Ollie meets Cass & Bev


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"Oww, that hurt bitch!" she yelped, straddling Cass and holding her wrists down.

"Oh yeah? Come on then short arse; let's see what you've got!"

Cass easily pushed Ollie off, the slender framed girl nearly rolling off the bed.

"Whoops! Careful there," Cass laughed, dragging her back to the middle of the bed.

"You cow!" the young girl shrieked, kicking out and giggling.

The pair wrestled on the bed, their bodies starting to pour with sweat; as the play fight went on, the giggles became less frequent, giving way to lust filled gasps and moans. Ollie fought as hard as she could, but her opponent was too strong for her; with a gentle shove, Cass pushed her on to her back and held her shoulders down.

"One....two....three, I win," she whispered.

"Okay okay, I give up," Ollie groaned, "let me get up please."

"Ohhh no, now you've got to do your forfeit." Cass smiled wickedly.

"What forfeit?" the girl asked anxiously.

"Don't panic, just lie back and relax."

Getting up off the bed, Cass opened the bedside drawer and produced a strap on dildo; slipping into the harness, she turned round and showed it to her lover. Ollie's eyes widened and her mouth fell open as the older woman knelt on the bed next to her, the shaft inches from her face.

"Well, go on then." Cass smirked.

Ollie rolled her eyes, leaned over and took the tip of the dildo in her mouth.

"Come on, suck it."

Gripping the shaft, Ollie began slide her lips up and down it's length, her pussy moistening in anticipation.

"Mmm, now you've definitely done that before," Cass jibed, smiling. Ollie sucked and licked the tool ravenously, her clit pulsing almost unbearably.

"Thaaat's it sweetheart," Cass purred, "that's enough now."

Slipping between Ollie's legs, Cass gripped the tool and eased the tip into the girl's soaked pussy, making her thrust her hips.

"Please Cass.......oh God pleeeaase!"

Leaning over and softly kissing Ollie's neck, she began to slowly thrust the tool into her; wanton moans and gasps leaving her lips as the thrusts became harder.

"Oh God.....yes.......ohhhh....fuck....that's so good!" Ollie groaned, sliding her hands down Cass's back, trying to push her in deeper.

"Come on baby, that's it," Cass whispered softly, thrusting deeper into the young girl, Ollie moaned desperately, wrapping her legs round Cass's midriff and thrusting her hips.


"Come on sweetheart, scream for me!"

Feeling the muscles starting to spasm, Ollie screamed as the waves of euphoria washed over her; her senses swimming as Cass continued to thrust, sending her to the point of no return.


"That's it baby, come on."


Ollie mewled and whimpered as her body went limp, the climax leaving her totally spent. Kyle had never made her feel like this, in fact no one had; too exhausted to move, she looked at the older woman who was now standing up, smiling down at her.

"You okay?"

"Oh yes," Ollie groaned, "Jesus Christ, you're good."

Undoing the harness and letting the dildo slip to the floor, she got back onto the bed and snuggled into the girl, gently stroking her hair.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get some sleep."

"Okay," Ollie whispered, drifting away.


A few hours later she was woken by the bed being rocked; sitting up and blinking in the light streaming through the thin curtains, she took in her surroundings as her gaze settled on the figure standing at the end of the bed.

"Hello there, sleepyhead," Cass smiled.

"Hello," Ollie replied, smiling as she remembered last night.

"Want some breakfast?"

"Erm...no thanks, hang on, what time is it?"

"Half nine."

"Half nine? Oh my God, she'll go apeshit!" Ollie panicked, "where's my clothes?"

"Bloody hell, calm down, I'll get them for you, she's not going to get on her broomstick and start looking for you is she?" Cass laughed.

"Oh very funny, I didn't tell her I was going to be out all fucking night!"

Cass got her clothes for her and she quickly washed and got dressed; standing awkwardly in the hallway she looked at the older woman.

"Erm, I'm not sure what happens now," Ollie said sheepishly.

"Well, what are you up to tonight?" Cass asked, knowing what the answer would be.

"What do you think? Fuck all," she sighed.

"Well come back round here then," Cass smiled, "come round for about half six and then we'll go and see my mate."

"Yeah, okay." Ollie said gleefully, unable to hide her joy that she wanted to see her again.

"Go on, you'd better get going," Cass said, softly kissing her on the lips.

"Okay, I'll see you later," she replied, unable to stop smiling.

"Yeah, see you later, and wear some jeans not a dress, okay?"

"Er...yeah okay, bye," she shrugged giving Cass a peck on the cheek and heading out the front door.

