On Another World Ch. 03


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Right then and there, I decided that the .45 would be an extreme last resort weapon. Quite simply, I would avoid using it as much as I possibly could.

I opened the box again and picked the Colt up. It was quite a bit lighter than I expected. I assumed that it was manufactured by the Olygard and made from 'space age' materials. It would most likely be somewhat more accurate. I clipped the laser site beneath the barrel of the weapon. I lightly squeezed the trigger. A red dot appeared on the wall across the room. I squeezed a bit harder and the hammer fell with a soft click. It had been a few years since I had fired a gun of any kind. It felt good. I picked up one of the magazines and slipped into the handle of the Colt. I worked the slide, chambering a round. I cannot explain it, but it even felt more like a deadly weapon. I assumed a combat crouch and aimed about 50 feet away at one of the tapestries...the figure of a warrior in combat. I put a little pressure on the trigger and placed the red dot right in the center of the figure's face. I continued pulling and....


The sound of the gun was incredibly loud in the room. In what seemed to be less than a second, even before the empty shell casing stopped bouncing across the floor, a naked Seq-qah was at my side seeking the source of the sound, hissing fiercely. She crouched as if ready to pounce on the shell casing still rolling on the floor.

The door to my bedchamber swung open. The door to the balcony opened at the same instant. Four guards poured into the room...all looking a bit rattled.

I held the pistol out of sight behind my back. "Go back to your posts. There is nothing to worry about. The fault is mine for not warning you beforehand."

"As you wish, M'lord." The guards said as one. They slowly left my bedchamber closing the doors behind them.

Seq-qah turned and hugged me tightly. "Thou art certain, my Lord?"

"Yes Seq-qah, we are safe for the time being."

"What was it...what just happened, my Lord?"

I held out the Colt. "This is what happened."

She looked at it, baffled. "My Lord?" She asked, very obviously confused.

I caught some thing out of the corner of my vision in the box and mentally kicked myself in the ass. There was something I had missed before. Next to where the pistol had rested, was what could only be a silencer.

I screwed the silencer to the end of the barrel. Then I sited in on a clay pitcher on the night table next to the bed. "Watch this." I told Seq-qah. I lightly squeezed the trigger.

Seq-qah starred in wonder at the tiny red dot that suddenly appeared on the side of the pitcher. She flinched as a soft popping noise came from the Colt.

The pitcher shattered, its contents splashing over the table onto the floor. A moment later, the Colt popped twice more and two cups that were on the table next to the pitcher disintegrated as well.

I spun and quickly fired a round into the center of a decorative shield on the wall across the room. It rang, not unlike a bell as a hole appeared in the middle of the dragon emblem on it. The .45 surpassed my wildest dreams. Between its being manufactured by the Olygard and my superior eyesight, it would be almost impossible to miss at less than a hundred paces or so.

Seq-qah looked at me. She seemed to be both awed and terrified. Her eyes had become a light gray in color.

I held up the pistol and said matter-of-factly. "It is a gift from the Grey Ones." I did not go into detail. She did not know of my origins and I thought it best not to tell her...just yet.

We went back to bed. This time, we made love. She made love frantically, in the same way a starving person would attack a T-bone steak. I could only surmise that it had been a long while since the last time she'd been with a man. She was an extremely enthusiastic lover...even more so than Qij-jah or Qaj-jah. She had even clawed my back as her and I hit our peak at the same moment. All the while murmuring in Qoo-jah, another language the Olygard apparently gifted me with. Although, I could not understand it fully. Most of what she said was prayers of thanks to Kreigor.

Afterward, we lay together. "I will not ever be able to thank thee enough, my Lord." Seq-qah murmured softly. "At my age, I did not think I would ever share the pleasures with a male again."

I was somewhat confused. Why the hell not? I wondered. She was an exceptionally beautiful woman. Back on Earth, she would have had to 'beat them off with a stick' to use an old expression. I would have guessed her age at about 35. "At your age?" I asked.

Then, she answered my question, and more. "Males here in Terranian choose women exclusively for their youth and beauty, my Lord. I am well past the age to be as desirable as Zog-gah or Zeq-qah...or even your slaves. I am even past what is considered the best years for bearing offspring. The men of Terrania all prefer young women to share the pleasures and bear their children. The younger the woman, the more desirable, my Lord."

"Perhaps...." I said. "But there can also be no substitute for experience either, Seq-qah." The men on this world must be fools.

She laughed softly. "They said thou art from far away, my Lord. It must be very, very far."

We both drifted off to sleep then.


We rose with the sun the following morning. Seq-qah again bathed me. She made no effort to seduce me again, though I knew that she would have liked to. It had not yet ceased to amaze me that the women on this world seemed to have such an incredibly high sex drive. I was most certainly not complaining...yet.

After that, she assisted me in getting dressed. Seq-qah obviously had experience with helping men to dress as it took much less time than I was accustomed to. I donned the new harness and found to my pleasure that the .45 slid easily into the holster even with the silencer attached.

I went back to the War Room and was not surprised to see Gilliam and Major Kôjar already there putting together the final touches of our plan. Kôjar came to attention as I entered the room and saluted me in the Terranian fashion, his open right hand over his heart.

