On a Whim Ch. 02

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A sequel to the first.
2.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/17/2021
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I felt her hands reach down, from the side of my torso she moved toward my midline, straight to my belt buckle. My bulge pulsed with vigor.

With my hands still above her shoulders, I returned her unflinching stare. There was a fire in those eyes, and it burned, I could feel it consume me from the inside, the yearning, the torture of waiting, an eternity had passed before her hands pulled the spare end of my belt from its resting place.

Her other hands slid past the one at the buckle, feeling the length of my cock, I wanted to smile at her and then say, "Look what you made me do," but I couldn't, I just stared helplessly into her eyes, every new touch an orgasmic feeling that paralysed even further.


I didn't hear it, hence my surprise when she stopped abruptly.


It came again. This time I heard it.

I let out a sigh, relieved and angry at the same time. At least she didn't change her mind, "Could it be a sign from the gods," a small voice whispered in my head. I shoved the stupid thought down the hole from whence it came. "Stupid voice."

I almost forgot I was still staring at this goddess below me, I wasn't going to answer whoever was at the door. But then she smiled at me and asked, "Aren't you gonna get that?"

"Mother!..." I yelled in my head and smiled.

I dragged myself from over her, I could see her laugh even though she tried to hide it, she saw right through me.

"Who's there?"

"Who do you think?" Another voice I knew too well, if not for anything, for the constant visits from her for the past few months. It was nothing romantic, not even platonic, just business.

I opened the creaky metal door to the face of my landlady, her face held no smiles, none hide behind any corners.

"I know too many hot girls," was the first thought in my mind.

Her hands were on her wide hips, her thin lips in a mild pout, her chin stiff.

"Hey!" I nervously croaked, trying desperately to hide my bulging ache and calm the storm that had arrived at my door.

"It's been 4 months Kyle."

"I know Jessie, I just... things haven't been going well for me."

"You said that 3 months ago."

"I know, I'm doing this best I can."

"I know. That's why you've got one month, after that, I can't help you anymore."

My mind raced to the future, could I pull this off? I couldn't tell. I wanted to ask for more time, another month, maybe two, but my pride had taken too much of a beating these past few months.

Interview after interview, a new failure each time. No one wanted an architect who had worked with "Winter A.", my former firm. A few cheap materials here, a little skimmed off the top there, and the next thing you know 6 highrise buildings collapsed in a week.

I had just gotten promoted when it happened. My mum had been so happy, said I was blessed. But I was just the patsy they had chosen to take the fall, I found out too late. By the time I had seen the books, bodies were already in the ground. I quit my job that same day, death threats and hate mail every day, I had to change my apartment, with most of my money spent on lawyers this was all I could afford, well, not anymore.

Turns out people don't always want the truth, sometimes they just need someone to blame. And I fit the bill. Fucking idiots! I couldn't really blame them though.

"Okay, thank you." I resigned.

She stood there for a few seconds as if contemplating what to say next, I tried to remember if I owed her any money, I didn't.

"Your mum's in the hospital."

Suddenly that worry in my mind turned to fear, my rod now a shriveling mass of tissue.

"Her doctor called, said he couldn't reach you."

Of course, he couldn't, I had changed my line. It scared me because it meant that maybe my mum couldn't tell him that.

"Thank you," I said as the hurried back into my room.

Then I saw her again, sitting on the bed looking right at me, my heart jumped again.

I opened my mouth to narrate...

"I heard what she said, lets go," she said as she stood from the bed.

I couldn't help but smile.

"Okay, but I have to take a shower first," I ran into the tiny passage that led to the bathroom and kitchen.


The air always smelt like antiseptic, as if there was some conditioner somewhere constantly pumping chunks of the stuff into the air.

"Nurse Geraldine, your attention is needed in the obstetrics ward... immediately," said a female voice from the PA system.

I stared at the clock on the wall, "4 hours," I thought to myself.

I hadn't been standing for too long, but it felt like ages. The anxiety was making me sweat in the air-conditioned waiting room.

I turned my attention back to the doctor, he was bespectacled, mild-mannered, and was currently thinking of a way to relay some awful news to me. I could tell from the way he had been avoiding my eyes since he stepped into the waiting room.

Doctor Victor Alba, immigrated here a few years ago, he was one of the best, which was what scared me.

