them. They will only talk to the husband or next to kin. And I know Natalia won't come down."

With a panicked voice, "I am on my way. I'll be there in 20 minutes." replied Diego. He threw his phone into the passenger seat, did a quick U-turn, and headed toward the hospital.


He walked into Carmen's room to see her hooked up to a heart monitor and other electronic monitoring devices. He had no clue what they did. She had oxygen tubes running to her nose. While she was sleeping peacefully, Diego noticed for the first time her weight loss.

"Mr. Perez?" he heard a female voice coming from behind him. "Are you Carmen's husband?"

"Yes, I'm her husband," replied Diego. He turned to see a 5 ft tall doctor standing behind him.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Simon." She said with a warm smile. "I was assigned to her about five weeks ago, Mr. Perez."

"What's wrong with her doctor?" he asked.

She smiled again, "Right now, she is suffering from Hypokalemia." Diego looked bewildered.

She explained, "Due to her cancer, she has become potassium deficient. We have IVs in her to bring her numbers up. Mr. Diego, I told her about her options for treatment five weeks ago.

I gave her her option. Finally, she looked sad, stood up, and said, "I have nothing to live for. And she never came back."

"Goddammit, Carmen," In a sad voice, he asked. "What kind of cancer does she have?"

"Lobular Carcinoma," replied the doctor. Again, Diego looked confused.

With a sympathetic voice, she replied, "Breast Cancer

Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Diego thought to himself. "Doctor, what is her prognosis."

She pursed her lips, "I only give her about a 20% chance of surviving. Five weeks ago, it was 60 %. She had already moved into stage four at that time. I had everything set to go, but she never came back."

"Doctor, go ahead and set it up. She'll do it," Diego said with conviction in his voice.


Coming out of her deep sleep, Carmen looked up to see Diego smiling at her. She could barely smile when she saw him. Finally, she asked, "Why are you here?"

Grinning, Diego replied, "Just happened to be in the neighborhood."

"I bet you were," smiled Carmen. Then, he looked at her and asked, "Didn't you check your breast regularly?"

With a dry chuckle, Carmen replied, "I always depended on you to feel them for me. Do you remember you used to play with them all the time?"

Diego felt a pain hit his heart. Sighing, he asked, "Didn't Jake...."

"No! Diego," she replied. "Somehow, you always knew what we were up to. We haven't looked at or faced each other since this happened.

We couldn't stand the look into each other's faces anymore. Jake just took me from behind. I hadn't had an orgasm in years. Only that night, I was with you, Diego. I'm so sorry," Carmen said, sniffling. "It was the best sex I have ever had."

Diego asked. "Why have you not already started treatment."

She started crying. "I have nothing to live for."

"Carmen, I'll make you this deal. You start treatment now. I swear to you, I will have your grandkids here tomorrow night."

"What about us?" asked Carmen. With a warming smile, Diego responded, "We'll deal with that later. I have to go for a little while. I'll be back. Oh, by the way, it is over."

After walking out of the room, he dialed his phone, "Natalia, I am on my way over. I don't care if you're in bed. Get up. I'll be there in thirty minutes."

There was banging on the door. "Hey, Dad. How are you doing?" asked Micah, opening the door.

"All right, Micah. Where's Natalia?" asked Diego. "

She's in the kitchen," replied Micah.

"Come with me," snorted Diego. "You have a dog in this fight."

Diego walked into the kitchen to see Natalia sitting at the table, ready to go 15 rounds with him. But instead, Diego sat down next to her and placed his arms around her. Het just sat there holding her. This turn of events surprised her. She was confused by his actions.

She was ready for a confrontation, and here he was, trying to comfort her. Diego sighed, "Honey, it's time to let it go. We won. What we won is... Hell, I don't know what we won. Nobody will care one-hundred years from now, hell twenty-five years from now."

"No, Dad. I'll never forgive her. I'll never let her see my kids," snarled Natalia.

