Olivia: The Hottest Mom Ch. 13

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Fireworks on the Fourth, and Liv's hospital stay is extended.
10.1k words

Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 03/10/2021
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While Liv recuperates in the hospital, her son and Cody's best friend Jack visits, his girlfriend Yv with him. Cody walks in on the two of them fucking hard; only Yv notices, and later follows Cody upstairs alone while Jack sleeps his climax off. Still eager and needful, Yv pulls Cody into Liv's bed, and into her. The next morning, overwhelmed by passion, Cody and Carla end up in the shower, then in bed together. Carla tells Cody she also watched her brother and Yv on the couch, then Yv came to her room afterwards to make out with and go down on her. Liv figures out what happened between Cody and Carla, and gives them her blessing to continue while she convalesces.

The hospital was less busy than Saturday, but the word on me and Liv seemed to have gotten out, since we were now under the careful surveillance of the nurse's station. When we shut the door to go over paperwork, a grim iron-haired nurse, built like a palace guardsman, opened the door, peering inside every five minutes to confirm, I'm sure, that I hadn't tempted her heart patient to test the bounds of recovery.

Liv kissed me tenderly when I arrived, then hugged me tight. "Cody, I miss you every day." Then she released me, still clutching my hands. "How is it going?" Eagerness shone brightly in her eyes, and I wondered if they had her on any pain meds, but discarded that thought quickly. I knew that what she had bestowed upon us was because she loved us.

"It's...going, Liv. I love you."

She kissed me again. "Good. To both. I don't want any details, but you know I meant you and Carla."

If I'd felt awkward before, that was nothing to alluding to my lady love about intimacy between me and her daughter. The conversation seemed unreal, something I never imagined I would ever have a need to talk about or even consider. "Liv, I'm still..."

"Conflicted, my love? I gave the two of you my blessing to do this, and you know if I was healthy it would be, always has been, you and me tearing up the sheets.." She was gentle, as loving as ever.

"Baby, I wish it was you..."

"Not Carla, not just a little bit?" Her eyes sparkled with good humor, and It felt like she was goading me into an admission of...what? Not guilt, since this was her idea. And mine. And Carla's. I finally realized she wanted, not to taunt me, but to have me accept the situation, her gift as much as Carla's.

I closed my eyes and exhaled, still holding her hands. "Okay Liv, more than a little bit. Carla is a wonderful...woman. Just like her beautiful, sexy mom."

Her eyes were filled with merriment. "I bet you say that to all the sexy women whose daughters you have sex with!"

"No, actually, just you." I searched her eyes, but saw only desire, no pain, there.

She looked into my eyes very matter-of-factly. "Cody, I didn't do this lightly or on the spur of the moment. I wish it were me also. More than you know, since I've been all over you and our bed for the past eight months, and those two incredible months back in Concord. I know the two of you are attracted to each other. A great deal. I can see it in her eyes, and in yours. I'm still very much in love with you, and always will be. I want to be selfish..."

"Liv, I'm okay with you being selfish..."

She quieted me with a frown. "Cody, I never admitted it before, but I actually was jealous the first time Sally told me about Sheila and later Hilda. A little less so when you told me about your menage with Nancy, since it was you and Sheila sharing her. At the same time, I wanted you to be here to warm my bed, love me all night, and even attend college out here so I would have you all to myself. I knew I was being jealous, and it was stupid to want you only for myself, but it didn't stop the hurt.

"Right now, it's not fair to you to keep you waiting for me until I'm totally well. Not at your age, babe." She reached up to caress my cheek. "You're not sneaking around behind my back, nor is Carla. I already told you I don't want details, from either of you, but my imagination is running wild with all the things you and I have done, and will do, later in the Fall when I'm ready for it, to have you back in my bed."

She leaned forward again, her eyes smoldering with passion and lust and love. "Cody, I love you and that means not trying to possess or control you." She kissed me again, a lingering kiss and opened her mouth, which I happily responded to, until we heard a gruff ahem at the door, the iron-haired nurse reminding us she was watching.

Disengaging from Liv's kiss very slowly, I waved the nurse away, and said, "We'll behave ourselves." She stalked off to seek out and interrupt another convalescing couple, I suspected.

