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As usual Oles did his Saturday night routine. By eleven he was just about passed out. As Joe helped him out the door. A hood was placed over his head and his hands were handcuffed behind his back then he was thrown into the back of a Ford Woody(It was the first station wagon/cargo van.)

For the next three days and nights he was driven with the hood over his head and his hands moved to the front of his body, the only time he could get out was to go to relieve himself and eat. Even when eating, he could not raise his hood over is nose. Nobody said a word to him during the whole trip.


He woke up sitting in a chair with his hands tied behind his back and with his legs tied to a steel chair.

Please, please let me go, I have no money, I don't have any....thing, I have noth........thing in a heartbroken voice as he was sobbing.

Someone walked up from behind him and removed the hood. A bright light turned on and shined down on him. He could tell by the sound of the big electrical circuit breaker switch being thrown that he was in a big warehouse. But because of the extreme contrast between dark and light areas he couldn't see anything.

Hello, Hello is anyone there," he yelled out.

About 10 feet away from him a light came on to his right. Then a woman walked into the center of the light.

"Is that you Carrie?" he asked squinting his eyes.

"Oles, this is Carrie. Do you remember when we were seniors in high school and that asshole was trying to rape me? You came and saved me by kicking his rear end. You took me home and was helping me to the house. We didn't realize my left breast was exposed. My dad saw you draped over me trying to console me as I went toward the house. Before, I could explain he jumped on you hitting you and beating you.

You refused to fight back. You could have killed him. His last act was stomping on your knee. By the time mom and I stopped him, and I told him how you saved and protected me, you ended up spending a week in the hospital and because of your knee injury you lost your scholarship. This is my husband Bob. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello Oles." In stepped Herbert Wright into the light. "Do you remember me? You were a freshman, and I was a junior. You came to my rescue when I was being bullied and you kicked the heck out of them. You walked me home and made sure everyone knew I was your best friend. You were suspended for fighting. Because I could now concentrate on my studies. I got a scholarship to Harvard Law School. This is my wife Olivia. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello Oles, this is Barbara Hare. Do you remember me? It was cold and raining and I was trying to get my son to the doctor because he was burning up with a fever. I was running down a dirt road carrying him exhausted. You stopped and grabbed him out of my arms, threw us in your truck and drove us to the hospital. It turned out he had mumps. He gave it to you, and you spent 2 weeks in the hospital and when it was over you could no longer have kids. This is my husband Bart. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello Oles, this is Cal Jorgensen. Do you remember me? You were the first to arrive at my house when it was on fire. You heard my son yelling from the upstairs window. You ran into the house and rapped our 4 year old in a blanket. On the way out you caught on fire and your back was severely burned. You spent 6 months in the hospital with no pay and you lost your job. This is my wife Debra. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello this is Helen Green." Do you remember me? You saw me at the store with cuts and bruises on my face. You ask me what happened. You talked to my husband and showed him what it was like to be slapped around. You told him if I got a scratch, he got cut. If I got a bruise he got a broken arm. If I got a broken arm; he got a broken skull. You talked him into going to church and he has become a god fearing man and great loving father and husband. This is my husband Herbert. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello Oles, this is Buford Pusser. Do you remember me? You had my back when I got drunk and started a fight with a guy when 4 other guys jumped on me. When the police came, we tried to run. But because of your bad knee you were caught, and I was the instigator and you spent 30 days in lock up and you never told them who I was. With that conviction you couldn't become a law officer. I eventually got the job you wanted. This is my wife Beverly. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, my name is Lu Ann Smith. Do you remember me." Lyle, my son was accidently shot and needed a rare blood type that you have. You gave 3 pints and were sick for two months. My son lived; you lost your job again. This is my husband Roy. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, my name is Steve Evans. Do you remember me? I had lost my parents and you took me under your wings and taught me to be a car mechanic. I now own the biggest car dealership in the state. Because of you we live a wonderful life. This is my wife Sandy. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, my name is Thomas Paxton. Do you remember me? You pulled my family out of the car crash and carried all of us to the hospital in an ice storm. Upon arriving at the hospital you slid into a tree tearing your truck up. You had to walk for 6 months back and forth to work until you could afford to get ,it repaired. I own the largest furniture store in the area now and because you kept us from freezing to death, I get to enjoy my great life. This is my wife Susan. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, My name is Alan Green. Do you remember me?" My house burnt down. You took us in fed us and clothed my children. You taught me to cut my own lumber off my land to build my house. I now own the largest lumber operation in Western Alabama that allows our family to live well. This is my wife Sondra. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, my name is Sam Smith. Do you remember me? I was sick and you worked your job and then worked to dark every night harvesting my crop. By the time I was well, you came down with chronic exhaustion and couldn't work yourself. This is my wife Julie. We love you."

