Oh God, What Have We Done?


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Her outward calm did not reflect her inner jitters; it was going to be the first time she'd ever seen her mother's pussy; and she wasn't any patient, no matter how much she rationalized it. Helen was her mother and the delicate, pink cunt lips protruding slightly from the soft blond hairs down at the juncture of her thighs, the tiny pearls of moisture clinging to them glistening in the afternoon sunlight, were in the same birth channel she came to life through.

Once Helen was in position, she took a low stool used to put one's feet on when resting or otherwise, and seated herself between her mother's opened legs. She put a pair of latex gloves on, and with practiced hands took the bag the gynecologic instruments she needed for a pap smear out.

Her mother was breathing with rapid anxious gulps of air. She was nervous, but the tiny pearls of moisture clinging in her nether lips weren't perspiration, a tiny soft odor of sex wafted to Moira's nostrils. She knew what it was and was amazed, not repulsed, that what was happening with her mother had not happened with any other patient?

She shook her head as though to remove those thoughts from her mind; her mother was nervous, not excited, because her daughter was going to touch her genitals, 'I'm a doctor, and she sees me that way' she told herself; 'yeah right, then why were you wet before' answered the same voice in her head.

She steeled herself to the task at hand, and said, "OK, Helen, I'm going to extract some samples from your cervix to send to the lab, are you ready?

"Yes," was said in a little tremulous voice.

"OK, I'm going to explain what I'm doing to you in layman words as I proceed. This here is an Ayre's spatula and Slide holding bottle - Koplick's jar used for Pap smears. I will first use this bivalve vaginal speculum called Cusco's; it's self-retaining and is used when taking smears from the vagina for Pap tests and routine examinations. Do you understand, Helen?"

"Yes, my dear, don't forget I've lived with a very good gyno for almost three decades," and she had a fit of giggles.

"What's so funny?" asked her daughter.

Her mother couldn't contain herself, and a nervous laugh escaped from her mouth; "Do you want to know what's so funny? Your father wouldn't touch my pussy, not even with a stick, and now his and my daughter is going to be not only touching me, she's going to be inside me, isn't that funny?"

"Yeah, well, it has its humorous side, but I'm also a doctor, and I am now acting as such, not as your daughter, as your doctor."

"Yes; I'm sorry and I thank you, Doctor Song."

"Oh, Mother, Helen, I'm sorry myself, please forgive me, I..."

"No, don't excuse yourself, you are doing beautifully; do you know something? I haven't been this excited in a long time, weird isn't it? I'm hot because my long lost daughter, figuratively speaking of course, is going to intimately touch me."


Moira and her mother bond again

Moira deeply blushed, her own pussy getting wetter and wetter, and to end this dangerous road, she said, "I'm going to use this biopsy brush to take a tissue sample from your cervix after I use the bivalve. I'll send the sample to a pathology lab for evaluation and a diagnosis if anything is wrong. OK, Mother?"

"Yes, please proceed."

Moira took the necessary samples from her mother's sexual and reproductive organs, then removed and picked up her instruments, washed her mother with a neutral solution to remove any trace of medical implements, and while taking her latex gloves off, told Helen what she tells every patient; "Alright, Mrs. Song, you may dress now I'll wait for you in the den."

Helen was with Moira again a few minutes later, trying to appear relaxed, but there was a subtle tension in the air. "What do we do now, Darling?"

Moira took the easy way and said, "Well, I have the samples in the fridge and I'll take them personally to the lab first thing Monday morning, and we'll have to wait for the results. I will also make an appointment for an urgent mammogram on Monday morning."

"Do you think there is something wrong with me?"

"Well, you have a little lump in your left breast, we must wait to have the mamo done before we'll know anything, so just take it easy, and don't worry yourself ahead of time."

"All right, may I ask you a favor, Moira?"

"Of course, Helen, what is it?"

"Don't say anything about this to your father, OK; I don't want him to know."

"But, Mother, don't you think he..."

"Will you please do as I ask you, Moira? You're my doctor I don't want any other; I trust you and this I want to be a private matter between you and me; as in any other doctor/patient relationship."

"Alright, is your patient's prerogative."

"Thanks. Will you take some more coffee, or do you want tea?"

