On Call

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She was on call to him whatever time he called.
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All comments and feedback are gratefully received as I'm hoping the feedback will encourage improvements in my work. This is a work of fiction from the deep dank recesses of my mind and any resemblance to real people is purely accidental.

This story depicts group sex, if this not to your liking, please visit some of my other submissions, otherwise I hope you enjoy.


Jay was almost home when he saw his neighbour Tara get out of the passenger door of a car that he hadn't seen before and slammed it shut somewhat aggressively before storming towards him on route to her front door. Tara was one of Jay's masturbatory fantasies, he had zero chance of scoring with her but that didn't stop him using her as his muse to measure girls his age against.

Tara was his height, around 5 9, nicely rounded figure, very pretty with a ready smile and long blonde hair that bounced nicely as she walked. Jay did manage a faint "Hi" as he raised a hand in greeting as she approached.

The MILF gave a frustrated huff and growl but then stood still, took a deep breath and then smiled at her neighbour's son "Sorry. Hello Jay, how nice to see you, it seems to have been a long time since I last saw you."

Gesturing to the car that was driving off he asked "Another date that didn't end well I guess" more out of courtesy that curiosity.

Tara turned to look back at the car making her hair swich and bounce "Yeah you could say that, sadly that's the norm now I'm afraid." Tara frowned and placed a soft hand on Jay's arm as she continued "You didn't need to know that though did you, poor boy. How are you by the way? I hope you are enjoying life and making the most of your youth? It may not seem it but it'll be gone in a blink of an eye."

Jay shrugged, he was desperately trying not to appear nervous even though he was secretly loving the physical contact from her "I wish I could say it's easier at my age but... well, how do I put this... the girls my age have certain demands and I lack the experience if you get my drift."

Tara giggled at his sentiment which lead to an exasperated look from Jay. She looked really cute as she brought her hand up to cover her mouth as she mumbled her apology "I'm sorry for laughing, I sympathise honestly. It seems there is a rich vain of life between the first steps you're on and being left on the scrap heap where I am. Maybe we'll come up with a scheme to help each other." She then brought the back of her hand to brush against his cheek "You'll make some girl a very lucky woman, just give it time. Don't be in too much of a rush, these dry spells will make you appreciate what you have come the time, honest."

She patted his arm once more and made off towards her house leaving Jay stood rooted to the spot. His wank bank fantasy had not only spoken to him, she had tenderly touched him and had confided something. This meant they now had a connection and sure enough, when he arrived home, he went to his room and beat one off thinking about his neighbour.

Summer was well and truly in place and every so often Jay would see Tara climb into another strange car as she got picked up on another date and each time they would return after just a few hours, each time the prospective bloke didn't get out of the car. Jay would have chuckled to himself if it wasn't so sad as his own performance was little better, he went out on dates in the hope of getting past first base but sadly nothing. It was a Sunday evening and once again Jay was walking back home from having visited one of his best friends when he inadvertently looked down the side of Tara's house and saw her sat on the steps of her side door.

As he looked closer, he could see that she was hunched over and he could detect a slight shake of her head and body; after a couple of seconds, he realised she was crying. At first, he was going to walk on, not wanting to disturb her, but then there was something that made him turn and silently make his way over to her. He sat down next to her and just waited for her to stop crying. As soon as she realised it was Jay sat next to her, Tara buried her face into her hands and just started all over again. Jay tentatively put his arm around his neighbour and continued to sit there until she stopped and then leant her head against his shoulder.

Again, the intimacy of the moment was making his heartbeat faster. He extracted a tissue from his pocket and offered it up to Tara who took it and blew her nose rather loudly. Rather than offer the tissue back Tara shoved it up her short sleeve of her dress. Tears were still welling up in her eyes as she looked up at Jay's concerned face. "Whatever is the matter?" he asked while keeping his arm around her as he rather liked having her leaning against him.

Another sniff was followed by another nose blow. "I came back from yet another disastrous date and found I'd locked myself out. I knew the side door key was under a stone and when I lifted it up a spider ran out and I just crumpled" she replied as she handed Jay the key just as he was pulling her tighter into his grip.