As if we hadn't been interrupted, Liv grinned at me, still a little weakly, but noticeably stronger than the past couple of weeks. "Cody, there is no other man I would trust to 'cheat' on me"--using air quotes--"while I'm laid up..."

"Liv, I'd rather you were getting laid..."

Her laugh was delighted, delightful, and stronger than it had been recently. "Fuck, so would I, my sexy man! If I thought we could get away with it again, I would take the gown off and beg you to feel me up again." She winked. "I'm sure I mentioned regular sponge baths once I get home..."

"You did, on demand. Liv, I just feel wrong about being with Carla."

"No, I think you feel fine about that, at least in the moment. You just wish it were me."

"True. Very true."

I stayed almost to the end of visiting hours, and the nurses were very indulgent, as though it was very cute that such a young man was so devoted to this older woman. I suspect they had their own hopes and dreams in that direction, the attentions of some strapping younger man, say in his forties (for some of them) to fill their off-time with romance and plenty of sex. Under my breath, I sincerely wished them all luck.

Carla visited with her the rest of the time, while I sat in the waiting room reading a magazine that had been out-of-date before the Carter administration, showing homes and décor I didn't care about but it was all that was available to read except the contents of my briefcase, and one time was enough now that Liv had signed off on the documents.

Afterwards, looking tired but happy, Carla came out and hugged me very calmly, no kissing at all, which would have renewed the disapproving looks from the nurses' station in short order. I went in and kissed Liv goodbye for now, and promised to return the next evening after work.

"Cody, one last thing. Tanya dropped by and said you're really doing a great job. I have to agree with her, and you're really growing in the position." She blushed at her own phrasing. "She thinks you could be in line to be in charge of Analytics someday."

I felt very flattered, but also like things were moving faster than I was really comfortable with. "That will be a long time coming, Liv. First thing is to get you home, and you cumming, my love. You also remember I told you I would always do my best for you"

"Oh, you have Cody, you always do." Her smile lit the room, and made the world nearly perfect.


Carla and I drove home slowly, didn't even hold hands until the hospital was ten minutes behind us in the rear-view mirror. Then she leaned over and put her head on my shoulder, smiling with real joy. "Mom's going to be out on Tuesday, Cody. We can bring her home, and she'll get better there, no nurses to scowl at the two of you."

"Carla, you and your mother are the most amazing women. You've finally gotten a chance to get me into your bed, with your mother's permission, and you're positively giddy about her being at home, where I'm going to be giving her very special sponge baths. Meanwhile, she knows and approves of the two of us sleeping together."

"Your point, Cody? You know we both love you. Any time I get with you is going to be well spent, and I just hope she's right that we can get each other out of our systems before she whisks you off to some sinful nude beach to while away the days with an all-you-can-eat buffet..."

I laughed. "There'll be restaurants, too, Carla."


Tuesday arrived with bad news, not the worst news I could have imagined, but bad enough. We had planned to head over to the hospital in the afternoon to pick Liv up and bring her home to recuperate. Tanya had already given me the afternoon off, and I wondered whether she would have done so if she had known I was now sleeping with Liv's daughter.

Carla called me at the office around ten, and told me very soberly the doctor called her an hour after I got to work, and told her that her mother couldn't come home yet. Liv was back in the ICU.

I immediately told Tanya, who looked gravely concerned, and told me I had the rest of the day off, and just to get to Liv. I rushed back home to pick Carla up, and we dashed to the hospital. We were both terrified it was another heart attack, but the doctor explained to Carla it was an infection, and they would have it under control in a couple of days. She'd be out of ICU by Friday, and could probably go home in another week after that. The cruelest thing was that once again I couldn't see her, hold her hand, be there for her when she was awake. Carla was understanding, and kept me up on how her mother was doing.

That night, I held Carla while she cried herself to sleep. In bed naked, we didn't make love all evening, and neither of us missed it. Just being there for each other was enough.


Thursday I could finally visit Liv again, and this time she looked weaker, more drawn. Carla and I took turns holding her hand as she slept. She awoke to see us, and burst into tears of joy. "Thank you both for coming for me. I'm so sorry Tuesday was such a mess..."