"Oh yes, you will, came a voice from behind them" as Micah walked around them and sat across from Natalia. Then, taking her hands, he said, "You've got to stop this, Natalia.

"You're growing more bitter as time goes on. You've stopped going to counseling. You're angry all the time. Then, after seeing another woman and her mother with a child, you snap my head off for days. And the bedroom is getting colder." Natalia started tearing up.

Micah continued, "I want you to know that I thank God for what your mother did every day." Then, Micah turned to Diego, "Sorry, Dad." Diego nodded his head.

Micah went on, "If Diego hadn't caught them, I wouldn't be married to the most beautiful woman in the world. And The woman that has given me two beautiful children.

Oh, by the way, Dad Natalia has something to tell you." Diego looked at Natalia and just shook his head.

"Each morning when I roll over, I get to see your mother in your face. Hence, I can't be mad at her. You don't even get to enjoy your own family anymore.

You avoid them as much as possible. And to tell the truth, I am tired of making excuses for why we cannot see them when Carmen is around."

"The only time you seem happy is when you're at my parent's house, where you can just cut loose.

I think you miss your family terribly, and it's affecting our marriage. And by forgiving her, we can move on and try to put this shit show behind us."

"I'll stand with your mother if they try to do anything to hurt her. I'll take our kids tomorrow to the hospital, and I want you to go. Or do you wish this never happened and we weren't married?"

Diego interrupted, "Your mother is dying from breast cancer. She has refused treatment because she has lost all reason to live.

"I need you to do this for us, you, and me. Then, if Carmen dies and you later regret not forgiving her, it will be too late to do anything about it."

Natalia turned to Diego, "All right, Dad," With a snarky attitude. "Are you willing to forgive her and move back in with her as husband and wife? No more hall passes." She stared into his eyes, waiting for his answer.

Diego pursed his lips, "I will fully forgive her and move back in with her as a couple, a husband and wife. I'll ask Carmen to renew our wedding vows after we go to confession."

Natalia's eyes widened at his response. She looked towards Micah, "Damn it. I married my father after all." She stood up and walked out.

Micah turned to Diego and asked, "Carmen doesn't have much of a chance, does she?"

Diego replied with a sigh, "No. I think she might have waited too late. They're only giving her a 10 to 20 percent chance of survival. She'll have them removed the day after tomorrow and then go into chemo.

"It will require a lot of mental toughness to survive this. And I'm going to try to give it to her. If possible, I want to surprise her tomorrow before her surgery."

With a suspicious look, Micah asked, "Were you going to get back with her if this hadn't happened?"

Taking a deep breath, Diego swore, "I'll do anything to make my daughter happy. And as you can see, she is a heartbroken woman.

'She had a great relationship with her mother before this shit happened. I don't want her to grow old and bitter. It will destroy her and your family.

"I have to be going. I'll call the others to let them know what is happening on the way home. Micah, look at your kids, and you tell me. What would you do to secure your kid's happiness?"

The following day, at ten sharp, there was a knock on the door leading to Carmen's hospital room. "Hello," came a male voice, "Can we come in?"

Carmen looked at Diego to see him staring back at her with a warm smile. She looked back up to see the red-headed man staring at her with a big smile, "Hey, Mom," smiled Micah. "Can we come in?"

Carmen's eyes grew big as her eyes started to water. Then she looked at Diego to see him grinning like a Cheshire Cat after eating the canary. "Please, yes. Please come in," Carmen replied with the enthusiasm of a young child.

His head disappeared, just to see him return a moment later carrying his eight-month-year-old daughter. And behind him was Natalie holding their 2-year-old son.

Micah walked over to Carmen, leaned over, kissed her cheek, and smiled. "Glad to see you, Mom. I want to introduce you to your granddaughter, Elizabeth Marie." He held his daughter out for her to hold.

Carmen looked up to get reassurance from Natalia that it was ok. Natalia nodded with a small smile. Carmen reached out and took the child from him to hold.