He gave a brief chuckle and took the key saying, "Don't worry I won't let them big ferocious spiders get you." Secretly he didn't want to let her go but thought it best to get her inside if she was feeling so low. He liked holding her but he especially liked looking at her shapely legs that were showcased to perfection by her short summer dress. He stood, unlocked the door and announced, "Come on let's get you inside."

Tara smiled as she inadvertently said, "It's nice having a man around that tells me what to do." As an afterthought she asked, "Can I get you a drink, unless you need to be somewhere else instead."

'I'd rather stop here if that's all the same' he mused to himself but said "No I have nowhere I'd rather be than here. It sounds like my time might be best spent keeping you company. A glass of water will do me fine." Something she said he couldn't shake out of his head 'a man that tells me what to do.' As was her practice she stroked the back of her hand down his cheek again making his trousers tent just like they did every time she did it and so he quickly took a seat on the sofa to hide the bulge. Tara brought them both a water and sat down on the sofa also, not too close, but close enough to pat his knee as she took her seat inspiring Jay with some strange bravado "So tell me what was wrong with today's date?"

Tara shrugged and looked wistfully in front of her as she sighed, she said "He was just dull as dishwater. His online profile read so well but he spent most of the time talking about his work and his ex-wife. A girl doesn't want to hear about that, they want to know what makes him tick, what his interests are, what his likes or dislikes are. Hoping to find some common interest I guess." She noticed Jay sit up more, obviously paying attention to her last sentiment and so she went on "It looks like you are keen to pick up some tips. Are you still striking out?"

Jay shook his head and replied nonchalantly "Yeah, you could say that. I suspect blue balls may be set in permanently."

Tara looked puzzled "Blue balls?"

Jay was surprised by her question "Yeah, you know blue balls?" her expression remained unchanged "A build up down there. A significant one in my case" Jay gestured to his groin area.

It was now that she clocked the significant bulge that had refused to go down despite him desperately willing it to. It suddenly dawned on her as she drew out her recognition "Oh I get it now." She contemplated her next response before adding "Well it's no different for me either, it's been three years since my divorce and no pipes have been cleaned." She gasped and brought her hand up to her mouth as it dawned on her what she had confessed. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that" she mumbled.

Jay actually appreciated how honest she was being. Knowing someone else was as frustrated as him was strangely satisfying but then her previous expression sprang to mind about being ordered about and so on a whim he stood up, faced her and dropped his trousers so his hard dick sprung free mere inches away from her face. Tara was shocked to the core and gasped "Jay, what do you think you are doing." One thing Jay couldn't ignore is the fact that she never took her eyes off the rock hard flesh before her.

He placed his hands on his hips and flexed his cock, her eye line followed every flex of his flesh. "What I'm doing is coming up with a potential answer to both our problems. You need pipes cleaning; I need to get off before my balls turn blue. This is a win/win for both of us especially as you can teach me some things. You said that you like being ordered about, now get down on your knees and take me in your mouth." He never thought for a minute it would work and the worst that would happen was Tara mentioning this to his mother but the two didn't exactly see eye to eye. Tara was still shocked but her gaze fell from his face to his dick as soon as he had stopped speaking. A quick glance up at his face again prompted him to raise one eyebrow in a silent question before nodding down to his cock.

The crucial aspect was that she had neither run away nor slapped him, instead she stared at his impressive lump hungrily. As she cast another glance up at his face she began to bluster "But... but..."

Jay cut across her, raising his voice to say "Knees. Now." Afterwards in the cold light of day Tara tried to analyse her actions that day but at the moment when he raised his voice to order her around, she felt nothing but the need to comply as she slid from the sofa to her knees in front of him. "That's good" he encouraged her, his voice now softer but the instructions remained "Now open your mouth... Good, now lean forward and take me in your mouth" this was the point where he experienced bliss he never had before as her mouth enveloped the head and a number of inches. "Oh god" he gasped as he threw his head back and gently nestled his hand at the back of her head.

