On a Summer Festival Night

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Two women are interrupted in the pursuit of an affair.
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The streets of Valencia were unusually crowded, more so than on any other summer's night. The noise and thump of music beats carried on the stilled air, and it became a choice of whether to keep open the bedroom window or to close it and suffer the warmth in the house, open plan and airy as it was. The music festival was only into its first day and two more were to follow. If the wind direction remained unchanged, so too would the sound of music be carried to where she lived.

"I'll go and get us both a drink," Alejandra told her companion and slipped out of her embrace. "Aren't you hot?"

Nuria laughed softly, and in dismay, as she reached out to detain her. "Only for you, now stay here with me. The music's tempo goes so well with what we've done, again."

Alejandra submitted to her caress then Nuria's kiss. She soon broke it and knelt between her lover's legs spread them wide and pressed her lips against her wet pussy tongued and licked her labia, then lanced her tongue into that welcoming vagina and flickered over her clit. She was learning how it went, going down on a woman.

"See? You don't notice the noise anymore!" Nuria gasped, writhing underneath her lover and feeling faint from the renewed intensity of Alejandra's claims upon her body, a hand reaching out to caress and clamp her sagging breasts, to tweak her nipples. "Yes, do that to me again!"

Three fingers were in her and reamed her pussy until she became a panting wreck, unable to remember just how many times she had cum. She was again overwhelmed by the pleasure Alejandra brought so expertly for someone new to the games of woman on woman, and she writhed in response to the rushes of her orgasms until she felt that she would lose consciousness.

"Me now, on you!" she called out when her pleasure had subsided and on coaxing Alejandra to lie back. "Your clients won't ever know what you do in your spare time."

"I love men and women, I realize now," Alejandra retorted. Her architect's business, 'Sanchez Arquitectura' wasn't to be spoken of now, but she was proud of what her efforts had achieved over the years since it had been a two-person practice. Her open-plan designed house, created within the shell of a retained frontage of some style, was now her home and designed just as she wanted.

As for her sex life, it no longer felt strange to go down on a woman or to have Nuria tease and finger her in practiced ways that she was still learning of. Her carefully tended and voluptuous body was a magnet, that was for sure, and she still wanted a man but none of the complications that had so often brought into her life.

"May I get that drink for us now?" she asked with a teasing laugh, feeling that after she had succumbed to an orgasm, brought on by Nuria's ways, she wanted a man's cock even more than ever and to gain some perspective of what she had so easily fallen into doing, seduced as she had been by Nuria.

But, she would find her pleasure wherever it could be found until then. Her lover was more of a lipstick lesbian than not, only her cropped hair a giveaway, perhaps. Both of them were equally fleshy, large-breasted and broad-hipped; not the skinny, flighty, almost androgynous look-alikes some went for.

Nuria suddenly sat up. "There's someone at the door! I hear thumping, not the sound of that infernal music!"

"I'll go and see. At this time of night, it can only be troublemakers."

"Just be careful, won't you?" Nuria called after her and slumped back on the bed, muttering to herself and sliding fingers down to her pussy, sighing with pleasure as she did so. "I don't want any interruptions, not now...not after what we're getting into, at last."

She had seen Alejandra tighten the belt of her silk dressing gown to her curvy figure, the print on the orange fabric decorated with a mermaid, the colour suiting her dusky skin. No one should see her like that, her rich silken brown-black hair a delightfully mussed tangle that fell just to her shoulders. The professional woman was someone else when she was naked in her arms and that was what she wanted again, and soon.


Alejandra wondered if she should open the door dressed only in a kimono-styled dressing gown that finished just above the knee and with nothing worn underneath. She loved the feel of the cool silk on her skin and dismissed the thought that she might smell of sex as she studied her reflection in the hallway mirror. She swept back her luxuriant black hair from a tired face.

The doorbell rang again, insistently and for longer, and she knew there was nothing for it but to see who it was.

"Aiee, chico!" she exclaimed on seeing her nephew, Diego, slumped in another guy's arms. Who he was she didn't know, immediately, but he was eye-catchingly good-looking and stared at the viewfinder as if to provoke her into opening up. When she did so, she saw that Diego was in an inebriated state.

"I'm sorry to do this to you, señora Sanchez..."

She had gathered her thoughts by now. 'It's Pablo, isn't it?"