We explained it was more than okay, we just wanted her to be well and safe. "I will be, as soon as I'm out of here and home with you both." We visited for a couple of hours, Liv's the only hands we held, as we ignored that we had just fucked standing up in the shower that same morning. Liv told us she loved us both, and was happy we were taking care of each other. Completely innocent to anyone who might have listened in, but I felt my face burn, and saw Carla's do the same.

On the way home, we stopped at a nice restaurant, some steak place, and had the first really solid meal we'd enjoyed in a week. Over our salads, Carla became more animated, started to talk to me for the first time in two days beyond monosyllabic answers and just holding onto me, before, during and after sex. "Cody, I feel bad my mom's still in the hospital, but I'm just so worn out, so tired from worrying."

"Carla, we both need a good meal, and Liv wouldn't want either of us to worry ourselves sick about her, not while she's getting better."

She speared a slice of cucumber with a little more rancor than vegetables usually deserve. "Cody, I'm worried... Maybe the two of us sleeping together is...hurting her." She popped her prey in her mouth, chewing thoughtfully.

It was possible, I had to admit. "Your mother is very loving, very generous. I don't think she'd have told us it was okay if it wasn't okay with her."

"Cody, I'm not trying to get out of sleeping with you. Okay, fucking you. You are everything I want in a man, and I've been in love with you for-fucking-ever. Right now I want to throw off my clothes, climb over this table, and get us thrown out in the best way possible..." She was flushed now, and I tried to ignore her nipples under her blouse, very obvious and erect.

"Do I look like I'm trying to get out of it? Liv told me she didn't do this lightly, and I believe her. This sounds so self-serving, and maybe it is, but if she wants us to be together while she's getting better, maybe we shouldn't second-guess her."

Carla giggled, banishing the melancholy and concern of the last few days. "God, this is so fucking weird! The man my mom loves, and the one who stars in all my wettest, horniest dreams, is trying to talk me into getting naked with him, on the advice of my mother who is recovering in the hospital. This is totally fucked up, Cody..."

We noticed the waiter at the same moment, and he had evidently overheard at least the last part of our exchange. It looked like he had swallowed an owl. He gamely asked, red-faced, whether we needed anything else to drink, which we didn't at that point. Our steaks came out at the hands of another waiter, who explained ours was on break. The original one never returned to our table.

I paid the bill after a slice each of cheesecake, and we left for home.


Fucked up situation or not, Carla and I didn't keep our hands or anything else to ourselves that night or the night after. It was Saturday, early, when I sensed her climb out of our bed. We had been on the couch Friday night, and christened it, twice, before making our way to Liv's room to sleep.

"Cody." She had come around the bed, and ran her tongue over my earlobe, then in her best cheeky insinuation murmured, "Follow me downstairs, baby." The dim light through the windows told me it was a little after sunrise, and we'd tumbled into bed around midnight.

Her panties were a pale shade of peach, sheer enough to see the division cleaving her ass as she walked down the stairs in front of me. I felt myself stiffening at the magnificent vista. She led me right instead of left at the bottom of the stairs, and went into Jack's room. Carla had changed the linens after he and Yv had stayed last week, and washed the small pile of towels they'd left by the couch.

Without any preamble, Carla slipped her panties off and lay back on the bedspread. "I'm going to fuck your brains out in my brother's bed." She turned on her side and patted the mattress next to her. "Only fair after last weekend..."

My boxers were on the floor right away, and I was next to her immediately after. Our hands and mouths wandered all over our bodies, soft tingling touches. I was inside her minutes later, pounding out our sexual demands, and we came hard, both of us panting, kissing and moaning.

My heart was thundering after our third time since coming home last night, and Carla continued to kiss me passionately, even after her orgasm. "Sweetheart, slow down. It'll be a few minutes at least until I can start up again." Her hands worked their way down to my shaft, milking the last dregs of my cum out.

"I can't help it, Cody. I love you, and I can't get the sight of my big brother and Yv fucking on the couch out of my head. When I close my eyes all I see is the two of them balling, Yv smiling up at me while Jack's dick was moving inside her. I hated hearing them until I saw them. Fuck."

"So, Carla, how close were you to joining them?"

She snorted. "Not at all! I'm not comfortable with Jack seeing me out of my clothes, or even topless. He's my damn brother! But, baby, watching them, seeing him go up into her, that smile as she watched me fingering myself through my panties... If it had been you fucking her, I would have..." She closed her eyes, still rubbing me.