Ten minutes later she was ringing the doorbell at the cottage, trying to catch her breath as she had ran nearly all the way back.

"Hello love, you look worn out, did you have a nice night?" Maggie asked, smiling.

"Erm...yes thank you, sorry I was out all night Nanna," Ollie replied, surprised she wasn't getting a bollocking.

"That's alright love, I didn't expect you back till this morning, by the way, your Dad rang up earlier." "Oh great, what did you tell him?" Ollie groaned.

"I just told him you were still asleep."

"Thanks Nanna," she smiled, relieved.

"Will you be able to give me a hand in the garden today please love?" Maggie asked.

"Yeah, okay,"

"Judging by the smile on your face, I'm guessing you had a very nice time last night," the old woman smiled knowingly.

"Hhhhmmm," Ollie nodded, feeling her face reddening.

"Come on, I'll get you some breakfast luvvie."


After a long day helping her Nanna in the garden, Ollie leaned back and relaxed in the bath; thinking about the night before, she groaned wantonly and closed her eyes, sliding her hands under the water and down her body.

"Ollie love, it's quarter to six, I thought you said were going out in a bit."

"Okay Nanna," Ollie shouted down, climbing out of the bath.

Wrapping a towel round her, she tip toed back into the bedroom and started to pick out what to wear; first, she put on a silky peach coloured bra and panties, standing in front of the mirror, she smiled and blew a kiss.

"Hhhmm, I think she'll like these," she chirped.

She then picked up a pair of black jeans and slipped them on; reaching into the wardrobe, she took out a red top with lace sleeves.

"Yep, that'll do."

Pulling it on, she smoothed it down and slipped on her socks and trainers; putting on her makeup, she checked herself one more time in the mirror before making her way downstairs.

"You look nice love," Maggie smiled, "can I expect you in later or not?"

"Erm...I'm not sure," Ollie replied sheepishly.

"Go on, be off with you," the old woman laughed rolling her eyes, "I'll cover for you if grumpy arse rings again, just ring and let me know if you're stopping out."

"Okay, thanks Nanna." Kissing her on the cheek, she left the house and headed off down the lane.

A short while later, she arrived at Cass's front door; taking a deep breath, she rang the bell and waited.

"Hiya, come in," Cass gestured, looking the young girl up and down.

Ollie stepped inside; noticing Cass had her leathers on.

"Have you only just got in?" she asked.

"Nope, we are about to go out, here, stick this on," Cass replied, handing her an old leather jacket.

"It's a bit big," Ollie complained, zipping it up.

"It'll do, it's my old one, come on into the back yard."

Ollie went out into the yard to find Cass getting the bike ready.

"It really is beautiful," said Ollie, "What is it?"

"It's a 1968 BSA rocket 3," Cass smirked, looking at the girl standing there in the oversized jacket, "come here."

Adjusting the straps on the jacket, Cass pulled the girl close to her and gave her a long, lingering kiss, sliding her hands down her back and giving her ass cheeks a gentle squeeze.

"God, you've got a cute little arse," Cass whispered in her ear.

"So I've been told," Ollie quipped, giving her a peck on the cheek.

"Hhhmm, right, put these on," said Cass, handing her a white helmet with a blacked out visor and pair of gloves.

"Okay," she replied nervously.

"Aww, you're not scared are you?" the older woman ribbed.

"No, of course not," Ollie scoffed, putting on the helmet, causing Cass to start sniggering.


"You look like the stig on his day off."

"Look, if you're going to take the piss, I'm not coming," Ollie stormed, putting her hands on her hips.

"Oh give over, come on let's get going," Cass laughed, putting her helmet on.

On the third kick, the bike barked into life, Cass gave the throttle a few twists and turned to Ollie. "Come on, get on," Cass gestured.

"You won't go too fast will you?" the girl asked anxiously.


"And you won't lean it over too much?"



"For fuck sake, get on the bike!" Cass huffed.

Cautiously, Ollie got on the back and grabbed Cass's waist.

"Okay baby, hold on."

Easing out of the alleyway and out onto the road, Cass wound the throttle and the bike surged along, it's exhaust roaring as Cass raced through the gears; Ollie closed her eyes and gripped hard.

"You okay?" Cass yelled.

"Yes!" Ollie yelled back, gradually opening her eyes. After a while she relaxed a little and actually started to enjoy the experience; a short while later they were in Brantley, a small town about 12 miles away. Turning off onto a council estate, they eventually rode down a back alley and into the back yard of one of the houses.

"Here we are." Cass smiled, switching off the bike.