"Si, you remember?" he grinned in evident pleasure that she had done so. "We have been at the festival, and....we're too pissed to drive...sorry, tanked up," he corrected and smiling apologetically for his use of language. "I wondered if we could crash here for the night?"

"Diego gave you the idea, did he?" It was then that she heard Nuria's footfalls on the landing, then her call. She cursed silently and realized her secret was out, or soon would be. "You'd better come in."

"I'm disturbing you," he observed only too knowingly as Nuria came into view. So, these two voluptuous women were into each other.

"Yes, you are disturbing us late at night, both of you, but just come in, and be quick about it."

She sensed Nuria's presence and turned to look her way and was relieved to note that she too had cinched her dressing gown tightly around her waist, but that did not keep from shaping her heavy breasts, her fleshy legs poking out from under the gown's frilly hem. It was only too obvious from the set of her full lips that Nuria was not pleased by this interruption to their night together.

They reached under Diego's arms and manouevred him into the hallway before they took him in shuffling steps to the foot of the open tread, polished concrete, staircase that was such a feature of her home.

"I am sure Diego would say it too...that we are sorry to disturb you."

"It's done now," she sighed and met Nuria's look. "Yes, they're staying. I can't just turn them out."

"Then, do you want me to go?"

"No, and we can talk about it all later. Let's just get this young man upstairs and into a bed." She was in two minds on what to do. "We need to get him to drink a glass of water..."

"I'll get it," Nuria muttered in evident irritation, yet taken by the concern her lover showed for the young man. "I'll get a bowl as well; in case he pukes. We can't have that, can we?"

"Thanks, we'll be in the room at the far end of the corridor."

"I'm really sorry, señora," Pablo said, again, when they had a few moments alone, doing the bulk of the heavy lifting as they got Diego to take faltering steps up the stairs. "Come on pal, you're going to be okay now."

"I hope so, for his sake. What kind of friend are you that you let it get so bad? Are you two on drugs too?" she demanded to know, feeling his body brush against her when they reached the door of a spare bedroom.

He flinched. "Shit no! He just got carried away by the music and the dancing with the chicks that were there, but they were as wrecked as he was and it got him nowhere..."

"And you?"

"I had no time for that and wondered where to take him. I then remembered that you lived along the way for us to get home so I got a taxi." He paused, looking at her and brazenly giving her the eye as she tightened her robe once more. He felt his wick twitch, the woman's fleshy beauty getting to him even if she was a great deal older. The same went for that Nuria woman, but she had a mouth on her, luscious full lips or not. "I'm glad that I did now, though we've intruded on you."

"Yes, you have!" Nuria was heard to say in her uncompromising tone, a bottle of water and a washing bowl in hand as she came into the room. "Do we all have to undress him?"

"No, I'll do that," Pablo laughed. "There will be no secrets if you stay."

"There's nothing that we haven't seen before.'

"I guess not," he laughed again, yet glad that Alejandra remained to get Diego undressed, her movements opening the kimono and she was too late to prevent him from seeing the tumble of her heavy breasts and the swell of her tummy. She was a big woman and no more, not fat. It wouldn't be too difficult to become involved with her if the chance arose, but that seemed unlikely given Nuria's presence.

"Come on, let's get him settled," Alejandra urged. She'd seen his leering glance and a smile tease the corners of his lips. It had been a while, she chose to admit to herself, since a man's mouth had been on her or she had seen such a look cast her way.

Pablo shrugged off his windcheater and she saw his muscled arms and lean torso, his T-shirt not tucked into his grubby jeans that had grass stains on the knees. He was strong and undressed his friend until Diego, all but senseless, lay on the bed, the covers pulled back and his head propped on a thick pillow.

"Drink some water, amigo...then we'll leave you alone."

"I'll help you," Alejandra began but had to step back.

She had leaned in to offer the bottle of water to Diego's lips, but the sash fastening had come loose once more and her kimono fell open. There was no mistaking it, the sound of breaths being taken in, sharply, as both Pablo and Nuria saw her heavy breasts swaying, her deep cleavage seen through the gap as the front of her kimono parted. They bounced around before she had time to knot the sash once more.