Moira made a detour to leave the samples that have to be analyzed in the lab on her way to the clinic on Monday morning. She marked them with her name to keep her mother's identity private as she had asked for, and asked for results with urgency. The lab promised them in the next ten days. Moira called her mother that same afternoon to ask her how she was feeling, and to tell her the lab process was on its way. After hanging up, she decided go to her apartment that evening to put some toiletries, some clean underwear, a couple of dresses, a few shirts, skirts, and warm clothing that she would need in the next ten days in a bag.

She closed her condo and went to her parents' home when she had all she thought she'd need. She rang the bell when she arrived, and it was her mother who opened the door and tears began to run down from her eyes at the sight of her daughter's bag.

"Hi, Mother, I've come to keep you company a few days."

"Oh, my love, I love you, I love you so much," she said, and tried to take the bag from Moira's hands after wiping her tears with the back of her hands.

"I love you too, Mother," and she entered the house, taking out her hand off the bag.

They bonded beautifully in those days together. Moira went to the clinic and the Hospital early in the morning of every day, but the evenings belonged to them together. They talked and talked, and learned to understand each other as mature women. One of the afternoons Moira took her mother to the radiology department to do the mammogram breast examination. To dilute the fears in her mother's mind, she took her to a luxury tearoom for tea afterwards. They later took Moira's car to go home and, Helen sitting next to Moira on the way, slid over and laid her head on her daughter's shoulder.

The lab sent Moira a message a couple weeks later, telling her that the results of the samples were ready. The technician's face was sorrowful when she arrived, as the samples carried her name. Moira's first thought went to her mother, as there apparently was no good news.

Moira, knowing how hard is for any medical specialist to give bad news to a patient, told the lab specialist, "The samples are from a very dear friend, not mine; tell me what we have?"

"You'll read the report, Doctor, but we have found some carcinogenic cells; as you know, you will have to examine some epithelial tissue from the cervix to know how bad it is."

"OK, thanks, and keep the results private, will you?"

"Of course, Doctor, good day."

"Good day and thanks again".

Moira, who had gone back to her apartment that night, since it was Friday, decided to go spend the weekend with her mother. Helen appeared in the foyer to see who it was when Moira opened the front door (her mother had given her the keys to the house). She thought something was wrong as soon as she saw her daughter.

She hugged and kissed Moira on the cheek; "What a surprise, my dear, are you feeling well? What brings you so late, not that you're not welcome, you know you are; bad news?"

"Not very good, I'm afraid; I'll need to do more tests, and we'll need to go to my clinic..."

"Nonsense, my love, you know that I don't want to go to a hospital, even a private one..."

"But I don't have what I need at hand, Helen; some of the materials are at the clinic, and I can't..."

"Can you perform them alone, with no nurses or assistants? Are the proceedings very complicated?"

"Yes and no; yes, I can perform alone, and no, I don't need any assistants; performing the procedure alone isn't complicated, just more complex, and takes a little more time."

"Then it won't be a problem if we go on in on Sunday, will it? We'll have the whole day, and we take a picnic basket with us, and we'll find a nice place for lunch afterward; what you say, are you game?"

This was a side of her mother not known to her, this carefree, witty and upbeat in the face of adversity, "Oh, Mother, Mother, I love you so much."

"I do love you too, my love, very, very much."

"I'll go and put my bag in my room."

"Do you want something to eat?"

"Just coffee and Brandy, thank you; I took a bite at the hospital cafeteria; do you know if father will be coming home?"

"I don't think so, he almost never comes; I think he has a place in the city since it's been almost four months since he's stepped into this house."

"Oh, Mother, I didn't know you were alone in this big house."

"Don't worry; go change I'll make coffee."

Moira went and changed her street clothes for a comfortable flannel nightgown with no panties. Her father not coming home made it not necessary to wear a housecoat over it; she had slippers on her feet which allowed freedom of movement to the toes of her tired feet.

Helen found herself wondering about her daughter's years ago self-confessed bisexuality as she went into the kitchen to brew coffee. Helen had only been with her husband, in biblical terms, until their daughter was born and few more times after that, and had only been carried away by her own bisexual instincts a few times since then, always careful of her social standing, and need for secrecy. She had had just had a couple of minor affairs with unsatisfied wives in her own social circle. Not so many as her husband and daughter thought, she estimated.

After Moira had admitted her bisexuality and left home, Helen often found herself imaging the girl having wild sex with other girls at college. She thought it was just curiosity at first, but she'd found herself turned on by the idea more and more. Maybe she was secretly not just bisexual, but a full-fledged lesbian, she thought. After her nineteen or was she twenty year old daughter had revealed her sexual orientation, she'd often found herself appreciating girls' bodies more and more - their firm tits, ass, legs - as a man would do.