Instinct took over at this point as Tara started to bob her head forwards and back, gradually taking more of him into her mouth until he started to nudge the back of her throat. Jay was in seventh heaven; he had been given one blowjob before today but it was also her first time and although at the time he thought it was great, it was nothing compared to what he was experiencing now. Tara just loved having the column of silky yet firm warm flesh between her lips and on her tongue. Her ex-husband had insisted that she do this for him regularly and yet his little dick was nothing compared to this firm column that she fluttered her lips along in reverent worship.

Her dipping increased in tempo and Jay couldn't help looking down at her pretty face where her lips rolled back slightly as she herself pulled backwards. The way her tongue fluttered around the head of his cock whenever she pulled all but the head out of her mouth. The vision was accompanied by a soundtrack of contented moans coming from Tara whose eyes were closed as she revelled in her wantonness.

Little did Jay realise at the time that Tara was also on cloud nine. Her dating in recent times had produced no candidate she considered worthy of putting out and yet here was someone she could not only worship but also school in how to please women; yes, many other women would benefit in the future but in the short term she could monopolise this resource for herself. 'If I make myself invaluable, he won't want to be looking else where and given his age I expect a ready reload. I'm going to enjoy testing out that theory' were her exact thoughts as she continued to dip her head. Her clitoris was buzzing and enflamed while her pussy had never felt as damp with anticipation as it did right now, she was relishing the feeling of his warm flesh on her lips.

As much as she would have liked to worship his dick more, she could tell the tell tale signs that his climax was fast approaching and so she redoubled her efforts until Jay's hip thrusts became sporadic. He never made any attempt to pull out, not that she would have allowed him to anyway, and with one final hip thrust and a deep, animalistic groan Jay started to shoot rope after rope of his come until he sagged backwards to sit on the coffee table behind him. Tara made to crawl forward so that she didn't lose contact with his dick -- which she was delighted to see didn't deflate much -- but Jay stopped her saying "No. You can carry on administering to me but first I want that dress gone."

His instructional tone once more making her clit throb and she removed the dress in double quick time; she wanted at his dick again. Jay looked on hungrily as her skin was gradually revealed and any shrinkage in his dick post climax was immediately reversed on seeing her in just her bra and panties. Once again however he held his hand up and ordered "Bra off as well please." Tara tutted at the goal moving and removed her panties in a quick flurry hoping no further interruptions would be thought up. Jay only had a quick glance at her sparsely haired pussy -- the first he had seen in the flesh -- before Tara collapsed on her hands and knees to take him in her mouth once more. He had watched enough online porn to make him ask "Shouldn't I be returning the favour now" not really wanting her to stop but feeling as it was the right and proper thing for him to say.

Tara momentarily pulled her mouth off his dick to quickly gasp "No need. I've been without dick for so long, that engine is already running at temperature. I need to administer to this right now."

Jay was relieved that she wanted to carry on and let her continue to suck longingly at his dick but felt ready for the next step. Again, he took his cue from his porn movie research and wanted inside her pussy. He pushed on her shoulders until her mouth was disengaged as he announced, "Lie back, I need to clean some pipe."

This was music to Tara's ears, her pussy was leaking more than a sieve would and quickly assumed the position on the sofa, lifting her legs wide and high as he slipped down to his knees and shuffled forward until the head of his impressive cock was nestled at her moist entrance. In one single lunge, he started a slow and steady sink into her moist warm depths making both of them groan approvingly at the insertion. His length was a revelation for her, she had accommodated a number of lovers before her marriage but his girth was like nothing she had experienced before, stretching her in ways that she had forgotten were possible.

Jay had never experienced having his dick in a pussy but knew from this day forward he would be savouring the sensation as many times a day as he could. He finally got why everyone was so fascinated by the sensation, her moist pussy gripped his dick along his entire length almost like a silk glove. From his very first drive inside her Tara was hurtling at a rapid rate of knots to her first climax. It really had been too many years, the build up was excruciating and delightful in equal measure but then the damn broke and her juices washed around his dick as her snug pussy became suddenly even tighter. She already had her arms wrapped around his neck and as she went over the precipice her grip became tighter as she screamed her release right next to his ear.