"Lie on your side, pal," Pablo coaxed in evident concern, and not before he had made Diego gulp down some water. He placed one of the pillows of the wide bed at his back and tugged on one knee to put him in the recovery position. He did all this to try and slow his racing heart, provoked by what he had seen of a woman's body; the sudden and unexpected thrill.

"Undress him, we need to undress him!" Alejandra suddenly blurted out and feared what Nuria might say. Diego, her nephew, wasn't smiling now, not the young man she remembered from a family reunion a few months ago. His curly hair was matted and his oval face, with its bushy moustache and bearded chin, was pale. His friend Pablo wasn't looking too good either, but at least he wasn't on the point of collapse. His black hair was swept back from a lean face, long sideburns trailing off into a beard that simply revealed he had not shaved in a few days. It wasn't studiously unkempt, like some she saw out on the streets when she walked to work.

Nuria surprised her with what she now suggested.

"We may as well all do that and get him into bed!" she grumbled, "then we can get some peace."

"And get together," Pablo suggested with a soft laugh as he considered his chances with one, or both, of the women he had met.

"In your dreams!" Nuria snapped, only to relent on feeling Alejandra caress her tummy as she put an arm around her in restraint. A shake of the head suggested what was also on her mind.

"Yes, they are now," he answered looking at her for an instant but his eyes drifted over Alejandra, brazenly purposeful and his hopes clear. The drink had loosened his tongue, not wrecked him, and the chick he had met at the festival was disappointed that they had only just started getting into each other before he'd been obliged to leave. For him, there were unfished pleasures to be made good.

"There, that will have to do," Alejandra said, dismay in her voice, as Diego lay on his side, his briefs disfigured by what was covered by the thin cotton cloth. She felt Nuria's hand tighten on her arm, intent on drawing her away from the sight of a well-made young man lying there before them, drunk as a rat, and all but oblivious to his surroundings.

Diego was out of it.


"Now there's me to take care of," Pablo suggested as they walked to the bedroom door, one hand brushing over the rounded shape of Alejandra's bum, shaped so enticingly by her kimono. They stood close at the bedroom door, Pablo at her shoulder and Nuria beside her, all three looking to see if Diego stirred. He didn't. "We interrupted you...intruded...upon you and Nuria. Are there any other games we can play?"

"The three of us you mean?" Nuria laughed and her voice lighter than he had heard since his arrival. She seemed intent on salvaging something of her time with Alejandra and a frolic with a guy would also be something of a turn-on, it seemed, if her hold on his arm was anything to go by.

Pablo met her look as he slipped a hand through the gap of Alejandra's kimono and cupped her breasts, their heavy tumble such a provocation to him, just as her hardening nipples now were.

"What a temptation you are to me now," he breathed hotly, his mouth close to her lips but not kissing her. They held the other's stare, provoking a reaction.

"You assume too much!" she gasped as his caresses grew fiercer and insistent, Pablo's hands sweeping over the swell of her tummy and brushing over her slicked pussy's lips, her kimono hanging loosely from her shoulders.

"Do I?" He kissed her and felt her clutch at his shirt as Nuria sought the same of him. He obliged her and felt the woman's hand grope for his prick, hard against the front of his jeans.

"What we do here stays here, got that?" Alejandra snapped, her strong grip on his chin making Pablo look at her; the glare in her eyes intimidating.

"Sure, I've got that...also this." His mouth crashed onto her lips again and his tongue probed until she opened the way to deep kisses, her hands gripping his sides and then finding him. "I've got more than Diego and you're not sending me away, or stopping me...in what I do...want to do with both of you."

The three of them shared in raging kisses, and both women groped him, clenched his skin as they all pursued clamping caresses to their fevered bodies. The scented candles still flickered in their fluted glasses, the women's love den now to have him as an addition to the games they had been sharing until he and Diego had crashed the party.

It took him a while to strip off his clothes, the women's wanton claims as if it was a race to be the first to get fucked, the other making do with him eating her out.

And so it soon proved to be, Alejandra choosing to let Nuria ride him as he flopped back on the bed and she engulfed his arcing prick in her mouth, her finger working him expertly and her lips and tongue slicking over it like she was tasting an ice lolly. He felt her breasts press and slide over his thighs and gazed up in pleasure as Alejandra moved to straddle his head. How her breasts had shaped her kimono had hinted at what she would bring; but now, freed of all cover, they provoked her to kiss him and to do so slowly, to languish in the touch of their mouths as he fondled them and her kisses becoming deeper and lingeringly sensual. Then she covered his face with her wet heat, parted her pussy's lips with her fingers, and provoked him to suckle on those lips, to dart his tongue into her as she rocked, his tongue flickering and finding her clit.