Another light came on and the light put a large round spot of light on the floor.

"Hello, my name is Mark Mortenson. Do you remember me? You came into the bar and saw me talking with another woman. You sat by me and looked me straight into my eyes and told me that you would regret never being my friend again. You told me an honorable man would go home. If I didn't I should weep for all the unborn children that would never be born that would look like my children now. Then you told me to close my eyes and imagine looking into the review mirror at my wife and children getting smaller in my view has I had to leave. I got up crying, hugged you and went home. This is my wife Bonnie Mae. We both love you."

Oles screamed out, "12 of my friends that said they love me, yawl bedded my wife and your spouse's approved. Dam you, dam you all to hell."

I don't think so Oles. A light shown on Methodist Pastor Paul. There was no adultery Oles. They came to me with the plan to get Martha pregnant. I was shocked at first. They ask me if it was a sin to do what they wanted to. Well, I went to the bible. I can only find one time were a baby was born with the woman not taking of a man and that was Mary, Mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I figured if God allowed it with his own son then he would see no problem with Carrie performing the act. Not one man went near your wife. They love and respect you so much to ever touch your woman. This baby was conceived with probably the most love that I have ever seen. They have sworn an oath to God that if they ever spoke of it they would spend eternal damnation in Hell."

Carrie spoke up. "Oles do you remember when you and Martha came over for Thanksgiving dinner last year. I was basting the turkey and I got a little naughty with the turkey baster. I stuck the baster up into the Turkey and ask Martha if she wanted to get pregnant. We both turned red. I then apologized to Martha. We then started laughing so hard we almost peed in our pants. So I came up with this plan and put it into motion. We saw the way you and Martha looked at our children when they played. We all wanted you to have your own."

Hello, "Oles," said a voice stepping into the light next to the Pastor.

A shocked Oles, "Doc you were in on it to?"

Yes, Carrie came to me with the idea. I thought it was great. I thought you and Martha deserved to have kids. I set the ground rules. We had over 200 couples thought they would like to help out. That is what this community thinks of you Oles.

We chose only the couples who already had kids and the wife could have no more. That way all their kids would be at least 3 to 4 years older and it would cut down on the chance of half sibling incest. Contrary to what Yankees think we do not want our family trees looking like telephone poles.

We chose men that have the same features. Blond to light brown hair. Blue eyes, about the same height as you. If the baby comes out dark haired it would look like Martha. We thought of everything, but when you overheard Martha's conversation to Carrie. We had to tell you the truth."

"If you ask around town who was the most admired of any man they knew and who they would want to have their sons grow up to be like, it would be you Oles."

Then Paster Paul spoke up, "We have all decided you would make a great mayor. Mayor Johnson is retiring after 35 years. With your common sense and honesty, you would make a great Mayor. No one loves this town and its inhabitants more than you. And before you say no. It pays $400 a month and a truck to drive. It also comes with a house."

Oles came back, "there is no mayors house."

There is now. All your friends chipped in and built it. It has 5 bedrooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms and it fully furnished. Everything was supplied locally for free, the lumber, the furniture, the car. There will be a scholarship available to go to Harvard if it chooses to go. Everyone in town chipped in with labor.

And even if you don't campaign, everyone will still write in your name Steve Olsson on the ballot.

"Five bedrooms why so big," enquired Oles.

"Maybe you and Martha will like more children someday," replied Doc.

Doc smiled at Oles, "It seemed like almost every time you stepped up as the man of the hour. You got the short end of the stick. You were the poster child for the saying, "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished." It never jaded you. You always stepped up when it counted and now your friends are stepping up returning the favor with something from the bottom of their hearts"

Oles ask with pleading eyes, "where's Martha,?"

"She is here Oles. She is not sure how you will react to seeing her. She is very big now. She is somewhere between 7 and 8 months pregnant."

Carrie stepped back up for Oles to see, "we took her and had her hair done by a professional hair stylist and got make-up from the local drug store. We got her a brand new dress. She looks beautiful."

"Can I see her," Oles pleaded.

Carrie explained, "She won't come to you unless you call for her."

He heard the switch being thrown for the last spotlight.

There she stood smiling at him nervously hoping he would not reject her.

He looked at her. Her smile dropped as he said nothing.

She could see the gears turning in his head taking her sight in. All of the sudden his eyes swelled up and he started sobbing, and then he broke down crying out for her. "Martha, Martha," he cried out to her.

She came to him as fast as she could. He laid his head on her belly, Crying uncontrollably.

"I love you Martha, I love you Martha, I love you." She held his head as she ran her fingers through his hair while consoling him.

"Doc, are you crying?" asked the Preacher.

"Hell yea, along with everyone else," sniffling the doc.

"Doc watch your language," smiling the preacher.

The women were crying and running into each other's arms. All the men seemed have something in their eyes also.