"What, Carla? What if it was me and Yv?"

She changed to one hand on my cock, and I glanced along the length of her body just in time to see her slip her first two fingers into her thick black bush, past her labia and finally inside her pussy. Her mouth opened all the way and she arched her back, fingers wetly penetrating, some of my cum working its way out onto her hand. "I'd have fucked you both."

"How?" This was hot, so hot, and her thumb came to rest on her clit, grazing against it, starting to spread my jizz on it, moistening and playing with it. My cock started to awaken again, even with my orgasm minutes ago.

"I've been...aahhh...dreaming of it for days, even with you in bed next to me."

I slid down the bedspread a few inches, and took one of her nipples between my lips, sucking on the erect flesh there, then blowing on it, cooling it, watching it curdle. "Tell me how the dreams go..." Her back arched again.

"Fuck...baby... Okay. I walk downstairs and stand next to the two of you. You're on the couch, and she's sitting facing the same way, towards the stairs, on your lap. I see your cock thrusting up into her pussy. Yv sees me, licks her lips, and reaches for me, slips my panties off. While I'm standing there next to the two of you...ooohhh...f-fucking, she puts her fingers inside me, runs her other hand over my tits. I bend over, and she...mmm...licks my tits. My shirt's suddenly on the floor, and I'm naked, and I don't care..."

She didn't say anything more for a minute or two, letting her fingers glide in and out, soft moans coming each time they went in, softer sighs as she pulled them most of the way back out, covered in my semen, thick on her fingers. Her juices and my cum were heavy in the air, and my cock hardened a bit more. "God, Cody, I'm such a little..."

I interrupted her words with a kiss, and she swallowed the word unspoken. "Carla, you are so sexy, so beautiful. It's just a dream..."

Carla opened her eyes, still moaning and looked at me. "You...don't...understand... I know if I saw you in...her...aahhh!...pussy I'd have to join, have to be with you... Make you fuck us. Both..."

I eased her onto her back, forearm under her neck, and kissed both of her dark nipples, lingering on each one, letting my tongue and lips make them even harder. Her fingers slowed down, but she still moaned, although less forcefully than before.

"Would you like me to...take over, baby?" She nodded her head and I heard the wet sound of her fingers exiting her hole. As I replaced them with my own, sliding them into the thick wetness, my semen and her natural juices, she brought the two fingers to her mouth, trailing cum on her lips, then stiffened them, sucking them, it occurred to me, like a cock. A moan escaped her lips, muffled by her fingers and my jizz, and she kept sucking them.

Carla was very wet, her vaginal juices drenching away the last of my cum. Straightening my fingers the same way, and for the same reason as she had stiffened hers, I started driving them inside her hole faster, wishing my cock had fully recovered. I started to suck on the closest nipple, my teeth barely grazing the sensitive flesh, listening to her sighs as I continued stimulating above and below, and her hand left her mouth to grip my hair, twisting tendrils of cooling cum into it.

I kissed up her throat and under her chin, all the way to her mouth. "Cum for me, my love..." Her lips were glazed with my cum, and I kissed her. Her mouth and tongue tasted like both of us, and her moans were louder, freer, as I finger-fucked her as fast as I could. The trembling in her belly--the same thing Liv does, I thought with the barest pang of guilt--signaled her climax. Clara threw her arms around me, screaming her orgasm into my mouth, her whole body quivering in my arms.

Spent at last, she let go of my hair, then licked her lips before swallowing the last bits down her lovely throat. I did the same with my leftovers. Carla's eyes fluttered open. "I love you so much, Cody. Thank you..."

She hadn't finished relating her dream to me, but it wasn't really necessary now.


Monday after work, Carla and I went to the hospital. They had moved her mother out of the ICU that morning, and I couldn't wait to see her. Carla understood, I knew, and gave us some privacy while I went in to see her mother.

Liv's hand was warm to the touch, warmer than usual, and she looked slightly flushed, but the doctor had said her fever had broken. Her smile was like the sunrise, and that thought made me smile back, thinking of the tattooed sunrise on her left buttock, always welcoming and friendly whenever I uncovered it, or watched it quiver in time to my thrusts into Liv's pussy from behind.