"Doc, how bad is it?" I asked.

"I'm sorry."

"Don't tell me that doc, there's gotta be some good news. Please doc, anything."

"I'm sorry Kyle, the damage had already been done before she arrived here," he placed his hand on my shoulder, the tears welled up, I clenched my jaw, hoping to stave off the pain.

"She's on life support now..." those words were a stake in my heart.

"As her next of kin, you decide what happens next. I'm sorry son, she was my friend too. Anything you..." my feet suddenly went numb, I heard nothing else, just the sound of my own breathing.

I started panting, I wanted to stop, tried to stop, but I couldn't, it just kept getting worse. I hadn't had a panic attack since I was 10.

I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

Doctor Alba panicked, "Kyle? Kyle!" or something like that, I couldn't hear properly over the sound of the silence.

Then, out of nowhere came another feeling, a really tight grip on my shoulder, the pain shot through me like lightning, I came to.

"Kyle, are you okay?" a familiar voice asked.

"Thank you, Doctor, I'll take it from here," she said.

"Come," she held my hand with both hands and led me back to the chair.

I sat down, unable to talk, my world had crumbled.

She held my head, I surrendered to her, her hands guiding me to the soft mounds on her chest.

She cradled my head atop her mounds, my face melted inside. The tears found their way out.



I looked at my mother's face, I could've sworn I saw a smile.

My body felt cold, it was something more than the conditioned air, something more than the chill in the air. From deep inside, I felt it, an icy wall building itself around my heart, preparing me for what I had to do next.

"There is no other way," the doctors had said, "even a miracle might not be enough."

Zee stood beside me, we watched her as she lay lifeless on the hospital bed. The beeping continued, a reminder that she was now an empty shell, brain-dead.

Zee held my arm tight, she had been so strong, but we all have our limits, she placed her head on my shoulder and sobbed quietly. I placed my chin over her head and pulled her close, comforting her as best I could.

"Goodbye mum," I whispered.

I looked to the nurse at my side and nodded.

She headed out the door, then returned with Doctor Alba and some other staff. He was still in his surgical attire, just back from surgery, they were here to pay their last respects to an old colleague.

The air in the room grew heavy, even though we were sad, we were alright because we were together.

Doctor Alba headed toward the ventilator, he looked to my mother.

"Goodbye old friend," the machine flatlined.

"Goodbye, mum."

My cheek glistened as the tears rolled to my chin


We left the hospital a few hours later, after having received a plethora of condolences, I had to get some air.

Doctor Alba offered us a ride, "No, you don't have to," I said, but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He was about to make his argument when a nurse hurried over, a patient was bleeding out in the ER, and the doctor was on the night shift.

He bid farewell as he followed the nurse, who hadn't wasted any time returning from where she came, it seemed the situation was critical, "Call me," he'd said as he dashed away.

This felt nostalgic, I remembered how my mum would have to leave me in the waiting room when there was an emergency, being a nurse was tough on both of us, being a single mum didn't make it easy, but she did the very best she could.

Zee and I didn't talk to each other for a while, we walked for maybe a mile before she said, "Stay with me tonight."


It was as much for me as it was for her.

The car ride on the way to her place was silent. We asked the driver to turn off his lights, all we needed was the warmth of our bodies. We watched as the streets lights passed, and finally, it ended.


Zee opened the door to her apartment. She didn't switch the lights on.

She held my hand and led me to her bedroom, I could barely see, I just let her lead.

Once we got to the room, my eye adjusted, I could clearly see the mirror hung on the wall, and the large bed at the other end of the room.

The moonlight crept slowly into the room, freed from its cage behind a large cloud.

I felt her hand pull me, I followed.

She made me sit on the bed, never uttering a word, yet I knew what she wanted.

She put her palm on my cheek, like a cat I instinctively wanted to snuggle against her palm.

"I hope you don't hate me for saying this, but I want you," I saw her desperate eyes stare into my own.

I had just lost my mother, the most important person in my life, and yet somehow, this felt right, pure.

I wrapped my hands around her, pulled her to me, I felt the touch of her lips, a quick kiss, to see how I would feel afterward, would I regret it?

Then came the madness, we lunged for each other. Our tongues wrestled, lips smacked, and our moans filled the air.