Oles raised his head and smiled at her, "where did these come from staring at her breast?" Everyone laughed.

Oles pleaded, "would someone untie me so I can hold and kiss my wife please."

Two men came over and cut the ropes off and Oles stood up and kissed her passionately.

"Let's go home honey," said Oles.


2 years later( This part was not told to the kids or to anyone else.)

"Thank you Carrie, I'll take it from here," said Oles. " You and the girls can go now."

"Martha if anyone is going to inseminate you this time, it will be me," insisted Oles.

He took the Pyrex glass turkey baster that he got from Carrie. He pulled back the covers and to exposed Martha to him.

A wicked smile came over him.

"Oles, what do you think you are going to do with that?" shyly asking Martha.

He walked over to her with the 12 inch baster and slowly took the tip end of it and started rubbing her clit. Martha let out with a loud moan.

Oles heard giggling coming through their bedroom door.

"Ladies'" yelled Oles, "you know where the front door is." He waited for a few seconds to hear the screen door slam. He took the baster and rubbed her slit with the shaft moving length wise outside her swollen labia.

"Please Oles stick it in," Martha demanded.

"Beg for it honey." Oles said in a with a torturing attitude.

"Fuck me with it goddam it." she screamed. Throwing her lady and Christian manners right out the window.

He spread her glistening lips and slowly inserted it. She raised her hips telling him she wanted more. He slowly slid it in and stop with 8 inches in her. She rotated her hips trying to get friction and relief from it.

"Please fuck me," begged Martha, "I am so horny." He slowly increased the speed.

"Rub your clit Martha he demanded, " as he was moving it in and out as fast as he could, she separated the skin to bear her clit and started moving her fingers back and forth across it .

Oles stopped and took his mouth across the outside of the shaft of the glass and started humming on it like playing a harmonica. Her eyes rolled back into her eyelids and she screamed she was cumming, "Oh, MYYYYYY GODDDDDDD." Her legs were twitching uncontrollably, as she thrashed about the bed."

When Martha recovered she looked over at Oles.

"Martha still breathing heavy, "oh honey look at you. It looks like it is about to explode. Do you want a blow job or my ass?"

"How about a blow job this time," smiling Oles.

She sat up and took it in her mouth slowly licking and sucking on it.

"I was thinking, as the gears turned in Oles head. "what if I could come up with something like that baster that would vibrate for women's stress and give them relief. Then he grunted as she took it deeper into her mouth. "I could make it out of that new stuff they call plastic. We could make it to fit any size woman."

He came exploding down her throat as she deep throated him. He could hear her gulping and as he seemed to have unloaded a gallon into her stomach.

She pulled away licking and cleaning his cock. She then took her finger to wipe the rest of it off the side of her mouth, and then cleaned it with her mouth.

"Honey," Martha laughed, "no woman would order one of those. It would be too embarrassing to have something like that show up in the mail. But I think I'll buy an extra baster for us to use in our bedroom."

He just stored his idea in the back of his mind.


81 years in the future

"So see kids your great-grand mother was not a slut. Her and Oles were so loved by their community, that is why we are all hear. It was just unorthodox on how they did it." explained the father. "Only thing you have to worry about is who you marry. Most of us have moved from Elbe, but when you first meet someone. You need to ask about the ancestry. In a couple more generations this will not be necessary."


Oles and Elbe were married for 65 years. Oles passed away in 1983, and Martha a year later. He was mayor for 35 years. He never ran for office,. They just put his name on the ballot.

And for you older people. Do you remember the magazine Good House Keeping. If you do you will see those 8 inch plastic women's stress relievers for the neck. Rumor has it that Oles had the patent and Martha designed the packaging. Do you remember seeing those plain brown packages showing up at your moms house as a kid?

Author's note.

Ladies of Literotica- Do you own any of Oles inventions?

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

It doesn't matter that they used turkey basters and 12 men's sperm. It was done without his input and permission. That's not love!!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Yikes! Some readers are Neanderthals. She was not f$cked by 12 guys. The women, including Carrie, used a Turkey battery filled with semen from 12 men and injected it as she orgasmed on the Turkey banter being inserted. Surprised though Oles did not ask about the orgasms he heard discus on the phone. But then again in subsequent applications where he did it, he saw her orgasm. Read the story!!

MattblackUKMattblackUK8 months ago

You put the clue in the first few sentences. Sneaky! 5*

photogman18photogman188 months ago

I think it was a good twist other than Old Joe calling the police. Good men get dumped on a lot. It is apparent that many erotica readers are fixated on the way they want the story to go. Let the author tell the story. If you have criticism, great. Make it constructive. If you like it, Great! Whatever it is, it's your opinion. I most often comment when the story inadvertently bleeds across my life, like many military stories.

Thanks for the story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well, that sucked!

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