She saw the sleeping small child's innocent face. Carmen started crying. She immediately fell in love with the little red-headed girl.

"Mom," smiled Micah. "What do you think of her red hair?"

Carmen cried, "She's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

Micah placed his hand on her shoulder. "Everything is going to be all right." Leaning over and whispering in her ear, "I love you, mom, and thanks. Without you, I wouldn't have my children or my wife.

Every time I look at you, I see what I have to look forward to in the future. I have forgiven you, for you have only brought me happiness."

Micah nodded to Natalie. She walked over to Carmen and stood next to her shoulder. She lowered the little boy down to see her eye to eye. The little boy got a big grin on his face and asked, "Abuela?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I'm your Abuela," replied Carmen, crying, laughing, sobbing all at the same time. The little boy stuck his hands out to hug her.

Carmen quickly laid her granddaughter on her left shoulder. Then, she reached with her right arm to take the boy in as Natalie brought him to Carmen's neck.

Carmen took him, pulled him tight to her body, and kissed him all over the face. Then, she looked up to the heavens and mouthed, "Thank you, God," with tears running down.

She then turned to the other three and mouth, "Thank you, I am so sorry."

Micah smiled and replied, "I am not sorry you did it. And you're holding the reasons."

Diego smiled, "Carmen, now is not the time to be sorry. You need to fight this so you can hold your great-grandchildren someday. Micah, take Elizabeth, and I'll take Diego. We'll let you two talk."


"Mom, I'm going to start, and you're not going to say a word.," spoke Natalia. "This forgiveness you are asking for will be tentative at best.

It's predicated on how you act in the future. I have heard about your changes around the family, and you are no longer the rip-roaring bitch you used to be."

"If you give Dad any shit, your forgiveness will be revoked in a heartbeat. But, mom, I do not wish to keep hearing how sorry you are.

We all know what happened, and there's nothing you can say that could justify your actions. Nothing."

"Micah is right about it destroying my marriage. The hate in my heart affects everything in my life, and I have to let it go. But it won't be immediate, and it will take some time for me to get back to anything reassembling a daughter and mother relationship."

"In a way, I do owe you. I have the most incredible husband in the world and my children. And that would have never happened if what happened hadn't happened.

"Mother, I don't want to hear the word sorry come out of your mouth ever again. You can say thank you and nothing else. No amount of explanation will make it better. Do you understand me?"

Carmen just nodded her head and said, "Thank you."


There was a commotion outside Carmen's door. Carmen's mother and father stuck their heads in and asked, "May we come in?"

"Yes, mom," replied Carmen with a smile. Diego walked back in behind Carmen's mother and walked over and kissed Carmen on the lips.

"Mom will stay while I go home and get some sleep and get cleaned up. My sisters and mother will be over later to take over. Then your brother's wives will help out." He hugged Carmen's mom and left.

Dialing his phone, "Hey Shannon, how's it going?" asked Diego.

"I'm so sorry, Diego," she replied. "How is Carmen doing."

Sighing, "Better now, but I am calling you about everything is over. You can tell Jake if you wish. Just tell him to stay clear of me."

"You got it, Diego," she replied. "I'll go and tell him when we are through."

Diego continued, "Please tell everyone not to send flowers. They're running out our ears at the hospital. But, if anyone wants to give something, donating it to any of the Woman's Breast Cancer research groups would be appreciated. Unfortunately, I have to be going now. I have to see a priest."

Diego walked up to the prayer candles and lit one for Carmen. Then, he walked over, knelt in front of the Blessed Mary, and started praying.

Father Garcia walked in, and as he crossed the stage to the podium, he looked over to see Diego praying and tears running off his cheeks. The father walked over and asked, "We need to talk, don't we?" Diego nodded.