"Save some for me!" Nuria heard Alejandra exclaim as she began to take him, her wondering eyes locked on his growing staff, as she gripped the base of his shaft with one hand and stroked the fingers of the other over its length. He began to squirm as both women took him or demanded so much from these acts of foreplay. Nuria held the base with one hand and stroked the full length of his shaft with the other.

"Yes, let them go," Alejandra kissed, easing out of his hold on her tits before she moved to share open-mouthed kisses with her female lover. "You take him, then let me find what he does for us both."

Pablo did as she asked and reached out to put his hands on Nuria's head and urged her to mouth him, to devote her attention to the domed tip of his penis as she stroked it, bobbing her head up and down in frenzied earnest.

"It's different with a man, isn't it?" he was provoked into calling out. He lay there on the crumpled sheets, one woman on his face and the other taking him to a place where he'd lose it.

"Yes...yes it is," Nuria answered, slurping sounds escaping over those full lips of hers and undeterred by the claims of his hands on her body.

"Oh...oh Jeez! I'm there!" He groaned before he took a sharp intake of breath and burst, sending jetting streams of his cum into her mouth. Nuria buried his staff deep in her throat, her teeth gently gripping his trembling, jerking, flesh. "You don't get that with her!"

"I love it in all ways, Pablo," Alejandra told him, her mouth close to his lips before it sank onto it and they kissed, shared in his halting breaths as Pablo came down from his high. Nuria's breasts had been felt caressing his legs as she worked him, and now she lifted her face away and brushed those wonderfully hard and erect nipples over his skin before she clamped his still trembling prick between them, Alejandra simply looking on. "Is he empty?"

"Not quite," Nuria grinned, looking up at her. "We've left some for you." She licked the clammy, glistening, tip of his penis as she caressed his dangling nut sac and kneaded his balls gently. His penis twitched as he kept on gliding her long-fingered hand up and down and could not keep from kissing him. "You wonder...you're still so darned hard, Pablo!"

She wanted to believe that it was on account of being with the two of them. She felt so darned horny, lusted after a young man when her preferences remained a woman's body, all that could be shared with them and Alejandra in particular.

"Yeah! I'm so darned glad. I want to stay hard all night and lose it with you two!"

Alejandra wasted no time and lay down beside them, coaxed Nura to straddle her head as Pablo tapped the tip of his penis at her opening and she parted her legs, gasped as he slammed into her, stretching her pussy's walls, and invaded her body in long wrenching strokes.

"Oh...oh fuck!" she yelled, unbothered by her language. "That feels so crazy...amazing...and...and you're so deep!"

She began to mumble incoherently as moans of pleasure escaped over her parted lips. She panted in her efforts to keep up with him, her pussy's walls stretched by his twisting and plunging movements, the slam of his hips against her fleshy buttocks as he prodded and poked into her, his balls slapping against her skin. "You're...you're so hard and deep in me, Pablo!"

"I want that!" he gasped in reply, through his breaths of effort. He wanted it hard and wild, with no finesse or to prolong the sharing of the heat. Diego might wake any moment and he didn't want to be distracted until he'd lost it all with these two women

They had it all; they had fleshy and voluptuous bodies. They were all woman and not the skinny, almost anorexic, types so many guys went for. He wanted flesh and passion. He was discovering and enjoying both.

He started slowly, then quickly picked up the pace, shoving his rock-hard cock in and out of her pussy with abandon as Nuria looked on, knelt by Alejandra's head, and offered caresses whenever she had the chance to do so. The bed rocked from the force of his thrusts, her tits jerking wildly before his face and stilled by the fearsome grip of his hands, or the tug of his mouth on each of them. Her body jolted with each thrust of his penis, his desire for her unquenchable and she felt the rush of completion begin its journey through her abdomen, from her clit, up into her belly, then in her nipples, and the tightening of her chest. It felt as if he filled her body, up to her throat. She found it difficult to breathe, to focus, and to pay some attention to Nuria.