I nodded a greeting to both. "Gentlemen...."

"All has been prepared, M'lord." Gilliam said. He went on to explain.

Our 'War Party' was going to be much larger than I had hoped. Twenty-five, including myself. This included Gilliam, myself, both of our full personal guard detachments, the Z's and Seq-qah.

Kôjar led to me to one the maps on the wall and said. "It would be best to leave just after full dark." He pointed to the map. "This is where the Tushük camp is located. We have been able to determine that one; maybe two of your women are there. Verella and Tiq-qah." He hesitated at this point. There was more, but I sensed he didn't really want to tell me. However, he took a deep breath and continued. "Qaj-jah and Qij-jah are being taken elsewhere for interrogation, before they are sold the breeding farms."

"Do we know where they're being taken?"

Kôjar took another breath. "Zoqeland. M'lord."

Kahn! Kahn had to be behind this. But, how had he been able to set this up so fast? It did not seem possible. A plan to kill me and take those close to me should have taken a month or more to plan and execute. So...Kahn was getting extraterrestrial help. There could be no doubt. Maybe that was part of the reason that a Colt .45 caliber pistol now rested in a holster under my right arm. Also, I began to suspect that Kahn had at least one spy in Tertapolis, more than one, I was almost certain.

I had already decided in the back of my mind to kill Kahn when the opportunity presented itself. This just seemed to reinforce that.

Another question occurred to me. If he thought me dead, why take Verella and the girls? There was much more to all this than met the eye. It seemed to me that any information Kahn might get from them would be useless if I was dead. I was beginning to think that Kahn was even more evil and more dangerous than Thor had led me to believe.

Later that afternoon, Seq-qah came into the room accompanied by the 'Z's' as I referred to them. Seq-qah was now dressed the same as I had the "Q-girls' dress themselves. With all her 'charms' covered and her sides completely bare, I found her to be even more alluring. I even found her Mohawk-like hair do to be more than a little attractive. I gave her an appraising look. I mentally berated myself. In many ways, I found her to be even more appealing than the 'Q-girls'. I shook my head to clear it. There are times that I can just such a guy.

I grasped Seq-qah by the arm. "Come with me." I took her into my bedchamber at sat her on the bed. Then, I pulled a chair up close and sat, facing her. Fortunately, she was taking this seriously. "There is something you need to know." I told her.

"Yes, my Lord?"

"Seq-qah, I have no wish to frighten you, but I have to tell you that I am, as you've been told from a far distant land." She nodded. "What you do not know is that that far distant land is on another world."

For a brief moment, she appeared to be a little scared. Then that changed into a look of exasperation and displeasure. "My Lord, I mean no disrespect, but this is not the time for jokes."

"I am not joking." I said looking her straight in the eyes. A thought occurred to me. I quickly, but gently grabbed her, bringing our foreheads together. I concentrated.

My thoughts went to a small yellow star, light years away. Then to that star's third planet. A lovely little blue and white planet. There were also other colors. And finally to a continent the planet's northern hemisphere. This was my home. I thought.

From Seq-qah, I felt a deep fear...terror even. But that was only for a moment. Fear was replaced with curiosity, which was replaced with wonder.

Then I heard her voice inside my head. My Lord?


How is this possible?

I know no more than you do on this. Just that I'm here and I have an important mission to accomplish.

I could feel her mind probing mine seeking information. I let her continue, as I perceived no threat.

Seq-qah broke the contact...the mental bond we shared now gone. I looked up to find her weeping. "The suffering thou endured with thy illness before is more than I can bear."

"It's over now, I am well. To me, that is like ancient history"

"Nonetheless.... My Lord...I could see into thy thoughts. I have never been able to do that with any who were not Qoo-jan before. No one has as far as I know. There is one other thing, my Lord.

"And what would that be?" I asked.

A soft shy smile. "I know thy thoughts now. I know thy heart. I love thee, my Lord. With all my heart, I love thee."


To be continued....

As always, constructive criticism is welcome. Chapter Four has been stated though I cannot say when I'll be able to finish it. Some of my female readers may not like the way this is going. In my defense, I can only say...Hey, I'm a guy.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Tribute to SRD?

First, let me say "Thank You" for this fine story. I am enjoying it very much.

The name of the main character reminds me of Stephen R Donaldson, author of Lord Foul's Bane. Is that mere coincidence? I am a fan of the Thomas Covenant trilogy and see some appealing similarities in the writing and story line.

I realize my question is rhetorical by default, since I don't get have an account. I will get to that.

polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago

A glutton for punishment this boy has, but ya gotta luv him. Getting all these women and then falling in luv with them just makes my heart feel warm. He is so protective of them all and he treats them all (I mean everyone) with respect and like they are people, not slaves.

polgaranightpolgaranightover 12 years ago
That's my Man

A glutton for punishment this boy has, but ya gotta luv him. Getting all these women and then falling in luv with them just makes my heart feel warm. He is so protective of them all and he treats them all (I mean everyone) with respect and like they are people, not slaves.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

This is interesting. Are you planning on writing more? Well good job so far.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
GREAT !!!!!

A really great story. Keep up the good work. Thanks for the intertainment.

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