She pushed her body against mine, as though trying to make us one, the hunger was evident in her moans.

The throes of passion overwhelmed us as we struggled to get our clothes off, a shirt here, a bra there, and soon we were both buck naked, flesh upon flesh, my cock tingled between my legs.

I felt the blood rush into it, I had been so overwhelmed by what I was feeling that I forget I had one.

We stared at each other, panting. Her hands rubbed the back of my head, and there was that look again as if she was asking, "Will you break my heart?" or maybe it was just my imagination.

I still sat on the bed, she stood in front of me, my cock rose between us, it grew so fast, slapped the lips of her pussy which was in the way and stayed there.

"Hmmm," she crooned.

Her back arched, I hit her clit.

"Lie down," she said.

I did.

She crawled into the bed, her pussy rubbing on my stiff rod as she straddled my hip. I could feel the warm lips of her genitals, the thick ooze lining them, my cock ached for a taste.

She took her sweet time, I was at the edge, and I hadn't even seen the walls of her cunt, I wouldn't last long.

She bent down and kissed me, I held her back, my hands scoured the curves of her body while my lips surveyed her mouth.

She slid back and forth on my rod, she was so wet I could hear it, the sound of her wetness brought me pleasure, I moaned.

She broke from our kiss, sat on the underside of my dick, with her hands on my chest she continued her slippery slide, back and forth, again and again, she bit her lower lip, I reached for her knobs, she smiled as she slid.

"Oh fuck," I said as my balls tightened.

She slid faster.

I could feel my orgasm inch closer, I let out a satisfactory sigh, threw my head back, ready for impact, but then she stopped.

My orgasm hit me, I felt the muscle spasms, and my hips quake, but mildly. My cock pulsed hard, but nothing exited my orifice.

She smiled devilishly, mission accomplished.

"It's not time for you to cum."

"Holyshit," I thought, "Why didn't I make a move sooner?"

"That was fucking amazing," I said.

She sat on my thighs, watched my pulsing hard-on with a beguiling smile on her face. I swallowed a bit of saliva.

After my orgasm had ended, I felt no urge to cum, not anytime soon, so I sat up, ready to thank her properly, but she had other ideas.

She kissed me, I felt her breasts on my body, I wanted to feel them all night long, I reached for them, playing with the knobs as I did before.

She moaned and pushed me back to the bed.

"You'll get your chance."

Before my senses had recovered from the fall, I felt something warm around my dick, her hand.

Soon after, the warmth was replaced by the wet embrace of her wet cunt, she slid me into her as she sat atop me.

I felt my urge to cum return, her cunt felt so wet and tight, seems her ex wasn't much to handle.

She began to move, back and forth again, but this time her insides massaged the bulb of my rod, the shaft was covered in her juices, I could feel it dripping down to my balls.

I reached for her waist, I helped her move, thrusting harder with each stroke, she rolled her eyes each time I went deeper.

Her moans became louder, her hips moved erratically.

She placed her hands on my chest and ground her cunt on my shaft, "Oh yes. Fuck!" she crooned.

The walls of her pussy clenched on my shaft, the sensation doubled, I could feel my orgasm, I inched closer to climax with every stroke, I held on, I wanted her to cum, make a good first impression, god knows she had blown me away.

Like a giant hand on my cock, her cunt milked me. I moaned, and she echoed.

"I'm cuming!" she cried, "Yes."

I felt the ooze thicken, her pace hasten, and her thighs quake as she jumped off my dick and fell on me.

My cock spurted out its contents, I moaned in relief as my cum shot into the air and landed everything, the bed, my thigh, hers', and on her beautiful ass, thankfully not in her sweet cunt. My abdominal muscles tightened, I nearly sat up as then contracted, but for the beautiful woman laying on me.

I could feel her orgasm as she shook, her legs tightly closed as she held unto me, her violent tremors fueled my ebbing orgasm.

My cock pulsed with vigor, spurting out its final contents before little bits dribbled down my shaft.

She still shook, panting hard as her hands gripped the bedding on each side of my torso.

I caught my breath long before she did, her orgasm was more intense than mine.

After she was done, I stroked her hair and said, "Well that went well," She chuckled.

"Yeah," she whispered.

Then suddenly, she said "I nearly forgot. I have something important to tell you."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Part three (3) please. Great story.

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