She knew she wanted a man less and less with every passing day, however, she could appreciate a nice youthful girl to fuck or be fucked by her; so, Helen couldn't help but find herself attracted to girls more and more. To her shock, she realized that it was primarily her own daughter she'd been eying up and lusting over for the last few months.

When Helen, her mother, brought the coffee and glasses for brandy, Moira saw she too had changed and now she had a flying diaphanous peignoir over a silk short nightshirt. It was 'fuck me' attire and Moira felt herself getting moist between her pussy lips.

"Here, my dear, your coffee and Brandy," Helen said, serving her daughter.

"Thank you, Helen, I..."

"Would you mind calling me 'mother', please, my love? Helen is too impersonal; I know I was never a good mother to you..."

"That's not true, you were a good mother; I wasn't a good daughter, but ours wasn't your typical family and I was confused, angry, and rebellious most of the time, and besides I like calling you 'Helen'. I prefer you to be my friend and I yours since we started bonding again; we could be even lovers that way, don't you think, Helen?"

"If you say so..." Helen was suddenly in shock, she had been hearing her daughter, but the last paragraph and her question left her mute and with her head madly spinning.

Moira's first thought when saw her mother's attire was, then was how sexy she was, then how much she wanted her. The voice inside her mind insisted, not very forcefully ....

After that internal discussion, Moira asked her, "Isn't that what you want, Helen, us becoming lovers? Aren't you trying to seduce me with such beautiful bedroom lingerie."

"Do you want me to be sincere?" was Helen's response.

"Yes, of course, I do, we're both adults here and I'm even your doctor; you could be brutal if you want, I've heard almost anything there is."

"Yes, I want to be your lover, I mean for us to be lovers. I know you care for me that much, but I love and need you."

"OK, come here, Lover, and sit with me."


Oh love, love, I love you so much

Helen cuddled with Moira on the couch, and as happened when they went for the mammogram, she slid and pressed her body against Moira's. Helen's warm thigh pressed to Moira's and she took the glass of brandy out her hands. Moira's breathing rhythm was increasing as her heart began to pound even harder in her chest. She could feel the lips of her vagina throbbing and juice pouring out of her. She turned to answer the mature woman at her side, and saw that her eyes were looking at her face.

"Are you very tired, my love?" she whispered in Moira's ear, at the same time she licked the lobe with the tip of her tongue and nipped it with her teeth. Moira's arms wrapped around Helen and held her tight as their passion grew. Moira shuddered with pleasure, "Yes, I'm tired and the brandy is making me drowsy."

"Would you like to go to bed, my bed, so you could rest?"

Moira could hear little moans coming from somewhere near them, and she realized that they were coming from her throat; she squeezed her thighs together when she felt Helen's hand touch her knee.

Moira was tired, but she was also horny, and it didn't matter to her if Helen was her biological mother/ Helen was a woman at that moment, a very beautiful woman who wanted to make love to her. Helen perceived her daughter's state of mind, and getting up, took Moira's hand, and led her to her bedroom.

Once there, Helen took Moira's gown off, leaving her in only her flannel nightgown, and they sat on the edge of the bed; it didn't take a lot of pressure for Helen to open Moira's legs this time and push her hand higher until it was caressing the warm flesh above her knees. Hardly daring to breathe, Helen carefully leaned forward and brushed her lips against her daughter's, watching her face for any adverse reaction.

Moira gently smiled and returned her mother's kiss, their mouths were now lightly joined, lips closed, and the touch exquisite. They closed their eyes at the same time and continued passionately lip kissing for what they considered an eternity, both of them totally lost in the tender intensity of the moment. Helen placed a hand on her daughter's cheek, slowly and gently tracing her jaw line with her thumb.

At that point, both were running out of oxygen and broke the kiss. Moira's fingers and toes were tingling, both chests were heaving, and opening their eyes, they looked at each other, sighing and smiling at the same moment. Brushing her hair from her forehead, Helen bent again to Moira slowly brushing her lips against her daughter's, gradually increasing the intensity of the kiss.

"Mmmmmmmm," the mother murmured, leaning into her. She felt her daughter's lips parting ever so slightly; she did the same with her heart in her throat, as she waited for her daughter's response. It seemed as though Helen's entire chest would burst from the tension.