"Oi, get that shit heap out of my yard, you bloody yobbo!" a face yelled from an upstairs window.

"Piss off, you old trollop, how are ya mate?" Cass yelled back, laughing.

"Not bad, hang on, I'll be down in a minute," the woman replied.

As they waited, the pair removed their helmets, a few moments later, the back door opened and a buxom woman in a white t-shirt and black leggings greeted them.

"Hiya, come in," she smiled warmly.

The pair stepped into the kitchen, the woman looking at Ollie with interest.

"Ollie, this is my mate Bev; Bev this is Ollie, a little stray I found wandering round the village," Cass joked.

"Oh right, hiya love," Bev giggled, "come on through."

They followed Bev into the sitting room; Ollie sat down on the sofa next to Cass, whilst Bev settled into the chair. "Where's Trev then?" Cass asked.

"He's working up in Manchester this weekend," Bev replied, grabbing a small wooden box.

"Oh right, he left you enough to get through the weekend though," Cass smirked, nodding at the box.

"Too fuckin' right, greedy little bastard," Bev replied, as she rolled a joint.

Ollie watched the pair as they chatted; she reckoned Bev was a bit older than Cass, perhaps early to mid forties; she was a big woman, a size 20 at least with a soft warm face and pretty green eyes behind her black rimmed glasses. Her hair was brown, tied back in a ponytail; the one thing Ollie couldn't take her eyes off was Bev's chest, her tits were huge; through the t-shirt the young girl could clearly see a lacy bra that was barely holding them in. As the big woman looked at her, she smiled and looked down at her bright red boots. Turning to her friend, Bev handed her the joint.

"There you go mate, I'll just get us some beers," she said and went into the kitchen.

"Little stray?" Ollie asked sternly, fixing Cass with a steely look, "I'm not a bloody pet you know!"

"Erm...I think I'll go and help Bev get the beers," she giggled, following her friend.

"Come on then, tell me more about your little friend," Bev said quietly.

"I only met her yesterday, we went for a drink last night and then I invited her back to my place."

"Ohhhh yeah?" her voluptuous friend smirked.

"Mmm...well let's just say she's very keen to learn," Cass beamed, licking her lips.

"You jammy bitch, you always get the cute ones," Bev smiled, shaking her head, "don't suppose you fancy having a bit of fun with her later do you?"

"Ooooh I don't know, it might be a bit too much, too soon for her."

"Aww go on mate," Bev pleaded, "I'm feeling horny as hell and Trev hasn't given me a good seeing to in weeks."

"Hmm....okay then, we'll see how things go, get a few drinks down her and she might loosen up a bit, just don't go scaring her with these," Cass smiled, giving her friend's tits a gentle squeeze.

"Scaring her? She couldn't take her fuckin' eyes off them when we were in there!" Bev exclaimed.

"Shhh, she'll hear you, come on, let's get back in there," Cass whispered, grabbing the beers and taking them through to the sitting room.

"Here you go," said Cass, handing Ollie a can of lager. "Erm, I don't really like lager, have you got anything else?" the girl asked.

"Bloody hell, got to be awkward haven't you," Cass muttered.

"Hang on, I think I've got some Bacardi down here," said Bev, kneeling down to open the cupboard and giving Ollie a perfect view of her big chunky ass. As Bev reached for the bottle, it stretched her leggings, making them see through and revealing a lacy thong. Ollie could feel her clit tingling, imagining taking the thong off and licking her pussy; the lustful look on her face had not gone unnoticed by Cass, who gave her a playful dig in the ribs.

"Enjoying the view?" she whispered, giving the girl a knowing smile.

"I don't know what you mean," Ollie whispered back, feeling her face going red.

"Yes you do, you naughty little girl," she teased, slipping her hand between her legs and giving her thigh a gentle squeeze.

"Here you are love," said Bev, handing Ollie her drink and winking at her.


Cass lit the joint, took a drag and passed it to her friend; taking her turn she then offered it to Ollie.

"Erm, no thank you I never touch it, I don't even smoke."

"Oh go on, one little drag won't harm yer!" said Cass, knocking back her lager.

Taking the joint, Ollie took a drag and starting coughing instantly, making the two women burst out laughing; shaking her head, the girl handed it back to Cass.

"Oh dear, I think me and Bev better finish this," she sniggered, giving Ollie a peck on the cheek.

"You bitches," she groaned, taking a swig of her drink, "that was fuckin' horrible."

"Oh give over you mard arse, it wasn't that bad," Cass smirked, "here Bev grab this, I'm just gonna get these leathers off," handing her friend the joint and giving her a wink, she went out into the hallway.