Not that Jay minded as he had dreamed of the day when he would make a lover come and here is was an experienced exponent of the act coming so very readily. He didn't give her a moments rest bite and just kept powering away between her legs. Tara moved her legs to wrap around his hips and dig her heels into his buttocks as she just held on with all of her might hoping and praying that he would not let up anytime soon.

The two settled into a steady rhythm but there was something Jay wanted to see. He pushed his upper body up so that he could stare at Tara's perfectly proportioned breasts; each time he bottomed out inside her they would jump and jiggle invitingly. He leant forward so he could capture her prominent dark pink nipple between his lips and started to suck on it hungrily. Her abstinence and the brutality of the attack tipped Tara over the edge a second time as she thrashed her head from side to side while moaning and groaning. Her pussy gripped Jay once more and this tipped him over the edge too as gave one final thrust and then held still while his balls emptied while buried as deep inside her as he could manage.

Jay collapsed forward and Tara wrapped her arms tight around his neck once more and that is how the two looovers stayed for some time, neither wanting anything else but to be wrapped in each other, while their breathing returned to normal. Every so often Tara would plant a series of small kisses on the side of Jay's face, when she felt him recover, she felt now was the time to comment "Oh god that was so good. I've never been fucked quite so thorough before in my life. If that was your first time, you were simply amazing."

Jay couldn't say anything for a while, the earth had quite literally moved for him and he was struggling to find the exact words to express what he truly felt. While keeping his dick buried, he pushed himself up to look down at Tara and eventually said "I've never done anything like that before. I... I... I can't believe how it's made me feel. I could take on the world now."

Tara beamed up at him with such a warm smile. She did that stroking of his face once more but this time used her palm as she cooed "It feels even more special to be on the receiving end now I know I was your first. You are beginning on a special journey but based on your performance I can tell you are going to prove to be a profound lover." As she was speaking, she could feel his cock reinflating inside of her and so she asked, "Are you ready to go again?" Jay had the presence to look slightly sheepish as he gleefully nodded and so Tara added "We have so many things to discover between us and based on your speed of recovery we're going to be able to cover a lot of ground. Roll over so I can ride you this time."

Jay was eager to comply and in a few seconds, he was sat on one of the cushions with his cock pointing skywards. In similar eagerness, Tara scrabbled herself up so she could sling one leg over his hips and once again sunk his dick balls deep inside her "Oh that's good" they both said in unison as Tara started to ride her pussy up and down his firm flesh. Jay liked this position as it enabled him to reach up with both hands start to tweak at both of Tara's nipples. Her breasts had a slight sag to them that seemed to animate them even more. Both were able to last much longer this time around, although Tara's climax was still hit well before Jay's was and for his part he came inside her once more.

There post fuck calm down seemed to take longer this time around as they lay in each other's arms once more. Tara broke the silence when she said, "I think you've managed to beat me, I am well and truly fucked." She could see Jay's expression to one of disappointment and so she quickly added "Don't worry, this is not the only time we can do this. In fact, anytime you need those balls draining I will be welcoming you with open arms... as well as open legs and lips for that matter. As this was your first time, I have many different things to show you. Does that temper your obvious disappointment?"

Jay shrugged and smiled as he replied, "I guess so, although I will need regular draining."

Tara stroked the side of his face as she said, "Let's not make it every day, I like your mother but wouldn't want her to think I've corrupted her little boy but whenever you can get away -- regardless of what time it is -- you'll always be afforded a welcome here. I do have one favour to ask though."

Jay replied "Anything, shoot."

She stroked his cheek again and said "I know how caring and considerate you are I insist you maintain that as I know you'll find a girl sometime that will really appreciate that attitude but when you are around here can I insist that you continue to take the lead, to be the one ordering me around. It's unique to me but I get really wet when a man takes control."