That evening Diego opened the door to see a smiling Carmen. His sister walked over, hugged him, and left. Carmen's face turned to fear as Father Garcia walked in behind Diego. She lowered her head from shame, not being able to face him.

Father Garcia walked over to Carmen and took her hand, and with a warm smile, asked, "Carmen, how are you doing, my dear?"

Carmen looked down and replied, "Ok, Father." She then burst out crying, "I am so sorry and ashamed for what I did, Father. Please forgive me."

"My child, he replied, "You do not need to ask for my forgiveness. You need to ask for God's. All he asks of you is to show remorse and promise not to do it again.

"As for me, you are part of my flock, and when you hurt, I hurt. I want you two to heal now and move on with your lives within the church!"

"Yes, Father," replied Carmen.

"Would you like to confess your sins in the presence of God? And that you are genuinely sorry for your sins? Are you willing to resolve to avoid committing these sins again in the future, my child?"

Carmen replied, 'Yes, oh yes, Father. I do," sobbed Carmen.

"Diego, come over here and take Carmen's hand," directed Father Garcia. "We're going to perform this confession of your sins to God a little differently this time. You'll confess to God together since both of you're involved."

The father placed his Stole on and smiled, "Carmen, I know every detail that went on, and to say I am disappointed in both of you is an understatement. But we are all human, and we make mistakes.

That's why God grants us absolution. Also, in God's eyes, one sin is the same as another. So shall we begin?" Looking at both of them. Both nodded in the affirmative.

They both blessed themselves with this sign of the Cross. And spoke together."Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. My last confession has been six years," told Carmen.

"And three years"s," spoken by Diego.

Carmen started, "I have committed adulty many times with the same man. I took communion while I committed adultery. I married another man and committed bigamy. Not legally or within the church, but I still married someone else in the eyes of God.

"I broke my marital vows. I have deeply hurt my husband, whom I love, for nothing he deserved. I have committed many more sins, but these are the ones that weigh on my mind every day and that I can remember. I am sorry for these and all my sins."

Father turned to Diego and began, "Father, I have committed adultery many times with four women. I have forced my wife to keep having sex with another man against her will. I beat a man severely in my anger to extract justice from him. I have committed many more sins that I can't remember. I am sorry for these and all my sins."

The priest looked at Carmen and Diego. "Carmen, you will say five Hail Marys and five Our Father's, and the rosery five times for your penance.

Diego, you are to say 500 Hail Marys and 500 Our Fathers. And the rosary 100 times," Diego looked at him in shock. Father Garcia spoke quietly but with power, "If she weren't sick, she would also need to say that same number."

"If both of you are genuinely sorry, I will absolve you of your sins" The priest repeated the Prayer of Absolution and then made the sign of the Cross. Both Carmen and Diego responded by saying, "Amen."

Now, I want to pray with you and give both communions," Father Garcia continued with the ceremony.


Carmen was rolled back into the ICU to recover from her breast surgery the next day. The young surgeon walked to Diego, "Mr. Perez, the surgery didn't go well. We lost her twice. We want her to stay here until she starts her chemo."

Diego was shocked by the information. She looked so happy the night before. He picked up his phone, called his daughter, and gave her the news. He then notified the immediate family members and informed them of his plans. It was time for him to fulfill his promise to his daughter.


After a slow recovery from the surgery and the first round of radiation and chemo, Carmen asked Diego, "Please take me back to my condo. I am tired of being in this damn hospital."

"No," replied Diego. Carmen was shocked by his callous reply. Diego smiled and informed her, "You have no condo. The new interns are using it. So you'll just have to come home and stay in our bedroom."

Her eyes watered up, and she mouthed, "Thank you."

"Yep," he said, "I just had our bedroom redecorated room and added a king-size adjustable bed. I had it installed for you."

"Diego, did I understand correctly you said our bedroom?" she asked. He nodded. She stuck her hands out for him to hold her.

When she walked into their bedroom for the first time, she saw that Diego had removed the picture of Jake above the bed.