Then it happened; Moira's tongue slipped out, barely brushing Helen's lips. Helen opened hers wider with her heart hammering, venturing forth oh so slowly and nervously, seeking to lure her daughter's tongue out. Helen emotions were an absolute chaos; one moment, she was mentally doing handsprings, thinking to herself, "Yes! It's really happening! Yes! Yes! Yes!!!" and in the next instant, she was beside herself with anxiety, almost in a panic attack, worrying "Oh my God, please, Oh God, don't let it stop, don't let me screw this up, please oh God, oh please, oh God."

Then the tips of their tongues touched and their worlds changed forever.

When the tips of their tongues touched, they continued, very delicately and lightly exploring, tongues barely gliding over each other in a warm, liquid waltz, a dance as old as time itself, but as new and novel to them as anything they had ever experienced. This was a different kind of experience, this was mother/daughter sexual love, and this was incest.

Moira pulled her lips from her mother's and murmured in a breathless whisper, "Oh God! You don't know what you're doing to me," her voice thick with passion.

Their lips slowly slid over each other's, gradually gaining intensity and urgency. Helen wanted the moment to extend to the end of time, to the end of her life, but they eventually had to come up for air. Breaking their lip lock, both were gulping air to breath, nervously grimacing. Moira was quietly regarding her mother, her hands finding her mother's, smiling gently, and her eyes sparkling. Her obvious composure and serenity calmed Helen, who gradually relaxed, savoring how right it all felt. Moira felt helpless to stop her mother when she moved her lips to hers. She felt the tongue enter her mouth, and her lips were unlike any she had ever kissed. They were soft, wet, and pliant, spreading over hers with warmth that made her body tremble.

Reaching out, Moira pulled her mother back to her and kissed her again. Their mouths glided over each other, pressing, tongues touching, releasing, and pressing together again. Helen pressed against her daughter with a small moan, her arms going around Moira's shoulders, her tongue now insistently seeking hers. Groaning in return, Moira pulled her mother tighter against her, their open mouths now pressed tightly together, tongues lashing each other frantically and violently. Moira pulled her mother her down with her as she reclined on the bed. They lay on their sides, facing each other, as they broke their kiss.

Moira was going to tell her mother something when Helen silenced her by pulling her close and latching on to her lips again. Moira thought their previous kisses had been exciting, but she had had no idea what the word exciting meant until now. Helen's lips pressed against hers with an urgency born of lust, love, and desperation, her mouth opening wide as her tongue sought Moira's. Helen sucked Moira's tongue into her mouth as she responded, holding her head in both of her hands, practically devouring her daughter's face.

Before that moment, now with the probability of a cruel illness, Moira's perception of her mother, if she ever had a different one from her rebellious youth, was that of some porcelain figure like, to be if not cherished at least treated delicately, was quickly set straight about those notions. Her mother could be sick, porcelain like, but she was in the arms of a fiery, passionate creature, which were most definitely composed of warm flesh and hot blood. It was absolutely breathtaking, and it would only get better for Moira.

She slipped her arms around Moira's shoulders, rolling over on top of her, with their tongues dancing, probing, advancing, and retreating in a moist intricate arabesque. Moira could feel the incredible, soft pressure of her mother's unencumbered breasts against her chest and the weight of her hips against her straining mons. Her mother's pelvis was close against hers, with the slightest amount of pressure and gentle motion stimulating her in an unbearable way. Moira was utterly spellbound none of her previous experiences had prepared her for something like this; the intensity of the instant was almost forcing her into an out of body experience.

They separated, breath ragged and chests heaving, eyes locked on each other. Moira, placing her hand around her neck pulled her mother towards her, and since Helen didn't seem to want to speak at that moment, Moira tried to let her actions do the talking. She lightly kissed Helen's forehead, her cheeks, and the bridge of her nose before returning to her full, moist lips. Being slightly above her, Helen, not wanting to be demanding, kissed her lips, refraining from using her tongue, simply tenderly pressing lips to lips, withdrawing her mouth and pressing lightly again, acquainting herself with the details of her daughter's mouth, committing all the wonderful details to memory, watching her intently all the while. Helen sighed happily when Moira stopped, and laid her head on her daughter's chest, now simply holding each other, caressing, soaking up their new bonding and closeness. They continued their embrace for some time, and words weren't necessary.