"Aww, is she picking on you?" Bev asked, with a warm smile as she stubbed out the joint, "come and sit on here with me."

Slipping off the oversize jacket, Ollie perched herself on the arm of the chair.

"That's a nice top," Bev purred, stroking the sleeve and looking up wantonly at the girl, "come on, sit on my lap."

Looking round nervously for Cass, Ollie did as she was told.

"Don't worry its fine, Cass won't mind." Bev whispered, gently stroking Ollie's face, "God, you're a sweet little thing, aren't you?"

"Thank you," she replied shyly, unable to stop looking at Bev's chest.

"You're looking at my tits again, aren't you?"

"Sorry, I can't help it," Ollie whispered, feeling her clit starting to tingle again.

"That's okay," Bev replied, pulling off her t-shirt and unclasping her front opening bra, "there you go."

Ollie's eyes widened as the bra sprang open, revealing the two mounds of soft flesh with their rock hard nipples; unable to contain herself any longer, the young girl buried her face between them, kissing and sucking wildly.

"Fucking hell Bev; let her come up for air!" Cass exclaimed, coming back into the room, now completely naked.

"No chance, come on, suck my nipples bitch!" Bev yelled, pulling off Ollie's top and slipping her hand inside her bra.

Cass sat down on the sofa, and watched as her voluptuous friend and her new lover kissed, sucked, and fondled each other's tits, 'So much for needing to loosen her up, the horny little bitch,' she thought, smiling to herself. Bev threw her head back and wailed lustfully as Ollie nibbled and sucked at her rock hard nipples, digging her nails into the arms of the chair as the throbbing sensation of her clit became ever stronger.

"Oh my God, you little bitch!" she gasped, "eat my pussy......please.....eat my pussy!"

Getting up and removing the rest of her clothes, Ollie grabbed the waistband of Bev's leggings and yanked them straight down, bringing the thong with them to reveal her bald, fleshy pussy, the lips already glistening with juice. Ollie momentarily looked over at Cass, as if seeking permission.

"Go on baby, its fine," Cass said softly, giving the girl a reassuring smile.

Kneeling down between Bev's chunky thighs, Ollie slid her tongue over the moist lips and sucked her pulsing clit.


Cass got up off the sofa and leaned over her ecstatic friend, her breathing getting heavier as Ollie pushed her tongue deeper into her dripping snatch.

"Good, isn't she?" she whispered, grabbing the big woman's nipples and slowly twisting them.


The young girl ficked her tongue over Bev's clit, occasionally nibbling and sucking the rock hard bean as Cass twisted and pulled at her big, cherry-like nipples. As she felt herself nearing release, she grabbed the back of Ollie's head and pushed her face hard into her throbbing pussy.


Ollie let out a lustful moan as her face was drenched by the torrent of cum surging from Bev's pussy, her tongue eagerly licking the sweet tasting juice. Falling back exhausted in the chair, Bev loosened her grip on Ollie's head; looking up she could see the two friends were sharing a very passionate kiss with Cass gently circling Bev's nipples with the tip of her finger. Breaking off the kiss, she turned to the girl.

"Come on, over here," Cass whispered, leading her to the sofa.

Leaving Bev to recover, the two lovers lay on the sofa, their hands gliding over each other's bodies as they kissed, their tongues wrestling as the feelings from the night before came rushing back.

"Turn round baby," Cass groaned.

Settling into the 69 position with Ollie on top, they kissed and sucked each other's pussies, gradually getting more frantic as they pushed themselves closer to the shattering climax they desperately yearned for. Moments later Ollie dug her fingers into the sofa and screamed as she succumbed to Cass's relentless probing tongue.


As the young girl gradually recovered, Cass gently tapped her on the ass.

"Come on baby, let me get up."

The pair got up off the sofa and noticed Bev was no longer in the room; looking at each other, Cass shrugged and called out for her friend.

"Bev, where are ya mate?"

"Up here in the bedroom."

"Oh I see, like that is it?" Cass purred, a wicked little smile spreading across her face, "come on."

Taking Ollie's hand, she led her up the stairs and into the bedroom; entering the room they found Bev on her back spread-eagled.

"Okay then, ifs that's the way you want it," Cass whispered, kissing her friend softly on the lips, "Ollie, open that box over there and take out the handcuffs."

Ollie opened the box and her jaw dropped in amazement; inside was a treasure trove of clamps, chains, dildos and various other sex toys, taking out the two pairs of handcuffs she turned and looked at Cass.